Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 32 & 33.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 32 & 33.

Chapter 32

I can’t help but to just stare into those eyes for several long sweet minutes and then smile at him and I step in close to him and press myself to him and hang onto his arm…oooh…his rock hard solid arm and I lean in and take a careful long slow bite.


His eyes get that look, that I want you look. That’s totally alright because I want him too.

“On second thought since that was incredibly sexy how about I just feed the rest on this to you.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” I smile and he feeds me another bite.

“Good because I like feeding women.”

“Oh…so…Tommy never told you about me?”

“He did and I said what I said.”

“Thank you I appreciate it.”

“Go out with me tonight? Dinner and my motel room?”

“Well that’s not going out really how about I cook you dinner and you come over to my place?”

“Are you sure you’re not missing the point of my motel room?”

“No, not at all but I don’t really like motels when I can have you in my own bed.”

“I that case I accept.”

“In that case what would you like to have for dinner?”


“That’s dessert Jax.”

“How about take out?”

“I can cook.”

“I was just offering so you wouldn’t have to.”

“Well how about we see how tonight goes and then I’ll think about us seeing each other more than that.”

“That’s fine by me…more than fine.”

“Good then I’ll see you at seven?”

“Seven it is then.”

He steps up and he kisses me and he’s a good kisser, his hands are strong and he’s powerful yet careful and still I know just by his grip on my skin that he wants me. Well that and he’s pressing a very Tommy like cock against me and that’s got me happy and horny.

I’m really going to enjoy the anticipation all day for this.

And I kiss him back just a hot just as hard and wantonly.

We break the kiss and I take my tea and head off to class the entire group of the girls with me.

Neela and Karin look both shocked and stunned and aroused…their nipples are poking through their bra in a very pronounced way.

We’re heading away and I can’t hear what Jax said but I hear Tommy. “See I told you sexy, smart, hot and no bullshit.”

That makes me smile especially the part about the no bullshit. I’m a lot of things but there’s one thing I’m not and that’s one of those girls that are liars and bullshitters and full of headgames.

I don’t do headgames.

It’s maybe ten minutes and we’re right outside the Art course labs.

We stop so Noel can have her pre-class smoke and Dina’s looking at me a few seconds before saying. “Holy fuck Jamie slut much?”

She’s not being a bitch about it she’s sort of is but it’s mostly humor and a lot of shock.

I look at her. “What? Jax is hot?”

“I know he’s hot, but you just…”

“Invited him over to my place for a nice meal and a night of hopefully great sex.”

“Yes!!!, I mean c’mon who the hell does that?”

“I do?”

“But…you just don’t do that with guys?”

“Why? Tommy told him about me, he came to meet me and he started the flirting.”

“But there’s a way of doing things.”

“But I don’t play that way?”

Noel exhales some smoke and passes her smoke to Victoria who uses the ember end to light hers, she smokes those clove things. “Dina, you’re just pissed that he’s hot looking and he never gave any of the rest of us a look.”

“But…dammit, I’m hot…I’ve got great tit’s right?” She cups herself.

I smile at her. “Dina you’re a fox and if you ever really wanted I’d slip into the sheets with you in a second.”

She smiles back. “Dammit Jamie one of these days I’ll get over the fact you’re such a damn girl and use you for my lesbian college fling.”

Noel coughs on her coffee. “Hey! I’m the lesbian here why Jamie she’s got a dick that shouldn’t count!”

I smile but shrug. “I could do a three-way.”

Noel shudders. “No, Nofucking way…I..I mean…” She turns red. “Sorry Jamie…”

“Noel, its okay. I like having normal friends.”

“Hey don’t get insulting, I’m not normal?”

We laugh and Dina hugs me and hangs onto me hip to hip. “I didn’t mean anything by that Jame; it’s just holy shit you just moved so fast.”

