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So... some of you might have noticed the fic I posted. Yeah... it was a surprise to me too. Ranma literally mugged me this morning and made me write and edit this today. It's fun and is a nice Epilogue to that story. It's not being helpful in other ways but it's at least something.

I can't remember if I told you all when I sprained my wrist? That had me out for like 5 weeks. Once that was gone I strained my ribs while sleeping. While effing sleeping! If only I could fire my body and hire a new one. Oy! But other than the pain how was the play Mrs. Lincoln? ;)

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The Journey Is The Destination Epilogue

The Journey is the Destination

By poetheather

So... Ranma mugged me today and she had a bit to say about her life since the end of the story. The final conclusion.

Author's Note: Ranma 1/2 is owned by Takahashi Rumiko and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.


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Sorry that I fell off the planet, but my health has still been spotty, with plenty of migraines and other fun and games. Right now I am dealing with a badly sprained wrist and while my one handed typing is getting better not much is happening on any story front. Pain and an inability to type has certainly thrown a wrench in that one. Oy!

Thankfully you guys have loads of great stories on here to keep you occupied. I am sure you have barely missed me ;)

Take care you all and hope to type at you soon.

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Thought you all might like to know...

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Just thought I'd drop in and let you know that health issues are still problematic. They are fading, but they are still there. And then there is the kidney stone I passed last night. So yeah... I have had a few distractions of late. I'm even running out of buffer in the Potter fic because of being unable to write for the last two weeks. Lots of fun going on here.

So, I'm still kicking, I am writing some, working on things never fear. And I hope you all are doing fine.

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Managed to get that chapter done and posted. Took a lot longer than it should of, but health concerns are a pain in the tuckus and hold up many a project. So hopefully I can get back to juggling stories and get caught up on things. We'll see. Just letting you all know that I'm gonna try but I have a new Tegan book taking up my time as is Written In The Body. I will be doing what I can until those are out and done. Just a heads up, but things should be better now, as I am feeling a good bit better and can write more. Enjoy.

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Kit and Kin 17


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.


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YES! My head has stopped hurting as much and ideas are starting to flow and I already have over 1k written for the next chapter. It is moving slowly but surely in the direction of getting completed. So yes, story is moving towards getting done and I am not dying due to my head exploding. Life is good.

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Still alive and kicking

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So, yeah... headaches and migraines are continuing. Life is still full but things are not as bad as they have been. My writing is coming back and I am actually getting things written. I am hoping that this means that I will be able to get back to Kit and Kin soon. I just need Maeko to start talking to me again. I have a bit of the next chapter written but that was like giving myself a root canal. Not fun or easy.

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Ugh... hating life

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Okay, so I just wanted to let you all know what's up. February hit me like a Hurricane and between nonstop headaches (due to a nurse practitioner screwing up a treatment) and life being extra lifey, I may, may have written 4-5k new words since the last chapter of Kit and Kin was posted. I was ahead in my other story but not with that one and since I can't seem to go a few hours without a headache or migraine, that makes writing tricky at best.

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Kit and Kin 16


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Have not forgotten you all

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Despite the fact that another fic is riding me hard ;) and the second Tegan book is in process I have been making some progress on the next chapter of K&K. It has not been forgotten and I am still working on it. This is just a reminder that I have not given up on the story, since it has been about a month since the last chapter. I am aware and I am trying to work on this. As soon as I can get it finished I will get it to you. Just fyi.

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Banging head against Wall!

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So I just had someone point something out to me that makes me want to drive my head into a wall repeatedly. In case you all are not aware, Japanese is a very formal language with very different levels of formality. It is crazy and kind of cool and takes a while to get a feel for things. Given that I have not studied Japanese in about twenty years, that I have slipped about the language is not a surprise but what I slipped over is.

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So it goes

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Okay, so, between the new Tegan book, Written In The Body and vacation, I am a bit behind the curve. Just wanted to let you all know what is going on. I haven't forgotten you all and the stories I have been working on, it's just that life is continuing to be what it usually is... crazy. So, as things change I will let you know.

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Story enroute

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So I finally got the new chapter of Kit and Kin out, and it has taken some work to pull that off. Between a lot of work on the new story which is up to chapter 12 with 4 chapters posted already, this thing is really going wild. If you are looking for it, it is called Written In The Body and is on fanfiction.net and Archive of our own. It is seriously intense and is pretty long. Over 15k in 4 chapters is a pretty chunky story. This is going to be yet another novel written by me. Le sigh.

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Kit and Kin 15


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.


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Just to let you all know, I am still working on the next Kit and Kin. I am tinkering with it but going is slow. Part of the reason is that another story mugged me and is beating me terribly about the head and shoulders. Terpsi is clearly enjoying the idea of writing a love story about Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley that starts with a torture scene. It's not my fault. Terpsi is a freak.

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That's all folks...

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After 5 months to the day (which is pretty cool by the way) Transitioning Home is complete. I hope you guys enjoyed the ride. It was a lot of fun to see everyone's reactions. I know it was rough sometimes, but I do hope the happy times balanced that out.

So what did you all think overall?

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Kit and Kin 14


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Kit and Kin 13


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.


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In the last seven days I have posted six things. Two Kit and Kin, two Transitioning Home, one 300 Rains and one Chalice and the Wand. Tomorrow there will be another Transitioning Home. That is a lot of stuff in a week folks. I hope you are enjoying the variety and the speed because at some point my hands are going to fall off.

