
Drabble Theatre: The Shnozberries Taste Like Shnozberries!

Romeo Cassanova was really starting to regret ever finding that golden ticket. After that incident thirty years ago no one had so much as heard from the Wonka company, but with the reopening came the contest...

Mary white dissappeared down the cream sluice, Ollie Line vanished during the tour of the new sweet-E internet HQ, and he'd last seen the other two in the room with all the fizzy lifting drinks.

The man in the purple suit turned to him. " And lastly, our new line of edible underwear."

'Oh, no.'

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Shades of Gaby

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This Saturday, I embark on an epic quest. More horrifying than a term paper, more thrilling than gator wrestling, more geeky than converting your entire D&D campaign from v. 3.5 to v. 4! (Though I'm doing that, too.)

That's right, people- this weekend, I attend my first Anime convention.

Before setting out on this most dangerous endeavor, I feel it is necessary to set my affairs in order. Therefore, Friday shall see the posting of Boys of Summer 16-20, as well as the submission of Echoes 5 to John!

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Drabble Theatre: Dammit, Janet


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Character Age: 


"Jeez Louize!" Tod struck the wheel of his Volvo angrily as yet another red light brought the car to a screeching halt.

"Easy, honey, we have plenty of time."

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This story is 29 words long.

Drabble Theatre: Gordon, Not


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Character Age: 



"That you Gordon?"

"Hey Gordon!"

Melissa growled as she rushed down the hallway towards the school's rear- and mostly unused- exit.

Why had she agreed to do this again? 'Great prank,' he said. 'Lots of fun,' he said. 'Twenty bucks,' he said. Oh, the joys of having a twin.

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This story is 53 words long.

Drabble Theatre: Half Price Sale


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Character Age: 


She always enjoyed checking him out, seeing what new items he might have. Pickles, mayo, lipstick. Ham, a couple of movies, and a cute bra and panty set.

"For my girlfriend," he would say if she asked, but in a town as small as theirs she knew better.

"That'll be fifty four seventy three." He paid her swiftly, and hurried to grab his bags.

"You take care now, Emily."

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This story is 69 words long.

You Know...

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I posted the second (technically fourth) Writers' Challenge on Saturday, and so far no takers! :(

Maybe if I acknowledged some kind of 'winner' of the last one, but it really isn't that kind of challenge.

Very well. The winner is... all us readers lucky enough to get to read your stories! The prize? A duck!

@< @< @<


Melanie E.

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Drabble Theatre: Rampage!!!

Ralph was angry. Very angry.

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This story is 5 words long.

Drabble Theatre: I Hate Tuesdays


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TG Themes: 


It just had to happen today, didn't it? My luck always goes south on Tuesdays.

I can't believe I forgot to do laundry yesterday. I really needed my suit for this interview, but that ketchup stain ain't coming out of those pants any time soon.

Maybe they won't notice this is my girlfriend's suit. The color is neutral, cut's alright...

"They're ready to see you, Miss Andrews."

Shit! Miss?

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This story is 69 words long.

Drabble Theatre: Casting Call


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Character Age: 


"I don't know about this..."

"Oh stop that, this will be fun, I promise."

Harold cast his girlfriend a sideways glance. "That's what you said about having your birthday party-"

"-party at Kevin's World of Waffles, I know, but this is different, and there's no strawberry syrup in sight." She gave him her patent mischievous grin.

"No... just dresses." Giving a meaningful look to the flowery concoction surrounding him, Harold sighed.

"You agreed to try out with me," Molly whined.

Harold snorted, but and pushed through the door, ready to try out for the Dancing Bunnies.

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This story is 96 words long.

Boys of Summer 11-15

Boys of Summer 11-15

Melanie E.


One summer never ends,
One summer never begins,
It keeps me standing still,
It takes all my will,
Then suddenly, last summer,
Then suddenly, last summer...

The Motels- Suddenly Last Summer


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I know I posted it too late, and for that I apologize. I originally intended a short fifteen hundred word complete, but like so much in my life that soon snowballed into something much more ambitious.

That being said, even with all its flaws I'm happy with my generically titled but I like to think creative story.

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Boys of Summer 1-10

Boys of Summer

By Melanie Ezell

For the Big Closet Transgender Archives Summer Romance Contest 2008


I can see you,
Your brown skin shining in the sun,
You got your hair combed back,
And your sunglasses on, baby,
I can tell you,
My love for you will still be strong,
After the boys of summer have gone.

Don Henley- Boys of Summer

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This story is 62 words long.