Henna nods. “It was fucking hot, not just you but him it was like this teasing flirty tango thing…”

“I just would’ve liked him to at least check me out y’know?” Dina still sort of pouts.

Victoria smiles that exotic smile she has. “He never looked at me either; he was not looking for us. He came looking for Jamie.”

“Yeah but what’s wrong with us, we’re great right?”

Victoria shrugs. “Great? I’m just myself, but he was here for Jamie. I told you before there are some men who prefer their girls to be boys.”

“Seriously?” She’s shaking her head.

“Some of them are better women than us Dina.” She says sipping her drink. Red tea I think.

“How can a guy be a better girl than a girl?” She’s looking at me and Victoria.

I shrug. “I’m not a guy so…”

“And you just proved why Dina.” Victoria says.

“Huh? I don’t get it still.”

Noel rolls her eyes. “She means cunt we get full on ourselves and it become we bitches be trippin…Jamie isn’t like that, did you here the biggest selling point Tommy was saying to the guy?”


“Jamie’s for real, straight forward, no bullshit, no drama…hell I’d be so fucking happy if I could find a GG like her that was into girls.”

“But…I just don’t get it, is it the cock?”

Noel rolls her eyes then reaches out to Dina shaking her. “No…Jamie is just that Jamie no bullshit.”

“But…aw man he’s so hot!”

“Hung too.” I say reshouldering my bag.

“What?!” She stares at me.

“Jax was hot and hard when we were pressed together. I’d say he’s definitely the whole deal when it comes to the big black lover.”

“So he’s?”

“Hung like Tommy at least.”

“And you’re seriously going to…You don‘t know anything about him?”

“Tommy’s is cousin for one and two he introduced him to me. Tommy’s a great guy I love him to death and trust him.”

“You trust Tommy that much?”

I stop and think a second, it doesn’t take long actually. “I’d trust Tommy with my life actually.”

Dina looks as me. “He’s that good a guy?”

“Yeah he is?”

“Why aren’t you two still together?”

“He’s in love with Rick.”

“But Rick’s a guy and you’re…and Tommy doesn’t get dicked right?”

“No he doesn’t but he’s honest and nice and when him and Rick happened it just happened and Tommy’s not going to let something like gender stop him from being happy. Rick honestly loves him and is in love with him. There’s a difference. I love Tommy and always will but I’m not in love with him.”

Victoria nods. “Again…no bullshit from Jamie or from Rick. Sometimes the best thing in any relationship is being honest.”

We start heading inside and she says as we’re taking the stairs. “Who’s the whore? The honest slut who just is who she is or the girl that fucks you but comes with strings…things to buy, concerned with herself more than her lover…tests his heart and loyalty with others?”

I frown. “You’re describing my mother and sister to a tee.”

Henna nods. “Actually that’s a lot of girls I know.”

Dina’s frowning too. “But a guy’s gotta prove himself right? You gotta be sure he’s worth your time, that he cares and will fight for you and provide.”

I can’t help it. “That’s fucking demeaning. You’re making the assumption that he’s not who he is at face value?”

Dina shrugs. “Jamie most guys aren’t, most are assholes and douche bags even the good ones.”

“Not the men I’ve ever been with. Women have got this whole idea of these rules and make the assumptions about guys and that’s wrong. I’m not saying guys don’t do the same things or close to them. But there are a lot of guys that want to be decent guys but why fucking bother being nice to a bitch that assumes he’s a creep with an agenda. Guys want to be better; they want to be believed in.”

I’m looking at her and she’s looking at me. “I’ve been hurt by guys Jamie, I’m had my heart broken by them. Guys are guys.”

“Stop dating guys. Date men.”

“That’s easier said than done.”

“Call Ian?”

“I’m scared to…”

“Dina…he’s a good guy a good man. Just tell him that you’re scared, that boys hurt you before and ask him to show you what it’s like to really know a man.”

She laughs. “Jesus Christ Jamie it’s not as simple as that!”

