Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 107

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 107
I can’t do this. A lunch meeting. Dr. Joe.

This past Friday we were at the final barbecue of the year, and there were more special guests than usual. We had a good time, and we also talked about me teaching classes. I was concerned because every time I’d been in front of people talking, as either Tammy or Kai, it was my female spirit that was the strongest and could speak well in front of people. My male spirit, or Tom, isn’t good talking in front of people.

On Saturday we’d gone to Taos to have the contents of the wooden box appraised, and we were happy with what we were told. We also visited with Mr. Yazzie. Once we were back at the resort and with my aunt and uncle, we talked about loaning Kilchii's tools and a few other things to a museum. Then my aunt suggested displaying them in the lobby of the hotel. Ajie and I liked her idea.

On Sunday, right after breakfast, we headed back to Albuquerque. I wanted to get with Vickie to see if she could help me learn to teach two courses.

When we were back at the apartment and had everything put away, I called Vickie. And she agreed that we needed to get together as soon as we could. So, Amy and I went over to the Etsitty’s for lunch. As we ate, we talked about what we needed to do. And I was afraid that it was too much to accomplish in the next two weeks. Vickie said we’d do our best.

Then I admitted something as I said, “My biggest fear in this whole thing is getting up and speaking in front of people. My nerves get the best of me.

“To be completely honest, I had to take a speech class in college, and it was the only class that I almost flunked. The ‘D’ I received messed up my grade point average for that quarter.”

“Oh!”, Amy said. “I remember that.”

“Yeah. So do I.”

“So that’s why you’ve been so uptight about this.”

“Yes, I know the material backward and forwards. But being able to teach it in a way that people will learn it will be hard. Even in high school, where I knew everyone, if I had to get up in front of the class, it was very hard, and I had trouble getting the idea across.”

“I can’t believe that you’re the same person as Kai.”, Vickie said.

“I’m not. Tom and Kai are complete opposites. Kai is very outgoing, and Tom isn’t. Kai knows how to come across with a subject and make people believe in it, and Tom can’t do that. He stumbles over words. Both Kai and Tom know what they want to talk about, but Kai is the only one that can present it in such a way that people will understand.”

Vickie sat there looking at me for a minute, then she said, “This could be a problem.”

“No kidding.”, I said. “I think I’m going to tell them that I can’t do it.”

“I hate to say this, Tom. But I think you’re right.”

I looked at Amy, and said, “Let's go home.”

I saw Amy look at Vickie.

Then Chief Tom said, “Tom. Amy. Stay and let's talk about this. There has to be some way to work it out.”

“Yeah.”, I said. “Have Kai teach the classes. And I don’t see that happening.”


“Tom, look at me. I’m a guy. The university knows me as a guy. If I was Kai, what would happen if they found out that I was a Nádleeh, someone that has two spirits, a guy that can look like a passable native girl? What would they think.”

It was silent.

I finally added, “Besides if it ever came out that Kai wasn’t a girl, we would have to move.”

I could tell that Vickie was in deep thought. And I think that everyone else thought so to, because no one said a word.

Then Vickie said, “Tom, I’m going to ask you something completely crazy.”

I didn’t say anything for a few seconds, then asked, “What?”

“First, do you want to teach this course?”

“I’d like to try.”

“Do you want to work on that research project?”


“Could you live full time as Kai?”

I looked at Amy and bit my lower lip. I then looked back at Vickie, and said, “Yes. Why?”

“Just a crazy idea.”

“For Kai to teach the classes?”

“Yes. It is kind of crazy. Isn’t it?”

“More like very crazy.”

“Most people out here know you as Kai. Don’t they?”

“Yes. Except for the people at the university and a few others.”

“Could a girl or a woman teach the classes that they want you to teach.”

“Possibly. But electrical engineering is a man’s world. She would have to come across the right way. Show that she knows what she’s talking about and that she knows the subject. And that she’s interested in the students.”

“Could you, if you were Kai, do that?”

“I don’t know. But I think I can.”

Then Chief Tom said, “Having heard Kai speak at Window Rock and the barbecues, she have a presence about herself. She speaks with authority but in a pleasant way. A way that demands attention without forcing it.

“When you started talking at Window Rock people who were talking among themselves, stopped talking and paid attention to what you were saying. They accepted you and your thoughts even though you were new to them and the Nation.

“You have an air about you. I don’t know what it is. But it’s there.”

I remembered something, and I smiled.

