Six Years of Being Happy:
A Little Tribute, and "Thank You" to Holly "Happy" Hart
organized by Bobbie Cabot and Drea DiMaggio
It's been close to six years since Ms Holly "Happy" Hart became an official member of this little community of ours, and that doesn't count the time that she's been visiting the site unofficially. And, in that period of time, Holly has accumulated a big pile of faithful friends, colleagues and collaborators, who have relied on her for assistance in making their stories here and in other venues, or relied on her for a kind or encouraging word. We are, in fact, two of these people that she touched in this way.
She has even extended a helping hand to a lucky few IRL, perhaps with a little financial help, a place to stay, or even something as simple as a car ride to somewhere.
And she has been as integral to this community as any of the administrators, being the go-to girl for editing and composition assistance. She even gets paying gigs for her editing skills. She is also a very prolific member — the author of “Everything Comes in Threes,” “Ida the Spy,” “Maggie the Kitten Grows Up,” and “California Girls,” not to mention an indefatigable BCTS blogger and commenter. (She has also co-authored several other stories, but we had some trouble in ferreting these out.)
She has also had to go through some tough times, too: she is transgendered, as many of us here are, but she has come to grips with this as few of us here have. She has had to go through financial trials, too, like most of us. And through all of these things, she has powered through them all with nary a bitter word or complaint, but always with a quiet, steadfast comment about the future.
I (Bobbie) have always tried to advocate a "glass half full" kind of philosophy myself, but Holly has gone further than that - she will seek out the good from the bad, the glittering diamonds from the mud and mire, the green grass just lying on the other side of the street. In many ways, she is our role model.
Even now, she is undergoing chemotherapy, and battles what may be THE battle of her life, but in true Holly fashion — nary a bitter word or complaint, but always with a quiet, steadfast comment about the future.
So, as we all wait with her, our fingers crossed that her chemotherapy will be successful; Bobbie and Andrea decided to post this blog, as a kind of tribute and a “thank you” to her. The both of us are truly happy to have met, have gotten to know, and continue to know, Ms. Holly “Happy” Hart.
We encourage everyone who Holly has touched to post a comment here, so that she will know. It’s time, we think, for our turn, and maybe she will be touched as well.
Continue to be happy, Holly. We all wait with you as you go through this new struggle of yours, and we pray & hope that everything turns out well.

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Andrea DiMaggio
To see all of Andrea's blogs - http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/andrea-lena-dimaggio To see Andrea's stories - http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/drea-dimaggio |
This is Blog #60 of
The Family Girl Blogs

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It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.
While I can imagine her face gracing any number of definitions for ‘good’ characteristics, I am certain that if you looked in Merriam-Webster’s Illustrated Dictionary under the word ‘nice’ you’d find a picture of Holly Hart.
I’ve been blessed with every word and thought she has sent to me. She has encouraged me and supported me every step of the way as I’ve tried to grow as a writer. Even more so, by her kindness and care for this fragile girl, she’s helped me grow as a human being as well. I’m praying for a swift and decisive recovery for one of the nicest people I’ve had the privilege to meet.
Holly? Words cannot begin to express the gratitude I have for the friendship you’ve bestowed on me. Thank you, dearest of dears.
Love, Andrea Lena
Keeping Things Happy
My very first encounter with Holly Hart was when I put up the very first post of my "Working Girl" blog. At the time, of course, I didn't know I was gonna put up the blog. Only later, after Puddintane put the idea into my head, did I put it up. Anyway...
Later on, as I put up more stuff in BCTS, I got to know Holly better, as she commented on the little bits of stuff I wrote. Later on, I would find myself availing of her legendary editorial skills, as my writing really needed help. Holly even commented (gently and humorously, as usual) on this little failing of mine, but I think she doesn't hold it against me, as I explained that I come from a trilingual family (my dad's from Quebec, my ma is from Italy, and I and my sister was born in DC), so I end up writing like an Italian from Paris, with a Yiddish turn of phrase. lolz!
She also organized a couple BC get-togethers that I dearly wanted to join, but my need to remain incognito/stealthy prevented it. But she was understanding about this, as she always was with me.
Then there was that hullabaloo about an erased post. But Holly, it seems, saves pages from the site, and it was due to her that I was able to recreate that erased post, complete with comments. She was like a magician conjuring up stuff from nothing.