I sigh but smile….she doesn’t get it…most of them don’t, won’t… “Okay…just saying.”
I head into class. It really is that simple, just no matter who you’re with just cut the bullshit.

I settle into my seat and take my books out for the lecture and the slide show before we hit the lab/studio to get into techniques.

Chapter 33...

The rest of the day went pretty decently. I was really looking forward to tonight and I even got the whole sort of fight with Dina out of my head. I said my piece and she said hers and that’s fine.

Mmmm…thinking of fine I held out catching a cab to head to Nester’s market down in Yaletown which isn’t too far away and it’s my usual grocery place anyway and I have my credit card and I proceed to shop for the stuff I want to serve Jax supper. Yes…this is a booty call as things go but I did invite him to dinner and there will be dinner.

When we eat well that might be a different matter. I want steak and I buy a nicely cut strip steak for myself about two inches thick and a large rib eye steak for him. I get some mixed wild mushrooms and some dried mushrooms along with some young carrots and some green beans and find two really good baking potatoes.

And dessert I’m not a super cook but I have an idea and I get some grape flavored Jello and some powdered gelatin to make this idea and some dark red grapes and some red plums and some frozen Saskatoon berries along with a small can of cherry pie filling and a pre-made can of pie crust and a pie shell.

I get home and first things first I go into Ian’s and I raid his bar. Some whisky and a few beers for the fridge and some Guinness for the side board in my kitchen as well as two beer glasses.

I rub some whisky on both steaks and leave them for a bit before anything else and then I put a pot on the stove with the fruit except the plums and set it to simmer with on the stove and then I take off to change.

Shower and as I get ready I make myself several green fairies and get a bit of a lift going while I get cleaned up and lubed and insert the biggest plug I have…oh…that’s been awhile.

I go with my red and black lacey looking corset with the built in shelf and red lacy garters and stockings and heels to match. Blonde and red go together and this sort of goes with my cast’s artwork too.

I make the bed with nice sheets, make sure all the stuff’s where I want it there and by my big wicker chair and I load my I-pod with the songs that I want to listen to.

That done I go back to the kitchen.

I make another drink…my fourth and I open some windows and turn off my smoke detector and get out the big cast iron pan I own. I don’t turn the burner on but the oven and set the pan in there while I’m busy cutting up the plums and adding them to everything in the pot.

Next is taking a bit of salt and pepper and the dried mushrooms and using them to flavor the steaks and then put on some kitchen gloves to peel and finely slice some onions and some garlic. By that time the filling is ready for the pie and I pour it into the pie shell and then put a crust on it and put it on a cookie sheet in the oven.

While that’s going I mix another drink, and sip at it while I clip the beans and scrub and trim the carrots and get them ready in a pan. I do the same with the mushrooms and stuff but a bowl because they’ll go in the frying pan after the steaks are done.

I dance a little to some of the tunes playing I’m a great fan of Dido and after ten minutes the pie comes out and I put it aside to cool. All it really needed was the crust to cook. It’s not fancy and I’m not sure if you could call it homemade but at least I tried. I’m hoping it’ll set up nicely by the time we’re ready to eat it.

The door buzzes and I look out my window and Jax is there and he’s fifteen minutes early with a bag full of stuff. I go down to meet him. I’ve got a really decent buzz going and walking in my lingerie and heels with my plug in and fully clean and lubed I feel so sexual and beautiful and amazing.


I love the way his breath caught and the way his eyes widen when he takes me in. I smile.

“You’re early.”

“I wanted to make sure that I found the place.”

“Please come upstairs.”

I let Jax in and I turn and sway up the stairs ahead of him. I can feel his eyes glued to me and my ass.

“Are you hungry?”

“I could eat but I’m hungry for something else.”

“Good so am I. I was thinking that we could work up an appetite?”

“You’re very direct Jamie.”

“I thought that Tommy told you that?”