Amy gave me a puzzled look, and asked, “Tommy, what are you thinking?”

I said, “Do you remember me telling you what my Cousin Mary told me about being feminine?”

Amy smiled, as she said, “Yes, I do.”

“Do you two care to share?”, Vickie asked.

“I have a Cousin Mary.”, I said. “She was in on bringing my feminine side out from day one. And she enjoyed having her little sister around, and when I was, she tried to instill in me her thoughts of being feminine.

“She always told me to think positive. To believe in who I am, and show it. Walk with your head up, chest out, and an attitude. She also had a saying, ‘Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class.’ She also told me that the most important thing was to be confident. And I think I live this more than she does.”

I saw a smile from Chief Tom. And Vickie was shaking her head, but also had a smile.

Then I got serious, and asked, “Vickie, do you think that there is a way to do something like this or should I go a different direction?”

“I think it’s possible.”, Vickie replied.

“Chief Tom.”, I said, “What about you?”

“Tom.”, Chief Tom said, “I’ve been with you, like now, when you’ve been Tom. And I’ve been with you when you’ve been Kai. Kai is more outgoing than Tom. She seems more confident. You’re both easy to talk to, but it seems that it’s just easier for Kai to speak with people.

“What the powers at the university are going to think about this is yet to be seen.

“And the fewer people that know, the better.”

I then said, “I’d prefer that no one knows about this.”

“On campus.”, Vickie said. “I think only four, maybe five, people would have to know.”


“The two Deans, your Grad School advisor, probably the professor you’d be researching for, and maybe someone in the Registrar’s Office.”

“I’ve got to think about all of this, and I’ll probably have a meeting with the Deans and my advisor tomorrow.” Then looking at Amy, I said, “But most importantly I need to talk with Amy about all of this.”

That got me a sweet smile from Amy.

“And.”, I added. “The professor that I’m going to be researching with may be the only positive thing in this.”


“He’s an American Indian and may understand the two spirit thing.”

“Oh! Have you met him?”

“No. I think that’s part of this meeting that I may be having on Monday.”

“Who is he?”, Vickie asked.

“Dr. Joe Oshie.”

“Do you know what tribe he’s from?”

“No. That’s another question that I have for him.”

“Tom, do you trust me?”, Vickie asked.

“Vickie.”, I said. “My spirits help me know what people are like, and I see their spirit. And I trust both you and Chief Tom as I trust my parents.”

“Thank you. That is a huge compliment.

“If you don’t mind, I’m going to try and contact a few people and have a talk with them before you do. I know both Dean Miller, of the grad school, and Dean Rutherford, of the engineering school. Who is your grad school advisor?”

“Mr. Robertson.”

“I don’t know him. But I will. Do you mind if I talk to them?”

I looked at Amy, who had been quiet through all of this, and she said, “Honey. You know that I love you very much and would stand beside you through anything. I know that you’ll make the correct decision.”

I looked back at Vickie, and said, “I don’t know what you’re going to tell them. But, go ahead and talk with them.

“But, as I said, I still need to talk with Amy and think more about this whole thing. Especially, could I, as Kai, teach a bunch of guys?”

“Honey.”, Amy said. “I don’t think that Kai would have a problem teaching a bunch of guys. But they may have problems keeping their mind on the subject of the class and not the instructor.”

Vickie and Chief Tom smiled at that, and I frowned. Then I said, “I need to go for a walk.”

A short time later, after a stop at the apartment, Amy and I were walking the trail along the Rio Grande River. Again there were many people out enjoying the evening along the river. Amy and I slowly walked north along the river. We walked past the first bench that we’d stopped at and on to the second one that was by the island. We sat, and cuddled for a while and just watched the water. Then our two feathered friends showed up and landed in a dead tree on the island.

We looked at each other for a few minutes, and then they flew off up the river.

I turned and looked at Amy, and said, “So, love. What is your take on this craziness.”

“You know that I love you.”, Amy said. “And that I will always love you no matter what. And with you being both Tom and Kai, I love them equally. I only have one concern if you decided to live full time as Kai … will I still have my Tommy?”

“Honey, I love you too, and no matter what, you will always have your Tommy. I promise you that.”

She cuddled closer, and said, “And I know that you can do this. You love being Kai out here. You’re comfortable being her. She knows everything Tommy knows, as she should. And she can express herself.”

“So you feel that I should do this?”

“Yes, but only if you want to do it.

