Mark this time, peeps: as of 6:30 PM CST on November 6, 2014, Princess For Hire is officially complete.
Well, the BC version/first draft, anyway.
Part 11, all 3300 words, is currently sitting on my desktop, waiting for me to copy it over into BC's posting window and share the end of Beck/y's story with all you good residents of BCTS. I'm debating putting off posting it until tomorrow, since I just posted part 10 yesterday, but knowing me I'll likely get impatient here in a couple of hours and go ahead and put it up.
Melanie E.
We can wait, Rasufelle. We are not little children...
Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet?Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet?Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet? Is it posted yet?
Just wondering...
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Cut and paste... my friend.
John in Wauwatosa
I say you wait a year to post
I say you wait a year to post it. I have yet to read the story just think it would rock to say oh it is finished just am choosing to not post it yet. :P
I think I'd get lynched if I tried that :P
Considering people had to wait over 2 years between parts 8 and 9, and I've been working on the story since '09, I don't think I'd ever be able to show my face around here again!
Then again...
Melanie E.
Yes, you would.....
Without doubt I would have to torture it out of you sis.
Of course, the good part of that is that I will have to go to Arkansas to get you first, and yes I am going to do that. I just have to work out the timing with my boss and the moving company.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Think that it would be cool
Think that it would be cool if you put it up on the aniversity of the first chapter.
It would be cool, I agree!
But it ain't gonna happen :P
The final part is now up: be sure to comment people!
Melanie E.
It's always good when a story that's been sitting for a while gets finished. Thanks for not giving up.
You decided to tease us?
Or do we need to beg?
Oh please! Please, post it! Please?!!