“He did but he really never did you justice.”

“Actually I love that about Tommy, he doesn’t brag or crow he’s just a really good guy.”

“Yeah he is.”

“So have you always liked girls like me?”

“You’d be the first actually. But Rick and Tommy said so much about you I was really intrigued and I had to meet you plus there’s the other reason.”

“Other reason?”

“Tommy said that you could take all of him.”

“Oh yes Tommy has a wonderful dick.”

He’s looking at me when I turn around and I’m not sure if he’s turned on or shocked.

“Uhm, here…I brought some wine and things I wasn’t sure what would go with what so…”

He passes me the bag he’s got and there’s a nice bottle of Chardonnay that I can keep for later and a bottle of Beaujolais which is a nice red.

“Thank you this will go nicely with supper.” There’s more in the bag including a nice store bought cake and a wrapped bouquet of flowers. I set the cake in the fridge and get some water for the flowers and open them carefully. I was sort of expecting roses or something but these are mini sunflowers.

“Oh…Jax these are perfectly lovely, thank you so much for being so thoughtful. I love them. I set them on one of the end table by my sofa and slink over and kiss him softly and sweetly a real kiss not a sex kiss and hug him. “These are the best flowers I’ve ever gotten.”

“Really? They’re not hokey or corny?”

“Not to me and being corny is good, if you’re hokey and corny there’s a real chance that you’re being honest and being yourself.”

He blushes.

“You want a drink Jax?”

“I’d love one.”

“Well beer, Guinness, whisky and I guess wine now or can I make you a green fairy?”

“A what…no uhm whisky will be good I think.”


I make him a glass of whisky two fingers neat in a glass with no ice and the open the red to breathe. I walk over with his drink and mine and I’m killing mine and he’s taking the first few sips. I take his hand and lead him to the chair I have set up. It’s just my TV chair a big wicker thing that I can actually curl up sort of sideways in and I guide him to sitting.

I start to give him a lap dance as we drink and *Black Velvet.* by Alana Myles is playing.

It doesn’t take long before I can see he’s hard and I take a quilt and set it still folded on the floor to protect my knees and kneel and pull him over into a kiss. I slip him some tongue; I suck on his a bit too.

“I’m going to suck your cock now okay Jax?”


Jax is a lot more bashful than he was acting and it’s cute. I undo his belt and his dress pants and pull them and his underwear off on him letting it hit the floor. There’s this little trip hammer that went off inside at the sound of his pants and belt hitting my floor.

I fucking love men.

He’s a bit bigger than Tommy is in sheer size and just a little shorter in length. But it’s still this ten inches of hot hard shiny black cock and it’s really thick. Huge juicy looking balls too…

I take it in my hand and stroke it and he moans and I just smile and kiss it all over and coo to it and lick it like he’s a chocolate ice cream cone.

I love hearing. “Oh Jamie, Oh Jamie, Oh Jamie…”



“Thank you.”

“Thank me…w…why?”

“For being stand up, for asking me in front of everyone, for being attracted to me and being thoughtful.”

“Oh…Uhm…” he honestly looks shocked and stunned or at least a loss for words. I lock eyes with him and take a long and slow inhale through my nose and still holding eye contact I relax and take Jax all the way down my throat.

“Oh god, oh shit oh holy fuck…fuck…fuck…Jamie…Uh…Jamie!”

I nuzzle my nose into his pubes and moan around his cock and he groans and whines my name. I don’t want him to cum yet so I wrap my hands around his base and he does this little bucking thing a few times. I think I just stopped him from getting off.

I love this…I love that he’s starting to lose control in that savage guy, really a guy way and his hands slip into my hair and unconsciously take handfuls and he’s pulling me onto him. I relax and let him go loose and just breathe, master the gag reflex and then it just becomes this magic thing where I’m his ultimate…the thing his entire life is focused on and oh…the feeling of the friction on my lips, the taste of him, the fullness of my throat when he’s all the way inside.