I need to get back to work on Kit and Kin 13, which I already have stuff on and the rest of my unfinished projects. I am trying to clear out my backlog so I have nothing hanging over me when I start the next Tegan book.

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The Chalice and the Wand, Part 7

The Chalice and the Wand

by poetheather
Story ideas by poetheather and Wintermoon3
Beta by Redpiratemel

Chapter Seven

After a very long hiatus it returns.

Luna and Rhonda continue to search for the Lair of Helga Hufflepuff and Hermione is still coping with the transformation of her fiance and their breakup.

Kit and Kin 12


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Kit and Kin 11


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Just a reminder...

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Just a reminder, that if you comment from tomorrow on I will not be able to reply until Sunday afternoon. And then fyi... I will be hyperfocused on finishing my paper, so I figured you might want to know that. Tuesday there will be an update, I think. Just fyi...

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Kit and Kin 10


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Posting change

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I know it isn't Tuesday so why is Transitioning Home on your screen? Well, Tuesday I have Dr.'s appointments and will be running around almost all day and I figured rather than try to deal with it early on a day when I am going to ache after my pain procedure or late when I am tired, I figured I would just post it early. I hope it doesn't freak people out too badly. There really is method to the madness. The other chapters should be just fine.

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Kit and Kin 9


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Letting you all know what's up

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Just letting you know that other stories besides Transitioning Home might be spotty this month as I have to focus on my Firefly and Buddhism paper that is going to be published. That needs to be about 5k words and requires me to rewatch the series and Serenity plus read the comics. You people don't know the suffering I must endure for this. But I meditate and work to move past this.

Just fyi

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Kit and Kin 8


Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravencrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravencrest.

Kit and Kin 7

Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravenscrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravenscrest.

Tut tut... it looks like Rain

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Hey... guess what... It's raining again. :D

I just thought I would state the obvious and let you know that I posted the next chapter of 300 Rains. I am already working on the next chapter, as I said earlier, so there will be more of this. As you can see, the thot plickens. Who knows what is going on now? What madness is this? Poor Melanie has to wear another hat. Yay! So, clearly I have not been idle in my down time. There will be more, never fear. The end is drawing near and soon Melanie will be able to find out answers to all of her questions.

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Just FYI

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The next chapter of 300 Rains is written and I have started on the following chapter. Once I edit it I will be ready to post it. It won't be tonight or tomorrow as I have a party tonight and tomorrow is my birthday. So I have things to do. But when I get to it you have another chapter of that and then I will finish up K&K 7. More happiness on the horizon for you all. Yay!

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Wish me luck

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Well tomorrow or Saturday I am sending off my query letter for the Young Adult novel I have written. All the positive thoughts you all could generate would be appreciated. Granted that my first foray into the publishing world did not go so well, I believe this story has a lot more going for it. The story appeals to a wider audience and this field is open to a lot of interesting storytelling. I think I might fit right in.

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Update of current work

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Just so you are all aware, I am working on Chapter 7 of K&K as well as I am 797 words into chapter 44 of 300 Rains. So, there will be an update of that story as well in the near future, as things go along. By and large I am feeling alright, with nothing seriously impacting my typing ability. Sure, I can't walk much but that is in favor of the whole writing thing. :)

Once I am done with the writing and editing I will get those stories out to you, as well as the updates on Transitioning Home. It should be fun and plenty of reading for all of you.

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Kit and Kin 6

Kit and Kin

Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravenscrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of.

Just another day in Ravenscrest.

Latest Chapter

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The latest chapter of Transitioning Home is intense, especially the end. It is shocking and a slap in the face and hurts. And is the kind of fucked up situation that someone could find themselves in during battle. This story does not deal with only the PTSD aspects of Thomas' life but they are a part of his story. Any vet who has done time in combat can tell you that. Facing intense situations and screwed up situations changes you in profound ways. That is one of the transitions that Thomas has to deal with. He has to get part of his mind out of the desert and back to the states.

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Interesting Observation and updates

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First the updates... the writing on K&K 6 has stalled because of pain. I got a page written today before my shoulder and wrist attacked with a fiery vengeance. So... I am not really getting a lot of progress there. But it is moving.

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Kit and Kin and more Transitioning

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Well, 4 chapters out for Transitioning Home and I think you can all get an idea just how hurt poor Thomas is. It sucks being that screwed up both physically and mentally. You gotta feel for the poor boy. Man am I mean to my characters sometimes and this story just got started. You all got like 32 chapters to go. Heh...

And I finally was out of pain and other stuff long enough to get chapter 5 of Kit and Kin done. I am very happy about this because now the fun stuff can really get started. Poor Takeshi, his whole world shaken and not stirred. :(

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Kit and Kin 5

Kit and Kin


Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravenscrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of. Just another day in Ravenscrest.

Chapter 2 and an update

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So here is chapter 2. Enjoy the read. This is where the plot really emerges and gets a bit crazier. Gotta feel for the poor guy.

As for the update, before the latest round of storms to come through I managed to get more writing done. Once the pain fades I should be able to get back to that and finish that chapter up, so hopefully a new Kit and Kin soon for you all, so long as my pain levels remain at good levels.

Well TTFN and TTYL.

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Transitioning Home and other stuff

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So, I am starting to post Transitioning Home. There are 36 chapters and I will be posting two a week on Tuesday and Friday. This will not take about 18 weeks to make it through everything and I hope you all enjoy it. Just so you all know, there is sex, violence, language, etc... It can get very intense and if you have triggers for some things this might not be the story for you. It is very realistic in dealing with war, trans issues, asshattery and the like. So, you are forewarned.

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