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Catwalk Confidence
by Connie Alexander
You spend your entire life thinking you’re just like any other boy, when you suddenly find out you aren’t, trying to adjust can be difficult. |
Part 24
Have you ever been trying to sleep and something keeps tickling your nose and every time you go to brush it away, you just can’t? I hate that and it was happening to me.
I’ve had a very restful night and am in the middle of a great dream. I’m flying, not in a plane, me, á la superman, or more like supergirl I guess. It’s great. At least it is until this damn tickle on my nose popped up. Every time I think I have brushed it away, it comes back.
Wait a minute, there’s no giggling in my dream. I drag myself awake and pry one eye open. Sitting on the edge of my bed, holding a string over my face, is my sister. Ellen is trying real hard not to laugh and not succeeding very well.
Now I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned how much I love my sister. This morning I’d gladly strangle her myself.
With a growl, I pull the covers back over my head and try to recapture my dream.
No such luck. Ellen starts to shake me.
“Wakey-wakey! Rise and shine, sleepyhead. We’ve already let you sleep in. Wait much longer and it’ll be lunchtime.”
“Go away.”
“No can do, sister dear. Today’s your big day! Up and at ’em!”
“Piss off.”
“Now, now, now. Is that proper language for a young lady to use? Now get up.” With that, Ellen rips the covers off me.
“Come on! We’ve got to get moving. Here, I’ll even help. I’ll pick out what you should wear today. Also, you’ll need an outfit for when we’re done.”
“All right, all right. I’m moving! Why do I need two outfits?”
“You’re going to need something to wear after you’re all dolled up. You’re not going to want to wear your spa clothes.”
“You’re off your meds again, aren’t you?”
“Be nice. Here, put these on. You’ll want to be comfortable for today. I’ll just take this and this and this and put it in my bag for tonight. Now, get moving!”
I turn back towards Ellen to see what she’s picked out but she was already out the door.
I drag myself out of bed and into the shower. After a bit I’m finally awake enough to face the world. I finish up washing and get on out and dry off.
Back in my room, I take a look at what Ellen pulled out for me to wear. It looks like the uniform of the day will be my powder blue bra and panty set coupled with a light-blue tank top and khaki shorts and my brown leather sandals.
After dressing, I make my way downstairs and Mom and Ellen are already there. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and join them.
Ellen smiles at me and says, “She’s alive!”
“Ha, ha. Morning, Mom.”
“Morning, honey.”
“Mom, are you sure I’m not adopted?” I give Ellen a pointed stare and she sticks her tongue out at me.
Smiling, Mom says, “Quite sure. Sleep okay last night?”
“Like the proverbial dead.”
“Well eat your breakfast. We’ll leave here in about two hours.”
“Okay. Um, Mom, about this spa thing.”
“Well, um, I’m not going to have to take off my clothes am I?”
“Your outer clothes you will. You can keep your underwear on, although you might want your bra off for the massage. It’s up to you.”
“Oh, good. I was worried there.”
Ellen says, “Instead of wearing your underwear, grab that pink bikini. It will keep you covered and the lotions and things they use won’t stain that.”
“I don’t know. That bikini is awful small.”
“Don’t worry, there’s not going to be any men about. Get it, you’ll be just fine.”
“Fine. Why do I keep letting myself get talked into these things?”
As Ellen is heading out of the kitchen she says, “I don’t know, but they do say that simple minds are easy to influence.”
Mom pulls me back down to my seat as I hear Ellen’s laughter come from the other room.
“I am so going to get her for that.”
“Finish your breakfast first. Besides, waiting for your revenge will drive her crazy.”
“Hey, it will, won’t it?”
I give Mom a big smile as I munch my Cheerios.
A couple of hours later we get into the car. Ellen brings out a garment bag and places it in back and I hurriedly get in the back with it.
Now normally I like to sit in the front seat whenever possible, but this time I make sure that I am sitting right behind the front passenger seat where Ellen is sitting.
Ellen is constantly looking back at me with a slightly nervous expression on her face the whole way over to the spa. I just give her a little smile whenever she looks at me.
Mom was right, this is driving her crazy. Hee-hee.
We pull up to this place and go on in. I have to tell you that the inside is far different from the outside.
Outside, it’s a rather large, plain brick building. Walking inside is like walking into a rainforest. There’s a large reception area with windows along the back that look out into an enclosed greenhouse/courtyard area, complete with pond and waterfall and birds singing and fluttering about. It all has an Asian look about it and there is low music playing that goes very well with the sounds of the waterfall and the birds from the greenhouse area.
The receptionist is a very perky girl who doesn’t look much older than me. Mom goes over and tells her who we are and before we can even sit down, a much older woman comes out to welcome us.
“Hello, my name is Jackie and you three must be the Conners’ ladies.”