The sounds he makes that primal needful man sounds that as he pumps in and out of me gets more and more needful and he almost growls and whines as he gets close. I use my hands to clench down and cut him off and his aggression turns to putty leaving me in control…

Once his second near orgasm passes he’s panting and crying out my name and I take charge and pump myself back and forth over him hard and fast taking my hands and feeling his muscles, those abs of his and running my hands over that hard body just reveling in the feeling and the fact that he wants me so bad and that he needs me and that I’m in control….I grip his hips hard for a good three minutes of me using my throat to fuck him and then he’s rapidly getting there again and I pull back until he’s really just in my mouth and I suck him hard…you generate saliva with anything in your mouth really and that’s letting me suck and swallow making more pressure and I use one hand to stroke him off rapidly and the other to massage his heavy balls until I feel them contracting.

This time I let his cum and I drink his seed down just like I’m chugging a beer…or rather shotgunning a beer from a can and I drain him almost faster than he’s shooting until there’s no more and I leave a good mouthful to savor the taste.

And I do…I love the taste of man…of men and I let him watch me slowly savor and swallow it all.

I pull my lips from his cock and smile at him. “Oh…Jax that was amazing. You taste amazing thank you.”

I’m thanking him because one I enjoyed it and I am thankful but also. Regular girls don’t. Unless she’s really into her sexuality and she likes cock as much as me most regular women don’t. They even pretend not to like it.

The guys I’ve been with have a profound reaction to me just saying stuff like that. Just like Rick and Tommy, Jax is sort of stunned by the sex and how I’m treating him.

“Uhm…wow…Jamie…no one’s every been like that with me…I’ve never had a girl take all of me before…”

“You’re welcome.” I say it pleasantly and smile at him. “Do you want another drink? Or should we move to the bed?”


“Mmm…good idea both would be good…The bed’s through there I’ll be right in…I won’t be long Jax.” I slide up and kiss him. “I really, really need your cock Jax.”

I slip of swaying and go get another whisky but pour three fingers and carry the glass into the bedroom and have a few sips myself before giving him the rest. He drinks and I go down on him again and get him hard once more. He’s gets his desire to be inside of me up and I let him take over, let his work his magic and talented mouth over my nipples and the rest of my body…he slowly peeled me out of the corset…took the plug out of me after pumping me with it for a minute or two.

Missionary and face to face is the way that we start and I fall into that whole rapture of being taken…of being filled with hot, long, thick black cock and revel in it.

Especially after I teach him where my boi-spot is.

That first time was hard and fast once he got going and soooo good, the feeling of him and the power in his body and the hardness of his muscles as well as his rock hard cock…the fact my stocking clad legs are pushed up as far as they’d go and him almost breaking me as he’s got me folded in half.

It’s all bleeds together into this whole experience like touching the next life as he fucks me into another state of consciousness. I’m all sexual reptile brain and it’s screaming, I’m screaming… “More Jax!, More! Fuck me, fuck, me, fuck me!”

I came so hard when he came…his hot fluids sending me over that edge again and he’s buried inside of me and I cum and everything contracts when that happens and I mold so tightly around his super hard cock until that’s all my brain registers is Cock!

I actually can’t get past that thought…literally imprinting into my thoughts and base emotions.

Sending me over into a whole other orgasm and can’t stop my body from having pleasure spasms.

Giggle, cry, giggle and kiss him soft and kiss him hard and I’m just so high from the pleasure and the endorphins.

Blissed out and making out and rolling and massaging him with my insides. And there’s something so primal female in me that rejoices and crows in happy vibes as Jax buries his face into me and my chest and pants and cries.

I hold him and play with his hair, I don’t ask to talk I don’t do that stuff. I hold him while he’s pulling himself together; I’m pulling myself together just letting things become normal but never fighting these feelings that whole effect.

