Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 79

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 79
-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, Zero

Amy and I had chosen a new car and picked it up. It was a graduation gift from our parents.

We had taken a hike on the lake trail, and this time we had a blanket with us. Then we’d washed the ‘61 Chevy but ended up getting more water on us then on the car.

My parents had taken us out for pizza. When we were back home, and Amy and I were getting ready for bed as Amy crossed off Friday on the calendar, she said, “Five and counting.”

Today was Saturday, and when I woke up, I rolled over to look at Amy, and she was lying there looking at me. She smiled, and said, “I just love watching you sleep.”

“And.”, I said, “I just love watching you do anything.”

She bent down and kissed me.

Then I said, “Today’s the party. Isn’t it?”

“Yes. It’s more a picnic than a party.”

This picnic was supposedly put together by the families of all of our friends from high school that had graduated together and had now graduated from college.

So at eleven o’clock, we drove into the parking lot of the big shelter, where Amy and I were married. And there were a number of cars there. We knew that the full crew, Maria and Mark, Kelly and Larry, and us, plus our parents would be there. Also, some people who we hadn’t seen in a long time would be there.

As we walked into the shelter, Amy stopped in her tracks and pointed. I looked at what she was pointing at. There was a big sign that said, “Goodbye, Amy and Tom. Good luck in New Mexico. We’re going to miss you.” But the ‘Goodbye’ had been crossed out and written above it was “So long.”

I looked at Amy, and she was crying. Maria and Kelly walked over, and the three of them hugged. Then a lot of our friends gathered around us.

Our crazy friends had put together a going away party for us. There were people there who I hadn’t seen since high school, and we tried to talk with everyone. Even Patty and her husband were there. Mary, her husband, and our two godchildren where there. We saw my dad and Amy’s dad cooking hamburgers and hot dogs on two grills.

There were tables set up with food and one that had a big cake on it. This cake was cool, it was in the shape of New Mexico, and there was a star where Albuquerque is. And written on it was, “Good Luck. Amy and Tom.”

Maria and Kelly took us over to the cake and had us cut it, and as we did with our wedding cake, we shoved pieces into each other's mouths. And we made a mess of each other.

We talked and had fun until late afternoon. And then Amy and I cornered the crew. And Amy started, “I hate you guys for doing this, but I also love you for doing it. It was a major surprise. And we love all of you.”

“Honey.”, Kelly said. “We had to do this for you. You two are very special to us. You’ve gotten us through a lot of things, and you two are really going to be missed. But I know that we’ll keep in touch and that you’ll be back.”

a few hours later as Amy and I were leaving, it was hugs, and handshakes all around. And we again told everyone how much we’d appreciated the surprise.

On the way home, I said, “Kelly’s pregnant.”

“What!?”, Amy said. “How do you know?”

“Just like with Mary, I felt two spirits.”

“Have you ever felt Kelly’s spirit before?”


“So why now.”

“Maybe because she’s pregnant.”

“Did you tell her?”

“No. Do you think I should?”

“I don’t know. What if they aren’t trying and it’s an oops?”

“I think they should know.”

“Yeah. You’re right. Maybe stop on the way home from my mom and dad’s tomorrow night.”

As I crossed off Saturday on the calendar, I said, “Four more.”

Sunday we were spending the day with Amy’s parents. We went to church with them and Amy’s brother Bill, who was home from college for the summer, and after church Amy’s parents took us out to lunch. Then we went back to their house, talked, and enjoyed the pool. Amy and her mother put together a great dinner.

As we were eating, Bill asked me, “Tom, do you know where I can get a used car. I could use one around here and then on campus in the fall.”

I saw Amy smile, as I said, “Well, Bill, I do know of a nice ‘61 Impala that’s on the market. It’s been well taken care of and may only need new tires. And I may be able to get you a deal on it.”

“Could you let me know who has it and I’ll take a look at it.”

“It’s at my parent’s house.”

“Are you talking about your Impala?”

“Yes. We don’t need three cars, and I’m not getting rid of the ‘57.”

“I’d jump on the ‘57 in a heartbeat. But your Impala is nice.”

“Come with us when we go home, I’ll give you the keys, you can drive it for awhile, and if you like it, we can do the paperwork tomorrow.”

“What do you want for it.”

“I did buy it used. So make me an offer that I can’t refuse.”

Bill looked at his dad. And, Mr. Grant said, “Bill, it is a nice car and I think that Tom would give it to you at a fair price.”

“And, if you don’t like it I’ll buy it back.”

Bill rode home with us and took the Impala back home. My dad’s comment after Bill had left was, “Be careful selling a car to a friend.”

“Why?”, I asked.

“If something goes wrong it can cause friction between you.”

“I told him that if he didn’t like it that I’d buy it back.”

