Teenage or High School

Magical Girl Assassination Squad: Chapter 3

Sam leaned against the wall and shook. What had he been thinking? He just fought two magical girls! By himself! In the air! He didn’t even know he had any weapons when he went up there! He was damn glad the guns appeared when he wanted something to fight with. Now, if he could just stop shaking. Then he could grab a taxi and head home.

“You did good,” a voice suddenly said startling Sam.

Sam spun around. He saw the cat sitting on a trash can. “You,” he said. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

The Roads Are Calling, or It's A Carnie Life: Part 10

Please note: Grooming, as I use the term here, does not refer to keeping oneself clean, but to someone picking up young folks, telling them that they can have a good life if they come along with them, then the kids end up being coerced into becoming either thieves or prostitutes.


I'm not sure why, but I was pretty wiped out after the fair had shut down on Sunday evening, and soon wandered off to my bed.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 100

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 100
A good barbecue. A new choker.
The dance competition.

On Friday we’d gone up to the resort for the barbecue, and on Saturday we were going to the dance competition near Taos. We were going to see Dibe dance in maybe her last competition.

But there was something else that was drawing me to the competition. What was it?

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 99

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 99
Cousin Ahiga. The Eagles. A hike.

The past few days have been crazy, Amy finally has her New Mexico Nursing license after a run in the someone from the licensing board. And some serious soul searching that included a visit with two Eagles, a meditation session at the bonfire, and a hike to the sacred place, where we both received new meteorites.

A trip to Taos turned interesting when we ran into Uncle Paul’s Cousin Ahiga at Mr. Yazzie’s shop as Mr. Yazzie was trading for another piece of my Great-Great-Grandfather Kilchii Nez’s silver pieces.

The two Eagles. Hmm. Were they local and just happened to find us? Or did our two feathered friends from back home follow us out here?

Stay Cat Ion

Stay Cat ion

by Jennifer Sue

It was Friday, June 22 during the end of season JV baseball game to determine the county championship. The score was 2 to 3 in favor of the other team. There was a man on first with 2 outs at the bottom of the last inning. The pressure was on. Kyle stood at the plate staring down the pitcher. The pitcher was clearly sweating as he kept wiping his brow. The first pitch was a ball. Kyle had almost swung at it. The next ball was a strike, a real whiffer. Kyle began sweating. Soon the count was 3 and 2. Kyle then whacked 3 foul balls. Everyone held their breath as the next pitch came in. As the pitcher wound up, Kyle took a deep breath. As the ball flew to the plate Kyle decided it was a perfect pitch. With every bit of his strength, he swung for the sixth time this at bat, exhaling sharply as he did so. The CRACK echoed through the ball field. The ball sailed high for the center field fence. All eyes were glued onto the ball.

At This Rate I'll Never Turn into a Girl! 3 [End]

The next morning I had a bit of a headache. I went to the bathroom and took some of my sister’s pain medication. For some reason, they came in a little foil pack with individual pills labeled with different days. Strange!

I showered, using Sarah’s body wash because I was out. As I applied it to my skin I felt a strange tingling! I checked the label to see that it had a special exfoliating formula.

Meagan's Tail ch1

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!




Saturday, July 9 2016
Palos Verdes, California

Meagan hopped the three steps down as she exited the small metro rail car, then took time to count her shopping bags to make sure she had them all and waved to her friends still on board, "See ya Monday at swim team practice!"

Racing Angels -chp 2

Racing Angels

Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what do you, do when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. Would do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One racecars then go for broke.

How I Spent My Summer Staycation

Copyright 2018 by Karen Lockhart

What I Did On My Summer Staycation

My father was an electrical engineer whose company did a lot of business with a company in Japan. This meant he made several trips a year to the company based just outside Tokyo.

After telling my mother and I stories about how nice it was there, he decided to take Mom there for two and a half months the remaining two weeks of June, and July and August. They made plans for my sister and me to stay home and my aunt would live here to watch over us for those two months.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 98

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 98
Breakfast with the Etsitty’s. Taos and Mr. Yazzie.

The past few days have been a roller coaster of emotions for Ajie and me. But more so Ajie, she had gotten the results from her nurse’s license test and had also received her Ohio Registered Nurse’s license. Then on Wednesday, she had a meeting with the Dr. Etsitty, Dean Milford, the Dean of the nursing school, and someone from the New Mexico Board of Nursing. The woman from the nursing board had been very nasty towards Amy. And Amy was ready to go back to Ohio. We’d taken a walk along the river and found two Eagles, or had they found us?

Ajie and I had gone to the resort and back to the sacred place to meditate. And Ajie received an answer to her problem. And we each came back with another meteorite. Chief Etsitty and his wife Vickie were at the barbecue, and we found out that the University, from the President down, had supported Ajie, and had gotten her, her New Mexico License. Ajie also told everyone that she had decided to stay in New Mexico.

