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So when I saw Wren Phoenix asking for "More, More" in response to Chapter 19 of 300 Rains I realized that it is Christmas. And since it is Christmas I decided that I should give you guys a gift. Since I am writing Chapter 32 now I figured that letting you have Chapter 20 a week ahead of time would be a nice gift.

True, the writing has slowed down, due to life and such but I am trucking along and have more then enough to keep up with the weekly releases. So enjoy the extra chapter and have a great Holiday!!

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Happy Holiday!

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Happy Holidays Everyone!!

I decided to post the story early as tomorrow seems like it will be busy for me. I hope you enjoy the pain and suffering poor Melanie goes through in this chapter. Nothing like suffering for the holidays. :)

Take care everyone and type at you later.

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Another day another chapter

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New chapter for everybody to enjoy. This one was just over 4k words and thus one of the longer chapters in the story, but since it involved Thanksgiving it made sense to make it longer than normal.

This one goes to several interesting places. One of my more favorite was the information about Sarah Lawrence. The term is real. I had a student there tell me the term when I was presenting at a Conference there, talking about Transgender Autobiography. That has apparently been a thing at the school for quite a while, apparently before the late 60's when all the cool kids were doing it.

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On Writing - Problems with Writing What You Know

So I have been working on 300 Rains a lot and reading more books on cultural anthropology. I am trying to incorporate plenty of that into the story without overwhelming it. That can be rather tough sometimes, especially when you are in a section where a lot of the dialogue is technical and you have to figure that most readers are not well versed in the specific disciplines speech. That has led to a lot of work trying to make sure things read smoothly.

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So I finally have internet again and in celebration I have posted the next chapter.

Also FYI... upon posting this, I realized that I need another new chapter that wasn't in the original. This may cause a delay in next week's chapter, but I will work on getting it out on time. It should be a fairly intense chapter, which seems to be almost standard operating procedure.

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Back to the grind... mostly

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Home again, home again... jiggidy jig...

So the Vacation was awesome and I feel loads better. Sorry for the late posting of the story but unfortunately my home phone is dead and thus my net is down. It sucks, but until I have money I am banging rocks in the cave... metaphorically. Anyway... I just wanted to share. Talk to you all later.


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Still kicking

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Okay... So the one chapter I was worried about, as I hadn't written it at all and it needed new research to fill in a few holes is done and I plan on getting to it sometime this week. That will be nice. As I have been doing these I realized that I had missed something in them and thus I needed to toss in a whole new chapter. It answered a few questions for me in terms of plot and such but also raised a few new questions.

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Ah... vacation

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Dear everybody on BCTS,

Vacation is so good for the soul. We are just happy vegging here in Myrtle Beach. Our place has a great view of the ocean and we have been listening to the waves for a few days now. It is oh so relaxing.

Yesterday I swam in th ocean for a little bit. It was cold but the hot tub was a good follow up to that. A lot of the stress and tension that we have been dealing with for a third of the year is slowly trickling away. That will help with writing and everything else.

Just wanted to share.



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Happy Veteran's Day

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Happy Veteran's Day everyone!

From one proud vet to everyone else. Transvets are people too. Check out Transgender American Veterans Association for more information.

And just to be clear, this is to all Veterans of all nations who put themselves in harms way for the good of their people. All Veterans give of themselves and not just Americans.

But anyway... Happy Veteran's Day.

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Surprise Update and some info...

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So, here is the next great chapter in the epic 300 Rains. I am posting it early because I take off on vacation Friday and thus am not going to update anything until the Sunday after Thanksgiving. After 4 months of sorting, processing, cleaning and painting my MIL's house after she passed away in July, we are done and thus need to get the hell away from all of this crap. So, we are going to spend a week in Myrtle Beach to unwind. I also plan swimming in the ocean just because. Because I want to.

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Early Chapter, happy talk

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Well, I decided to upload the chapter early as tomorrow is going to be crazy, what with painting and ritual stuff... so anyway.

I am looking forward to people's comments on this chapter, as there is some fun stuff in there that changes the tide of things and ups the stakes of the game. I figured that it might get some responses and thus it would be nice to see. I actually dig your comments and several of them have actually made me shift some things in the story or add things that were not there to start with. I really value them.

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On Ethnographies and writing

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Well, busy again, but thankfully I am two weeks in advance of where I need to be with editing. Granted the chapter after that is new and I have to write the whole thing, but hopefully after that I should be good for a while.

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Le Rant on Le Commenting

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Okay... be forewarned this is a touch rantish...

