So it's been a while since I posted anything of real substance, no?
Well, here's the sitch.
I think I've already said this, but I've moved back in with my parents in my home town. I've got another job (at a surprisingly small pay cut) and I'm getting to see my cousins more often than I have in over ten years, which is great, not to mention playing with my niece Shelby and spoiling her with lots of toys.
On the other hand, this means I've been very busy pretty much constantly. My new schedule is far less stable than my old one was, though at least now I have the advantage of knowing it about three weeks in advance, and it seems like every time I get a moment to relax I somehow end up with company, or another chore or responsibility to take care of, or too tired to do anything at all, really.
In the last month or so, I've gotten absolutely ZILCH done in the writing department, and it had been agonizingly slow going even before that.
To balance this out, though, some of the great stories that are coming out right now are really inspiring me, and I've got the itch again. I THINK I know where I'm going with the next part of PFH, so we'll see how soon I can get that out, and I've had a chapter or two of Switcheroo sitting on the backburner for about three months, waiting 'til I had more of a backlog to post it, though I might go ahead and just drop it on ya'll as a stopgap until I get more ready. I've also been thinking about some of my older unfinished stories, and where to take them too, so maybe things will get more energetic for me as far as writing goes soon enough. Not having the time at work to do any writing at ALL will hurt things a bit, but I can deal with that, since my off-work time is much more relaxing now that rent/groceries/etcetera aren't giving me conniptions any more.
The only distraction I see cropping up now is my recent acquisition of a rather nice bass guitar, and my growing interest/ability in playing it and my acoustic/electric....
Melanie E.
A Quick Update
When your muse is ready, you will have a story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Well It's good to hear from
Well It's good to hear from you anyway :)
and guitars are always good excuses! though I should play mine (acoustic) more regularly if I ever want to be more than an amature ^_^'
grtz & hugs,
Sarah xxx