Again tonight, as Amy and I were going to bed, the day got crossed off, and Amy said, “Only three days left.”

“Yeah.”, I said. “And it’s getting scary.”

“For you too?”

“Yeah. I didn’t think it would, but it has.”

“If my brother want’s the Impala, what are you going to sell it to him for?”

“Whatever he offers.”



“You’re sweet.”

“I like your brother.”

“Oh! We forgot about Kelly.”

“You’re right. I forgot all about her because of your brother and the car.”

“It’s too late to call her tonight. We can do it tomorrow.”

It’s Monday, and we only have three days until we leave. And we have a lot of things to do. As soon as our bank was open, we were there, and we talked to the branch manager about what we were doing. We told him that we wanted to keep our account here open, and also open an account in New Mexico. He suggested a wire transfer that they could do today, and it would be held at the bank we chose until we arrived. Then when we got there, we could open an account, and the money would be there for us to use. So along with buying traveler's checks, we had our bank wire money to the bank in New Mexico that we were going to use, to hold until our arrival.

When we were back home, we called Cathy, our lawyer, and told her what we were doing. She wasn’t surprised to hear that we were moving out there, at least for a short time. We told her that as soon as we knew our mailing address and phone number that we’d let her know. We also called and told our financial advisor the same thing.

Then we heard from Bill. He loved the car and said that he’d like to have it. I told him to come over, and I’d give him the title. Then he asked, “What do you want for the car?”

“As I said, make me an offer that I can’t refuse.”, I replied.

He made me an offer, and I said, “Sold. Come on over, and we'll take care of the title.”

He was over in less than a half an hour. He and I then drove over to our bank, and I had them notarize my signature on the title. He handed me the money, I gave him the title, and we shook hands. Then I said, “Enjoy and please wear the seat belts.”

“I’ll enjoy it.”, Bill said. “And I know to wear the seatbelts.”

As he drove us back to the house, he had a big smile on his face.

When we were back, and Bill had left, I went to work checking out the new car. Amy came out to keep my company, and as I was working, Amy said, “I called Kelly while you were gone.”

“Oh?”, I replied.

“Yeah. And I carefully brought up the pregnancy topic.”


“They’re trying.”

I looked at Amy, grinned, and asked, “Did you tell her?”

“I wasn’t going to. But she kept after me. So I did.”


“She said that you scare her. She said she had been feeling out of sorts recently and didn’t know why. But now she did. She sounded thrilled.”

“Did she want to know the sex of the baby?”

“You know?”

I just smiled.

“Why did I even bother to ask.”, Amy said. “Of course you know.”

“So did she?”

“She didn’t say. Are you going to tell me?”



“She has a right to be the first to know. If she wants too.”

“You’re right.”

I finished checking out the car. Everything appeared to be okay. But I did put two cans of oil and a filler spout in the trunk along with some rags and tools.

Amy and I then walked into the house and to the den. I looked at the wall where all the pictures were, and said, “What do you think we should take from here?”

“You know.”, Amy said. “We have your copy of the picture of your grandfather Nez in our room. We have our diploma plaques that our father’s made. So why don’t we leave everything else here.”

“I was thinking about taking the frames with our memberships in the clan, and my membership in the Nation with us.”

“Yeah. Maybe we should. I don't want them damaged, so let's be sure that we pack them well and in a box.”

After we’d packed the picture frames, we started dinner. We figured that we’d make a layered Tex-Mex Lasagna. My aunt had made this for us, and it was great. And, since we were cooking a Southwestern meal, it was going to be two Southwestern girls that made it. Both of us in long skirts, fancy blouses, and moccasins.

Along with the lasagna we also put together a Southwestern chopped salad. So when mom and dad walked in the door, we were about ready to put it on the table. Of course, the first thing out of my dad’s mouth was, “That smells great. What are we having?”

“Daddy.”, Amy said. “Welcome home. Did you have a good day?”

“Sorry. Hi kids. It smells like you two have been cooking again.”

Amy shook her head, and said, “Daddy. You have a one-track mind. Food.”

“I can’t help it. It just smells so good.”

“Go get comfortable, and we’ll eat.”

We had a wonderful meal and talked about our day. Dad was a little surprised when we told him what I sold the Impala to Bill for. And, mom said that she had some things to replace what we’d taken off the wall in the den. So it wasn’t a problem that we’d taken them.

We met with the crew for ice cream later that evening. I’d thought about going as Kai, but I didn’t. I was back to being Tom. We talked about a lot of things, but I didn’t bring up Kelly’s pregnancy. But she would look at me every once in a while with a nervous smile.

Larry asked, “Well, are you two ready for this big move?”

“I guess.”, Amy replied. “We’ll see how everything works out.”

“I have to agree with Amy.”, I said.

“It’s a hard thing to do.”, Maria said. “But you two are tough. And I think that you’ll do well.”