“Yes,” says Mom, “I’m Sharon and these are my daughters, Ellen and Alex.”
“Welcome, ladies. I’ll be your liaison for the day. My job is to see that you have the most enjoyable experience we can provide. Now I understand that when you made your reservation, you requested that you all stay together. If you care to follow me, I will take you to one of our larger rooms and help you get started in what I am sure is to be a wonderful experience for you all.”
With that, we’re led to a large dressing room where we can change and store our stuff.
When we get to the room, Jackie continues, “Now I’m not sure if you were told, but today is a ladies-only day and therefore clothing is optional, however for the more body-conscious it is not required. We have our facilities designed to allow minimal contact between our patrons. So please feel free to dress as comfortably as you wish.
“After you have changed, please go through this door and we’ll begin with the initial body cleansing and hot soak.”
At that she leaves the room.
“Okay, girls, let’s get moving,” says Mom.
Ellen and Mom start to disrobe and I am just standing there feeling a bit stunned.
“Uh, Mom? Did she say that there were going to be naked women here and what are you guys doing?”
“We’re changing dear and you need to do the same. I suggest that you do wear the bikini you brought. It should work out the best and yes, I’m sure that we may see other women here. Just ignore them.”
“But, but–”
“Honey, it’s okay. Really.”
“But couldn’t we get in trouble? I mean, I’m a guy.”
“No, honey, you aren’t. You’re a girl, and you are doing very well presenting yourself as a girl and your sister and I are going to continue to treat you as one. Now I do think that you need to keep the bottoms of your bikini on, but I don’t see any reason why you can’t go topless, I plan to.”
“Me too, Alex. Don’t worry: you’ll be with Mom and me the whole time. Now hurry up, that hot soak sounds wonderful.”
I just stand there staring with eyes as big a dinner plates as Mom and Ellen take their clothes off and hang them in the lockers, then they pull on their bikini bottoms and then both put on light cotton robes that have been left for us.
Feeling stunned and extremely self-conscious, I start to take my clothes off. Ellen takes out my bikini from her bag and lays it on the stool for me, and then she and Mom start to talk about something and pointedly don’t look at me until I have the bikini on.
“Um, could one of you guys help me tie this?”
“Sure, sis.” I turn away from Ellen and she ties the back.
“Thanks, Ellen. Man, it feels like I’m not wearing anything in this.”
Mom hands me a robe and says, “This should help. Just try to relax and enjoy the experience and you’ll be fine.”
“I’ll try.”
After we are all ready, we open the door and it leads us down a short corridor to another door. Opening that door we’re greeted by hot humid air and what looks like either a real large tub or a small swimming pool. Along one wall are three short wooden stools and standing next to them are three young ladies in white one-piece swimsuits. Jackie is also there.
“Hello again, ladies. If you’ll come over here we can get started. This is Pam, Margo, and Terry. They’ll take your robes and give you your bath, and then you’ll move over to the soaking pool for a bit.
“When you’re done here, we’ll go back to your room for your massage. In fact, I’ll leave you in their capable hands and go see to the preparation of your room.”
Well, I get Margo and she takes my robe and has me sit on the stool in front of her. Feeling real nervous, I do as I’m told and soon she has my hair twisted up on top of my head and pinned in place then she’s rubbing my back with this big sponge full of soapy water. I look over and Ellen and Mom are getting the same treatment.
I notice that I am all hunched over with my arms covering my breasts and try to relax. It’s not the easiest thing to do with a complete stranger washing you. Mom gives me an encouraging smile and Ellen winks at me.
After being washed and rinsed from the neck down, fortunately not where the bikini covered, we are led to the soaking tub. It’s just like a hot tub but without the bubbles. Man that water is hot!
It isn’t long before the tension starts to leave me. Apparently, it can’t stand the heat.
Mom asks, “How are you holding up, Alex?”
“Okay, I guess. This is certainly different.”
“It’s a lot different from the spa I used to go to. Ellen, what do you think?”
“This is great, Mom. I can’t wait for the massage.”
Feeling thoroughly parboiled and much like I suspect a lobster does just before hitting the dinner table, we get out and Jackie leads us back to our changing room.
There we find that three massage tables have been set up side by side.
“Okay, ladies, I brought you all one of our fruit smoothies. I hope you enjoy them. In just a couple of minutes your masseuses will be here. Is there anything you need? Are you enjoying yourselves?”
All three of us say we are fine and the fruit smoothies are delicious and very refreshing after the heat of our soak.
Just as we finish, there is a soft knock at the door and Jackie escorts three ladies into the room.
“Ladies, this is Rose, Janice and you met Margo. They’ll be your masseuses. If there is anything else you need, please let them know and they’ll pass it on to me. After your massage we’ll take a break for a light lunch.”
With that, she leaves.
Margo directs me up onto the center table and gets me positioned correctly.
