College / Twenties

Solomon's Test part 4

Solomon’s test part 4

Chapter 7: Talia’s transformation and Renee’s renaissance

Talia’s changes were both subtle and dramatic.

She was still wearing her EMT uniform, but she filled it out in a much more feminine manner. But to Lorraine, the biggest change was to her stance and demeanor. When Lorraine had seen her at the support group, the girl had seemed shrunk, drawn into herself as if permanently waiting for some blow to strike, or as if the psychological burden of being trans was physically crushing her.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 143

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 143
A list. Dinner and a talk. Hi Mom.
A walk along the Rio Grande.
Jackie, we lied to you. ~o~O~o~ Is Charlie okay with what we told Jackie? ~o~O~o~ A visit with the Eagles, and a gift.

Solomon's Test part 3

Solomon’s Test Part 3

Chapter 5: Transformation

Michael cried out, breaking the silence, and ending the hug Lorraine had been sharing with him.

“What’s happening?” Lorraine cried out.

“My arms ...the hair, look at them” Michael responded.

Lorraine looked, and she would later describe what she saw as like watching a timelapse film of a plant sprouting from the ground, but in reverse.

Because the hairs on Michael’s arms were shrinking.


Ethan couldn’t believe how he looked in the full-size mirror he was standing in front of. He was wearing a custom-made spandex leotard suit that had holographic flames on it. A matching tailcoat and three-inch heel court shoes and fishnet stockings.

He couldn’t believe how the prosthetic breast and padding gave him a nice female figure. His short hair had been replaced with a wig that was long and orange. The hair of the wig was full and came four inches past his shoulder. The make-up on his face was tasteful and artfully done.

Doorway to Amaru Meru Part 2

Part 2 of 8 of Doorway to Amaru Meru. I decided to post every other day instead of every third day. This complete novel is part of the January Reader’s Retention Contest. Enjoy.

Hit'n those notes... Chapter 1

Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction.

March 15th 9:18 PM
“…I think I'm ready now... Intoxicate me now with your lovin' now... I think I'm ready now...,” I sang into faded silence.

Solomon's Test part 1

Solomon’s Test


In a place that is not quite of our world two figures meet, and one begins to speak.

“Well, where have you been and what have you been up to?”

“Been here and there, poking around.”

“So what is it this time?”

“Been thinking. Once we did a wager that if you took everything away from a man, he’d be useless.”

“You lost that wager.”

Shadowsblade Extras: Ocean's Elvin

Shadowsblade Extras: Ocean's Elvin Written by Shadowsblade

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without.

Years pass and the group has fun...chasing prey!

An idea to start the new year with......





Las Vegas!

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 142

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 142
A problem. Please, Miss Nez, don’t do it again.
Charlie, you’re going!
Two conditions? Yes and no. ~o~O~o~ More rewrites. ~o~O~o~ Out of his league. ~o~O~o~ Charlie you need to listen.

Voyage Chapter 1: Fog at Sea

This story is my second story taking place in the Forgotten universe. I thought it would be fun to explore a time where the religion and superhumans were interconnected in a time not well explored in the superhero genre. Thus, while they are still superhumans, they are called Blessed during this time period and their abilities (superpowers) are called Blessings. However, I also decided to introduce a rather unknown aspect of Forgotten's history in this story. I had planned to introduce it Forgotten around the chapter 20 mark, but decided, why not here. Also, I'm aware that a large portion of the story is not written in the 18th-century style, nor do I actually take the time to write a British accent out. This is because I don't know how to. if I plan to rewrite it in the future, I will try to address these issues then, but for now, enjoy the story as is.

Alexa: The Next Adventures

Hi everyone, Debbie V here. As you may or may not know, Kris and I were very good friends, and we’d often share snippets of chapters for each other to look over, or sometimes just for fun. These snippets below are some of those that I felt deserved to be shared with the audience that loved her work so much. These are all her own words- I haven’t altered or added anything beyond a quick spellcheck. The stories are presented in rough chronological order and as such may overlap with previous ‘continuing adventures’.