“And, if the university goes along with Vickie’s crazy idea, then I’d jump at it. But there’s one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“We need to re-dye your hair. Your roots are starting to show.”

“So are yours.”

We made a stop at the drug store on the way back to the apartment and then spent the evening dying our hair. I did check the answering machine and nothing. And, that night, there were no thunderstorms, but there was still an excellent foot massage.

As Amy and I were eating breakfast, I said, “I had a dream last night.”

“So did I.”, Amy said.

“What was your dream?”

“No, you first.”

“I dreamed of the Indian maiden and the wolf again.”


“The wolf was standing beside the maiden.”

“That’s a good thing. Isn’t it?”

“From what Naainish said, the wolf standing means that he’s protecting me.”

“Protecting you from what?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he’ll guide me to the correct decision. Now, what was your dream?”

Amy gave me her adorable smile, and said, “I relived last night.”

“What our dying our hair.”

“No silly. I dreamed about our foot massage.”

I walked Amy to the hospital and went back to the apartment to wait for a phone call. Any phone call. While I waited, I did some housework, read a bit, and paced a little. Well, I paced a lot.

A little after eleven the phone rang. And I ran to it. But I stopped myself from answering the phone until it had rung five times. I picked up the receiver, and said, “Hello.”

I heard Vickie say, “Hi Tom. It’s Vickie.”

“Oh hi, Vickie. What’s up?”

“What are you doing for lunch?”

“Nothing. Why?”

“Would you like to meet me in the faculty dining room at Noon for lunch?”


“Good. There’s someone that I want you to meet.”

“Oh. Who?”

“It’ll be a surprise.”

“Ah. A good surprise?”

“I think so. I’ll see you at Noon. “Hágoónee', Tom.”

“Okay. “Hágoónee', Vickie.”

Okay. What's with all the secrecy? Not knowing who I was meeting, I got cleaned up. A dress shirt and dress pants, and I even found my dress shoes. And I put my hair into a single braid down my back.

Now, where’s the faculty dining room? Probably in the student union. I left the apartment and was quickly at the student union. I knew I’d seen a building directory before, and I found it right next to the elevator. I checked it and found that the faculty dining room was on the second floor. I took the elevator to the second floor, and when I walked out of the elevator, there was a floor directory right across from the door. I looked at it, and it pointed to the left for the faculty dining room. I walked down the hall and came to a sign by a door that said, ‘Faculty Dining Room.’

I opened the door, walked in, and looked around, and seeing that it was summer there weren’t many people there. I saw Vickie, and I guess I’d better call her Dr. Etsitty, sitting at a round table for six with one other person, a man. Vickie saw me and waved. I waved back and walked over.

As I walked up to the table, Dr. Etsitty said, “I’m glad you made it Tom.”

“Thanks for inviting me.”

“Tom this is Dr. Joe Oshie. Joe this is Tom Young.”

The man stood, looked at me, and offered me his had, I took it, and we shook hands. Then Dr. Oshie said, “I’m very pleased to meet you, Tom.”

“I'm pleased to meet you too, Dr. Oshie.”, I replied. He was an American Indian and maybe a foot taller than I am. And I had good feelings about him.

“Please sit and join us.”

I pulled out a chair and sat with them. I looked at Dr. Etsitty looking for an explanation of why Dr. Oshie was here. Dr. Etsitty smiled, and said, “Surprised, Tom?”

“Kind of.”, I replied. “Why are we meeting here?”

“Tom, that’s my fault.”, Dr. Oshie said. “After I spoke with Dr. Etsitty earlier today, I wanted to meet you before we met with the Deans and your advisor.”


Just then a waitress walked over to take our orders. I hadn’t looked at a menu, so I quickly picked up a menu and ordered something to eat and drink. So did Dr. Etsitty and Dr. Oshie.

After the waitress walked away, Dr. Oshie said, “Tom, when Dr. Etsitty called me this morning and wanted to talk about who I’d heard was going to be my grad assistant I was all ears. I walked over to her office, and we had a nice talk. And I was surprised by what I heard.

“It appears that my grad assistant is not only a member of the Navajo Nation but a well respect member of the Nation. And on top of that, he’s a two spirit person. Or as we Ojibwa call them, ikwekaazo.”

“We call them, nádleeh.”, I said. So he's an Ojibwa Indian.

“I know. In both tribes, as with most tribes, two spirit people are respected. And I was shocked that one wanted to be my grad assistant until Dr. Etsitty told me your story. A fascinating story.