Screams Like Eagle: Chapter 6

I stood there and stared at him as Simon Leapfoot the younger looked around the small community, then noticed that I was there.

There was grace and confidence in his every step, the man knew the world around him in ways that I didn't yet.

He stopped in front of me, noting my interest in him, and spoke, "I am Simon Leapfoot the younger, I'm looking to meet with Will Tinker."

I nodded at him, showing a weak smile as I said, "That would be me, Mr. Leapfoot," then waited to see what would happen.

Two Pack Tulsa Time: Chapter 3

I have no idea what happened at the conference that took place in the very back of the main room on the ground floor. I hadn't been invited to join them, and I had enough sense to know that trying to force my way into a meeting involving weres and vampires was downright stupid.

I spent a fair bit of the evening with Kelly-Lynne, Shaneel and Annalise, plus a few other girls, all of us snuggling close on the sofas.

To be honest, I haven't the faintest idea of what was on the big screen TVs above us, as I was too wrapped up in the conversation taking place.

At This Rate I'll Never Turn Into a Girl! 2

After my all my disappointments last week, I was sure that it was finally my time.

“I’m sorry, I think you’re a little too short to play Romeo,” the drama teacher told me. “Maybe try out for a different role.”

“I know. I’ll try out for Juliet! I’m sure I’ll make the perfect female love interest.”

The teacher looked at me strangely. “I was thinking something more… appropriate to your talents. Maybe Verona Citizen #1.” I was crushed, but I tried to remain firm. I could always try again next year!

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 97

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 97
How does he know these things?
The barbecue and …

Amy had had a real problem with the lady from the New Mexico Board of Nursing. She had treated Amy like she wasn’t a person let alone a nurse. Amy is so upset that she’d said that she wants to go back to Ohio. We took a walk along the Rio Grande River and had a long talk. Then we saw two Eagles. Did they find us?

Amy had decided to skip her classes on Thursday and go to the resort to relax. And leave it to Naainish, he’d shown up, and he and Ajie had a long talk. And on Friday, Ajie asked about going to the sacred place in the mountains. Uncle Paul had to check on the cabin, so the three of us headed to the mountains. As Ajie and I hiked to the sacred place, Uncle Paul did his work around the cabin. We sat, meditated, and I chanted. Just how do I do that? On the way back to the cabin, when we reached the spot where the first arrow was carved into the rock, we saw something …

Racing Angels -chp 1

Racing Angels

Webster’s dictionary defines Speed as the fallowing: the rate of change of position along a straight line with respect to time over a set distance. In other words, the quicker you can get from one place to another. The question is what do you, do when your family has spent the last two generations in search of ways to accomplish this goal faster and faster. Would do you do when the family business is the search for more Speed. For Robert ‘Robby’ McGuire the answer is easy. You grab your sister and strap on a pair of Formula One racecars then go for broke.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 41

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Four.
Or, "Autistic Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

Notes: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made. Not by me, anyway.

There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though, but there's a lot more in this one than usual because it was unavoidable. Still, lots of details are changed, so don't skip by familiar parts or you might miss something.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 96

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 96
What happened? The sacred place.

After the clan meeting in Window Rock, where Tahoma Etsitty was installed as the rightful Chief of the Azee'tsoh dine'é (The Big Medicine People clan), we’d spent the night at my Aunt Ginny’s house. Amy and I had spent the night in a hogan with amenities, like electric lights and a wood floor. That night, since it was the monsoon season, there had been a couple of thunderstorms roll through, Amy didn’t notice the second one. And that may have been because of what had happened during the first storm. She’d received a LONG foot massage.

We were back home on Monday morning, and Amy was back in her classes. Since she had received the results of her nurse’s license test and her Ohio Registered Nurse’s license, she was meeting with Dr. Etsitty and someone from the New Mexico Board of Nursing on Wednesday afternoon. When she finally got home from the meeting, she was depressed and wanted to go for a walk, so we went to the Rio Grande River to walk along the river. I’d asked her what was wrong, and her reply brought me to a dead stop.

The Roads Are Calling, or It's A Carnie Life: Part 9

The fair wound down on the following Saturday night, with the final visitors to the fair leaving just after midnight.

Dad had firmly but politely told off both Allison and I for not having gone to bed already, then said we had better get there rather quickly. As the simple thought of one of dad's 'punishments' is not something I look forward to experiencing, I was soon in our RV and in my bed.

The crowds had been no bigger over the last two days of the fair than they had been before. In fact, they might have been smaller.

