A quick check on my account confirmed my suspicions. You lot have been very generous with your bestowing of kudos on me and my two feline helpmates - now before someone spoils it all by saying it was a sympathy vote - I can reveal that I now have the magic number of kudos in six figures, no not six kudos, but 100,000. Given that the kudos system didn't start until Bike was a couple of hundred episodes or more old, your generosity is overwhelming.
Thank you all for your generosity, if you keep it up I might yet write something worth reading.

oh stop...
Ang you have produced a work which goes beyond all scope. You have many fans, and I am definitely one. Now if I could just catch up. Way behind smiles, Jenn.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
I love Bike, but I'm
I love Bike, but I'm extreemly behind part like 100ish somewhere, lost deep in my reading material.
Click Me!
Become a Patron!
Have a mew of a day!
They're well earned!
Your kudos don't just come from Bike (though, I'm sure it produces a preponderance of them). Your other fiction is at least (if not more) worthy! That you have so many is a blessing upon us, as you've shared so much of your time and talent with us.
Thank you,
Do You Realize ...
... how far 100,000 kudos extend when lined up end to end? Ans: Second star on the right, straight on 'till morning. What great trips and short journeys you have taken us on. Take care of them, they are gentle creatures.
Many Thanks...
to you, Angharad. Your long-running saga of Easier Than Falling Off A Bike has been a feature of my daily activities for years. I thank you for this wonderful story, and look forward to many years of its continuation.
Red MacDonald
Now if only there were a way
Now if only there were a way to trade in Kudos for something useful, kitty treats, for example!
Well done, Ang, Bonzi, and Izzy!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}