“Then something clicked. Your Navajo name, Kai Nez. I’d heard that name before. It took me a while to remember where. But after I left Dr. Etsitty's office this morning, I went back to my office and found something.”

At that point, Dr. Oshie picked up his briefcase, opened it, and took out what looked like a newsletter. Then I recognized it, and it was the newsletter that's written for the American Indian people. And it was the issue that contained the article that the Fairbrothers had written about two spirit people. He opened it to the article, pointed at the picture, and asked, “That’s you. Isn’t it?”

“Yes.”, I replied. “And the other girl is my wife, Ajie Nez.”

“Dr. Etsitty said that you made a pretty girl and you do. And now I find that you’re even married to a beautiful girl.”

“Thank you.”

“So you know the Fairbrothers?”

“Yes, we met them when they were here last year for a dance competition. And they were very nice. And the article is excellent.”

“I’ll tell them that when I see them.”

“You know them!?”

“Yes, they’re my aunt and uncle.”

“Oh. So you know their son that’s a two spirit person.”

“Very well. We grew up together.”

“So you understand the two spirit people.”


“Now down to business.”, Dr. Oshie said. “I understand that they want you to teach, as a grad assistant to me, the classes that Dr. Kilmer was going to teach. And that would allow me the time to do the research that Kilmer was supposed to do. Am I right?”

“Yes.”, I said. “And I’d also like to work on the research project. I do have a feeling that the university is concerned about losing the government grant that is funding the research.”

“They are. And I understand that there is a problem with you teaching the courses.”

“Yes, I’m a very poor public speaker. I get very nervous when I have to get up in front of people. And I don’t think I could do a good job teaching the subject. In fact, I’d probably stumble over the subject even though I know it very well.”

“I hear that it’s Cum Laude from Ohio State.”


“That’s good enough for me.”

Before I could say anything, they brought our food. Once the waitress left, I looked at Dr. Etsitty, and said, “How much did you tell Dr. Oshie about me.”

“Only as much as he needs to know to help you. If there’s anything more you think he should know, you can tell him.”

I smiled, and said, “Thank you.” Then I looked at Dr. Oshie, and said, “Dr. Oshie if I didn’t feel good about you, I wouldn’t be sitting here. But my spirits are telling me that you are a good person.

“But there is something that I feel that you need to know. I’m part of the reason that Dr. Kilmer is no longer here.”

“Oh.”, Dr. Oshie said, “Why?”

“When I met him with my advisor he attacked me both verbally and physically. I responded to the verbal attack with words. But when he physically attacked me, I reacted in kind.

“We then found that Dr. Kilmer had a problem with the native people before, and when he attacked me physically, the university took action against him.”

“He’s a fairly big guy.”, Dr. Oshie said. “Did he hurt you?”

“No. I just put him on his knees.”

“How? You’re much smaller than he is.”

“I’ve been attacked before and one time I ended up in the hospital having surgery. Since then my wife and I have taken up Karate.”

“That’s good to know, and luckily it’s all over with.”, Dr. Oshie said. “And it appears that it brought us together.

“Now, what are we going to do about the classes that need an instructor?”

I then said, “Dr. Etsitty, her husband, my wife, and I had a long talk yesterday, and Dr. Etsitty came up with a crazy idea. The idea that Kai teaches the classes. And if Kai did that, I should probably live as Kai full time.

“And I do know that there is an underlying ulterior motive behind Dr. Etsitty’s thoughts.”

“Tom!”, Dr. Etsitty said.

“Dr. Etsitty .”, I said. “I don’t blame you. If I were in your shoes, I'd want to have Amy as my grad assistant too. From what I’ve seen of Amy’s nursing skills, she’s one hell of a nurse.”

“Tom, can’t I hide anything from you?”

I grinned, and said, “Remember I have two spirits and a wolf that are protecting me, and Amy, and they know a lot of things. I’ve said this before, but I see things, I feel things, I know things that I have no way of knowing, yet I know.”

“A wolf?”, Dr. Oshie said.

“He’s my guardian.”

“Now I see why my aunt and uncle were so taken by you.”, Dr. Oshie said. “You are a special two spirit person.

“Now how do we get the university to go along with this?”

“First, I don’t want it to go any further than us, the two Deans, and my advisor knowing about this. Kai is willing to teach the classes and be here full time, but no one other than us can know who she really is.”

Dr. Oshie looked at Dr. Etsitty, and said, “Dr. Etsitty do you think if we talk to the Deans and Tom’s advisor that we could convince them?”