So, I am a bit confused and irritated by the fact that a lot of readers do not comment or vote on stories and not just mine in general. I know that I don't always comment, because sometimes I don't have anything to say, but I do know that Authors really like getting feedback. 300 Rains has generated some interesting comments about a number of issues that I have really enjoyed reading and that have given me ideas. Comments are like applause and are a great way to open a dialogue with the author.

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Jungle and Sun oh my...

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Another Chapter and another set of questions for poor Geoff to deal with. I almost feel sorry for him...

Anyway... got massively burned yesterday, so I am dealing with some sunsickness at the moment, which is really throwing me off my game. I tried to write some today but I managed only a short sentence. Not very useful. I am just taking care of myself and trying to avoid the sun.

Here's hoping.

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Rainy Days and Sundays...

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Well... anther chapter of 300 Rains is up and the plot thickens. Poor Geoff. I am so mean to him. But anyway, This was another fun chapter to work on as this is an interesting change of pace with a shrink, not helping you with you transition but helping you cope with your transformation. I bet any shrink would be a bit overwhelmed by that task. :)

There was not a lot of Anthropology in this chapter, but never fear there is still more Anthropological information that has yet to be discussed. There are some interesting challenges ahead fr our good Professor.

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I love it when a story takes hold of me and pours itself out through my fingers. I sometimes just sit back in awe at the page and the words. There are phrases that come out that amaze me and make me sure that I am not reading something I had just written. The words seem so elegant, so perfect and so unlike my plodding text that I have no idea what to think. My Muse sometimes makes magic through me I believe...

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Momento Mori


Tomas remembers the blue dress that had enraptured him one Halloween and how magical it had made him feel.

Momento Mori
by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 by poetheather
All Rights Reserved.

A Splintered Life


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----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Deirdre is trying really hard to deal with a lot of things that are all overwhelming: transition, starting College, a surly brother, parents who don't get it yet and a suicide event that haunts her. She is trying to pick up the broken pieces of her life and put them back together in some sort of order, but it isn't easy.

A Splintered Life

by poetheather

Copyright © 2009 by poetheather
All Rights Reserved.

Learning for writing

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Well, as the story continues I begin to delve deeper into Cultural Anthropology and the crazy coolness of it. It is actually a pretty interesting topic and one that is I had the money I would go back to school for, specifically the Ethnolinguistics, where Culture and Language make sweet, sweet love. :)

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Early again

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I am hoping you all are not getting the idea that I am going to keep posting these up early. I have yet another busy day planned out for tomorrow and I will not be able to post anything. Once the stress is over in a week from now, the posting schedule should be just fine. So don't think that this is going to continue...

Man, I am a soft touch sometimes...

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Contemplating Change

So, I am currently contemplating cutting down my various writing commitments. What does this mean practically for you the reader... not sure. I am going to stop other stories. I have two Kim Possible stories to finish and my Ranma 1/2 story to do. Once that is over I am hoping to focus on getting published professionally and doing Whateley stuff. That does mean that a number of fun side stories I have been working on are not going to go much farther.

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Another Sunday...

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Okay... I am exhausted. I had to drive my daughter to college over 10 hours away, help her get her room set up, buy more stuff and deal with that as well as drive home. Granted it was over three days, but if I hadn't edited before the trip there was no way this weeks chapter would be ready. But it is, so please enjoy.

Things are getting more confusing for poor Geoff and the thot plickens.

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300 Rains Update

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I updated this weeks chapter early as I have a really busy day tomorrow and I didn't know if it would get up tomorrow. So there you go. That shouldn't be a problem next week, a far as I know.

I hope people are enjoying this so far.

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Yesterday I got my first full spa day. I had a facial, manicure and pedicure, haircut and a massage. We got to the place at 9 in the morning and left at 320. Lots of pampering and it was well worth it. The stress of this summer is not gone but is reduced.

I got a lovely layered haircut, that looks really cute. My nails are a dark semi metalic forest green. The facial was lovely. 30 minutes of lying back and having my face rubbed. What bliss.

Anyway... that was yesterday.

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On the release of 300 Rains

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Okay, so this is the beginning of a novel length story that I am planning on releasing a chapter a week, probably on Sundays. It may be a little shaky here at first, release wise as I am still dealing with the fallout of the death of my wife's mother and needing to take our daughter up to Ohio for school, so it is going to be a bit crazy for a while. It will calm down and the story will get to you guys.

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A conclusion of sorts

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After a lot of thought on the matter, I have decided to post one of my Nano stories that is still in progress. I will do some editing before I start putting them out but It should run one section a week. This will take a while as I am on chapter 27 and still going. So there you go.