Boys of Summer

Boys of Summer

Melanie Ezell

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This story is 5 words long.

Drabble Theatre: Lord of the Fries


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Character Age: 


Edwin wiped the countertop down quickly, not so much removing the grease as bringing it to a more even shine.

He had been working at the Mondo Burger for a couple of years, barely making enough to stay in college, and yet...

"Order up!"

He grabbed the tray and took it out to one of his many corpulent customers, his ponytail bouncing on behind him.

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This story is 65 words long.

Drabble Theatre: Tattle Tale


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Character Age: 


"Mom, mom!"

"In the kitchen honey."

"Mom! You will never guess what I found!"

"You are right about that. Well?"

"Sara has a boyfriend! And he's older than her too!"

"You worm! What are you- you were reading my diary again weren't you?"

"What? NO! I just, I mean..."

"Oh, look, he's blushing! Wait. I keep that in my... you were in my underwear!"

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This story is 64 words long.

I can't do deadlines.

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Well, my Hollywood! project is on hold indefinitely. Why?

1. Unforeseen continuity and balance issues.

2. My Summer Romance contest entry has grown to epic proportions (for me). It may not be finished in time for the contest, but since it is upwards of 40000 words twice over that is more than likely for the best.

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Hollywood! The Theme Song


Audience Rating: 



I look at the clock and watch time tick by,
While we cruise down the block past the neon signs,
Gonna sing my song, gonna hear the crowd screamin my name,
Been livin life on these small town streets,
Ever since I first learned what to do with my feet,
But some day I'll head out to California, that's where I'll get my fame.

Yeah, some day I'm goin out to hollywood,

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This story is 73 words long.

Drabble Theatre: Not Your Lip Gloss Either


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 


He... she?... wrapped her hands around the arm of her date as he lead her down the path through the park. Her sister had split off earlier for a little 'alone time' with her date, leaving the two of them to occupy themselves until time to go home. It was a gorgeous, cool autumn evening, and the falling leaves were entrancing to watch.

"So, ah, what you want to do?"

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This story is 70 words long.

C:/documents/ wishlist/laptop

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Amazingly, I have obtained a free laptop!

Toshiba Satellite 1850
Processor: IBM 386
RAM: 4Mb
Hard Drive: 120 Mb
Monochrome B/W LCD
OS: DOS 5.0

The floppy drive is dead and I can't use it for the internet, but I've always had a soft spot in my heart for decrepit electronics.

Melanie E.

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Drabble Theatre: The Wizard of Ozzfest

"Dude, we HAVE to get back there and see Zodiac!"

"Noone gets backstage without a pass." The security guard pushed the two overweight men back.

"Cummon, we'll do anything!"

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This story is 29 words long.

Drabble Theatre: The Questionnaire


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Other Keywords: 


"Pencils down."

It was over. The most gruelling two hour test ever, to be sure. And a definite failure, but what did they expect? And with the rule in place that all questions must be answered in order 'to aid in the determination of your absolute potential' or some crap like that, and 'only mark one answer per question. If more than one applies, choose the answer that fits you best.'

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It's an epidemic!

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Sixteen drabbles. Wow.

In less than two days the whole 'Drabble Theatre' thing has evolved from an interesting title for a writing exercise to, I'm not sure what, but something much bigger.

Thanks Edeyn for making this possible, and thanks to those authors who found the concept as attractive as I did for the inclusion of your stories.

Melanie E.

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Drabble Theatre: Third Time's the charm!


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"Congratulations! It's a beautiful ba...by... uh, heh, nurse?"

"Oh for heaven's sakes, can't you tell it's a... well..."

"It doesn't matter," the newborn's father interrupted. "We have a son and a daughter already. I guess now we have one more of both."

The doctor smiled in relief at being let off the hook, but couldn't help wondering, what color blanket to use?

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This story is 63 words long.

Drabble Theatre: Not Your Pants

Drabble Theatre: Not Your Pants

Melanie E.

"Hey lil' bro, have you seen my new Cosmo- hey, aren't those mine?"

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This story is 20 words long.

A few questions

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A few questions for anyone who reads my stuff.

1. Where's the comments? Oh Cheers 3 feels all lonely and dejected with only 2 comments actually about the story.

2. Drabble Theatre? Good idea, bad idea? A drabble a day 'cept weekends sound interesting?

3. Two trains are on their way to Boston...

Melanie E.

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Oh, Cheers: Part 3- Win!

Oh, Cheers: Part 3- WIN!

