
A Quick Update

So it's been a while since I posted anything of real substance, no?

Well, here's the sitch.

I think I've already said this, but I've moved back in with my parents in my home town. I've got another job (at a surprisingly small pay cut) and I'm getting to see my cousins more often than I have in over ten years, which is great, not to mention playing with my niece Shelby and spoiling her with lots of toys.

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The Luck Of The Damned

Whoo, boy!

Well, in the last month or so things have been cah-RAY-zee for me.

About 25 days ago I turned in my two week's notice at my job at the hotel. I'd just, well, I'd had enough of everything, and of being stuck where I was, and so I decided to push the issue and set myself a date to move back home -- Monday, the fifth of September.

Thinking ahead, I decided to go ahead and fill out an application or two online ahead of time so I'd already have some prospects brewing before the end of my time at the hotel.

This is where things got weird.

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The Reluctant Mechanic

The Reluctant Mechanic

A "Reluctant..." Series Fanfic By Melanie E.

A big thanks goes out to Melanie Brown for writing Chrissy's stories that inspired this, and for giving me permission to share it with everyone here.

This story is fanfic, and nothing but fanfic. Any similarity to canon events is purely coincidental, and should not be taken to mean that the author of this tale is somehow telepathic or anything.

You will forget I ever mentioned telepathy in 5... 4... 3... 2....


Questions And Contests

First of all, I want to do something I only see authors rarely do -- thank all my readers for their comments.

When I first started here, I felt lucky to get three or four comments on any story or story part I posted. And you know what? I still do. Seeing that people like my work enough to responds -- and often into the double-digits of comments, no less -- always makes me feel amazing. To know that my work has affected someone enough that they feel the need to let me know about it -- it's a powerful thing, and one I hope I never stop appreciating, because every comment is special.

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Switcheroo Issue 9

Issue 9

By Melanie E.


Chapter 16

Dia gave me a look of sick disappointment as I deleted almost every reference to the original Switcheroo costume from the system with a a final 'click' of the delete key at her core terminal.

"I can't believe you would be this petty."

"Petty? Please. For all I've given up since getting these powers, you owe me this much."

Switcheroo Issue 8

Issue 8

By Melanie E.

Just like PFH, sorry for the long wait!

Horus is on the line, and Lou is less than happy about it. What could the mysterious information peddler have this time, and what will Lou have to give up in exchange?

EDIT: Now with corrected outline with chapters 6 and 7 linked by request!

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 5

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester
Part 5
By Melanie Ezell

After too long of a hiatus, we again return to Beck's adventures as a private school Princess!


Part 5: Portrait Of A Princess


"That's really me?"

"That's really you," Sandra said, smiling as she showed Sarah and I the final proofs from our first photo shoot the week before.

A Matter Of Opinion

Alright, so here's the sitch.

I have the next part of PFH:TSS finished, with part 6 started. I also have the next issue of Switcheroo finished, with the next one about halfway done.

I was planning on waiting until I had a backlog of a part or two extra each before posting any more, but I want to know what people think. Should I post them now, or wait until I've got a buffer before doing so?

Melanie E.

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Character Descriptions? How About Pictures?

So. Switcheroo and related characters.

I know some people have been less than happy with how little description I've actually given most of them in the story. First of all, I apologize for that.

However, to help with things, I have a little bonus for you!

Here are a handful of pictures of the Switcheroo cast I've drawn over the last few days. I'll add more posts like this as I get more characters done.

Keep in mind I'm not what you'd call the greatest artist, so bear with me on these:

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In the last twenty-four hours I have managed two pages of "Princess For Hire" and three pages of "Switcheroo," giving me a total of... three pages of "Princess for Hire" and three pages of "Switcheroo" ready for the next postings! Almost there!

Seriously, though. I'll try to have the next part of each story out by the middle of next week. In the words of the great Ellen Hayes, I am finally entering a period of not-suck that means my writing is progressing again.

Who'da thunk rereading your own stuff would help?

Anyhow, I'm off to write!

Melanie E.

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Henry Harrelson's Custom Fit Boots

If one good thing has come from my Year O' Challenges, so far it seems to be Henry Harrelson's Custom Fit Boots.

I've been following the comments on all the stories, and I've seen that a number of people seem quite interested in seeing more stories in this particular universe.

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Switcheroo Issue 7

Issue 7

By Melanie E.



Chapter 14

With a groan I sat up in my bed and immediately regretted it, the swimming of my head telling me to lay back down immediately -- an order I was all too willing to comply with.

"Nuh uh, now that you're awake you're getting up," Dia said, dialling up the lights in my room to "sun going supernova" and pulling a scream from my lips as I covered my eyes with my arm. "It's your own dumb fault, you know. You should have known better."

Switcheroo Issue 6

Issue Six

By Melanie E.


Chapter 13
Dirty Business

When most people think of superhero cars they tend to focus on the iconic ones from comic books and television. The Batmobile, Black Beauty, the Fantasticar, hell, even the Freakmobile. A white Honda Civic usually doesn't make it onto the list.

Another "Looking For A Story" Thread

Fantasy and magical transformations edition!

But seriously, there's a couple of stories I read a long time ago I can't remember the titles of, though the stories themselves have really stuck with me, so if people can name them I'd be most appreciative. Hopefully they're as good to reread as they are in my head :P

Story One:


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Ultimate Writer's Challenge: Cross Posting

I wasn't going to say anything, but...

It has recently come to my attention that someone has been cross posting their entries to my Ultimate Writer's Challenge at other sites. While I wouldn't do anything to stop this (even if I could,) I would like to ask that if you're going to do this you wait at least until the challenge is over.

Part of the entire point of the challenge is to draw authors out into posting, and readers into responding. By cross-posting stories to other sites, that somewhat undermines the second goal by splitting the potential readers between sites.

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Switcheroo Changes? Opinions needed!

Alright, so here's the question.

I'm working on both PFH Book 2 right now and Switcheroo heavily, with another few projects getting worked on here and there. I'm not going to make any changes to the way I'm doing PFH, since it's into the second book already, but I am thinking about making a subtle change in how I do postings of Switcheroo. Specifically, I was thinking about going from two chapters per post to one, so that I could potentially post more often.

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Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 2

Princess For Hire
Book 2: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Beck's return to Kingston Academy has brought more to his plate than he expected. Can he handle the next turn of events? Or will he make a decision he'll come to regret?

Princess For Hire: The Second Semester Part 1

Princess For Hire
Book 2: The Second Semester
By Melanie E.

Beck returns to Kingston Academy after an eventful Christmas break, for all new adventures -- and maybe a little romance to boot!

A Year's Worth Of Challenges!!!

Welp, I've been working for a while on compiling a list of weekly and monthly Writer's Challenges, enough to last an entire year. I've finally finished the list! At least, the first draft of the list. There's probably room for improvement, and a few missteps along the way, but here goes nothing:


A year's worth of story ideas


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Pickles: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure: Page 18

Pickles: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure

By Melanie E.

Page 18

"You use your magic to find a way..."


"No time like the present," you mumble to yourself, eying the staff and book. You riffle through the pages until you come across a likely looking spell, and begin to chant the words as you wave your magic staff toward the paths ahead of you.

"Agadoo, agadoo, canadian bacon, find the path that must be taken!"

Your staff begins to glow as it shoots from your hand.

"Those weren't the right words," Lisa says as she pull up next to you.


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