Skirting the issue 10 86'ed

The rather fat guy, formerly muscle when he was in highschool twenty years ago, waved them thru before Melissa could speak.

Derek remembered the good old days. He was the man in highschool. Just after highschool he had gotten busted by the cops for some weed and it ruined his life. He, of course, blamed it entirely on the police. After all he was "the man".

QT the Cutie

QT the Cutie

Can you imagine the embarrassment of being named Quentin Tarantino Clarke? At least I don’t look like my face has melted. (Sorry, I know that’s going to offend someone!).

But what happens when someone decides that although my name is QT it sounds too much like Cutie? I can tell you ….. life begins to get very complicated. And then one of my friends is truly slick with Photoshop and the given task is to morph me with ….. wait and see. It’s just Life-changing.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 95

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 95
Aunt Ginny’s house. And back to Albuquerque.

On Saturday Ajie, Kelly, Larry, and I had spent time exploring Albuquerque, and we’d found things that Ajie and I hadn’t found. Then we had a nice dinner at Nunzio's Pizza and then the four of us watched the Sunset from the Sandia Crest.

On Sunday morning we took Kelly and Larry to the airport, and we said so long to them. Then we changed clothes and headed to Window Rock, Arizona and a meeting of the clan at the Tribal Council Chambers.

The meeting turned out as I knew it would. Tahoma Etsitty, the husband of Dr. Etsitty, who is Amy’s preceptor at the university, became the Chief of the Azee'tsoh dine'é (The Big Medicine People clan).

Now, back to our summer routine, or ...

Impetus Chapter 2


“Yeah, k’know, I just want to do everything I can to help our community!” the teenage girl said perkily, pouncing her foot up and down, her black and purple suit fitting snugly to her thin, lithe frame.

“I love you, Impetus!” someone shouted from the unwashed throng, fortunately held back by a barrier of police tape and news vans. Behind the mask, Adam held back a wince.

The Confession

“Hey, I have something to tell you… I’m sorry I didn’t mention this earlier. I really hope we can still be friends once you know… but if not and if you’re weirded out I can understand...”

“...I think I’m a girl.”

Ian laughed. “God, I thought that you were actually going to say something big there, Allie. You had me going for a little. I was genuinely nervous.”


This was not at all the reaction Allan—Allie to friends—was expecting.

“...uh, maybe you heard me wrong? I, uh, was coming out to you… y’know… as a girl?”

Isosceles Love Triangles Chapter 1


Warning: I haven’t touched this story since...maybe...2006 and there may be some issues with spelling (more so than most) and some scene shifts. I’m just trying to see if the story can be completed. It’s about two love triangles (or perhaps parallelograms?) that may end happily ever for one couple or for opposite members. I’m not too sure yet.

Back to School Haircut

This is a second person FtM story, I've been kinda intrigued with the idea of writing something in second person for a while. This is a heads up that this story is basically about the reader being turned into a boy and I figure that could be triggering to some people, especially trans women. There's no abuse, but just be careful and maybe give this one a miss if you think that might upset you. Otherwise, enjoy!

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 94

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 94
Window Rock and the clan meeting.

Friday had been fun with Kelly and Larry here. The first thing on the agenda was a visit to Mrs. Yanaba Cyl who was the weaver who’d made my white Biil dress. Ajie was looking for a Biil dress to wear to the meeting of The Big Medicine People Clan on Sunday. She found a gorgeous red Biil dress with a fancy black and white sawtooth pattern on it. Kelly also found an elegant long skirt and blouse.

Then Kelly and Larry had asked us to be the godparents to their baby, who could say no to that. The barbecue went smoothly. No surprise guests. I sat and meditated at the bonfire under a full Moon. And as Naainish had told me, there were no problems with my spirits and the Moon or spirits of the bonfire. I did tell Kelly and Larry that I felt that their son would do some amazing things during his lifetime.

On Saturday morning all four of us slept in. Amy and I were up first, followed in a short time by Kelly and Larry. And we decided to make frybread breakfast tacos for breakfast. And I think that our tacos get better every time we make them. Then again, maybe it’s sharing them with good friends.

The Roads Are Calling, or It's A Carnie Life: Part 8

I helped out with some of the dismantling of the rides and other items for about two hours before Dad told me to go to bed. Allison and I both grumbled about wanting to continue in helping them take everything down, but Dad said we needed to be on the road fairly early.

We argued about it for a few minutes, but the end result was more grumbling as Allison and I wandered off to our separate beds.

The Many Faces Go To War 8

“The Many Faces Go To War: Chapter 8”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Eight: Defiance

Notes: Started putting dates on these chapters where possible, it helps me keep track of where I am in the story. (Something I figured out when writing my original fiction.) Dates are provided by HP Lexicon's Order of the Phoenix calendar.


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