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So when I saw Wren Phoenix asking for "More, More" in response to Chapter 19 of 300 Rains I realized that it is Christmas. And since it is Christmas I decided that I should give you guys a gift. Since I am writing Chapter 32 now I figured that letting you have Chapter 20 a week ahead of time would be a nice gift.

True, the writing has slowed down, due to life and such but I am trucking along and have more then enough to keep up with the weekly releases. So enjoy the extra chapter and have a great Holiday!!


50 Chapters

littlerocksilver's picture

I think I remember you saying something about 50 Chapters. Is that correct, or am I losing it?



It is probably end up at

It is probably end up at around 50 chapters. I am not there yet but the plot covers at least that far.


We are the change that will save the world.


We are the change that will save the world.

I am sorry, you got your one

I am sorry, you got your one extra story for now. Enjoy. :)


We are the change that will save the world.


We are the change that will save the world.