Mature Subjects (pg15)

Modern Day Mythology (part 5)

It's time to go camping. What will happen when everyone gets comfortable with their costumes?

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This story is 15 words long.

Not What We Expected - 15

NotExpected 15

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

She gave me a squeeze, "You can count on me, Andi. Thanks for being my rock." She wipes the tears from her eyes.

"I love you, Sandra," I whispered.

"I love you too, Andi," She whispered back as we turn to hug each other.

We moved the room's couch so that we could sit together while we continued to stare out the window as the night slumbered on.

A sense of peace settle on both of us as we silently sat together, each with her own thoughts.

Chapter 15

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This story is 97 words long.

Lifeline 32


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We ended up staying nearly a week, as the weather was so hot and clear. I went out with Pat on a couple of days, trying to copy her walking style, which was something I had noticed as we had walked up Glyder Fach. She didn’t take huge strides, simply placing her feet carefully in a steady rhythm, but it took her steadily uphill and towed me along in her wake. Our next trip was up the thing she had called Y Garn, by what she called ‘the nicer way, which involved a ridge, an awful lot easier than the Gribin, a really broad hillside for a descent, and then something that scared me at first sight.

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This story is 119 words long.

A Cape on the Villain Side -- Chp. 08


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Chapter 08

Four days until the end of the universe

“Hey there, Warren!” Tatiana strutted into the room, not caring that her pregnancy was definitely showing after five months or more. In fact, she might have been damn proud of the baby now growing inside of her.

Wyatt walked in with her, carrying a box. He said, “Hey Warren. Did we miss anything?”

Warren hugged Tatiana and Wyatt. “So much to say all at once. Is that box for me?”

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This story is 81 words long.

Back to School Chp. 19

Back to School Banner.jpg

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This story is 0 words long.

Second Chance? Chapter 1



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Character Age: 


Second Chance?
Chapter 1
by Charles Schiman

I sat in my bed, in my tiny apartment, wondering where it had all gone wrong. I'd been doing that a lot lately. I was halfway to heaven, a little over fifty years old, and I couldn't help but think that they were, pretty much all of them, wasted years.

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This story is 56 words long.

Shadowsblade: School year 2.....Uber ride=Uber job!

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without.

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This story is 20 words long.

A Cape on the Villain Side -- Chp. 07


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Chapter 07

Adamast Cross reached the Peregrine Beach district for the umpteenth time in her life. Every time she came here now, she thought someone else from her love life, past or present, was going to show up and complicate things.

She stopped short of the police barricade ahead. Did she really just include Saelum Blaster when thinking about her love life?

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This story is 63 words long.

Right to Life - Brain Donor: Part 1.



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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Right to Life: The Brain Donor

Chapter 1 - Awakening.

“-ooks like he’s coming around.”, I heard a voice say. “Don’t try to move, you’ve been sedated for a while, and it’ll take time to regain your motor skills after the surgery.”

Wait? Surgery?

As if they had heard my thoughts, the man replied. I assumed it was a man. It sounded like one. The deep baritone timbre of his voice sounded like one. I couldn’t see though, and I couldn’t open my eyes.

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This story is 89 words long.

Lifeline 31


Audience Rating: 



The other side of the ‘dinosaur' was lit up in the orange of the sunrise, and so were several other hills showing to the right of its northern slope. The hill we had passed on the way in, a chaotic pile of loose rock from the road, showed a grander flank, holding what looked like a hollow above steady slopes of green dotted with white sheep. People were already moving on the campsite, with several cooking bacon of porridge on little stoves.

“Morning, love!”

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This story is 85 words long.

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie's Thanksgiving Coming Out Party

It’s Thanksgiving afternoon and I can’t believe how I’ve been transformed already. My entire body is permanently hairless from the face down. My real eyebrows are gone for good but they’ve been replaced by thin eyebrow tattoos with a nice feminine arch. My lips are also permanently tattooed a light pink so I have to wear lipstick at all times (as if I wouldn’t anyway). I still have no makeup or nail polish on but I do have nicely shaped fingernails thanks to the clear nail polish Judy has been letting me wear.

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This story is 98 words long.

A Thief’s Problem –chp15



Audience Rating: 




A Thief’s Problem.


Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.

by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.

Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.

Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.


This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.