“Miss?” she asks, “It really will be better if you remove your top.”
Looking over at Mom, she gives me an encouraging smile and so I nervously say that it’s okay.
Margo unties the back and the neck ties and I pull my top away. Blushing furiously I put my head back down.
Soon, Margo is rubbing warm, scented oil into my back.
“Ohhhh my, that feels good,” I just can’t help saying. I hear both Mom and Ellen give a little chuckle. Soon, they too are giving out little moans of enjoyment as their massages continue.
My massage starts at my shoulders and works down my back, then down each leg to my feet. I can’t believe how great it is to have your feet massaged. Then it starts upwards again.
Occasionally I let out a little yelp of pain as Margo expertly works out all of my knots and tension. By the time she reaches my neck and head I’m sure that I have been turned into a large mass of jello. If someone yelled fire, there is no way I’d be able to move to escape.
I’m in a very pleasant, almost dream state, when Margo finishes massaging my scalp and asks me to turn over. Somehow I manage it and my massage continues along my front, releasing tension from every muscle.
When Margo is done, she covers me with a sheet as I lay there in this totally relaxed, almost dream state. I hear Margo and the other ladies leave the room.
All too soon, Ellen says, “For some reason, Mom, I think Alex liked that.”
“I think you’re right.”
I just smile as I lay there with my eyes closed. I can hear the humor in their voices.
I hear Mom and Ellen get up off their tables and know that I have to get up now, too.
Stretching and feeling better than I have in a real long time, I sit up and open my eyes. Mom is putting on her robe and Ellen already has hers on and is holding mine out to me.
I shrug it on and get up off the table and belt it around me. It’s at this moment that I realize I’m still topless. I also realize that I had turned over to get my front massaged topless too. Oh my!
I grab up my top just as Jackie knocks at the door and enters. Not wanting to take my robe off in front of her, I just stick my top in the pocket of my robe.
“So, ladies, how was your massage?”
Mom and Ellen say that theirs were great and I ask if Margo wouldn’t mind being adopted. Everyone laughs at this as Margo is older than Mom.
They think I am joking, but I’m not so sure. That massage felt great!
Jackie leads us to a small lounge area where we can have our lunch. The menu consists of mostly salads and fruits but there are also some light sandwiches as well.
I order a small chef’s salad as do Mom and Ellen.
We talk about how much we’re enjoying this and surprising myself, I really am having a good time. I mean yeah, there are some awkward moments, like getting washed or having my top off and trying to ignore the other guests that are taking advantage of it being ladies only today. But all in all, I am having a good time and it really is getting me thinking about the decision I’m going to have to make.
After lunch, Jackie explains what else is on our schedule for the remainder of our stay. First we get a facial, then the bronzing. This entails getting ourselves spray-painted then a lotion rubbed in to fix the color even more in place. After that, we get a manicure and pedicure and then our hair done, ending with a cosmetic makeover.
The facial is real strange. They rub on this smelly mud mask then leave it to dry. It feels like my face is shrinking while this thing is on. After it’s dry, they wash it all off. My skin feels great afterwards–if a little tender.
After this comes the spray-on suntan.
Not really knowing what to expect, I decide just to go with the flow. It is weird: you stand with your legs and arms out and your eyes closed and they really use a spray gun on you. Then you move to an area under some heat lamps to dry off, then you go to the next station to get lotion rubbed in everywhere, and I do mean everywhere they painted.
Mom goes first, then Ellen, and then it’s my turn. I am really nervous about this as I really don’t want to be topless but figure that making a scene by putting my top on would be worse. So, I bite the bullet and when it’s my turn I just take off my robe, close my eyes and let them spray me.
I damn near jump out of my skin when I’m first sprayed. That spray is cold! It also feels real weird to have it done.
After being sprayed, I’m led to the drying booth. I keep my eyes closed because it feels like the spray is going to run into my eyes. As a result I am quite surprised when they start to rub the lotion into my skin and really surprised when I feel it being rubbed into my breasts. But it is all done in a quite professional manner and in no time at all, we are off to get our manicures and pedicures.
The manicure and pedicure are interesting and I now have perfectly shaped nails on my hands and feet colored a dusky rose. They’re quite pretty I think, especially with my new tan.
Just as soon as we we’re done, we’re led to the hair salon part. The hair stylist starts to recommend various looks and after thinking about it, I tell her that I’d like to keep as much length as possible but other than that I’ll leave the look entirely up to her. She is extremely pleased.
“Oh, sweetie, you’ll not be sorry. I’m going to make this a surprise so I’m just going to spin you around and no peeking now. Oh what fun.”
Now what did I just get myself into?
So my stylist, Pam, starts to prep me. She says she is going to add just a bit of color for highlights, but not to worry.
Soon she is tugging and doing lord knows what with my hair. She mixes up a real foul-smelling paste that she brushes on my hair. When she’s done doing that, I’m placed under a dryer to get everything to set.
