I wanted to write today.
I TRIED to write today.
Okay, I did write, a bit.
But not nearly as much as I wanted to.
Turns out, having a three year old niece running in your room every five minutes wanting you to play with her can go a long way toward keeping you from getting anything done, especially when you have to minimize both your web browser and any text you're working on any time someone with more than a third grade reading level enters your room.
Also, I got my dead ends trimmed today. It's the first time I've let anyone touch my hair with something sharp in nearly two years -- the last time before that had been three years or so further back. My mom did it for me, and my little sister kept making sure to chime in with ever-so-helpful comments like "she's really gonna have to trim off a lot to get those dead ends off," or "it's alright Mom, curly hair doesn't have to be even anyway!"
Nevertheless, the end result was okay, and this will be my first picture update since, what, 2008? So, here is me, in all of my currently overweight (but working on it!) glory. Note the wicked awesome Black Sabbath poster in the background. We keep it classy, yes we do.
I know, I know, I look like a boy. Male emulation mode, so sue me.
And there you have it! If I can keep my door locked for a few hours, maybe I'll have something for people to read by two or so. Either that or I'll get to work emailing Angela my stories that need edited for publishing, before emailing the results to Katie for formatting, and so forth.
So, fun fun fun!
Melanie E.