Not me, I pull that into my heart and soul and make it mine. It’s something that Sasha and I have talked about and that taking that and she does this too, taking this stuff and soaking your soul in it. Being as happy as the experience can make you and becoming this sexual being.

It feel so damn good and really pulling the whole sex act into my heart without reservations….god I feel so free.

“Thank you Jax…”

“You keep thanking me…god…oh god Jamie I should be thanking you…I mean Tommy told me but…”

“But what?”

“But girls like you don’t exist?”

“Yes we do, there’s girls like me all over the world Jax, you just have to find us and treat us for exactly who we are.”

“I’ve never met a regular girl like you.”

“I’m not like a lot of them.”

“I know, you’re so much better.”

“Thank you. There are regular girls as you put it out there like me though, they are real.”

“And fucking hard to find.”

“True…but they’re we’re out there.”

“Well I’m thanking my lucky stars that I’ve found you Jamie.”

“Well how about you just thank me and let me please have more of you?”

“Please? God no one’s ever…”

I kiss him and smile. “Well I am, and I want more, I need more of you Jax, I want all of you that you have to give me…please.”

The next two times are from behind and he’s more than nice enough for the reach around and I’m much more able to use the things that I’ve learned that relax as he’s pushing into my depths then clenching on his out strokes and we get both times to that him going hot raw primal man on me and using me hard …and I scream, beg, plead for… “More!” and “Harder!” and do downward facing dog and my breasts like this take me even higher into that realm of me becoming his feral little fuck-slut.

I love the way he’s making them bounce, move and ache, they hurt from the movement in the right ways because all that bouncing soreness I know it from getting fucked that hard…the weight and the motion is so utterly womanly that it pushes my brain and emotions over the edge further when we hit that point of my losing myself in the climatic clench.

Our last time was on top…which is long and slow and me getting to control everything and there’s a lot of him fondling my breasts and there’s a lot of kissing and there’s also this part I just love and that’s being impaled and Jax being so big and not just his cock but he’s a big guy and with the sheer bulk of him that I’m straddling I can’t pull myself off of him unless I slide and move up his body.

I get to go to this really great other place too as I feel his body all over while I’m on top. Tommy’s a big guy but Jax is big and he’s ripped. The scent of him, his sweat and feeling all that so sexy muscle and raw power there does something to my brain.

The last one was the longest.

We ended up passing out into each others arms sweating it out and soaking in the afterglow and the soreness…as the adrenaline slows I’m feeling everything including my very tender ribs and I…like I’ve said before.

I kind of like pain.

About an hour passed and I wake actually hungry myself, the absinthe well worn out of my system and the whisky too I’m in that post sex, exercise hunger mode and I slip out of bed.

Jax opens his eyes and stares at me in just my garters and red ripped stockings and just watches me as I slip on my panties and his shirt. I kiss him long and slow and over and over for a good minute or two.

“I’m starved and I did promise you supper didn’t I?”

“Oh…yeah I could eat.”

“How’s steak with mushrooms and onions and baked potatoes with some carrots and green beans on the side sound.”

“It sounds like I could marry you.”

“Thank you that so amazingly sweet Jax.” I kiss him really deep. “I’m not ready for that but that was a beautiful thing to say.”

“That’s true Jamie, god if the men around here had any clue…”

“Then I’d likely be too busy to be with you and have times like this.”

“Fuck that, I’m keeping you a secret.”

“Hmm…thank you again…that’s so got me wanting to suckle on that fine black dick of yours Jax but I’m really, really starved.”

I pout but push off and sway to the kitchen. “How do you like your steak?”

He calls out medium and I smile and put on some music and start cooking to the Alana Myles song *Black Velvet.*

It’s not long before he’s in the big chair wearing a sheet tied around his waist watching me dance and cook in the kitchen.

I hope he stays for awhile. I’ve missed feeling like this.

I love the way he’s staring at me and drinking me in.

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