I occasionally get glimpses of Mom and Ellen. After the hair dryer and a washing and conditioning, Mom comes over briefly to see me.
“So, Mom, what do you think? Does it look okay?”
“So far, so good, but you still have the styling to go. See you soon.”
At that point, Pam goes to work with her scissors and a straight razor. After about fifteen or twenty minutes, she’s done.
“Not bad, not bad if I do say so myself,” says Pam.
“Well, spin me around, let me see.”
“Hold on, your mother and sister are just finishing up and I want them to see it too.”
Very soon, Mom and Ellen come over and all I have to say is, “Wow!” They look great. In fact, they look more like sisters than mother and daughter. Now Mom really does not look her age. She’s thirty-eight and really looks–especially with her new haircut–about twenty-eight, maybe even younger. Now I realize I might be a bit prejudiced, but Mom has always kept herself in great shape and I’m really trying to not let my bias interfere.
Both Mom and Ellen have cuts that are very closely alike. They each also have had some highlights put into their hair, and well, they look great.
“Wow you two, you guys look super. You need to tell everyone that you’re sisters, not mother and daughter.”
“Thank you, honey.”
“Thanks, sis. You look fantastic. Wow yourself!”
“Okay, Pam, they’re here, let me look.”
“Okay, sweetie, tell me what you think,” and she spins me around.
Wow. I know I’ve been saying that a lot but...wow.
Pam starts to explain what she did. “Okay then, I did a light amount of layering here in the lower ends of the hair and kept the shortest layers chin length or better. Now the rest is styled to lie over the head with an angled center part, the ends are treated to give some definition and a hint of shape to the layers and the large soft curls create a bit of a tousled and ravished look that is, I think, both sultry and innocent–perfect for a young lady like yourself. But the biggest surprise here is in the almost-hidden splash of color in this, otherwise sable, mane of yours. I gave this blue-black hair a rich, aubergine rinse that literally makes it shine in a vibrant purple wherever the light strikes it.
“Well? What do you think?”
“I, I love it. It looks beautiful. Mom, what do you think?”
“I think it’s lovely. Pam, you did a wonderful job.”
“Thank you, and thank you, Alex. It’s not often I get to do this.”
With that done, we go over for the cosmetic makeover.
Having gone through all of this before, I won’t bore you with the details, but when we are done, Mom and Ellen make me promise not to look in a mirror until after we are dressed. Sighing, I reluctantly agree.
The big surprise here though, is having my ears pierced.
Jackie then escorts us back to our dressing room so we can get dressed and leave. I am surprised that it is now about four-thirty in the afternoon.
When we get back to the dressing room, Ellen pulls a blindfold out of her bag. “Here, Alex, you need to put this on.”
“Aw, Ellen! Enough games already.”
“Please oh please. Mom and I have been working on this since we first decided to do this. Your final look just has to be a surprise. Please.”
“Oh okay.” Grumbling, I reluctantly let her put the blindfold on me.
“Hey, watch the hair.”
“Don’t worry. Okay, Mom, get out the dress. Here, Alex, here’s your underwear.”
“Um, Ellen? This isn’t my underwear. I don’t have any that feels like this.”
“You do now. Now put them on.”
So I pull off my bikini bottoms and slip on the panties. They come a lot further up my hips and really hug me. Ellen then hands me a bra and I can tell this is a new one, too. It feels like it has lace on it to match the panties and it pushes things up and together a bit more and is cut a bit lower than what I am used to.
“Okay, Alex, arms up.” Mom and Ellen work the dress over my head and down. After having it adjusted a bit, someone zips me up.
“Now sit here.” I’m led to a chair and someone puts a necklace around my neck.
“Give me your foot.” Ellen then slips some heels on my feet–real high heels.
“Hey, what’s with the heels. I told you I didn’t want anything high and these must be at least six inches. I’ll never be able to walk.”
“Oh pooh, they’re only three inches and you need them for the dress. Now sit there nicely while Mom and I finish dressing.”
While waiting for them I am trying to figure out what they dressed me in. The dress comes to just above my knees and feels real nice. It has a bit of a v-neckline and no sleeves but wide straps. Blindfolded, that is about all I can tell.
Finally, Ellen says that I can stand and she leads me over to where the mirror is and says that I can now take off the blindfold.
You’d think that at this point that I would be used to being stunned by my appearance but I’m not. Looking back at me from the mirror is a beautiful girl. My makeup is perfect with a smoky look around the eyes. The necklace is a light strand of pearls and they match the pearl studs that are in my ears. The dress is a black silk v-neck tiered dress that comes to just above the knee and the shoes are beautiful black leather open-toed pumps.
The overall look is amazing. I’m a girl, a very pretty girl at that. I finally see that.
