Oh the things we learn. In my current project my aim is to do a series that has a cohesive storyline while at the same time making most episodes self contained enough to be enjoyable even if you don't keep up with the story. Since I'm also wanting the story to have a good portion of comedy to it, I'm having a hell of a time coming up with a decent blend of running jokes, slapstick moments, and individual episode stories that advance or fit into the plot while still flowing. Grrr.
Melanie E.
Funny story...
I've always been a fan of entertaining stories with a sense of humor. Having tried to include such in my own stories has given me a greater appreciation for the skill of those authors who can tell a good story and get me to laugh as well. I've found it usually doesn't work too well for me to try making a story funny. Usually, if something comes out funny, I'm not really aware of it until after I've written it.
Occasionally, I'll write something that makes me giggle while I'm writing it, but it's a bit of a hit-or-miss kinda thing as to whether or not others will find it funny as well. I've discovered it's usually best to not try to hard to make something funny, but if I come up with something that seems funny, I'll put it in, so long as it contributes to the telling of the story. :)