And all throughout this time, we had remained in touch via email, off-and-on, and we traded some personal stories and I got to know her a bit more.
She is also a very prolific commenter, and she is always positive in the comments she writes.
I guess that is the central theme of Holly Hart - her positivism. Her little nickname, "Happy," is very appropos, I think.
And as she goes through what she is going through now, all I can do to honor her, and honor what she is to me, is to remain positive for her.
So, here's to you, Ms Holly. Thank you for your stories, your blogs and your comments, your magic fingers that fix my crappy grammar, and your gentle but cheery demeanor, always puting a positive spin on things.
And I hope that things turn out well for you. All my hopes go with you.
With love,
To read the rest of my Family Girl Blogs, click this link -
To read my old Working Girl Blogs, click this link -
To read all of my blogs, click this link -
To read my stories in BCTS, click this link -
To see my profile and know more about me, click this link -
A very special person
I can't say enough about Holly. She began editing my efforts at writing and if she hadn't I would probably have quit a long time ago. Through communication I learned she lived in the SF Bay area as do I. The first time I met her was to say thank you and help her to move from San Jose to Walnut Creek. It was nice to put a face to the person I met at Bigcloset. She never stopped working on something, editing, helping Shelly and putting together a yearly BBQ attended by others in the community able to get to a park in Walnut Creek. I made a point not to schedule any work on the day of the event. I consider Holly as one of my closest friends. I was just sick when I heard of her recent illness but she's been upbeat every time I've mailed her. Holly really is a special person and I love you girl, Arecee
I think we're all indebted
for her help in developing us as writers, and she even caused the setting up of a 'Bike' archive although PS now has the dubious privilege of doing it. I'm pleased to see occasionally that she has revised my excessive use of commas or grammar errors on stuff I post now.
I too was saddened to hear of the recent bout of ill health and hope that she comes through it and is able to comment or correct my ramblings for a long time to come.
So, Get well soon.
Holly has Blessed
many here with her wisdom and friendship. Let us also remember those who she lives with as theyshare the responsibility of caring for her needs.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Hoping for Holly Happy Hart
It's been close to five years since Holly graciously put her red pen to my writing efforts. I know I am a better writer, and hopefully a better person for having the good fortune to know her.
Thank you so much.
I'm happy to have "met" Holly
she is a wonderful person to have around, always.
Holly has been hunting down those elusive spelling and grammar errors for me for almost two years now. I've never actually met her and I really don't know her as well as some of the rest of you, but she's helped me improve as an author and that help deserves a heartfelt thanks.
I've always enjoyed our correspondences and I keep her in my thoughts and prayers as she fights the good fight.
Cheers Holly! To all you do and to the many people you've touched here in this community.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Holly's been
Holly's been the final editor of my attempt at writing in Karen Page's SPA universe. And, even after several other editors, she's still been able to find problems. (Tells you how lousy my writing really has been.) She's even suggested some bits I wrote weren't worth the time I took to write them... And she was probably right. LOL (I took the hint and in some cases ripped stuff out other times made major revisions - hopefully to make them worth reading.)
From personal experience, I know how much Chemo can take out of a person... That she's still plugging away and helping many of us is simply amazing. I hope she'll enjoy the next 7,000 words I send her way. :-)
One important thing people should know if they've not worked with Holly as an Editor. She recognizes that the author needs to have the final say and usually provides comment so that the author can understand why she makes the suggestions she does.
I have learned (I hope) a lot and hope to learn more.
Holly has helped so much!
Not only have I learned so much from her as she edits my efforts, but she also keeps mentoring me and others even when not working on our writings. Holly is a very special person who shares so much of herself. I wish her all the best and keep her in my prayers.
We just met recently...
And I'm not posting anything for her to edit, but we live close to each other, let's call it 120/150 miles, and had hoped to get together. But her health and my need to care for my wife have prevented it. Still, we've corresponded and become friends at a distance.
She's a lovely caring person who richly deserves every positive thing said about her and I hold out hope that we will, in time, get to meet. She's generous, positive and in all ways an exceptional lady who has given of herself to make the world better. I've been blessed to know her.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Several of my stories owe their quality to Holly
Even though I've never gone to her as an initial editor, I'm pretty sure there ain't a thing I've put to the site that doesn't have her hand in cleaning it up afterward somewhere in it.
