General Audience (pg)

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 11B

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 11B

Part 11B - Tad Schemes Bad Dreams

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Christie tests for her next belt, but Tad has other ideas. Amanda, Rebekah, Valerie, Donnie and Grandfather Kim all become somewhat annoyed. Grandfather Kim reveals his fascination with 1960s TV Science Fiction.

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 6 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 6 of 13

Chapter 6 - Party Time

Saturday morning I woke up and I just couldn't help it - with all those new clothes still in the bags I just had to wear them. The party wasn't until two in the afternoon, but I really wanted to try on some of my new things.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 11A

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 11A

Part 11A - Danse Enchanteresse

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Christie and Cindy return to Madame Coulter's studio for their first class. Tad reflects on his less than active love life. Amanda and Christie share dinner and a heart-to-heart talk about Christie's frustrations and future plans.

Is Gender Even Real Part One and Part Two

Part One
Yet again Lindsay was dreaming. The dream was strange but as usual vivid and sharply detailed. It seemed to involve being in a bed in a small room with numerous folk dressed in blue and others in white coats looking at inexplicable things that had moving patterns on them that seemed to almost but never quite constantly repeat themselves. They also looked at objects that made strange noises at regular intervals. Lindsay was aware that there were a number of tubes and white string like things seemingly connected to the bed. However, like many of Lindsay’s dreams it was neither totally rational nor totally consistent. Lindsay’s dreams made life a living torment, for dream and reality crossed over, blended and became each other. It was impossible to determine what was a dream and what was reality. Dreaming of dreams within dreams within dreams, and dreams even deeper nested than that, dreams like images in two mirrors facing each other that reached to infinity and drew one into insanity, meant Lindsay had no idea what being awake was like, for all such experiences were probably only dreams too.

Part 2
“I want you to come home with me. I am here to arrange it all. I know about carrying the message to engage the assassin to kill Tomas, and the new dresses made by Serena your fee paid for. I know you are really a girl. I know all about your new dresses and where you keep them. I know how you get past the guards dressing as a girl, but you won’t be able to do that for much longer will you? It will not be safe for you when the guards here discover that you have been tricking them. I said I want you to come home with me, but I want you as my sister, the girl you want to be. I know you wish to be able to read and write, and I can give you that and much more too.”

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 5 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 5 of 13

Chapter 5 - Choices And Changes

Take a minute to think back to when you were eleven years old. That's sixth grade if you're in the US. If you're from someplace else you'll have to figure it out for yourself where you were in school. Some things seem to be burned indelibly into the synapses of my brain, but even the things you think you remember perfectly aren't quite the same as the things other people who were there remember.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 8

E’volvo’lution Chapter 8

On the Monday, I took Anders and Bjorn out to the airport site in the SUV. It was huge and flat and had a good road running past it. Anders spread out a site map with the suggested buildings and we tweaked it a little with my driver’s eye regarding the entry and exit roads and the general movement of trucks.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 10

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 10

Part 10 - Dance to the Magic

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Are you ready to rumble? Christie McKellar faces off with Madame Renee Coulter! A young dancer's future apparently hangs in the balance.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie and The Phantom Nurse (2)

I woke up the next morning feeling a little better, I was starting to breathe a little easier, my throat was so sore and I felt my fever starting to retreat. Breakfast was soon served to me, it was a homey breakfast of boiled turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, without salt and pepper of course. Toast without butter, and a small bottle of chocolate milk. Out of hunger I ate every morsel and left not a scrap of egg or a speck of crust on my plate.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 9

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 9

Part 9 - Magical Possibilities

By Paula Dillon and Tigger
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Christie is having one of those repetitive dream experiences again, only this one feels somehow urgent - like she needs to do something and soon. Trying her new meditation skills is a possibility. What to do? Sometimes, a girl just really needs her Mom and her Grandfather.

