Guess what I was doing today?

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I had the day off and drove over the county border into Devon. The reason for my quest - see below.

The traffic was appalling with road works on a very narrow part of the road causing tailbacks, so my trip to Honiton, about 40 miles took well over an hour. Was it worth it? Judge for yourself.


Tour of Britain 2013, Honiton, Devon.

Third from the left is Mark Cavendish (white shirt), first from the right is (Sir)Bradley Wiggins (gold shirt), the over all race leader in the general classification.


Thanks for the Photo

I recognized Cav first thing. The little girl covering her ears (between the first and second bicycles) is really cute. Looks worthwhile to me. You can see a lot more on TV, but you can't match the excitement of being there.

Well, it didn't rain.

So, on the tour, this was one part of the road route? The gathering seem most pleased, especially the woman with the little girl in front of her. :)


I didn't need to guess!

I'll try to post this now for the second time.

I was watching it on the gogglebox, and I wondered if you, Beverley and/or cyclist might have put in an appearance without me knowing it. You were particularly in my mind, as I knew it was not a million miles form your own habitat.




I was involved over the last two days in a trans advisory group meeting and a related disciplinary interview. Ouch.

Tomorrow & Sunday

I'll be watching tomorrow either at Pirbright or on the Hoggs Back(near the Brewery) and on sunday East of Blackfriars. I'll be trying to take some pictures

The Hogs Back Brewery?

I assume you mean that noble establishment? On the north side of the A31 - on the Hog's Back?
I have enjoyed some lovely visits there in the past.

"The Cost of Living Does Not Appear To Have Affected Its Popularity"in most, but not all, instances

Men in shorts?

Ah, come on, sis! Women in shorts are much more pleasurable to watch! ;-)

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


Why am I not surprised...

Glad you found it worth your while.


Cav has his beady eye on you

Even behind those glasses he seems to be looking right at you. You weren't wearing the outfit again were you? ;)


You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.


Angharad's picture

You spotted it. Yep the HTC - Columbia.



Looks like you had a great day there, I hope you had no repeat of the toerag breaking you car window.