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This story is 91 words long.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 210

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 210

A squash blossom necklace.
I’m not ready to talk about it.
An encounter with a wolf.
Amy and I talk.
We admit that we’d been talking.

A new squash blossom necklace. ~o~O~o~ Why all of these visions? ~o~O~o~ I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to talk about it. ~o~O~o~ A wolf! This close! Why?. ~o~O~o~ A present from Charlie and Jackie? ~o~O~o~ Amy and I talk. Then we tell everyone what we're thinking about.


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This story is 108 words long.

A Cape on the Villain Side -- Chp. 06


Audience Rating: 



Chapter 06

Five days until the end of the universe

“Hey, Walter, you got a minute?” War Lagoon stood on a rooftop with a pair of night vision binoculars at his eyes, and one leg leaning on the raised ledge.

Walter’s voice came through the earpiece. “Sure, buddy, what’s up? You’re not planning to leave town, are you?”

“No, why would you think I am?”

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This story is 69 words long.

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 6

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 6


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?

“Who the hell are you, and how did you get that information?” the General’s voice half growled on the other end.

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This story is 66 words long.

Christian's Gender Problem Chapter 4



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TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Author's Note: Before I get to the conclusion of this story, let me address the vagina vs. vulva vs. uretha controversy that I've been seeing in the comments and messages. I confess that I am a genetic male, and as one person pointed out, I did not know the full details. I'm sorry for offending females that have read this, and in future stories, I will try to be more anatomically accurate.

Okay, now that I've apologized for that, let us get on with the story.

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This story is 86 words long.

Police Academy Chapter 16



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Character Age: 

Other Keywords: 


Augusta Police Academy.jpg

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This story is 0 words long.

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Suzie's Thanksgiving Makeover

This is the big day. After the day is over, I will be Simon Fornsby no longer. I’ll be Suzie Lavender. I still have no idea what I’ll look like though. Judy tells me it’s going to be a surprise. The only thing I know for certain is that Sally is coming with us and she promises to hold my hand when I go through the perma waxing, the one thing I know for sure is coming. I am so in a hurry to get rid of my horrid little beard and starting to be hairy legs not the mention the underarms, pubes, arms, etc.

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This story is 108 words long.

It's My Party & I'll Cry if I Want To ~ Part 3


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TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


The past few days had not been kind to Janey. The spell that she cast on Halloween night in hopes of becoming Bobby's Girl had come with a side effect so horrible it made her flip out + start tearing up her room, convinced there could be nothing worse than this! Then she was hauled off to jail, which in fact was quite a bit worse. But now Janey was reunited with her family + going home, so at least she knew she wasn't destined to end up in a cage in some Freak Zoo. But what kind of life could a girl who didn't quite officially exist + who wasn't completely a girl anymore look forward to? She sure had made a mess of everything with that stupid magic spell!

Or had she?

The Sequel to BOBBY'S GIRL

Laika Pupkino ~ 2019

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This story is 152 words long.

Modern Day Mythology (part 4)

Sorry this is a little late. The Closet was in maintenance mode and I had to go do something before it came back on line again.

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This story is 26 words long.

The Lost Queen Vol 1 ch7: Grim Reality

The Lost Queen


Suddenly transported to another world what will Eleanor need to do to survive and hopefully get home.


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This story is 22 words long.

Blackwell Paranormal Investigation Agency Case 9 Part 3


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This story is 0 words long.

Memory and Memories


Audience Rating: 


“Our lives are the sum of our memories.
Joshua Foer

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory”
Dr. Seuss

Memory and Memories

By Armond

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This story is 32 words long.

Memory and Memories - Part 3


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Character Age: 


Memory and Memories - Part 3
by Armond

The story reaches its climax as the characters converge on the mystical island of Thyli Alari - the land of the elves. Ashe, Isaura and Zinjo, along with the Alarian army, race to Beurl Aana to prevent the release of the serum, which would annihilate, literally, all living things. Yet the mystery remains: why was Ashe goddess changed into a young eleven woman?

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This story is 70 words long.

Lifeline 30


Audience Rating: 



We hit the road again once we were packed up, Dad insisting I drive the van along the back lanes until we hit the A4069, where he took the wheel and, to my surprise, turned north.

“Trying a bit of a different circuit, duck. Seeing as you have paid your respects to the Parsons, and those two men are in it up to their eyeballs, I thought we’d see a bit more of your own country than we normally do. You up for it?”