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 4 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 4 of 13

Chapter 4 - Annie And The Angel

I wore my new print dress home at Kate's insistence - she thinks that having a sister could be fun. Dad and Sam did some silly grunting and chest pounding thing when we got home to prove how great their men's night out was, but we sophisticated women just ignored the gorillas in the living room. We women had better things to do, like finish my homework and go to bed; after all it was a school night. Looking back as an adult having to go to bed so early shocks me, but back then I really did need the sleep. That school bus came awful early.

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 3 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 3 of 13

Chapter 3 - Outfitting Annie

School on Wednesday took forever.

I was really looking forward to going out with Mom and Kate, and the idea of being Annie for the outing had moved from yeah, OK to this is going to be fun! Something had clicked when I saw myself as the girl version of me. On stage, Annie was a character, a role I was playing; off stage, the Annie I saw in the mirror was me as a different person.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 7

E’volvo’lution Chapter 7

There were four applications in the ones that Berget had given me so I looked through them while having a hot drink. The extra supplies, a kettle and a small fridge had been put into the office just after I arrived, and I was getting quite comfortable.

I would have to ask about a computer and then thought that, with the resources at my disposal, I didn’t need one yet.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 8

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 8

Part 8 - Christie's Life - November Through December

by Paula Dillon and Tigger

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More life experiences for our emerging sorceress. A girls' lunch at school gets disrupted by a troll. Thanksgiving is for Sorcery lessons and practical exams. Christie gets a dancing pal. Christmas plans are put on hold by a flu bug.

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 2 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 2 of 13

Chapter 2 - Annie Off The Stage

Annie was a great success, which made me want to spend more time on the stage. I was hooked on the bright lights and the greasepaint, just like my parents. The hardest part of the whole thing was the my name in the program.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 7

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 7

Part 7 - Life Happens Anyway

by Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Even when you are a budding young sorceress, life is what happens when you least expect it. Just almost normal life things. Taking a stand against bullying in school. Waking your Mom up at an inopportune time. Learning the consequences of beating on another girl's boyfriend a little too enthusiastically. Finding out the hard way that male mosquitoes can sting sometimes. You know, life things.

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 1 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Little Orphant Annie's come to our house to stay,
An' wash the cups an' saucers up, an' brush the crumbs away,
An' shoo the chickens off the porch, an' dust the hearth, an' sweep,
An' make the fire, an' bake the bread, an' earn her board-an'-keep;
An' all us other childern, when the supper things is done,
We set around the kitchen fire an' has the mostest fun
A-list'nin' to the witch-tales 'at Annie tells about,
An' the Gobble-uns 'at gits you
Ef you…Don't… Watch…Out!

"Little Orphant Annie"
James Whitcomb Riley

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 6

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 6

Part 6 - Magic in Dreams

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Just before her Saturday class at the dojang, Christie is all suited up and hoping for some sparring practice. Her next advancement test is only a couple of weeks away, and she wants to be ready!. Some things go right. Some others, eh, not so much. In the end, however, a great many things in Christie's future may start to change.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 5

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 5

Part 5 - Dreams and Other Magicks

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Amanda wakes up in time to see her daughter Christie dancing. Mother and daughter discuss the fallout from Amanda's confrontation with the Dance Coach. Christie begins experiencing strange dreams.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 4

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 4

Part 4 - After School Interlude with Mom

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Amanda, Christie's Mother, is driving home, stuck in traffic, after her meeting with Grandfather Kim. Her child's so far unique trial continues to bother her, and she uses the time in traffic jams to plan. Meanwhile, Christie is trying to develop some plans of her own on how to deal with members of the Competive Cheer and Dance Team who won't leave her alone. Christie's trial maybe hard to figure, but Amanda is well able to help her daughter learn how to deal with such minor annoyances - without magic and without Taekwando.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie and the Phantom Nurse (1)

Hospitals are one of the most depressing places on earth. Everything reeks of antiseptic and disinfectant, the food is bland and the portions are small. Plus, you can't have a moment's peace to yourself and you have no privacy whatsoever. And guess what? I'm going to be spending my Easter Weekend here on the fifth floor of Mississippi Medical Center because mother nature hates me.