Ellen is grinning from ear to ear. Mom asks, “Well, honey, what do you think?”
Still in awe of what has been done to me, I say, “I’m beautiful, Mom, I’m really beautiful aren’t I?”
“Yes, sweetheart, you are.” She comes and puts her arms around me and Ellen lets out a loud, “Yippee!”
I’m trying real hard not to cry. It would be a shame to ruin this wonderful makeup.
I’m still in a bit of a daze after seeing the ‘new’ me. I finally get my crying under control and am extremely proud that nothing got smudged. Then I really notice Mom and Ellen.
They too, are dressed up. Both are wearing very similar black dresses that come to just above the knee and are completely sleeveless. They are also both wearing a strand of pearls with pearl studs. They look lovely and even more like they are sisters.
“You two are amazing. Did you plan on looking so much alike?”
Mom says, “Not really. Everything just happened that way. We did plan on all of us wearing the pearls and the little black dresses, but that’s the extent of it.”
“Well you’re both so beautiful. Now that we’re all dressed up, what now?”
“We’re going to meet your father over at the country club and make him buy us dinner.”
Ellen says, “We’re going to absolutely blow his mind when he sees us, too.”
We all start to grin at that.
When we get out front, we are escorted out to the atrium where we all have our pictures taken. I can’t wait to show Robbyn what I look like.
We finish up and gather our things. Mom settles up with Jackie. We all thank her and promise that we’ll be back.
Soon, we’re pulling up at the country club and I am being helped out of the car by the doorman. Blushing, I take his extended hand and being real careful to swing my legs out and not flash him, I let him help me.
Walking into the main foyer of the country club, we are a sight. Heads are turning in our direction as the three of us walk towards the lounge. We have to go slowly because I’m not quite used to the heels and that only accentuates my walk. Soon, both Mom and Ellen are putting a little something extra in their walks, too.
It is all the three of us can do not to start laughing. We enter the lounge and look around for Dad. Not seeing him, we make our way over to a table to wait.
Mom pulls out her cell phone to try to track Dad down and a waitress comes over to see what we want to drink. Mom and Ellen order white wine and I ask for a Shirley Temple.
Mom finally gets hold of Dad and says that he’ll be along in a few minutes.
The waitress arrives with our drinks and when Mom goes to pay, the waitress tells her that the gentlemen at the bar have already taken care of our bill.
Looking over where she indicates, we see a distinguished-looking gentleman about Dad’s age, maybe a bit older, and two men in their twenties who look like they could be his sons.
When they see us, they raise their drinks in salute and smile. All three of us start to giggle at this. The next thing we know, the older gentleman has come over to our table.
“Excuse me ladies, I was hoping that you three would be available to join myself and my sons for a drink and possibly dinner?”
I’m turning bright red, Ellen is giggling and Mom very elegantly says, “I’m sorry, we appreciate your offer but we’re expecting someone shortly.”
“Ah, well we figured that it was too good to be true. Three beautiful ladies such as you wouldn’t be unattached. Please enjoy your drinks. Goodnight.”
He turns and goes back to the bar and starts to talk to his sons. They keep looking over at our table and all three of us have to try hard to stifle the giggles.
Ellen says, “I can’t believe that happened. Oh, I know what we can do. Alex, move to that table there and we’ll surprise Dad with your new look.”
“I don’t know, sis.”
“Come on, it’ll be fun.”
“You and your games. Oh all right.”
So I pick up my stuff and move over to the table next to ours with my back to them. I sure hope Dad gets here soon.
Mom and Ellen go on with their conversation and are keeping a lookout for Dad. The next thing I know, one of that man’s sons is at my table.
“Excuse me. I know I’m being a bit forward, but I noticed that you’re not sitting with the others you came with and was wondering if you’d like some company.”
“Oh, ah no. Um, no thank you. You see, we’re going to be surprising my father with my new look. Um, he hasn’t seen me like this before.”
“Well, how about I help? He’ll have a more difficult time noticing you if you’re with someone.” With that, he sits down across from me.
I look over at Mom and Ellen and Ellen is trying real hard not to laugh. Mom is keeping a real close eye on this guy, so I feel a whole lot better.
“By the way, my name is Brandon Perrot. May I ask yours?”
“Oh, ah, my name is Alex, Alex Conners.”
“Alex? Short for Alexandra?”
“Um, yes. Ah, Perrot, that’s French isn’t it?”
“Yes, my parents were from France. My brother and I were born here, though. Did I understand correctly, are those your sisters at the other table?”
“Well, my sister and my Mom.”
“Your mother? Amazing. My brother and I are up here from school. Please tell me that you’re unattached and even better, go to UCLA?”
“Oh! Well, no I’m not attached. I’m–”
At that moment, I hear Ellen call out, “Daddy! Over here.”
“Sorry Brandon, I’ve got to keep an ear out for my cue.”