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This story is 86 words long.

Not What We Expected - 13

NotExpected 13

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

"One last question," I grinned at Tom. "If I do agree to the adoption, do I get to play with your computer center?"

He laughed before replying, "Sure, munchkin. I think that we can arrange that."

"I will have it put in the agreement," I grinned. I felt a big burden lift from my shoulders.

Chapter 13

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This story is 65 words long.

Stand By Your Woman Part 5

Charlotte’s Place:
Charlotte pulls into her driveway and plugs her motorcycle in. She was feeling a little tired from staying awake all night. It was amazing how similar she and Casey were. She notices when she walks into her place, that someone has been in her place. She pulls her gun out and looks around.

When she gets to her bedroom, she notices her friend Kai was asleep in her bed. She puts her gun back into the holster and takes her gun belt off. She notices that Kai’s knuckles were bruised and that she had a bruised on the side of her face.

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This story is 106 words long.

Right to Life - Brain Donor: Prologue.



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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Right to Life: The Brain Donor


Dr. Emil Watkins sat in the doctor’s lounge, reading the latest copy of the Journal of American Medicine. It was a light evening in the ER at Hennepin County Medical Center. With the temperature hovering around 20 degrees below zero, people were not out and about, preferring to stay indoors. That suited him, the snow and wind had been difficult to get through on his way here, and he certainly thought that nobody should be out unless it was crucial.

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This story is 87 words long.

Christian's Gender Problem Chapter 3


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Character Age: 


Mia promised Christina that at school the next day, she would talk to Emma and get her book back. Meanwhile, Christina would have to put up with another day as a girl. Even though she pined for her old life as a boy, Christina would have to get used to being a girl.

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This story is 53 words long.

Modern Day Mythology (part 3)


What is happening with the others?

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This story is 6 words long.

Project: Night Bird Chapter 10



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Character Age: 

Other Keywords: 



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Katie Ann - Chapter 30:Girl Scouts


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Character Age: 


Katie Ann

What do you do when you look 7 years old, but you're actually a college student in your late teens? For Kathleen's entire life, she had fought against people treating her much younger than her actual age. Feeling obligated to grow up fast to show people she wasn't the age of her size, Kathleen never let her inner child out. Tired of fighting against the world, she explores the adult submissive world. What she finds, however, is an enjoyment of regression. Had she made a mistake? Would life be better if she just let people treat her how she looks, 7 years old?

Becky Reus

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This story is 106 words long.

Christian's Gender Problem Chapter 2


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Character Age: 


Christian's mom opened the bedroom door. "Oh, you are home," she said. "How was swim practice?"

Christian looked at her mom like she was crazy. "I-I mean, it was fine, but..."

"What's wrong?"

Christian was apalled at her mom's lunacy. "I just turned into a girl!" she exclaimed. "Aren't you-"

"Christina, you've always been a girl," her mom said. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Christian opened her mouth, but realized that there was no point arguing with her mom. "Yes," she said.

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This story is 82 words long.

Memory and Memories - Part 2


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Character Age: 


Memory and Memories - Part 2 

Ashe awakes to a new body, in a faraway land, and under the care of an honest-to-gods giant and a mysterious elven woman. What would you do? Ashe's first reaction -after screaming- is to try to make sense of it fast, because her mission to save the Seven Kingdoms from a life annihilating plague is more critical than ever. Isaura says she wants to help, but can Ashe trust her?

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This story is 75 words long.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 209

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 209

Will holding a baby help me?
The Eagles. Do they know?
The project is finished.
I almost messed up.
Our parents are back.

Dinner at Dr. Joe's. And it feels good. ~o~O~o~ An open house? Maybe. ~o~O~o~ The project is complete. ~o~O~o~ I need to learn to watch my mouth. ~o~O~o~ Its official, I'm a Research Associate. ~o~O~o~ Now the hard part. Telling our parents. ~o~O~o~ Off to the resort.


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This story is 101 words long.

Helen's Diary: New Dress


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TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Helen and Jo come up with a way for her to be girly right under her mom's nose

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This story is 18 words long.

Syryn's Song: Chapter 7

All his life Ken Graham had dreamed of being a rock star. When that dream is taken from him he would do anything to get it back, but his new voice comes with a price.


