Angharad's blog

From the Observer - a review of Gardenia

I'd never heard of this before or the work it's derived from, but might be of interest to some here who are more cultured than I (arguably a pot of yoghurt is). There is some strong language in character's names but hey, it's avant-garde (French for doesn't suit all tastes).


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Corrective Rape in S. Africa

I really don't understand how some men think that raping a lesbian is going to 'cure' them. Surely, any effect it has is going to put them off being near men for life?

It still seems to be happening and on almost epidemic scale in South Africa, and the response of the police appears to have been less than helpful in many cases.

This from the BBC website:

Please keep any comments resonable.


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Type II Diabetes linked to fast food

Okay, it's stating the obvious but the evidence hasn't been clear before. As this affects several people who use this site, thought I'd post this link. The interesting thing is that going on a crash diet for a week (600 calories or less per day) apparently cures it.


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The way I see it.

Is it just me, or do we live in a society which is driven by shallowness and selfishness, powered by a media which has a constant need for stories — whatever their merit. We are no longer citizens but consumers — and boy, can we consume.

We’re stripping the planet of its resources faster than a swarm of seven billion locusts in our selfish and conspicuous consumption and possibly storing up a payback which will endanger if not destroy our successors.

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Cycling in a short skirt a road hazard?

A Guardian bike blog reporting that a dutch model was pulled over by a NYPD officer for cycling in a short skirt. Given that cyclists are booked for not cycling in bike lanes even when there are obstructions tends to show some inconsistency in policing.

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Interesting people in Tudor England.

People have always managed to kill or injure themselves in inventive ways, even if the invention was unintended. The link to the attached article on the BBC website gives a few examples from Tudor England - including someone who shot himself in the head with a longbow; someone who was indirectly killed by a maypole and someone who died after their testicles were crushed during 'Christenmas games,' bet that hurt.


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An experiment too far.

I knew nothing about this until today, although I did know about the Afro-American experiments which were disgraceful--this is breathtakingly disgusting, and to think the nation running these experiments fought against Nazis like Dr Mengele.


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The forgotten victims of Irish double standards.

Thousands of women and girls were incarcerated in Magdalene laundries and the Irish government seems unwilling to apologise and compensate the remaining surviving victims. Given the recent scandals of the scale of child abuse there, this is yet another except it concerns only women and girls--which might explain why nothing is being done to compensate them.


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I see I have 30,000 of them there kudos

Not entirely sure what that means other than thirty thousand fingers hit the button on the end of my postings. Okay, so that's just a week's postings from me - I'm only joking, Erin, it's actually two weeks :)

Anyway, I presume one or two have enjoyed my contributions and said so: for which many thanks. Thanks also to Erin and her team for their continued indulgence of my verbal diarrhoea. Sometimes it is hard to give up and hour or two every night to post my ramblings and I do like to write other suff as well.

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It's a boy girl thing.

Ths film is on BBC iplayer at the moment for those who can access it and those who like body swap stories - about a boy and a girl who hate each others guts but end up in each other's bodies.

It's American but Sharon Osbourne has a part in it!


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Declining numbers of female births in India

It appears for socio-culural reasons, many Indians find the idea of having girl babies unpalatable and these foetuses are being destroyed before birth by abortion.

Now I know abortion is a hot topic, especially in the US, and I admit being a well meaning Guardian reader, I'm pro-choice - but I find this practice abhorrent - and extremely short sighted as eventually, there will be a shortage of women for men to marry.

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Hope all our readers in Missouri are okay

I see from the BBC news that 89 people are believed killed or injured in storms in Missouri and the footage they showed was horrendous.

My commiserations to any readers who live or have friends and family in that part of the world, I hope they're all safe.


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Bike 20.5.11

Sorry folks - I've been editing something for someone for the past hour and found I deleted it. Before I do something even more stupid - I'm going to bed, which means I don't have time to do a Bike tonight. I'll do one tomorrow before I write anything else - promise.

Hugs & apologies,



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PFH - The British Kid

It seems one or two of you like this, and as it's had a few reads and a couple of Kudos, I'll continue it for a bit, perhaps two more episodes, while Melanie writes her next one.

I've used some of her characters though I haven't worked entirely to canon as you'll see in part two, which I'm working on as I have time.

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Bike Archive

I never fail to be amazed how someone could want to archive anything I wrote unless they were doing some sort of study on compulsions or classic lunacy. That someone could keep it up to date--it does involve a lot of effort--then create a map site and keep that up to date as well--I'm absolutely staggered. I'm also grateful although my thanks seem somewhat inadequate in comparison.

Thanks to PS and Ben for doing this, I know many readers find it an easier way to read such a long saga, so on their behalf, I thank you also.

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Bike 14.5.11

Apologies for no Bike tonight - didn't get home until after 11.30pm and am too tired to write, hope to do better tomorrow.

As per the previous blog about what to wear to the CTC AGM dinner - I went with my Jaques Vert dress (cream, green and black flowers on a cream background), a short sleeved black cardi with glittery bits and black courts.

I also had an attack of IBS and spent half the evenng in the loo -which doesn't help my energy levels.

So, hopefully tomorrow I will bore you some more with tales of the Cameron clan.

Hugs to all,


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Troubles with choice

I found out this morning that I have to go to a formal (dress code is: smart) dinner on Saturday evening, so I made an appointment to get my unruly tresses tamed (sounds better than getting a haircut) first thing on Saturday - my hair won't be tidy, it never is - it's very fine and flies about like tissue paper in the slightest draught.

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'Corrective Rape'

The term Corrective Rape is one applied to the brutal sexual assault and rape of lesbians, gay and transgender people by thugs usually young men. It is purported to teach them a lesson but frequently leaves them devastated or even dead. It is a hate crime of the first order, and seems to be on the increase.

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Louisiana - crimes against nature - sex offenders.

I happened across this article on the Huffington Post, which has reference to transgender as well as biological women being labelled as sex offenders, possibly for life , because they had unnatural sex - ie they had oral or anal sex for money.

The article claims that black women and transgender people were being targeted by the police. It's worth reading even if it does show the authorities have a mediaeval approach to life - this is what the police do when they're not out hunting witches one supposes.

See for yourselves.

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Guardian: 'Homophobic attacks increase in London'

While we feel life is becoming more tolerant - could we be labouring under a misapprehension. West London seems to be having an upsurge of attacks on gay men.

Why people can't live in peace, I'll never understand.


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Soldier of Missfortune

It's taken me hours to sort out a suitable picture to go with the caption. Today's part two is a bonus episode - was literally waiting for paint to dry - it's true, honestly. Anyway, don't expect two episodes of stuff every day--this is very much a one off(or should that be two off?).

The plot is working up nicely, so I hope you enjoy. Comments are appreciated.


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France's oldest TS turns out to be a Brit.

The Daily Wail does it again. Apparently this one wrote a book about herself, so is I suppose fair game. I wouldnt have thought 60 was that old - or is that all about personal perspective - the closer you get the younger it seems?

Comments are the usual unhelpful sort, but there seems to be some effort to ger pronouns right.

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Conference Cancelled

According to the transgender blog in The Guardian, trans-activists caused a conference to be cancelled because they felt it was unrepresentative and that two of the speakers were either anti or unsympathetic to 'the cause'.

I'm not sure what I feel, other than it seems to prove that modern technology can effect change and that the opinions of minorities can be made louder than they otherwise might, especially in the past.

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