Angharad's blog

Last of the transgender journey blogs (Guardian)

The last of Juliet Jacques' blogs about her transgender journey as posted on the Guardian website, in this she considers whether her surgery was worth it and reflects on her four year voyage of discovery.

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Cuba elects an openly tg person to local government.

This article is on the Guardian website and in the newspaper, the comments are interesting too, according to one commenter transsexuals just can't cope with reality - I was pleased to see they got shot down rather quickly.

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Busy Day

I have a busy day ahead of me, our cycling club has its AGM this morning and guess who's secretary? Hopefully, I've prepared for everything except the unexpected. So that's the morning fully occupied trying to take minutes and then make sense of them afterwards. I won't be in the tight skirt and blouse traditional of office wear - can't ride a bike in them.

Then, we usually go for a ride in the afternoon stopping for lunch at a pub.

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Finally got it up!

The dresser, what else did you think I meant? The piece of furniture I mentioned a week ago has finally come together, mainly through the help of my next door neighbour who provided the muscle to get the top cupboard onto the bottom. It took me much longer to clear the space and to clean and polish the dresser which is slightly more damaged than I'd first appreciated, it being twisted on its base slightly - it's not noticeable unless one is looking for it, though it does affect the way the doors shut on the bottom: something I can probably remedy - the doors that is.

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Looks like Armstrong is worse than we thought.

The evidence seems to be stacking up against the former champion cyclist, as a cheat and a serial doper, although anything Tyler Hamilton said I would dismiss as coming from the mouth of a real slime ball.

I suppose one has to view it in context, and many of the teams were doping or turned a blind eye to it; and if you wanted to beat the dopers, you had to dope too, because no one in authority would listen. It's no excuse, it's still cheating and should have no place in sport.

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Life's a bitch and then you cry.

Life is what happens in between making plans and actualising them. Families are collections of random lunatics the universe throws together because they share some genetic material, friends are people we like.

My daughter got married last week, she went with her partner to New York and they got spliced in Central park. I've seen some photos and it looked really nice. It also means I've not seen either of my children get married. They did it for all sorts of reasons, the trip to New York, but part of it, rightly or wrongly, I suspect is to avoid having to explain me.

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Chris Kluwe responds to anti gay marriage politician

Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe responds to anti gay marriage Maryland politician. The Guardian gives a link in the blog to the full letter, forthright doesn't quite do it justice.

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Sorry no bike tonight

Sorry nodded off in the chair and it's too late now. I also have a visitor and will be out tomorrow evening listening to a concert by the Cologne chamber philhamonia. No, I'm not off to Germany, they're coming here to Dorchester.

I'm off to bed, normal service will be resumed when I wake up, I hope (yawns).


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Pussy Riot

Few can be unaware of the events in Russia where a trio of young women have been arrested and tried for the most specious of charges. They have acknowledged and apologised to those who were offended by their demonstration in the cathedral which upset the primate of the Russian Orthodox church so much, but I suspect not because of what they did but because they dared to do it at all.

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Approaching 1800

When I sit down and think about it, it strikes me as completely absurd that I'm still writing a story which was intended to last a few episodes, and is now just about twenty away from 1800. Five years ago if someone had asked me if I'd be able to do another twenty episodes, I'd have been far from confident about saying I could - now, it's taken for granted I will - both by readers and I suppose myself, as well.

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