Down but not out - Part 05


The next few hours were very much a blur. I was searched several times before I was taken to Shrewsbury Police Station for questioning. My requests for something to eat were ignored.

"These could be evidence," said the detective who was assigned to question me as he held up an unopened pack of six energy bars. From the look of him, Detective Sergeant Saunders was a rookie in the Plain Clothes world. He had no dress sense at all and trying to wear shirts that were at least one if not two sizes too small for him, did not present an air of confidence or authority

E'volvo'lution Chapter 6

E’volvo’lution Chapter 6

We got back to the truck yard and Anders called for a meeting in the afternoon. I was told to just relax until then so I went and sat with Berget. She was very appreciative of my business look and sent me off to different places to get papers for her.

The ploy worked as I got a lot of ‘hubba hubba’ comments, and I really felt good when we went off for lunch.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 3

Part 3 - The Mentors Meet
By Paula Dillon and Tigger
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Christie's Mom, Amanda, is concerned. So far, her daughter's trial is nothing like any other such experience documented in her family's extensive records. She's worried something has gone wrong with Christie's fate. She decides to seek advice from another person of power. Someone who already knows that Christie used to be Charlie.

What It Takes To Survive Senior Year - Chapter 3

"What do you want with him?" I yelled as Mikey rushed to my side.

I watched in dismay as both police officers stood on either side of Ollie and gestured for him to walk.

"What did he do?" I screamed panicked but neither of them would say a word to me.

"Harris, I need you take her to the parking lot. Her mother is waiting there" was all Coach said. He wouldn't even look at me.

"What did you do?" I raised my voice at Coach but even that couldn't get a response from him.

"Now, Harris" Coach repeated sternly.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 2

Part 2 - Christie's First Day at School

by Paula Dillon and Tigger

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After three months of coming to grips with her transformation, it is time for Christie to face her first day of school. Things really seem to look different now. Or maybe now Christie is just looking at things differently


Link: The Road to Hell Title Page and Description


Joss sighed as he worked on the commission painting. Knowing it needed to be delivered within two weeks, he wanted it done that day so the oils had time to dry. Smiling as he shook his head, he continued to add details to the dog's ears. Four years and a double degree and I'm using it to paint a rich woman's dead Airedale! he chuckled to himself.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 5

E’volvo’lution Chapter 5

We kissed a bit more and then she said that we had to work again in the morning. We got back on the bikes and went to our respective homes. Astrid was still up when I got in and she took one look at my face, “A good night, I see.”

I suppose that I looked blank so she laughed, “You can always tell when a girl has had a good night, especially when she’s forgotten to redo her lipstick.”

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux

Author's Note: This story was posted unfinished by Paula Dillon after working on it for two years when writer's block struck. Chapter 1 consists of her originally posted story that has been edited in concert with the extension and completion of the story jointly authored by Paula and Tigger.

Mind, Body and Spirit
Paula Dillon

Author's Note: Korean terms used in the story's Karate classes are parenthetically translated the first time the term is used in a chapter. For example GOMAN! (stop) CHARYUT! (attention). A glossary of such terms is contained in Appendix B of Part 1 for future reference.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 4

E’volvo’lution Chapter 4

Tuesday, my second day of work, was a very early start. Now I had my phone I could set the alarm so was up and dressed and out of the house before six. I had got Astrid to unglue the special panties last night.

Although they had outlets that allowed me to do my business, I had started to itch underneath. It had been lovely having a shower this morning and the special panties were all right just pulled on, now that I was mainly wearing jeans.

Down but not out - Part 04

[the next day]

Jennifer escorted me into the anonymous building once again. She sat me down in the same room that we’d used the day before.

“I’m sorry about my reaction yesterday. What you said took me by surprise and… I couldn’t help myself smile. I’m afraid that it is a trait of mine that goes back to when I was a child. According to my shrink, it is my way of deflecting unexpected news.”


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