“I understand. I’ll just make small talk and gaze at you. That’s very easy to do, you’re quite beautiful. Did you know that? I’m sure you hear that all the time. That’s great news that you’re not attached. Perhaps there’s hope for me yet.”
Brandon is smiling and even I can tell that he is a good-looking guy. I really don’t know how to react to all of this attention and finally, I hear my Dad say, “You two look absolutely amazing. Two of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Where’s Alex?”
“Je vous remercie pour l’aide, Brandon, au revoir.”* I smile at him and the surprised look on his face makes me smile more, then I stand up and taking a deep breath I turn to face my Dad.
(*“Thank you for the help, Brandon, goodbye.”)
“Hey, Dad. Surprise.” Oh boy, do I have butterflies in my stomach.
Dad looks at me for a second and I can tell that he doesn’t recognize me at first. Then his eyes widen and his eyebrows go up. “Alex? Is that you?”
“Clean up pretty good, don’t you think?”
“Um, um,” and he looks over at Brandon.
“I’m Brandon Perrot, sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Brandon shakes my Father’s hand. “I was just helping Alex here with her little deception. Well if you’ll excuse me now. Alex, peut-áªtre plus tard?”* At that, Brandon takes my hand, kisses the back of it and leaves.
(*“Alex, maybe later on?”)
Mom is smiling and Ellen is saying softly, “Alex has a boyfriend, Alex has a boyfriend.” Dad just looks stunned.
“Well, Robert, what do you think?”
“Yeah, Daddy, doesn’t she look great?”
“Yes, yes h...she does. I take it all of you had fun today?”
“We did, but the girls and I are starving so let’s finish this conversation in the dining room.”
We head out of the lounge and I take a quick look back. Brandon raises his glass in salute and smiles. I give him a quick smile and walk out the door behind Ellen. Dad is giving me the strangest look.
We have a lovely dinner and when Mom and Dad order a bottle of wine to go with the meal, the waiter places a glass in front of me. Mom leans over and tells me that I can have just one glass and to take it easy.
I am really having a great time. I feel, really for the first time, that I am a beautiful girl. When Ellen and I go to the restroom to freshen up, I see a girl in the mirror, not a boy dressed as a girl.
After a lovely dessert, Mom announces that it has been too long since Dad took her dancing; therefore we are off to the dance club next door.
Before going over, Mom tells me, “Listen, if any of this gets too much, you just let us know and we’ll go home, okay?”
“Sure, Mom. This is going to be fun.”
“Not too much fun. Remember, you’re only fourteen. No more alcohol.”
“No worries, Mom.”
We go into the club and they don’t even ask for my ID. We make our way over to a small table and Mom immediately takes Dad out onto the dance floor. Ellen and I are laughing and really having a good time. Keeping my promise to Mom, I only order a soda. When Mom and Dad come back to the table, Dad grabs Ellen and takes her out for a dance.
I’ve always liked dancing and feel myself swaying to the music. Dad might be my Dad, but he is a good dancer and it is fun watching him and Ellen out on the floor.
After a bit, they come back to the table and Dad collapses in his chair saying, “You ladies are going to wear me out.”
I figure that Dad will rest up a bit and then it will be my turn. I am looking forward to dancing with my Dad as his daughter. This is turning into one of the best nights I’ve ever had.
After a bit, a slow song starts to play and Dad stands up. He reaches out and takes Mom’s hand and off they go. Oh well, maybe next dance.
Mom and Dad dance for a couple of songs, then Ellen says, “Come on, sis, let’s show them how it’s done.”
Smiling, Ellen and I go out on the floor and really have a blast. When they start to play a slow song, Ellen and I start to make our way back to the table. Just before we get there, Brandon steps up and asks me if I will dance with him.
Ellen says, “Go for it,” and winks at me. Not knowing how to refuse, I let him lead me out onto the floor.
This is the first dance I’ve ever had with a man. It is very different than with a girl. For one thing, Brandon is a big guy. He’s at least six foot four or five, so even though I’m just less than six feet in these heels, he still towers over me. He’s also very strong. I can feel the power when he holds me. I kinda feel all, oh I don’t know, I can’t explain it as I’ve never felt like this before.
For the entire dance, he is the perfect gentleman and when the music picks up again, he lets me go and doesn’t get grabby. We have one more slow dance together during which we continue our small talk and he continues to try to get my number. I keep putting him off and he is very gallant about it.
When Brandon escorts me back to the table, I notice my Dad watching us. The look on his face is hard to describe. He doesn’t look mad or anything, but I can tell that he isn’t really happy about something, either. Have I done something wrong?
I thank Brandon for the dance and tell him that perhaps we’ll see each other again but that I have to get home. I’m not feeling all that well, suddenly. When Ellen gets back to the table, I ask if she will take me home. That way Mom and Dad can continue on and have a date night.
