First of all, I want to do something I only see authors rarely do -- thank all my readers for their comments.
When I first started here, I felt lucky to get three or four comments on any story or story part I posted. And you know what? I still do. Seeing that people like my work enough to responds -- and often into the double-digits of comments, no less -- always makes me feel amazing. To know that my work has affected someone enough that they feel the need to let me know about it -- it's a powerful thing, and one I hope I never stop appreciating, because every comment is special.
With all that said, here comes the "question" part of this blog post:
Is it worth it to readers to read my stories in the small chunks I tend to post them in, or would you prefer longer, meatier pieces of writing?
I ask because, while I personally generally feel happy with the 3000+ word totals I average for posts, I also know that I already tend to post on an erratic schedule, with long absences in between. Would my readers prefer I finish more at once before posting, or is the way I'm doing it now okay with people? I AM trying to write faster, just so you know -- it's just hard for me to work on any one piece for any real length of time when I have as many ideas running willy-nilly through my head as I do.
On top of this, right now it's far easier for me to write Switcheroo than PFH. I'm sorry, I know more people like PFH than my superhero work, but it's just such a different project from what I normally write that it's taken over most of my ideas.
Now, onto the "Contest" portion!
We need a new costume for Switcheroo! That, and pictures of a dress/outfit for Sarah to wear as representative of Kingston at the upcoming parade. So, the contest is to provide me with pictures and/or descriptions of what you think I should do with each one!
Unfortunately, the only prize I can offer right now is the fact that I will use the winning design in the story, but I'm pretty sure that anyone who cares enough to post something is going to be fairly happy with that, no?
So, let's see what ya got! Oh, and I'm going to be pretty picky on judging Switcheroo designs, just a head's up. The art quality doesn't have to be great if you draw a picture, but it really needs to be an outstanding idea for a costume to catch me.
Melanie E.
Questions And Contests
I suggest that her costume be made to emulate her animal forms in red and purple as that scheme as yet to be done and Sarah;s dress can be a copy from the Irish River Dance.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I thought it was Becky
who got the note telling her she was doing it, though it was implicit that Sarah got caught as well.
A really daring cozzie would be Lady Godiva, only she might need longer hair oh and a horse.
Angharad :)
*Sigh* Goddamnit
The dangers of bouncing around multiple stories at once.
Yep, it was Becky, not Sarah. I'll edit things later to show this in the above note, thanks.
Melanie E.
Switcheroo costume
Since she transforms to animal forms does the costume change with her or adapt to her forms.
you might want to look at wolverine's second costume, the one John Byrne created that was shades of brown, arms free, no shoulder epaulets. something like that would look good. no pink for blending in to woods when hunting or tracking.
The clothes don't change with her, usually
The prior costume WAS functional, despite people not liking it and the unfortunate color scheme. It was made of a special material designed specifically with the purpose of changing with Switcheroo when she would do so.
However, I'm guessing Lou is less likely to be so worried about something being shredded when s/he changes so long as it's something more comfortable. S/he's got less of an exhibitionist streak than most prior Switcheroo's have been known for, and showing off your body's kinda outdated even in superhero circles now.
I was thinking a simple body suit underneath combat fatigue pants or something similar, but I want to see if anyone has a better idea before I commit myself to it.
Melanie E.
Back in he Boy Scouts and when I cycled layering was the trick
So if she, he is almost completely a she now I imagine, might want multiple layers.
Somewhat loose shorts and a top to hide her figure without making it obvious but with a strechy layer beneith or say a sport top and bikini style undergarment under those shorts that are of a fabric that will survive her transformations. IE nothing fancy but something that will preserve her modesty.
Plus practicality is important in a fight. IE something that will not inhibit motion or be a hazard in a fight.
That or clothes any normal girl her physical age would wear but made to be break away. IE easily torn off in a fight and easily resewn. Definitely nothing girly in her case.
So I would lean toward sport/athletic clothing. Think of an outfit a day hiker, runner, cyclist might wear but avoid too much flash. No flash and she won't fit in. Too much and she will be out of her comfort zone. I'm thinking the tomboy/outdoorsie look but not butch.
My two cents.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
dosen't she get wings in one form? a body suit in the right colors should work well, it would need some reinforced opening to allow wing to come forth. i still think a pattern of browns or greens would go well, but does not have to be camo. a bodysuit that stretches well and maybe throwawy tops and bottoms. then when shifting back modesty is preserved.
Just kidding, really
But what she needs is an Uryuom outfit. :)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!