
I've spent nearly a third of my life on BC

So, according to my account page I've been on here 7 years 10 months.

Next month I turn 28. So, let's say 28 years old and 8 of those years have been spent as a member of the site. I'll also be honest and say that, of the time I've been a member of the site, I've stayed logged on pretty much constantly, at least during the times I've even had a computer to log on WITH.

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When IS the last time anyone heard from Ellen Hayes?

I got a very nice comment from her back when I was posting the Little by Little stuff (though I think I lost her respect in the PMs that followed,) and the last Tuck note says that a new chapter SHOULD have been out last September.


Does anybody keep up with her, and know if she is doing okay? Seeing more of the story would be nice, too, but just knowing she hasn't dropped off the face of the earth takes precedence.

Melanie E.

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By Melanie E.

This is just something that popped into my head while I was trying to fall asleep. I hope a few people here enjoy it.

The caution is only due to a fairly subdued reference, but I still felt it better to have the caution than to leave it out.


Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 11 (The End)

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Part 11: A Princess Goes Home

This part is dedicated to the memory of Wren Phoenix, Edeyn Blackeney, and Stanman. All three were very supportive of the story, and I'm incredibly sorry that they are not here to celebrate its completion with us.


The last day before a major break starts is always a hectic one. What do you take with you? What do you leave?

For me, that question had another layer: do I pack for Becky, or for Beck?

Choices, choices, choices

I bet most people thought the end of Princess For Hire would never come, huh? I bet you were all thinking it was just another piece of abandoned writing on the site, left to forever linger on the cusp of a conclusion.

It wouldn't surprise me. Heck, I've got a LOT of unfinished stuff here. Hence, what I'm about to ask:

Which one of my old stories should I finish next?

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Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 10

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Part 10: Princess On Parade


Even after spending nearly eight months as a Princess the idea of riding through the middle of Persistence in a dress had me scared to death.

How Soon Is Too Soon?

So... inspiration!

I haven't had enough of this lately, but it seems to be in ample supply at the moment, and barring anything horrible happening within the next 24 hours I'm well on track to have the NEXT part of PFH ready to post either some time this afternoon, or tomorrow.

The question, then, is this: do you WANT me to go ahead and post it? Or, would you rather I wait until I finish the story?

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Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 9

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Part 9: A Princess At Odds



It's funny how something can be right there in front of you, staring you in the face, and you can still ignore it somehow until someone points it out.



I know I have it better than most.

I'm not starving. I'm not on the verge of being homeless, at least, not any mor so than any other poverty-level individual in our current economy. I'm not under any particularly large amount of stress at the moment.

So why do I still feel so worthless?

I've been trying, I really have. Trying to dedicate myself to self improvement, or to projects I've committed myself to, but... I just....

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84 Months In Default

That's where my student loans are sitting right now, with a total value of 3,184 dollars and a handful of cents. On the plus side, this is down from the near 10k I owed previously. On the downside, after having spent the day calling the various offices and figuring out what, if any, help I could get, the general consensus is that after so long they have little in the way of leniency for my debt, so forgiveness and/or lowered values are pretty much off the table.

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A Quick Question

I'm thinking about trying to write a story for the Back To School competition, but all the responses to my idea for a PFH short and whether it would fit the rules basically came back "Sure! If you change everything you planned to do and write a completely different story that has nothing in common with your original idea."

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Editors Untie! No, wait.... Editors Unite!

The site's been seeing a lot of requests for editors lately for stories, and I for one have to say that's a GREAT thing. It shows that more and more of our posters here are showing dedication to producing good quality work, and the site improves as a result.

The problem is FINDING editors. Whether it's just that they tend to be picky, busy, or nervous about offering to help non-established writers, a lot of times the editor request threads don't get a tremendous amount of response.


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Editors Are Awesome

We here in the Closet don't often give our editors the credit they deserve publicly, and that's something that I'm hoping to correct here, not only because I feel she deserves it, but also because I think that there are a few of you who might appreciate how her work has helped me.

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A question for our UK/EU members concerning electronics

I was reading up about obsolete electronics today, as I am wont to do, when I started looking into SCART connections. It specifies that these were primarily a European thing, and I've honestly never seen one in the US, but reading about them it's obvious they had superior video quality to anything available here in the US prior to component, though for the life of me I can't seem to find information on WHY they didn't pick up in the US.

So, anybody know why? I'd like to know, if just to sate my curiosity.

Melanie E.

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Whoo, what a slog this has been so far! Nevertheless, I'm only about 10 pages away from finishing Part 1 of the revamped "Oh, Cheers," or "Phoenix Soars!" as it will be called in its final Kindle release.

What started out as a 42k 3 part story is already at 33k so far, and diverging greatly from the source material. I'm literally at a point where, for parts 2 and 3, I'll be going through and making notes of a few key parts I want to keep, but for the most part both parts (as opposed to my initial plan for just part 3) will be almost entirely new material.

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Book Cover

I'm in the final stages of prepping my collective book for sending to Katie to make sure it'll work as a Kindle eBook. In fact, give me another hour and the final rewrite of the final story will be complete!

On the other hand, there is one thing I need for it that I still don't have yet...

The cover.

I've decided on the title "Josie's Con Stories And Other Tales," but the cover design I want for it is based on "The Voice On The Line," consisting of a bouquet of yellow roses lying on a set of steps next to a cane.

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