Mom comes over and gives me a hug. “Night, honey, I hope you had a great time.”
“I did, Mom. Thank you so much for everything. It was super.”
“Good night, Dad.”
“Good night, Alex.”
“Nite, Daddy,” says Ellen.
“Good night, sweetheart.”
Once in the car, I can barely keep my eyes open. There is one thing that I have to do, though. Reaching down, I take off my heels.
“Oh god that feels good. I don’t know how you can wear these things all day long.”
“You’ll get used to it. So, you have fun?”
“Yeah, it’s been a great day. Thanks, Ellen. I really appreciate all you and Mom did for me today.”
“Hey, I enjoyed it. So what’s his name again?”
“Ah ha! So tell me.”
“‘What?’ she says. Tell me about Brandon, you ninny.”
“Not much to tell. You know about as much as I do. I saw you dancing with his brother.”
“His brother is quite nice, tell me what you thought of Brandon.”
“Oh, let’s see. We didn’t talk all that much. The music was much too loud. I did find out that he and his brother go to UCLA. He’s a business major and his dad is an investment banker. His mother passed away several years ago. That’s about all I know. Well, except he’s a pretty good dancer, too.”
“I’m surprised he didn’t get your number.”
“Oh he tried to, but geeze, I’m only fifteen and he’s twenty. He’s far too old for me. That, and I’m not sure I like guys–at least in that way.”
“Okay, you might change your mind, though, and a five year age difference isn’t bad, that’s what Mom and Dad’s are.”
I’m just kind of dozing when we finally pull into the drive. We get out and I go upstairs to shower and get ready for bed. I feel like a wet rag.
After brushing and braiding my hair, I crawl into bed. Laying there, I suddenly start to cry. I have no idea why I’m crying but I find that all of a sudden I am rather sad.
This is so weird, why am I like this? It’s probably just all the emotions being released after an emotionally-heavy day like today has been. I sure hope so.
Photo Credit: Ray Philson
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Thank You
I really needed this after reading Bike.
Uh .... oh .......
Sounds like Alex might have another period going on.
Oh Boy.
Oh as a woman who mostly appreciates her own team, though I do admit I find my 28 year old engineering team lead attractive ( cougar, cougar, cougar ;-) ), there is no reason why Alex can't explore whether s/he prefers women or men and that means s/he should go out with both before deciding instead of having the old cliche of suddenly preferring men just because you are genetically a girl. Now, the point of this is that I still think Alex is still male in his head at this point though he does appreciate his new appearance so that is why I think Alex's sexuality needs to be explored instead of railroaded.
I'm disapointed...
I'm disappointed in dad. He didn't dance with Alex. :-( That said, I suspect that as supportive as he is, like most dads will, he probably has trouble getting used to the idea that he has a daughter, not a son. *sighs* I'm sure mine is having that issue. (At least he's still talking to me!)
Interesting experience. I think I'd like a day like that some time... Sadly, not going to happen for a while (Can't do the hair that much, until I'm full time, including work.); I'm just lucky I can have long hair (see DL Photo in my recent blog...) while working!!! :-) I'll not get that "I'm beautiful" experience either. LOL, though I'd not be upset for that to happen. As was mentioned in another story, I too dreamed of looking as nice as Raquel Welch. :-)
Thanks for the story,
Ditto on dear old Daddy. Gonna have trouble accepting Alex as her. Idiot.
I'm with you,Portia,
'thanks again,Connie,this is such a sweet story.
I'm another who wished
I'm another who wished Alex's dad made the effort to dance with her, too. If he didn't notice her disappointment, then her mother should have explained while they were dancing again. Then again, she wasn't exactly observant for much of the early part of this story. Still, hoping Dad comes around, and looking forward to more chapters.
Her dad just dosen't understand
I'm glad that Alix got her ears pirced thats one thing that just about every girl has to have. I feel sorry for Alix hed dad totly ignored her just about all evening espicaly at the dance club no wonder she's crying. I think mom need to just lay it on the line for hin=m that for the summer Alix is his other daughter & should be treated as such no ifs ands, or buts about it & if he can't handle it there is the door & leave the keys to both cars & the house. I know he is having a hard time dealing with this change, & it takes a bit of time, but still he did say that he'll support her in every way posible well so far it dosen't seam so to me.
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Love Samantha Renee Heart
I feel relaxed just reading this chapter. I can't imagine how much more relaxed I'd be if I'd lived it.
I agree that it would have been nice to have Dad dance with Alex, but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. Who knows, maybe he's just not used to having a second daughter yet and he didn't even think about dancing with her.
Thank you for brightening my day,
I love this series.
This is easily one of my favorite stories. I think I will go back and reread the entire series. Please bring back Robbyn!? She is such a cool character.
Since so many have asked...
