Angharad's blog

Intersex woman interviewed on BBC

Following the German legislation about intersex babies having the option of no sex recorded on the birth certificate, this intersex woman who is also a therapist calls for more legislation in Europe.

There is also a link to transgender people seeking election in Pakistan.


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No Bike - technical hitches

We have had a series of power cuts here, which after working a twelve hour day did little for my temper. It also caused the computer to go down three times. I am therefore not risking anything tonight. I hope to restore normal Bike service tomorrow. (This is what happens when you sell off all the utilities to foreign companies - idiot politicians, shoot the lot of them).



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Gulf States consider transgender ban

It would appear that the Gulf States Cooperative Council are considering a Kuwaiti proposal to carry out sex tests on immigrants wishing to work there with the intention of preventing entry by transgender people.

I do wonder if I came to the wrong planet because I was seeking one with intelligent life forms!

I wonder if you can spot my comment? (no prizes).

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Reader participation invited.

In a blatant attempt to double the number of my readers to four, and still basking in the afterglow of completing SNAFU - at least in its first version (I want to do a full edit when I have time)- I'm inviting readers to inform me which of my outstanding serials - not including Bike - they would like me to write another episode.

To refresh memories these are:

Charlotte's Tale.

Soldier of Misfortune.

PFH - The British Kid.

Totally Insane.

Or if you don't fancy any of those, a brand new short story.

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Fair wabbit

I had loads I could have done today, from mowing grass to doing laundry to riding my bike. I was too tired or lazy to do any of them. I didn't even get dressed but have sat about in my nightdress all day reading Snafu - I'd quite like to do another chapter of that if I can find the energy and I'm quite pleased with some of the earlier chapters.

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No Bike tonight

Life seems to be intent on stopping me from having any time to myself, which is when I write as well as sleep, eat and poo - okay, TMI. Tonight, after a second twelve hour day in succession, I had two long phone calls, the second from my needy friend and it's sucked all the energy from me.

Tomorrow evening, I shall be trying to get my act in gear enough to pack for the Gabicon, so I honestly don't know when I shall next have time to write and post the next episode of Bike, possibly not until after the weekend. So please have patience, even we superhumans have off days.

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Considering my future.

No one ever suggested that it was easy being a writer, though I always thought on BC it was easier than most places because of the friendly atmosphere. I'm not so sure anymore. I'm seriously thinking I might stop writing Bike, perhaps it's run its course - maybe I don't have anything to say anymore without apparently upsetting people, maybe I should just bow out and let someone else entertain people for nothing.

I'm still thinking about it. I won't withdraw my stuff as others have done but I might not post here again either.


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It's funny how stories emerge.

I don't believe in muses, writing is a cerebral thing and it's something I've always done. I've written Bike most days for the past six years to prove to myself it can be done without loads of drama, or special conditions - I just sit there for an hour/ ninety minutes and out pops the next episode. In some ways it's easier than writing from scratch because my characters are well established and I have plot lines I can continue or even pick up from a while back.

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Some more stories from the archives.

We're probably having more new material every day than ever before, so it's easy for earlier works to be forgotten. I asked Sephy to resurrect Stephanie's Deal as a retro-classic to remind readers who might have missed it before. I just finished reading Torey's 'Switching Playing Fields', and its sequel, 'On The Flip Side'; two stories with a lovely feelgood factor about them. I highly recommend them to those who haven't previously encountered them.

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More Bike?

We're approaching 2100 episodes of Bike and I thought I'd better ask the readers if they want me to continue. Bonz and Whizz have indicated they have no difficulties in continuing providing I give them a rise in the number of munchies they get to eat
- blackmailing little monsters.

Judging by the response to the recent birthday episode, I suspect this question is possibly rhetorical, but I feel I should ask it every now and again, just to make sure, and assuming that the management are also happy to continue finding space for my daily ramblings.


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Sorry, been out

Sorry, I'm entertaining a visitor and we went out for a long walk this evening - it was delightful, but by the time we got back I was late starting Bike and keep falling asleep as I try and write it. So rather than have you read a load of gobbledygook, I'll finish it tomorrow and post it.


Angharad & Bonzi.


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Sometimes it feels lonely

being one of the few intelligent life forms on this planet. Over the weekend I laboured in my garden removing an invasive species of plant, periwinkle, which forms matted roots which required me to use a mattock to get through. I took them to my back garden and tried to burn them. The fire smouldered all night, but didn't destroy half the pest. I'll finish the job tonight, thought I.

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Sorry no Bike tonight.

Been out watching hedgehogs in my garden then had to listen to an hour long phone call from my needy friend. It's been an exhausting week, culminating in my working twelve hours yesterday and Tuesday. I am knackered, though enjoyed the hedgehogs - have a family of four zipping round the garden.

Hopefully normal service will be resumed tomorrow.



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