“I hope you’re right.”, Amy said. “I feel that we’ve made the right decision. But … ”

“Honey.”, Kelly said. “I think you have made the right decision. In fact, I don’t think that you two have ever made a bad decision.”

“You’re right, Kelly. And I hope that this isn’t the first one.”

“Honey.”, I said. “I feel that we’ve made a good decision. We may not stay out there after you’ve completed your masters, but we’ll make that decision when we reach that point.”

As we were saying goodnight, Kelly hugged me, and whispered, “Tom, you scare me. Knowing that I was pregnant before I did.”

“Sorry.”, I whispered back. “Don’t want to know the sex of the baby. Do you?”

“You don’t … Of course, you do. No, at least not right now I don’t.”

“Just let me know if you want to.”

“Tommy, you are a great friend. But it’s strange and wonderful relationship.”

Then I asked, “We will see you Tuesday night. Won’t we?”

“You’d better believe it.”, Mark said.

“You’re coming for dinner aren’t you.”, Larry asked.

“Try and stop us.”, Amy said.

On our drive home, Amy said, “Well?”

“Well, what?”, I asked.

“Did you tell her?”

“Tell who what?”

“Oh! Sometimes you are so impossible. Did you tell Kelly if she was having a boy or girl?”

“Oh. That.”

“Yes, that. Well did you?”

“No. Kelly didn’t want to know.”

Tonight it was my turn to cross off the day on the calendar, and as I did, I said, “Two more days.”

“I know.”, Amy said. “Now come over here and take my mind off of it.”

“M’Lady, how shall I complete your request?”

“My good man, visit me in my bedchamber and I shall show you.”

It was Tuesday, and we had two days until we left. Today we were going to start packing. And when we went out to the kitchen, my mom was still home, and said, “Hi, kids.”

“Hi, mom.”, I said. “Not working today?”

“No, I decided to take today and tomorrow off to help you two.”

“That’s sweet, mom.”, Amy said. “But I think everything is under control.”


“Well, you can help us pack. If you like.”


After breakfast mom helped us pack the clothes we were taking. That took three suitcases and one garment bag. Plus we had some things that we were going to hang on the hooks in the back seat of the car. We also had a small bag that we’d put dirty clothes in, the clothes from today and tomorrow and what we wore traveling. There was also a makeup case. And one suitcase for the clothes we’d be wearing while we traveled. We also put our important papers in this case, copies of our birth certificates, title to the car, a copy of the silver jewelry appraisal, and stuff like that. What we were putting in the trunk would stay there until we got to New Mexico. What went into the car, would go into the motel with us every night.

We kept the clothes out that we would wear tomorrow and on Thursday. And the packing didn’t take as long as I thought it would.

We went back to the kitchen, and mom said, “I have a six place dish set for you and a set of glasses.”

“Thanks, mom.”, I said. “We’ll see if we can fit it in.”

“I think you can. That car has a big trunk.”

There was a knock at the door, mom walked over, opened the door, and we heard say, “Hi Betty. Come on in.” Then my mom said, “Amy, your mom’s here.”

As Amy’s mother walking into the kitchen, she was carrying a couple of bags. Amy walked over and hugged her, then asked, “Mom, what are you doing here?”

“Oh.”, Amy’s mother said. “I came over to see if I could help you pack.”

“We’re done,”

“Oh. Sorry, I’m late. But I did bring you two sets of king size bed linen, two comforters for the beds, and a few sets of towels for the bathroom.”

I looked at both of our mothers, and said, “Mom and mom. You didn’t need to do this.”

“But, we wanted to.”, Amy’s mother said.

“Yes, we did.”, my mother said.

“Alright. We understand.”, Amy said. “But now we’re going to take you two to lunch. And we won’t take no for an answer.”

We took our mothers out to lunch in the ‘57 Chevy, and we went to a drive-in. They enjoyed sitting in the back seat with the top down having lunch.

That evening we were over at Kelly and Larry’s apartment for dinner with them, and Maria and Mark. We had a good time, eating, talking, and just being together. There were a lot of tears as we said goodnight. We knew we’d see Kelly and Larry in July, but no idea when we’d see Maria and Mark. Maybe Christmas.

But as I was hugging Kelly, she whispered, “Tell me?”

I knew what she was asking about, but I whispered, “Tell you what?”

“Is it a boy or girl?”

“Oh that. It’s a boy.”



On the way home, I just said, “It’s a boy.”

“Huh?”, Amy said.

“Kelly is having a boy.”



“You told her?”

“She asked.”

As we got ready for bed, Amy crossed off Tuesday, and said, “Well, lover. One more day. And then we take the first part of a big step.”

“Yep.”, I replied. “A huge step.”

Amy crawled into bed, we cuddled together, and fell asleep.