Syryn's Song
Chapter 7
Family Ties


“Oh yeah, that was a real heartwarming maternal letter,” Mai practically growled once I had finished reading it. “Like a batch of fresh-baked cookies, laced with arsenic.”

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This story is 69 words long.

The Prophet revision


Audience Rating: 


The Prophet Revision

By Jasmine Monica

This story is a revision of the Prophet Series and it follows Edwyn and his relationship with his elder sister Victoria following a horrific event by Serin that changes reality and how Edwyn deals with it

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This story is 42 words long.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 13

Ikaika was driving as they left the second house they had looked at. The one near Cheshire’s house was looking more and more like their best bet. The house was going to need some major work done to it. Tizzy knew her mother would want her to put a safe room and an armory in the house as well.

“So, where to now Tizzy?” Ikaika looks at his wife.

Tizzy looks in the back towards Lien “are you hungry, sweetie?”

Lien was quietly watching and listening to Tizzy and Ikaika as they were talking and driving. She looks at Tizzy as she spoke to her “I’m fine mom.”

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This story is 110 words long.

Christian's Gender Problem Chapter 1


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TG Themes: 

Character Age: 


Christian Aceves was one of the few people who still went to libraries. Every kid he knew spent their time poring over video games, Netflix, and Instagram. Christian liked those things too, but he also enjoyed reading a good book. He liked reading from almost any genre, be it fantasy, mystery, or romance. The most recent book he had read was Dark by L. J. Williams, and today he was going to the library to return it.

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This story is 77 words long.

Call Of The Light - Part 6 (complete)

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 6 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 23 - Sacrifices

The California sun had hours ago slipped below the evergreen-lined mountain peaks to the west. Leftovers from his lunchtime foray into the local town still sat mostly uneaten on the square patio table, sandwich and partially consumed plum resting on a plate. The porch-light remained off as stars twinkled into view between the wispy clouds hanging in the sky, leaving him as a motionless dark shadow resting on the wooden bench before the cabin.

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This story is 85 words long.

The Mad Adventures of Suzie Lavender - Judy the Step-Monster

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This story is 0 words long.

Shadowsblade: School year 2.....your ride sir?

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without.

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This story is 20 words long.

A Thief’s Problem –chp14



Audience Rating: 




A Thief’s Problem.


Sister Magdalena, a.k.a. Angelic DeMarco, finds evidence of more than just illegal art trade while recovering a stolen painting in the home of a known criminal. Her investigation leds to the US and a very problematic situation with the US Department of Justice.

by Snowfall and Jessie Wolf.

Dedicated to the men and women of the US Marshal Service.

Edited by my husband Paul, and AJC Snowfall.


This is a work of fiction an any persons in this work are purely fictional.

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This story is 91 words long.

Memory and Memories - Part 1


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Character Age: 


Memory and Memories - Part 1
by Armond

Pestilence and shadows stalk the Seven Kingdoms - mysterious plagues have swept the nations, a renegade mad alchemista seeks to develop a doomsday weapon, and the Alarians – the Elves - have sent out their best spies to track him down. Yet Aesh, the young alchemista student, knows none of this – all he wants is to pass his final exam and become a Master. A vengeful goddess has a different journey in mind for him, and being swept away by the greatest sorceress in the lands and a honest to gods giant, turns out to be the least strange thing that happens to him.

(Author’s note -well, notes - I will be posting this story in three parts, all of which are already written. Also, an amazing editor helped me with the rewrites, and I wish I could name him so you could know who he is, but he wishes to remain anonymous. So, to my unnamed editor, thank you from the bottom of my heart)



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This story is 176 words long.

The Violinist Chapter 6


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This story is 0 words long.

Modern Day Mythology (part 2)

The friends have been introduced to something wonderful and amazing. But what does it take to get into such an item?


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This story is 21 words long.

For the Love of Linda Piontak


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

Other Keywords: 



Linda discovers that even a tutor can learn a thing or two; especially when love is involved

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This story is 17 words long.

My Super-powered Diary: Chapter 5

My Super-powered Diary
Chapter 5
Once upon a *BOOM*


When Maddock Ainsley gets involved in a rescue operation with his unit things go horribly wrong and his life is forever changed. Can the newly minted Merida cope with being a girl and a teenage super hero?

*Cease fire Merida!* Tasha shouted into my mind as she teleported back toward Shu’s bed.

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