Angharad's blog

Computer is sorted

A local computer shop had the required power adapter for my HP laptop and it was competitively priced to those I'd seen advertised on the internet. Took me moments to fit and test. I'm glad I have the netbook as back up but it runs Word Perfect and I prefer Word, far less fiddly. So I'm back up and running, well limping along as usual.


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Those numbers

As a self confessed comments and kudos slut, I've reported the unusual figures my kudos totals show. Just now it was 164,164 so I've accumulated a few of them probably about one per hour I've spent writing and posting stories here and one or two other places. It's poor reward but all we get as authors here, so please give generously to all of us story tellers and wordsmiths.

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And the bride wore a white dress - so did the groom!

Despite threats from the officials at the Moscow registry office, the two turned up looking like twins, considering Moscow's very strong homophobia, this wasn't against the law. See link to Daily Wail below.

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Queen of the Mountains

I spent ages looking for this story of mine which had been wrongly attached to some other stuff, probably by me, and thus not obvious on my non-EAFOAB stories, so I've added a link for those who might have missed it. It was written nearly two years ago but I enjoyed reading it again.

For those who weren't aware of my stories other than Bike, I offer a link to them here.

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Too tired to write tonight

Sorry folks, but I worked late today and despite the best of intentions, I can't stay awake enough to do justice to the cast of Bike, who are like a family to me. The wretched computer system we're having to use is total rubbish and causing lots of wasted time because I'm not very good with it. I won't dwell on it but I spent two hours extra at work tonight trying to sort out the mess my clinics had developed into, for which I won't be paid.

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No Bike tonight

It was my son's funeral today. I didn't attend because I knew I'd not be welcome and might have said or done something. According to my ex, some dickhead of a Baptist minister did quite a religious service and didn't mention our family once. It's not just me who is non-religious, my son was as well. One of my daughter's friends told him so afterwards. Again good job I wasn't there or he might still be picking bits of the Old testament from a very tender place.

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Thank you all for your kindness.

Thank you all for the messages of condolence you've sent me after the death of my son. I have no idea if I'll be allowed to attend the funeral, not that it worries me that much, except it would have been nice to be with my ex and daughter to give them support. The reason I don't care about going is that it will be staged managed to show my daughter in law as the wronged, long suffering wife who is now a single parent. The fact that we believe she drove my son to suicide is probably another reason I keep away from her, I might not be answerable for my actions.

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In a strange place.

I'm in a strange place at the moment, sort of on autopilot. At lunchtime I received a call that put me there. My ex phoned to say my son was dead - he was 33. Apparently, he walked out of his camper van in the middle of the night and then jumped to his death from a motorway bridge. I don't know why. His wife will probably blame me, although I haven't spoken to him for four years, his choice not mine. I can't say I feel particularly sad, because I can't actually feel anything. I worked this afternoon as normal because I couldn't do anything else.

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Bike puncture

Hi folks, after such touching commentaries concerning Seven years of Bike (perhaps we could get John Williams to do the soundtrack?)I hate to say I probably won't write one tonight. Been a bit of a busy day driving up to Wales to take my ex to Cardiff to buy a new suite, cooking lunch for her(my suggestion)and then going to see my daughter and doing a ride with her in the afternoon. She's still not back to her old self so I really appreciated her giving her time and energy to indulge me a ride. Then driving back and sorting out two rapacious moggies.

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How time flies!

It's 28 years ago today that I officially started my transition and went into work in a grey two piece. In some ways it feels much less than that and in others, it seems centuries ago. During that time I've lost some good friends and also my mother and my aunt, who were both supportive of my decision.

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Blog from Le Tour.

I've just got home from the Arctic Circle, where Yorkshire is or thereabouts - actually, it's been mostly warm and sunny. We met up with Mads on Friday evening and went out for a carvery, where we remembered absent friends from last year and drank a toast to them.

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Bike and beyond

We're coming up to another centenary with Bike, and I'd like to check that I keep pedalling or should that be peddling? Assuming Erin is happy to continue to host the longest shaggy dog story in history.

I have to warn you that from Friday 4th for a few days postings might be erratic due to my visit to Yorkshire to the TdF and then having a visitor when I get home.

I see some of you noticed a new Charlotte's Tale, I intend doing something with PFH - TBK when I have a bit of time, so that's the next project.


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They get everywhere!

I've just been up to the training for the Tour de France volunteers in London and while I was waiting for it to start, we were sitting out in the sun drinking tea or coffee and on the next table to me was a transgender person. Honestly, you can't go anywhere these days...


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Trouble at net!

I worked a 12 hour day went to check my emails and found one from the TdF organisers about my training in a couple of weeks time. I clicked on the link and it reverted to one that was sent in March or February. I tried to write to them about it and my email provider logged me out, which it's been doing for sometime--one evening it logged me out ten times in as many minutes. I suspect as soon as the UK stages of the TdF are completed I'll be changing my ISP I've had enough. Anyone contemplating using Talktalk - don't, they are complete and utter crap.

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No Bike tonight

Sorry folks, been up in Lunnun all day as part of my training for the Tour de France (I'm not riding it, just helping to make it happen). Walked miles around the Olympic Park and didn't get home until late evening, so I'm afraid I'm too tired to do Bike tonight. Hopefully if I can wake myself up by tomorrow, I'll try and do the next exciting(yawn),thought provoking (duh!) episode of BCTS own long (winded?)running soap. I'm sure you can't wait.


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