“I think if we include one more person, who knows Kai, that we might be able to swing it.”, Dr. Etsitty said.”

“Who!?”, I asked.

“My Dean. Dean Milford.”

“Okay. She might be a good addition. But, she's only met Kai that one time at the picnic and I spent most of my time with Chief Tom.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem. She does know about Kai.”, Dr. Etsitty said.


“She’s my mentor. And when this whole thing started, we had a good talk about it all.”

“And she was fine with it?”

“Yes. Surprised. But fine with it.

“And, I have another thought, what if when we have this meeting of everyone, we have Kai there.”

“Whoa! No way.”, I said.

“Here me out Tom.”, Dr. Etsitty said. “We’d keep Kai in the wings. And if everyone agrees to this, we introduce her.”

“And I’d be Kai from then on?”


I sat there playing with my food and thinking. Then I said, “Okay. I’m willing to try.”

“Good.”, Dr. Etsitty said. “I’ll put this together. And I’ll try to meet with everyone beforehand and feel them out.”

Then Dr. Oshie said, “Tom, I do want to work with you. I think I see what the Fairbrothers saw in you. You are special. I also think that you will be an excellent research assistant. And I’ll do everything in my power to be able to work with you, no matter if it’s Tom or Kai.”

“Thank you, Dr. Oshie.”, I said. “I’d like to work with you too. But, would it be a problem working with a girl?”

“Can she do the job?”


“Than I could work with her.”

I just smiled.

“Tom, you haven’t eaten anything.”, Dr. Etsitty said.

“That’s okay.”, I said. “I have too much on my mind. Amy and I will cook something up for dinner.”

The waitress walked up with the three bills. Dr. Oshie grabbed all of them, and I said, “Dr. Oshie, don’t do that. I’m not a poor college student.”

“I can pay my own too.”, Dr. Etsitty said.

“I want to pick these up. Dr. Etsitty, you introduced me to a special person. And, Tom, you are that special person.”

I slowly walked around campus trying to figure out what I was getting myself into. As I walked, I would stop every once in a while, sit on a convenient bench for a few minutes, then get up, walk some more, and sit again. Finally, I looked at a clock, and it was two-thirty I figured that I might as well sit in the ER waiting room and wait for Amy.

When Amy came out of the ER, I didn’t even see her. She walked up to me, and said, “Hey. Are you okay?”

I looked up at her, and said, “Oh. Hi. Yeah. I’m okay, just thinking.”

“You’re all dressed up. Did you talk to someone?”

“Yeah. I had an interesting lunch meeting.”

“So, tell.”

“Let’s go to the apartment and I will.”

“Good. We were busy, and I need a shower.”

Once we were back at the apartment, as Amy went upstairs to take her shower, I told her that I’d be on the patio with something to drink.

A while later Amy joined me on the patio, and as she sat, she took a long sip on the straw in her drink. Then she said, “So tell me about this lunch meeting.”

“Well, I got a call from Vickie.”, I said. “She asked me to meet her for lunch at the faculty dining room, and that she had someone for me to meet.”


“Dr. Joe Oshie.”


“Yes. He’s an Ojibwa Indian and is related to the Fairbrothers. And grew up with their son who has two spirits.”

“How do you feel about him.”

“Good. Almost like a friend."

Then I went on to tell Amy about the meeting.

When I finished, Amy asked, “So do they think that there is a chance for this to work?”

“I think it has a fifty-fifty chance. But Dr. Oshie said that no matter what that he’d like to work with me.”

“That’s a good thing. Isn’t it?”

“I think so. You know, let’s go to Nunzio's for dinner tonight.”

“Sounds good to me.”

At six-thirty Amy and I walked into Nunzio's Pizza. We stood in line for a few minutes, and then I heard someone call out, “Tom. Hey, Tom.”

I looked around and saw Dr. Oshie sitting in a booth with a woman and waving at us. I looked at him, and he waved us over. I took Amy’s hand, and said, “That’s Dr. Oshie over there, and I think he wants us to join them.”

Amy looked, and said, “Well, let’s join them.”

We walked over to where Dr. Oshie was sitting, and I said, “Interesting finding you here Dr. Oshie.”

“We like good pizza too, Tom.”, Dr. Oshie said. “And we’re not at the university, so it’s just plain Joe.”

“Okay, just plain Joe. This is my wife, Amy. Amy this is just plain Joe Oshie.”

