Angharad's blog

From today's Observer Magazine

This is the true story of a family which was totally devastated by the outcome of bullying on a son who might have been gay. I read it and wept, it is so sad. It involves suicide so please if this pushes your buttons don't read it.


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No Bike tonight

Sorry folks, but I've been out helping some friends lose a quiz - I expect we came last, but I had to leave before the end to catch my train. So it's a bit late to scribble an episode, I know I've said i could write them in my sleep, and it might appear if some were so authored, but they weren't as far as I can remember.

Hopefully, normal service(?) will be resumed tomorrow.



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'I slept with 1000 men'

Apparently, this self confessed 'sex-addict' confessed on national day time television that she'd had over a thousand male lovers, then revealed she'd had a sex change.

She apparently wanted to do a photoshoot with the Sun. Attention seeking or what? Voice was quite good though.

Sadder than any character I could dream up in my stories.

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Adam Sandler's latest movie

The movie gets panned, deservedly so, a drag queen without the refinements? Does anything go in comedy, or just women? Some do it better, some worse.

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Principal Boy / Bike

My original idea was to write a longer piece but I decided that you'd all be bored with it after a few pages, so I stopped where I did.

Female intuition leads me to suspect one or two of you might like a bit more of this, so when I have a few minutes I'll possibly do a second installment but that will be it.

I see we're coming up to sixteen hundred episodes of Bike, do I presume the regulars want me to continue with that as well?

So do let me know on both of these if you would.

Angharad & the >^^< team.

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Problems in posting

For the past three nights I've had problems accessing or uploading Bike to the site - it took four goes last night and then I lost connection so couldn't do the continuity link. It seems ironic that because of the numbers of readers, the authors can't actually post stuff. I may have to rethink when I post or browse the site.

This isn't a criticism of the management because it's outside their control, but I do wonder why we're suddenly so popular apart from the genius of the writers and the friendliness of the site owner. I hope there's nothing sinister going on as well.


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J Edgar Hoover

A very interesting story about a strange and complex man whose talent for double dealing and perfidy knew no bounds yet who seemed to persecute those who shared his sexual proclivities to avoid attention to his own. A thoroughly wicked person, and not one mention of vacuum cleaners - unless one relates it to Tricky Dicky's comment!

I'm sure this isn't news to our readers in America, I suppose it isn't to me either, except in the amount to which his corruption permeated the US government. As one psychiatrist said, Hoover would have made a first rate Nazi.

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Happy New Year

A Happy New Year to both my readers. I don't do resolutions these days, the only one I've ever kept was not to make any more. However, I intend to finish Snafu and Whatever Next, do some more Charlotte and Bonkers and the occasional short. I'd like to do a whodunnit sometime as that requires a different sort of writing, and may or may not be tg.

So from Bonzi, Whizzo and yours truly, a healthy and happy 2012.


Don't forget, comments are what keep the writers writing.

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Beyond belief

No wonder the bosses of banks get away with huge bonuses - those lower down the food chain seem rather dim.

The story in yesterday's Daily Wail is astonishing, it should have been in the Fortean Times,
how a preop transsexual impersonated glamour model Katie Price and stole from her bank.

At least they used correct pronouns. The same story on the BBC makes no mention of her gender status.

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Bike research

In the interests of accuracy, historical and otherwise, I mounted an expedition to the uncharted wastes of Hampshire yesterday. Bonz had offered to come as bodyguard until he realised where I was going, when he suddenly discovered he had an urgent appointment at the mouse agents. Whizzo was busy with the washing up, so I had to go alone.

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I have a rather unusual problem.

I have a house full of booze, very little of which I've bought myself. The problem is that it takes up space, which I'd like just as space or so I can reuse for other things - like books. I have even more books than bottles, possibly more than a small library.

The wine and lager has been accumulated over the months and years from patients who've wanted to thank me for seeing them, or as a Christmas box and so on. But I drink very little alcohol, I drive most days so won't risk it, compared to masses of tea.

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Genderswitching to reinvent classic novels.

A bit of nonsense from the Guardian which I think is art imitating art, it was done here long since. See the link below to read it yourself including a passage of Shirley Holmes and Dr Jane Watson.


PS. I seem to have over 50,000 of those kudo things, will I need a bigger house if I get any more?

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More than just a writer of endless serials.

I seem to be classified primarily as a writer of transsexual serials, and it's true I have one or two on the go, including one which is probably the longest TG story in existence and still going strong.

I do also write short stories and they're not all about people changing sex, some simply like to cross-dress. I've also contributed drabbles and poetry/doggerel.

For those who think I just write endless serials about neurotic women, try the links below - I hope it will change your mind. Do I have a favourite? 'Yes, Interview with a Vamp.'

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Amazing photo of Andrej Pejic

The Observer magazine has done a photo shoot of mainly gay icons. The cover has one of Pejic dressed like a bride, but the collection in the link shows an amazing one of him with a python or boa constrictor - it certainly isn't a snake in the grass. There's also one of Chaz Bono.

See what you think.


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Not another bloody birthday!

Where has the past year gone? I don't feel any older - can I demand a recount?

Had my hair cut, bought myself a birthday cake - an apple and custard turnover, which I shall have for elevenses. Watch the rugby between Wales and Australia this afternoon and go and see my daughter and my ex tomorrow.

Could be worse, it was last year, it snowed.


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Bike 1544

Sorry folks - just run out of time to post this tonight. Got home late, been distracted by various things including a friend phoning at 11.00pm. Will try to make sure I do one tomorrow. Bonzi is nodding.

I have to go to bed - I'm very tired.

Hugs to all,



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Charlotte's Tale

I've been re-reading this series and wondered if there'd be any interest in me doing another episode. The reason I haven't for a long time is that I find it harder to write than my other series, in places it's a bit intense emotionally.

Anyway, if there's enough interest I'll think about writing some more.


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Snoring dormouse clip


A link via the Daily Wail of a dormouse who seems to have gone into torpor or early hibernation in a nest box. I don't believe it's hibernating, they usually do so in nests in the ground, it's far too vulnerable in a nestbox, so I hope they removed it to a safe place.

Anyway the clip is fun although the camera didn't appear to get the sound.


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Whatever Next 29

I've just sent the latest chapter of this version of the saga to Maddy, who will doubtless post it in the next week or so. I'm intending to wrap this book up in the next few chapters hopefully resolving the Meadows question as I go along, otherwise we could end up with a four book trilogy - duh!

I'll do a link when it's posted.


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Poignancy of a picture

You might have seen the photo that Jodi Bieber took of Bibi Aisha, if not then do look at the one in the link below. Bibi is an Afghan girl who left her husband and he followed her and cut off her nose and ears. It sounds barbaric, which it is, but the photo conveys a woman who has an inner serenity despite her mutilation.

She now lives in NY city, so possibly might have some sort of plastic surgery eventually. If we tend to feel dissatisfaction with our physical appearance, imagine what she goes through every time she looks in a mirror.

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