When we got up and walked into the kitchen, both my mother and dad were there, and I said, “Dad, what are you doing home?”

“I just wanted to tell you to pull the ‘67 into where I park the station wagon. And I’ll park in front of the 57’s door tonight. That way you can pack your car today, and it’ll be safe in the garage. And don’t forget that we and Amy’s parents are taking you two out to dinner tonight.”

“Thanks, dad. But tonight I don’t want to stand in line for an hour for a pizza.”

My dad frowned at me, and said, “Don’t worry. We’re going someplace else.”

“We won’t have to get too dressed up. Will we?”

“I don’t know. Why?”

“Most of that stuff is packed.”

“All right, we’ll try to pick someplace that isn’t too dressy.”

After dad had left for work, mom asked, “What are you two doing today?”

“Not much.”, I said. “Maybe just a hike in the park. We need to say so long to a couple of old friends.”

“A couple of friends in the park?”

“A pair of Eagles.”


“They were there the first time Amy, and I walked in the park. And have been there most of the time when we were.”

“Are they the same ones?”

“We hope they are.”

“I’m planning on making you two a good breakfast tomorrow. If you want it?”

“Mom.”, Amy said. “We’d love it.”

“French toast and bacon?”, I asked.

“If that’s what you want.”, mom replied.

“Sounds good to me, mom.”, Amy said.

Amy and I took the ‘57 Chevy out for a ride, and our first stop was the trailhead parking lot. We parked and started hiking on the pond trail. No backpack today. We walked to the lake and our bench. We sat side by side, and I put my arm around Amy.

No Eagles yet. We sat there watching the ducks and geese. I looked at Amy, and she was crying. I asked, “Honey, why the tears?”

“I’m going to miss this place. It has given us so many great memories.”, Amy replied.

“We’ll be back. I promise you.”

She cuddled closer. And we continued to look for the Eagles. Then from behind us, a large shadow passed over us, we both looked up, and Amy said, “There’s one of them.”

“Yeah.”, I replied. “We may not see the other one if they have young.”

But a few seconds later a second shadow passed over us. We looked, and it was the other Eagle. They circled overhead for a while. The ducks had disappeared. Then one of the Eagles landed on the top of the old telephone pole. The other circled a few more times, then landed in a tree. They were both looking at us.

Amy whispered, “It’s wonderful seeing them. So long old friends. We will see you again soon.”

“Yes, we will.”, I added. “We will be back to see you.”

The one on the telephone pole let out a squawk and took off. The one in the tree followed the first one. The both flew towards the west.

Amy sat up straight, wiped the tears out of her eyes, and said, “I feel better. It was something about seeing the two of them.”

“I know.”, I said. “I’ve felt things from them before.”

“Let’s take a ride around campus.”

“Sure. I was thinking of doing that.”

We finished our walk, then drove around campus, then home. We parked the ‘57 Chevy in the garage and backed the ‘67 Chevy into dad’s part of the garage, and we, along with mom’s help, packed the car. And everything that we wanted in the trunk we got in with some room to spare. My dad had come up with a bar, that would hang from the two hooks in the back seat, that we could hang clothes on. We didn’t have much to hang, so I could still use the rearview mirror.

We spent the rest of the day just chilling out. When dad came home, we’d changed into something that didn’t look too bad, and we went out to dinner with my parents and Amy’s parents. We then went back to the house just to sit and talk. When Amy’s parents left, there were a lot of tears, and “We’ll miss you.”, “Please call.”, “Drive safe.”, etc.

Right after Amy’s parents left, Amy and I went into the garage. I found a small shoved and a pot. Then we went out into the backyard, and to where the little tree was. I removed the fence my dad had placed around it, and carefully dug it out of the ground. I placed it carefully in the pot, and Amy packed more dirt around it to fill the pot.

We took the pot into the garage and placed it next to the door to the backyard.

As we went to bed, both of us crossed out today on the calendar, and I said, “Well tomorrow is the day.”

“Yeah. It Sure is.”, Amy said.

Thursday morning we woke up to the smell of bacon cooking and our alarm clock going off at five in the morning. I told you we wanted to get an early start. We got out of bed, dressed, and wandered towards the kitchen. We heard more than two voice. As we walked into the kitchen, along with my parents, there was Amy's parents and her brother Bill.

“What are you guys doing here?”, Amy asked.

“Honey.”, Amy’s dad said. “We had to come and see you off.”

“Me too.”, Bill added.

“Sit down.”, my mother said. “There’s orange juice and milk. And the bacon and french toast will be ready real soon.”

We sat, and our mothers served us an excellent breakfast. And of course, we talked as we ate.

When we finished eating, Amy and I were about to excuse ourselves to finish getting ourselves together. When I swore that I heard a car pull into the driveway, a minute later there was a knock on the door.

I said, “Who the heck is here at this hour?”


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