
A Darker Shade Of Red

A Darker Shade Of Red

By Melanie E.

A note of caution: this is a much, MUCH MUCH, darker piece than I typically write. I may even take it down eventually, and I'm definitely not linking it to the rest of my stories. So, be forewarned.

Stories For Transgendered Teens

I was reading a blog post earlier wherein one of the commenters mentioned that this site is not appropriate for teens.

She's right. That's why we have the age warning on the very first page after typing in the address, after all.

But, how hard would it be to do something that WAS specifically for transgendered teens?

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Awkward Moments In Gender Presentation

I'm sure that nearly everyone here is familiar with the uncomfortable feeling of having to put up with your gender presentation and physical sex not matching exactly at one point or another. For me, it's a problem I used to have a lot.

Then I got fat again.

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Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 8

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Part 8: The Littlest Princess



I had thought my experiences in the Princess Program had prepared me for anything.

I had thought that, surely, there was nothing that could challenge a mind that had wrapped itself around the concept of gender being mutable.

I was wrong.

Inspiration! Precipitation! Perspiration!

It's here, it's here!

You know that next part of Princess For Hire: The Second Semester that I promised, like, months ago?

It's finally written!

I've just sent it off to my official reviewer to read over before I post it, so expect it sometime late today/early tomorrow I guess, depending on how it is received by she.

No, it's not up to my old quality. Yes, it will get better. Heck, to be honest, I'm just glad I managed to sit down and churn out about five and a half pages in one sitting!

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I Can't For The Life Of Me Remember The Name

So, I recently started a new story (because NONE of the ones I'm already working on seem to be holding my attention lately) only to sit down and start reading a story yesterday that already uses a major theme from the story I'm writing. Not that such a thing is unexpected, mind you, I just would have preferred if it hadn't been something that's currently going up.

So, while I'm moping about that, I decided to read a bit. Except, I can't find the story I wanna read. Can ya'll help me?


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I Lucid Dream In Cinema

I am not what you would call a calm sleeper. I tend to toss and turn throughout the night, waking up, and falling back to sleep over and over again. Sometimes I come closer to consciousness than true sleep, and during these times, when I'm almost in control of what I'm thinking, I tend to have my clearest -- and often, strangest -- dreams.

Last night, this happened to me, and the result is something that, while nil on actual TG content, I still felt compelled to share.

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Snippets 4: The Big One

Snippets 4

By Melanie E.

A Short Introduction:
This volume of Snippets is quite a bit different from the first three. Rather than being short, but complete, stories, this is more of an actual collection of snippets -- pieces of stories I've been working on. Some of these are relatively recent, being born from brainstorming sessions as I try to get myself back into writing. Some of these are years old, and have been mentioned in previous blogs and postings of mine as "works in progress."

All of them, however, have one definite feature in common: they are far from being finished, and I'm not sure if they ever will be.

Therefore, I have decided to post what I have, as is, for reader's enjoyment thereof. Some of these I might attack again at some point in the future, fleshing them out and finishing them off. Perhaps they will appear as something almost completely unrecognizable from what they are here.

Others, if the author is right, I might pass on to another, should someone I think could do a good job of them ask for one.

For now, this is what there is, and this is what readers will get.


Why I Suck At Writing

Heya peeps! Long time no hear, right?

Let's kick this thing off right, then.

How many here can tell me the difference between good writing and great writing?


A tough question, right? After all, there are so many ways to judge a particular work. Great characters, but crappy story line? A great story, but terrible dialogue? Mediocre everything, but nothing particularly wrong with any one part? What makes a work of writing good, and what makes one bad?

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If it's not one thing...

Alright, so. As anybody who's talked to me recently knows, I've been planning, and hoping, and planning on a gaming PC build for several months now. I've gone through about fifty redesigns, ranging from under 300 dollars up into the low thousands. I've debated between producers of this and that, what features I needed, even what to name the damn thing.

Well, last week I finally got the money together to purchase the parts.


Recommended Reading Order

Alright, this should probably be in the forum section, but meh.

I'm asking this here, because I've cruised the Crystal Hall forums and found lots of contradicting recommendations from fans and don't recall ever really seeing an official response. So, here goes:

What IS the recommended reading order for the Whateley Academy stories?

I could always go strictly by posting date, but that seems inefficient and ends up with having to backtrack a lot as character's stories are started at the beginning of the year chronologically but much later as far as when they were written.

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The Wonders Of (Not So) Modern Computing

My little sister is not what you would call the most computer literate person in the world.

Nevertheless, when she said she had a "really good" computer that a friend had given her, I let my hopes get a bit up that it was something I could use, since I'm trying to build a gaming machine at the mo'.

The only downside, even if it didn't work out, seemed to be that attached to the offer was a whole slew of other computer parts and fiddly bits she didn't want to have to mess with, that I would have to take off her hands.

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In Case Anybody Missed It

I just posted the 2012 Ultimate Writer's Challenge challenge list in the forum.

For those still interested in trying to finish enough of the 2011 set to get the prize, there's still time! It's open 'til March 1, 2012 for those who wanna try to get it, and of course, it's not like I'm gonna tell people they can't write stories off the list's ideas whenever they want anyhow.

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Melanie Ezell's Ultimate Writer's Challenge -- 2012 Edition!

Welp, it's getting near the end of the year, and what better way to get people ready for the next than a spanking new edition of The Ultimate Writer's Challenge!

Now, for those still interested in finishing last year's set, me posting this one doesn't mean that one's abandoned. Rather, I wanted this one up early enough to give people time to get challenges done ahead of time, if they wanted to.

Now, with that comes a few notes.


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Forcing The Point

Okay, before I even start on this, I'm gonna lay down some ground rules.

This topic is NOT for bashing stories or story types that people don't like.

All discussion needs to take place in a calm, RESPECTFUL manner from both sides of the argument.

Now that that's out of the way, here's the deal.

I want a thorough, honest explanation of what the attraction of forced femme is.


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The Right Hand Of The Devil, Part 2

The Right Hand Of The Devil, part 2 of 3
By Melanie E.
Image found on a message board somewhere, copyright whoever made it.

Harold Quinzel has a long-held fascination with the criminally insane, and his job at Arkham Asylum has given him plenty of opportunities to indulge.

On this fateful night, however, a new arrival brings about an unexpected twist that will change Harold's life forever.


The Right Hand Of The Devil, Part 1

The Right Hand Of The Devil, part 1 of 3

By Melanie E.

Harold Quinzel has a long-held fascination with the criminally insane, and his job at Arkham Asylum has given him plenty of opportunities to indulge.

On this fateful night, however, a new arrival brings about an unexpected twist that will change Harold's life forever.

Switcheroo Issue 10

Issue 10

By Melanie E.


This is mostly just a good faith gesture letting people know I really AM still writing. I had originally intended this to be a "Special Double Length Tenth Issue Spectacular" but it's taking me too long to write, so here's a normal length episode instead. We'll save the double-length issue for 25 or so. Sound good?



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