Angharad's blog

Sorry, too late to write tonight.

Sorry folks, I was just starting to write tonight's bike and my needy friend rang - do I have to say more? She talks for England - she's lonely and anxious and I don't have the heart to tell her to go away I'm busy, but after a twelve hour day, I'm going to bed, I'm simply too tired to do Bike tonight. I have started the next 'Bonkers', so over the weekend I might get some more done, along with redoing the brakes on my bike, decorating, gardening, laundry, shopping, cook...


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Totally Insane

I recently reread this series and actually enjoyed it, forgetting half the stuff that was in it. I'm tempted to write another episode, even though the person it was written for seems to have vanished. Such is the nature of people with gender identity problems, though I hope she and her family are safe.

Why I'm blogging is, assuming I find the time, and an even bigger assumption - I can rekindle Kylie's innocence and charm - are any of you interested in me doing another one. In other words, would you lot read it?

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Sorry - No Bike tonight.

Sorry I've been distracted by my fridge turning up its compressor or whatever happens to deceased cooling units. I had to dash out an order a new one as well as cough up the readies to pay for it. Amazingly, my freezer is still working, so in that regard it could be worse, but the new one won't arrive until Sunday morning - so bang goes my lie in.

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Interesting but curious...

Since the death and resurrection of BC, my stories have received more hits but fewer kudos. I accept the extra hits might be multiples by the same reader through continuing tech problems, but curious as to why my kudos rate is down unless of course fewer readers consider my efforts worthy of kudos button.

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Countdown to 2000

With only ten more episodes to go to the 2000 I feel it incumbent upon me to ask the readers if they want me to continue this saga for a bit longer, assuming the indulgence of Erin and her pixies, in supporting the proposition.

Please let me know what you'd like me to do.



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No Bike tonight

Sorry folks, got watching part 1 of Labyrinth by Kate Mosse and the night just disappeared. Part 2 is tomorrow but I shall try to do Bike early or late. I have an early bike ride tomorrow and the clocks go forward overnight, so that's an hour off my beauty sleep - and believe me I need all the help I can get in the beauty department.

So apologies to my regular readers, will try to do better tomorrow.



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5 years and 52 weeks

It seems that today I've been posting stuff here for 5 years and 52 weeks - doesn't tempus simply just fugit? In that time I suppose I have posted a few things here, about ten zillion blogs, over two thousand episodes of serials and fifty odd short stories - odd being the operative phrase.

I hate to think how many hours I've spent writing for, posting on or reading stuff here but it must be thousands of hours. In return, I've received 104,149 Kudos from you, thousands of comments and made loads of friends.

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And some have stupidity thrust upon them...

I've always been a believer that much of the trouble we find ourselves in is influenced if not created by us. Okay, so I don't have much influence on the weather, the movement of celestial bodies or the government, but I do in regard to the things I do.

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Magical Number

A quick check on my account confirmed my suspicions. You lot have been very generous with your bestowing of kudos on me and my two feline helpmates - now before someone spoils it all by saying it was a sympathy vote - I can reveal that I now have the magic number of kudos in six figures, no not six kudos, but 100,000. Given that the kudos system didn't start until Bike was a couple of hundred episodes or more old, your generosity is overwhelming.

Thank you all for your generosity, if you keep it up I might yet write something worth reading.



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Book on Boulton & Park now published.

A new book on 'Fanny' and 'Stella' two young men who were arrested for being dressed as women created a sensation in Victorian England. This article by the Daily Wail is reasonably sympathetic and has some photos not in the book - how do I know? I received a copy from Amazon on Thursday.


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My daughter's recovery

The surgery went well and she seems to be more awake than I expected. My ex has been to see her and confirmed it. I hope the recovery will maintain this rapidity of rate, but at the same time accept some of this might be adrenalin.

Thank you all for your good wishes and kind thoughts, it's much appreciated. Now if only you could have a word with the man who controls the weather...

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Progress report on my daughter

My daughter is in hospital and goes down for surgery tomorrow morning. Her tumour is in C1/C2 so right at the top of her spine. As I can't do anything except worry, I shall go and see her at the weekend when I hope she'll be alert enough to at least recognise me or know that I came to see her.

She is very frightened and given the circumstances, I would be, too. In fact I am but from a sightly different perspective. I can't even send her flowers because that unit has a no flowers policy.

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It never rains but it snows!

My daughter has finally had an MRI scan. The good news - she doesn't have MS. The bad news - she has a tumour on the top of her spine which is causing the symptoms of muscle weakness, loss of coordination, tremor etc. She's on the urgent list for surgery at the University of Wales Hospital, Cardiff.

We have heavy snow forecast for tonight & tomorrow, so it looks as if I won't be able to get to see her this weekend.

Life's a bitch...

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No Bike tonight

I have spent most of the evening trying to buy something on line and I still haven't succeeded, it seems my card numbers don't upload to the site. I've tried two different computers and two cards and I am now so angry that I shall dream about how I am going to sere the eyeballs of their customer service department tomorrow morning before telling them I no longer want it unless they offer a bigger discount.

As I can't settle to write - likely to do something irrevocable to a character - I'm going to have an early night.

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Bad news for Christmas

My daughter hasn't been well for weeks, when the symptoms began to include muscle weakness and coordination problems my ex and I decided to speed up the referral to a consultant by going privately. My fears were confirmed when she received confident diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. We're still awaiting a confirmation by MRI and lumbar puncture.

So Christmas is a bit of an irrelevance this year.


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There's stupidity and there's downright evil.

It seems those lovely people, the Taliban, have murdered three polio vaccination workers in Pakistan, who were running innoculation programmes. How these stupid morons can behave so wickedly to people who are trying to save their lives and those of their children, completely defeats me.

On a separate note, there will be no Bike tonight, too tired and dealing with a family problem, probably be back tomorrow.

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