Masks 21: Part 2

Part Two

"Good afternoon," said Energia, to the group gathered in the meeting room. "I'm here to give you some practical information on super costumes."

This time she was more at ease. Perhaps because the subject was more focused, as well as more familiar. Energia noted that two of The FX team members were in attendance.

Masks 21: Part 1

Masks XXI: The Musty Museum Murder Mystery


Rodford Edmiston

Part One

Energia was flying. There was no set pattern to her movements, and the only limitations were her physical ability to take the gee loads and wind speed, plus the occasional beep her earbud gave to notify Energia that she was nearing a boundary of the safe volume. Propelled and supported by graviton manipulation, she could pull turns which would have shredded an aerobatic plane. She performed a freeform dance in three dimensions, barely constrained by gravity or even inertia.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 141

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 141
The resort. A vigil. The Dean and more.
To the resort and a trip to the remote hogan. ~o~O~o~ We don't meditate, but sit a vigil. ~o~O~o~ Back at the university, and a meeting with the Dean. ~o~O~o~ There are two conditions?

Just Like Auntie - ep4

Just Like Auntie- ep4

DISCLAIMER: these events are not real, just stories

Looking back ep 1 will need a lot of editing.


I got to the office and tried opening the door. It was locked. I go to look through the office glass but instead find a note saying she had to go home because she was ill and to keep the uniform she gave me. Just my luck.
I was being picked up by my aunt and going back to her house again. So that saved me explaining everything to mum.

You’re My Bitch Now part 10

You’re My Bitch Now

Part 10

Rick had closed his eyes as he began to lick the girl’s toes, but he opened them again as he felt a tug on the collar. Looking up he saw Rhonda had passed the lead to the Asian girl who was pulling him towards her, She had spread her legs wide and he could see her pussy glistening in front of his eyes. She wrapped the lead around her fist and pulled his head right between her legs until his nose was touching her pussy.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 140

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 140
I’ve got to tell her the truth. An offer?
Los Alamos. Not another offer?
A letter from the Dean? Hmm. Am I in trouble? ~o~O~o~ Dr. Fontheim hits me with two things. ~o~O~o~ I let things slip. ~o~O~o~ So that's what it's for!

Trouble and Strife Chapter 5 and 6

Trouble and Strife

Chapter Five

Over the next two weeks, Shelley managed to get Charlie into a pair of panties on eight separate occasions. But he never managed to get his penis into her vagina before ejaculating. Naturally, Shelley played the role of poor, hard done by girlfriend to perfection as she celebrated every small victory and her husband’s ever-growing guilt. It was a Sunday evening, lying in bed together with Charlie's guilt at its highest when Shelley played the next card in her carefully stacked deck.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.2

Raven stops and wipes the sweat from her forehead. She felt uncomfortable wearing a bikini top while she was washing Mrs. Mercer’s car.
Originally, she had started washing the car in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, but after the shirt got wet and her bra underneath got wet, it became uncomfortable. Mrs. Mercer suggested that she might be more comfortable just wearing a bikini top while she washed the car.

Learning To Be A Mother Part 4 Final Chapter

Arabella was enjoying herself as they sailed down to Florida. Once her mom and dad explained what happened up on deck. She felt scared to sleep by herself the following night. So, she slept with Gina and Arnold.

The trip down to Florida was nice and Arabella loved it a lot. When they arrived in Florida, Gina and Arnold took Arabella sightseeing and to Disney World. Arabella had never been to somewhere so big before and stayed next to Gina and Arnold.

The Puppeteer: Revenge-broker - chapter 05


The Puppeteer-Revengebroker coverart.png
People go about their lives in their own way. Some believe the world is against them. Some believe the world is their's. But when your world has been destroyed, what would you do? What would you pay, to get some part of it back. What would you pay, to balance those scales?
At what price; love? Safety? Sanity? Justice? At what price; Revenge?
*Warning- Does contain hyper-violence*



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