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Crazy times

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Man, this has been a crazy, insane month. I haven't really been able to do much writing as life has whelmed me. But I am starting to get back into the groove. So I am wondering if I should complete a story I did for Nano, that I am considering posting here as I am unsure of how it would do in the market or perhaps something new. I really have no idea.

Thankfully though, the stress is dropping enough that I can write again.

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Sh17 happens

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Yeah... so I am not doing much writing at the moment since my wife's mother passed away. I have some stuff mostly done but I don't have the spoons to finish them, as there is too much other stuff that is going on. Sorry for the delay.

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Busy little beaver

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So, I have been busy getting Soldier Boy ready to send to an Agent. That should be nice. The problem there is, since I am doing that I am not really writing as much stuff. So there many be a severe lull between postings, perhaps worse than now.

However, because you have been so nice, let me post the synopsis of the story. I am hoping that I can get that published and make some money. Enjoy.

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Retooling Reality

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H'okay so...

VA VocRehab is willing to send me to school to become whatever I want to be. Now while I could get an MFA I think I might want to go after something else. For a while I was thinking of an Advocate of some sort because I would be paid to fight with people and I can do that.

However, that doesn't fit me as much as this next job/ field... Ethnolinguist. I would basically study where language and culture make sweet sweet love. So I get to play with language and culture. That works for me.

Now all I have to do is get into Vanderbilt or UT Knoxville. Whee!!

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Great Gugamooga

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Wow... 105 words leads to 26 and possibly + posts by others and a response thread by Nancy. Holy Schnikes!

Wow... I mean wow...

Anyway... thank all of you for your responses and for keeping things from getting too far out of hand. Some really interesting discussion.

To answer a few issues raised in the course of the conversation:

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A bit of a question

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Okay... so I have a bit of a question.

I have two stories that aren't complete and need some work but I kind of need a bit of feedback on them. Since I plan on getting them actually published I have been trying to decide if I should give you all a little bit of them or not, just to get feedback. They won't be up for long but the feedback would help.

Since Nancy and Persephone posted Alfhilder and then removed it I figure that it is a possibility.

What do you think? And Nancy? it would be great to get your 2 cents.

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The end of a Journey

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Well, Sorority Boy is finished. I may or may not do an Epilogue, so you all can know what happens to one of our favorite college girls. I honestly don't know right now.

This story began for me back in 97 when I was at Goodfellow Air Base in San Angelo Texas as a way to cope with being in a place where I didn't have the opportunity to dress when I wanted to or needed to. I transcribed those hand written notes into the first part of this story and this ties up a lot of the loose ends.

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H'okay so...

Just to let you know... I am partially done with the next Sorority Boy chapter. I have no idea how much longer it will be though as I am trying to finish up a few other things right now.

I have a few new story ideas in my head right now, but I am planning to not let them out until I have finished Sorority Boy, my Kim Possible fic and maybe a few other projects. Some fun stuff but we'll see.

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The Journey is the Destination 23

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 23

By poetheather

Now the training begins and Ukyo and Akane get a taste of the kind of training Ranma did while growing up.

The Journey is the Destination 22

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 21

By poetheather

The trip went off well so far and they have reached their training site. What are they going to do now with three girls and one sort of boy?

Silly Old Bear

Silly Old Bear

by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 poetheather
All Rights Reserved.

Winnie the Pooh is trying to figure out what has happened to Christopher Robin and where he has disappeared to.
He is sure it has something to do with Skool, but that doesn't explain the young woman in the Hundred Acre Wood.


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Well, A Splintered LIfe is finished. I am really happy by the way people reacted to the story. That has been a nice surprise. I was worried about that, because the story is different from most of my other stuff except Bound and La Faccia del Maestro. The fact that the first chapter has 96 votes at this point is pretty cool.

So, thank you all for reading it and FYI... you will probably all be amused by my next story, which I am hoping to counterbalance A Splintered Life. We'll see just how successful I am.

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A Splintered Life - Chapter 14

Deirdre is busy cleaning the house and thinking about all the things she has to be thankful for. She is not filled with regrets, but contentment.

A Splintered Life

Chapter 14
Maternal Reflections

by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 by poetheather

Adventuresome Adventures on the Epic Quest of Epicness with Edeyn & Heather

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Now, how do we want to do this? What font do you wanna be?

Um... pick one?

Okay, you get to be Georgia Italic and I will be Comic Sans.

... sure.

Now, what do we want to say?

Well, you started the Epic Quest of Epicness by leaving here, so...

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