Angharad's blog

Transgender Latinas from Queens, NY.

This turned up on the Guardian website and I found it very sad. There are some links to reports and also some photos of the 'girls' working as prostitutes. Sometimes I think I need to count my blessings more often. The intolerance they have had or still receive is beyond my experience no wonder the health issues, substance abuse and other problems are so prevalent.

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Bike blog

Back in January 2011, I couldn't believe I'd written episode 1234 of Bike. I wondered if I'd get to 2345. Now I know the answer. Why? is probably best not asked. Astonishingly, there are one or two people still reading it - still, there's no accounting for taste.

My best wishes to all my readers and thank you for encouraging and supporting me this far. I'm not making any predictions about 3456 even I might have run out of ideas by then - or will I?



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Not writing tonight.

Sorry folks, Bonz is out and Whizz is refusing to dictate the story to me, so I'm not going to do a bike tonight. If the truth be told, I'm too tired to be arsed to think enough to write anything coherent.

Thanks for all the comments and kudos for my short story, 'let him wear a skirt then.'

Hopefully, normal service will resume tomorrow. If you're desperate for Bike, might suggest reading some back numbers, I've been doing so for a few weeks and apart from the typos and other mistakes, I've quite enjoyed the experience.

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Sorry folks, it's got too late for me to write tonight - fell asleep in the chair after doing a long bike ride today (long for me that is) with several climbs. I didn't sleep very well last night either, so hopefully, things will be back to normal tomorrow and Bonz can dictate the next exciting episode of Dormice in Space, or whatever it's called.


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150,000 thank yous

I nearly gave up on posting tonight having spent an hour or so trying to get on site. Still my readers, though perhaps not as numerous as some authors have, are important to me, so I tried one last time...

It appears I now have 150,000 kudos, as I'm not allowed to give them to myself, then they must be given by others. My thanks to all who have clicked on the little button at the end of my story postings. Thank you x 150,000, please continue clicking on them, it's the only way I know readers like my stuff, unless they choose to comment as well.

Hugs to all,


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Too tired to write tonight

Sorry, got home late from work then had over an hour on the phone with my needy friend just as I started writing. Too tired now, hope things will be better tomorrow but it looks like a heavy week. In fact, life looks heavy at the moment and still worried about my daughter who is not well.

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Bike - the future

It's coming to that time again when I ask what you, the reader, thinks about Bike, should it continue are you happy with the storyline and so forth. I'm disappointed that the number of reads is down as is the number of comments and kudos, but I accept some of that might be due to the recent hiccups with the site.

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Sorry, No Bike

Been on the phone to my needy friend, so no time to write tonight. I'm off to see my daughter tomorrow assuming I can traverse the flooding and survive the return journey, when a howling gale and more rain is forecast.

Life continues to shit all over me, and it appears I've been left off the list for helping with the TdF to add to my tale of woe. Assuming I survive my trip, I may do an episode tomorrow when I get home.

No Bike tonight

Sorry, life has prevented me doing Bike tonight, had a long phone call from my needy friend which sort of used up my evening, which on top of a 12 hour day has sort of left no energy for scribbles.

The same story in two different papers.

The Daily Wail does the usual dirty trick of using irrelevant material in a the tragic story of an astonishing accident, where a large Red Deer stag charged a group of people in a driveway and unfortunately badly injured one of them. A chance in a million. incident.

or in the Guardian:

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Sorry, can't do Bike tonight.

I have a visitor staying and sometimes real life and real people have to take precedence over my imaginary ones. We're going to Bath tomorrow, the city not the ablution, assuming the trains are running.

Normal service will, I hope, be returned tomorrow.



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