I can truthfully say that we have not seen the last of Robbyn. Now everyone bounce up and down while clapping your hands. :)
Luv and all that jazz,
*Bounces up and down whily clapping my hands*
Yay! :D
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
What a nice, relaxing episode. A nice day at the spa, a complete head-to-toe makeover, being chatted up and sisterly dancing.
As others have said, a nice antidote to Bike and Tainted Water.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
What a lovely chapter
this was Connie, Just the right way to start a new day, Catwalk Confidence is in my opinion one of the best stories of its kind around on BCTS, Well written and told at a nice pace, This is a story that just keeps on getting better as we journey through Alex's life.... Long may it continue...This is one story i don't want too finish anytime soon...
What a way to wake up in the morning
To read a comment as nice as this and as nice as everyones has been is just what I need to start my day off right.
Thank you so much.
Luv and hugs,
Catwalk Confidence - Part 24
Dad might be holding back because of Brandon.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
As to dad not dancing with her
She's 14 in his eyes in addition to have been thought until recent to be his son. Plus once he danced with mom he forgot about his younger daughter. Remember they all glamed up big-time at the spa, and mom is now the beauty she once was. Dad may have forgotten how lovely she was, not any longer. I predict another child on the way soon.
Note our heroine described herself as 15 but then with her unusual background, the hormones used on mom during pregnancy, she is physically upper teens in external appearance and maturity. That a college man, likely a sophmore or junior because he has declared a major, is attracted to her means she must look to an observer as upper teens, or at least 18. Jailbait she is not in Brandon's eyes and I donl;t think he's a pedophile, just a nice young man. And she doesn't exactly discourage him.
I agree, unless she faked illness to let mom and dad have some romance it sounds like menstruation or something to do with her cycle. We know she has ovaries and all, just not how well developed and she has no vaginal opening. Looks like she is about to bloom in all aspects including her sexallity.
I'd say a visit to the doctor or hospital is due ASAP.
As to boyfriends/girlfriends, he/she never was very sexually oriented, the proverbial late bloomer.
Given her reactions and background IHMO she's leaning towards being attracted to men but may have some attraction to women though much of that may be non-sexual attraction, IE she wants to be like a so called normal girl.
With luck the hormones did not render her infertile and she is a real GG girl with minor surgical help. We shall see. She would make a fine mother given her childhood. She would be very empathetic yet understand both boys and girls.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Yeah on Robbyn. Either her very best girl friend or a potential first love. More likely the girlfriend/sister type.
P.P.S. Likes how the spa day has awakened her to some of the sensations of her body. That may go a long way to her accepting she really is a woman whatever her eventual sexual preferences.
John in Wauwatosa
a nice day
i am jealous! I have to agree that Dad is having trouble, but i suspect he will start coming around. And i suspect we havent heard the last of this boy...
Just a quick comment!
To say how great your story is.
Lots more to happen yet, Dad, Robbyn, transitioning maybe, College, Brandon.
Thank you Connie!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
A great story so far....
... but this episode was somewhat spoiled by the overuse of the "covered mirror" trope. It's really becoming cliché in this story and that made me skip the entire salon scene.
I dearly wish there would be at least one story where the TG in question refuses to be treated like that and demands to be let watch, or breaks it off and leaves if refused. Seriously.
Maybe I'll have to find a way to write it into my story - when I get a chance to write again.
A classic scene
I guess it is symbolic in that it lets the recipient hope for the best that could possibly be brought out. And it's a symbol of trust, and maybe politeness, too. It actually offend some people, though others, say, vivacious, could just as easily say:
Well, if you want to see all the gruesome details so much who am I to stop you?
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Mirrors, covered and otherwise
I’m glad you’re enjoying the story so far and sorry that the whole ‘covered mirror’ scene has spoiled a bit of it for you.
I’ll admit that it does tend to get over played in some stories and in this story it has been used a number of times. However my use of it has been quite deliberate. Alex grew up believing herself a boy and was truly convinced of that. When Alex would look into a mirror, Alex saw a boy and NOT a girl so the revelation that ‘gee I’m not only a girl but a beautiful one’ needed to be brought home to Alex in a big way. Also I feel that given how Ellen is and for that matter Alex’s mom, this is exactly how they would act in that situation. Remember Alex did mentioned that (s)he was tired of all of Ellen's games.
Now I know it may sound silly, but it’s like my characters dictate the story and I don’t have anything but the most tenuous control over what happens. The times I’ve exerted my influence to take the story in a completely different direction has failed. I ended up getting bogged down and only was able to continue again when I resumed the original direction. If they lead me again to a mirror, well it may show up again. I hope not, but I'd not bet against it.
I know, I’m mad, mad as a hatter but I’m enjoying myself immensely.
Alex is so fortunate with the support she receives from Mom and Ellen.
Thanks, Connie: this was a thoroughly enjoyable installment.
Pleased Somehow
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