Thanks for all ya do, Holly!
Melanie E.
Take care!
Holly many of the family here at Big Closet may never meet in the real world. BUT, when a family member is ill we gather around them electronically and support them. Take care of yourself and wrap yourself in a warm blanket of our love and best wishes. I can not wait to hear that you have you are recovering.
Wonder if we can get some of the special soup from the Kiddy Kamp for her? I can't spell it or remember the name. :)
Holly The Teacher
The third book in the Trail of Tears series is nearly ready for release, and it is the first work that I have attempted to do without Holly’s assistance. The section below is a dedication that has been written in that book. I will post it here as well in hopes that she reads one or the other.
Is it possible to have someone you have never met, never seen, or never spoken with, influence your life, and possibly change your future? In the opinion of this writer, it most definitely is. In December of 2011, the first piece of writing that I attempted was posted on a website known as Big Closet Top Shelf. It was a small piece, with a good story, but was horribly written by someone that had no idea what they were doing. The number of spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors made the story nearly impossible to read, let alone enjoy.
Out of the blue, I, a virtual unknown on the website, received an email from a lady named Holly Hart. She told me that if I were willing to send her the story that I had written, she would help me with some of the error correction. It really wasn’t until she returned that first chapter to me that I understood just how big of a job she had undertaken, for no consideration other than my thanks.
Her approach to working with me was that of a patient teacher. She was always full of kind words, gentle admonishments, and powerful motivation. She made me believe I could actually write, with her help, and a little more practice.
Though development is a lifelong effort, today I have three published books, the forth on the way, and the fifth one nearly half done. However, I can honestly and truly say, with all my heart, that none of this would have happened if it weren’t for Ms. Holly Hart. There are no words that I can say, or actions that I can perform to repay what she has given me. I miss working with her, and she is always in my thoughts, and prayers.
Thank you Holly, for everything.
Melodie Thomas
Hey Holly ^^
I haven't seen you around for awhile but I do want you to know you are missed by me ^^ You make a difference to the quality of the stories that go up here and assist authors in ways that I cannot. You are a highly valuable team member here and a great person. I am also hoping to see you hosting another bcts BBQ this summer.
All of us here really do miss your warm presence and help.
It's amazing how we get touched by people.
And Holly's one of those people that touches others hearts pretty easily. I think we PM'ed each other a few times and I found her exactly as others have said.
"Happy" You can almost see a smile when she types to you.
She is such a sweet and upbeat person that puts the care of others so much ahead of herself. Truly a sweet woman who we're all pulling for.
*Great Big Hugs & Prayers*
Bailey Summers
Holly The Amazing
I spoke to holly by phone about a year ago and she is the most calm person I have met in a long time. She was just pat the Wipple surgery for Pancreatic Cancer and my bro inlaw was just about to have the same surgery she volunteered to talk to him about the upcoming surgery.
I have a great love for people like Holly who give of themself so freely.
Holly I hope it goes well for you and I guess it is in GOD's hands and all we can do is pray for a good about come.
LOVE YOU HOLLY --- Hugs & Kisses Richie2
always a help
stories are great but some people would not git off the ground without a great editor also.
thank for all the help, you have given to so many.
hope you feel better soon, take care
Holly, you make the world a
Holly, you make the world a happier place for all of us here on BCTS, and for many in RL, too (although I've never had the pleasure). Hang in there, get well, and keep on keeping on. I'm sending my love and virtual hugs.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Let Me Add My Two Cents
And I am afraid that's probably all it's worth. I only had a few brief conversations with Holly a couple of years ago, of the "Hello, how are you? Nice to meet you" kind, but enough to show me what a nice lady she is.
I am a fairly anonymous person to many of you, being somewhat private, perhaps as a result of hiding my true nature from the world for over sixty years now, since I first realised that my exterior did not match my soul and I believe Holly and I are just a tiny bit similar in that regard, although she dealt with her duality much better than I did.
I haven't been very active on the site for the last year because of the need to care for my wife who has been undergoing various treatments for multiple cancers. I guess in my heart of hearts I had resigned myself to what I thought was the inevitable when she was put on to her third round of chemo after radiation and the two previous courses had failed to stem the progress of the tumours. But the third course is working and the disease is in retreat.
So please let Holly know that. There IS always hope and I for one (out of many much better than me) will be rooting for her,