By Melanie Ezell

It's finally here, the final chapter of the trilogy! Will Dana take over, or will Dane return? What movie will the teens watch this time? Just what IS up with the monkeys in straight jackets? The world may never know.

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This story is 48 words long.

Drabble Theatre: No-Jack


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Character Age: 


Drabble Theatre: No-Jack

Melanie Ezell

"Ooh, now THIS is cherry." 'THIS being a brand new 2044 Pontiac Amazon, featuring integrated LCD vidscreens, a Chameleontech paint job, and all the latest security features. But he had to have it.

Cut out the shatterproof glass...

Pop the mag-lock...

"Warning. Unauthorized user. No-Jack security activated. Conversion of male intruder in 3...2...1..."

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This story is 56 words long.

Drabble Theatre: White Satin


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Character Age: 


White Satin

By Melanie Ezell

She was finally ready.

It had taken more than thirty years to correct God's little mix-up, but it was worth it. She still wasn't perfect, the severe cut of her dress working to hide the few traces of masculinity she'd never be rid of, but if he loved her as is, she could live with a few flaws.

As her march started, she donned her veil, and stepped out the door.

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This story is 76 words long.

The End Approacheth

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'Oh, Cheers Part 3: WIN!' concludes the main story and should be up by Monday at the VERY latest. I'm gonna take a break before finishing the gaming breaks to start my next work of genius, 'Hollywood'! More music, more confusion, three more months before the next 'Echoes', you get the picture.

Melanie E.

Oh, yeah- anyone wanna help me write cheesy teen idol pop songs? I'm gonna need 'em.

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You know, there's a lot of things about me that I like, and there's a lot of things about me that I dislike. Then, there's the things about me that I'm not sure how I feel about, and to be honest, my natural femininity is one of them.

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Drabble Theatre: Beautiful


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By Melanie Ezell

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This story is 4 words long.

Oh, Cheers: Part 2- FIGHT!

Oh, Cheers: Part 2


By Melanie Ezell

It's a whole new life for Dane now that he's a cheerleader, but can he deal with the emotional strain of leading a double life? With a little help from his friends, and a bit of his own patented good/bad luck, anything is possible!

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This story is 52 words long.

Oh, Cheers: Part 1- Go!

Oh, Cheers

Part 1. Oh, Cheers- GO!

How'm I gonna get myself out of this one? I mean, it was kinda funny at first, but...
How do you exlpain to your parents you're on your school's all girl cheerleading squad when you're a guy?

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This story is 43 words long.

Later today?

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It's about time! I should be able to post the first part of 'Oh, Cheers' later today! Looks like it might get expanded to 5 parts from 3 due to some missing bits I found, but regardless it's all coming along great, and this time next week I should be able to post part 2. With any luck (cross your fingers here) I'll be able to have this finished posting by the end of June or July, then I can get back to Echoes. Thanks for being patient with me and my rambling on all the time :)

Melanie E.

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In Need of a Title

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I have almost completed the second draft of the first part of a three part story, and I already have the draft of part two finished and three outlined. The only major question now is what to call it? Its your typical Reluctant Cheerleader type story, and suggestions are welcome, with more information provided if requested. Also, for the one person who may still be waiting, Echoes 5 is still on hold until I have a computer again. On a related note, anyone wanna give away a laptop with wireless?


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The Tree


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Character Age: 


The Tree

By Melanie Ezell

Sometimes life's most important lessons are learned in ways you wouldn't expect.

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This story is 17 words long.

Echoes- Part 4


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In this episode: does Jonathan's return bode well for our heroine? Can Lindy win the boy of her dreams? What is the breaking limit of a squid tentacle?

Tune in to find out!


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Part IV!

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Part IV of Echoes will be up soon, following a quick re-re-re-readthrough and a few minor changes to try and make it seem a bit less whiny. With any luck, I'll have it up by Wednesday or Friday!

If anybody wants to read through it and maybe give me ideas on what to change, I always appreciate offers of help, especially from those who have an interest in the story. Thanks!

Melanie E.

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Echoes- Part 3


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Chapters 6 through 8.

Now that Miriam knows the truth, can he better cope with what's happening? Or is a breakdown unavoidable?
Some questions are answered, while some new ones are asked... oh, yeah, and barbecue!

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All the teenagers at Sherwood High were excited about the arrival of the hypnotist, but for Miriam, the show has some rather unexpected consequences...

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This story is 24 words long.

Echoes- Part 2


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Chapters 3 through 5.

What happened at the assembly? Why won't anybody tell Miriam what the hypnotist did?

And why are Miriam's thoughts no longer always his own?

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This story is 26 words long.


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