Thank you all for the messages of condolence you've sent me after the death of my son. I have no idea if I'll be allowed to attend the funeral, not that it worries me that much, except it would have been nice to be with my ex and daughter to give them support. The reason I don't care about going is that it will be staged managed to show my daughter in law as the wronged, long suffering wife who is now a single parent. The fact that we believe she drove my son to suicide is probably another reason I keep away from her, I might not be answerable for my actions.
Back to things I can prove, the number of messages I received is astonishing and humbling. Thank you all for caring enough to write something as a comment or personal message. I hope to start writing again quite soon.
My best wishes to you all.

Much as I love your writing,
please take all the time that you need to be at peace within yourself.
You have given so much to all of us here.
It is we that are in your debt.
Me too.
Hear, hear. As much as I love your writing, please be good to yourself. I know nothing of his plight before he did it, and I would tend to cast a jaundiced eye at the wife also.
Please do not overly push yourself. Resume writing if and when you feel it will help you. Our lot can wait.
Much peace
Ang, you're welcome. I echo
Ang, you're welcome. I echo the others with write when you are ready. Just know that I am here if you need someone after all we are sisters and brothers here.
Take your time ...
It takes a while to return to some semblance of one's former self. So, don't rush it.
Yet, writing might also be carthatic.
So, do what you feel you should do, and we'll support youi as best we can.
You are loved by everyone here. Our hearts go out to you.
Red MacDonald
Angy; I know how would feel If I lost Any of my Boys 3 + 1 Stepson Thinking of Your feelings and missing your writing here Too! A Friend Richard
So relieved to see your words Angharad
Cause and effect don't really work in the case of the human heart so I just want you to be aware that you matter to far more people than you imagine who care that whatever you do next is right for you
Rhona McCloud
Please take all the time you need. Hopefully, your "relations" will behave like adults, not children.
You have my sincere wishes for speedy healing.
Totally agree
You take your time getting back to writing, we all can wait, you are the most important person here.
Please don't get caught up in the blame game or the machination of your daughter in law, you are far better than that.
I hope you find peace and calm soon.
On a purely selfish note, I am slowly catching up with the dormouse up to 1700 ish. Rona is well behind me as she is
writing now and doing a really great job! But has no time for reading.
Look after yourself
I read of your loss the same day you posted the information. It has taken me this long to try to come up with some measure of comfort to offer you but nothing I can think of would suffice. "Sorry for your loss" seems almost cliche but it's the best I can do.
Heal yourself first
Give yourself time to heal yourself first. Then try to deal with his wife and the others. I don't know how to deal with the drama part. BUT, do take care of yourself first!
So very sad he felt the need to take that action. Please take care of yourself and come to terms with his action that affects so many lives Hugs :-(