“Tom. I should make you call me Dr. Oshie.”

“How about Dr. Joe instead?”

“That’ll work too. And Mary, this is Tom and Amy Young. Tom and Amy this is my wife, Mary. Would you two like to join us? We just got here and haven’t ordered yet.”

“That would be nice.”, Amy said.

Amy and I slid into the booth across from Dr. Joe and Mary. Dr. Joe then said, “So, Amy what do you do?”

“I’m here working on my master's in nursing.”

“That’s interesting. I just met Dr. Etsitty today.”

“I’m her grad assistant.”

“I find that interesting what with the meeting today.”

“She’s also become a friend.”

“I see. So, are you a member of the Navajo Nation too.”

I chuckled, and Amy said, “No, I have a little bit of Wampanoag Indian blood, but no Navajo.”

“I’ll tell you a secret about both of us.”, I said. “I’m one-quarter Navajo, and a blue-eyed blond just like Amy.”

“I’ve seen blue-eyed Indians before because of the inbreeding with Anglos. So I didn’t think anything of your blue eyes.”

“My dad is a full-blooded Anglo, and my mother is half Navajo and half Anglo.”

“So why the Indian look?”

I looked at Mary, and asked, “Dr. Joe, how much does your wife know about me?”

“Just that I met a very interesting member of the Navajo Nation, who is a two spirit person.”

“Why the native look? Because I’m a Nádleeh, or as the Ojibwa call us an ikwekaazo, and when I’m here in New Mexico my female spirit is strong, and I feel better when I look this way. My people accept me this way. Amy has also embraced the Navajo culture and has even been made an honorary member of a clan and given the name Ajie Nez. And because of some of the things we do within the Nation, she’s chosen to take on the look.”

“Actually.”, Amy added. “Tom feels better as Kai when we’re out here.”

Mary, Dr. Joe’s wife, looked at me, and said, “Kai. Are you the Kai Nez that Joe’s told me about?”

Dr. Joe said, “Mary, remember I showed you the picture in the newsletter of the two girls sitting on the rocks that accompanied the article that my aunt and uncle wrote?”

“Of course.”

“Meet the two girls, Kai Nez and Ajie Nez.”

“Tom, no boy can look that good as a girl.”

“He can.”, Amy replied. “His female spirit takes over, and he becomes the girl.”

“This I’ve got to see.”, Mary said.

“It’s a shame that the barbecues are over for the year at the resort. Or we’d invite you to one of those. We like to dress up for them.”

“What resort is that?”

“The thermal resort northwest of Santa Fe.”

“Ojo Caliente?”, Dr. Joe asked.

“Yes. My aunt and uncle run it.”, I replied. “And that’s where we stayed when we visited over the past few years. And we’ve gone up every Friday since we’ve moved out here just for the barbecues.”

“You lucky stiff. That place is wonderful. Mary, you remember the resort, we were up there last year for a weekend retreat.”

“Yes, that is a beautiful place.”, Mary said. “We did the barbecue on Friday night. And it was excellent.”

Then I said, “That area is sacred to the native people, it also has powerful medicine, and the spirits are strong. And it’s where I feel closest to my ancestors.”

Just then the waiter showed up to take our orders. Amy and I placed our order for pizza and wine, Dr. Joe and his wife also ordered pizza, but with beer to drink. I’ve tried beer before but didn’t like it.

“Let’s see.”, Dr. Joe said. “We were talking about the resort and that it’s a sacred place for the native people.”

“Yes.”, I said. “I’ve had many things happen to me that I can only attribute to the spirits and the strong medicine in that area. We have a friend that is a medicine-man, and he’s taught me many things.”

We continued to talk while we waited for our pizza. We found out that Dr. Joe had done all of his college work, including his graduate work, at the University of Minnesota. His wife Mary had also attended the University of Minnesota and was also a member of the Ojibwa tribe. Mary’s degree was in management, and she was working for the large department store in downtown Albuquerque. We also found out that Mary hadn’t made many friends since they’d been here.

After we’d finished eating, the two girls, as girls will do, went to the restroom together. While they were gone, I suggest to Dr. Joe that they might want to come over and meet Kai. His reply was, “You know, I’d like to do that.”

When the girls came back from the restroom, they were chatting like old friends. We told the girls that we were going over to the apartment. Then we took care of the bills, and both Dr. Joe and I walked out of Nunzio's carrying pizza boxes. Dr. Joe asked, “Where did you park?”


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