Jungle and Sun oh my...

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Another Chapter and another set of questions for poor Geoff to deal with. I almost feel sorry for him...

Anyway... got massively burned yesterday, so I am dealing with some sunsickness at the moment, which is really throwing me off my game. I tried to write some today but I managed only a short sentence. Not very useful. I am just taking care of myself and trying to avoid the sun.

Here's hoping.


Some Sun

Enemyoffun's picture

I could use some sun right about now. From now until like March or April, Western New York is not the place to be. Its fifty two here and has been raining for what feels like weeks. I'm not a summer person but I could use some of that summer heat.

Meanwhile in the UK...

...the sun is out, the sky is blue (so somewhat of a miracle for mid-October - we're more used to grey sky, cold winds and lashings of rain/drizzle), but it's only 11°C outside (so a little too chilly for the likes of sunbathing!)

Anyway, I'm about to log off and get out in it (gardening and shopping await!), then hopefully I'll be able to spend some time catching up with 300 Rains (in amongst finishing a couple of other stories I'm in the middle of reading - and reading the latest adventures [both canon and fanfic] in the Whateleyverse).


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Hee hee

Silly man that he is he is getting what he deserves :)

No this was a pretty heavy episode but he is at a pretty deep hole right now. Hmmm, there are hints here that he will not be losing his genitals and that the transformation will not be a complete one but will only go as far as that of what a TS is capable of, correct?

I avoid the sun like the plague so even though I am middle aged I look sub-middle aged skin wise.

Aside from my superior Asian skin's natural protections BTW. I think most of my sun aging happened as a kid when I would run around all Summer without any sunscreen. However I have never been burned seriously though I was very slightly burned when I learned to swim on the seashore without any sunscreen. That was very stupid. It only lasted a day at most though.


As to Geoff's

As to Geoff's transformation... can't say.

And I shake my fist at your Asian Superiority... in skin issues you know...


We are the change that will save the world.


We are the change that will save the world.

Hah, that protection is called freckles

and my wife constantly complains about them. Her mother never goes anywhere with out an umbrella, but being Phillipino and living in LA I guess I'll forgive her. By the way her skin is perfect and she's eighty three, Arecee