General Audience (pg)

The Wish Disc Part 1 and 2 of 18.

This story uses the Spells Are Us concept as part of it.

Part 1

It was my day off work and I was just drifting around in town, ending up in the big shopping mall for a wander around and a bite to eat. This was a usual occupation for me as I hardly ever had something meaningful to do. I work Tuesday to Saturday and get Sunday and Monday off.

The Man in the Well-Fitting Suit (Complete)

This was a story I set aside to put up on Patreon last year. I don’t know if anyone read it. Certainly no-one interested enough to sign on to my page. It remains the only thing I have put on that platform. It’s one of the stories in a collection I sent to Erin for publication, should she want to. Anyway, here it is, in full, for your enjoyment as I hate to see a story wasted.

Chapter 1

The Good Ship Chapter 4 of 4

Chapter 4 “Some Enchanted Evening”

The following morning they arrived off of Tripoli. The tours today would be in small groups, spaced over the two days they were moored. The groups would be closely looked after by some of the male crew members. Tripoli was not dangerous, usually, but the cruise line took no chances, especially with so many women. There would be a tour of the historical places and one to the bazaar for shopping.

TTSD 5: Dot Hunting

T.T.S.D. 5: Dot Hunting

Last time, Dot’s hugglebug put Chris in a dress, which led to them having a conversation about their feelings for each other. Unfortunately, the group of students called the Wolfpack had taken note of the incident, and began planning how to bully Dot and Chris ...

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 6 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum


The Calm Before The Storm

Life was good. I appreciated having Lucy in bed with me every night, Mom seemed to be happy with Lucy living with us, even if she rather thought of it as one of the sleepovers we had when we were kids.

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 5 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum



Sometimes Chaos can be a good thing. The old place was filled to the rafters, but we managed to find places for both visiting families to sleep. I graciously volunteered to sleep at Lucy's place to make room. Hey - I'm a writer, I make up stories for a living. I don't claim they're convincing stories.

The Good Ship Chapter 3 of 4

Chapter 3 “Monkeying Around”

The following morning there was a table for four and they sat to eat a solid breakfast. Jasmin was still on a high after last night and hoped that there would be other evenings where the two of them could grace the stage. Shelly wasn’t so sure, thinking that every moment was already mapped out and that last night had been a one-off.

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 4 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum


The Letter

I had fallen into the habit of checking the mail each day when it came through the letter slot. Today's missive contained something different: a letter with FINAL NOTICE prominently printed on the envelope. Mom was three months behind on her electric bill.

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 3 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum


That Might Work

Sunday was quiet. I spent much of it dismantling my old twin bed and hiding it in the closet next to my useless Harry clothes. I got a piece of plywood to expand the surface of my old school desk, set up my computer stuff and went out to buy a decent chair. That old wooden thing I used as a kid just didn't cut it any more, even if I'd padded my bottom.

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 2 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum


The Conference Call

I got Mom settled in front of the TV and went out into the back yard. I knew that my sisters were two time zones away, so it was evening for them.

"Hi Pam, It's Harry. I have some news."

Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton: More Ghost Stories. (13)

As a paranormal researcher, I sometimes stumble upon a story that just moves me in ways that I did not expect to be moved. This story is one that hit very close to home for personal reasons I'm really not going to go into detail about here. The following story has all the hallmarks of a classic ghost story, the main character dies a horrible death, in fact he is murdered outright by a gang of thugs, on Halloween night of all nights, and his vengeful spirit returns to the claim the life of his attackers.

Shrink me no Shrinks.

Phyllis was cynical, perhaps with good reason, and considered the delegates and deliverers of the course to be a typical, left wing bunch with a disproportionate number of non whites, non binaries and generally professed anti establishment pedants, despite most being paid good, upper middle class salaries by the establishment which they were in truth pillars of. ‘Ah well,’ she’d thought, ‘It’s good to know that hypocrisy is still alive and kicking at all levels.’

The Good Ship Chapter 2 of 4

Chapter 2 “All At Sea”

Jean looked at her information sheet. “Actually, there’s a note here that tells us that the first day out is ‘come as you are’. This allows those not fully into the role to take it slowly. I expect that we’ll see a few sights in the dining room tonight but these will become less as the cruise continues."

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 1 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum


A Rude Awakening

I woke up when my phone started ringing. I knew it was my sister Caroline since the ringtone was Neil Diamond's Sweet Caroline. Caroline thought I was a genius to be able to do something like that and had me put Croche's Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown on hers so she knew it was her husband calling. I had better add that Leroy was a nice guy, not a bad bad one.

"Whazzit?" I mumbled.

The Voyage of the Visund -63-

The two vessels continue on their voyage along the great river. The newest passengers learn what it takes to live on the water as they head towards Faralan. As they round the last bend an unexpected danger threatens.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

63 - Learning the Ropes

The Good Ship Chapter 1 of 4

Chapter 1 “All Aboard!”

Sheldon was happy the day he opened his mail to find the bomb his mother had sent. He had gained a good First in chemistry and had enjoyed his time at university. He was at a crossroads in his life but had not truly thought beyond the end of his study.

Changing Roles - Chapter 2


Changing Roles
By Julie Dawn Cole
Chapter 2

I was in total shock, and nothing was really sinking in. Usually in difficult circumstances for business I turned to George, and we’d talk things through, and we’d find a solution and make a plan. He had gone and I’d only just met Emily and we had no relationship. I detected that she felt I would still be loyal to George whatever she did but in my favour, she seemed to need my help.

Antibodies 9

Bev & Jamie return to Earth to determine the situation concerning the mass kidnappings and what progress has been made towards a vaccine. Jamie's friend Jenny becomes infected and this could compromise Jamie and Beverly's as they are forced to treat their friend.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie Play's Dotty

A deep blush colored my face as I peered into the floor length mirror. The reflection showed a girl with blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and a petite frame. The girl was also dressed in one of the most embarrassing costumes I've ever laid eyes on. The costume was a short white dress with black spots. The accessories included a purple dog collar with a golden nameplate that read 'Jamie' engraved on it. And last but not least a pair of black dog ears. A small sigh escaped my lips as I spun around. This has to be the dumbest thing I've ever volunteered to do.

The Lie


Photo by Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

I'd like to thank Hollis and Malady for their help going through this short story, looking for errors and offering their opinions. Your help is always appreciated!

Mommy, the teacher told us a lie today!”

What?” Janis asked her little girl. “Told you a lie?”

Audrey Hepburn and I

New school year, new school!

To be honest it was quite daunting to come to the huge High School from our smallish Middle School. Fortunately there were two of us. Me and my fraternal twin sister. Why do people talk about “fraternal twin” when it’s about a girl? Anyway, there we were. Cary and Katherine against the world. Well, not really. Even if the big school scared us, which we’d NEVER admit to anyone else, we didn’t really have anything to fear. We usually found it easy to find new friends or at least gET along with people. We had very good grades without being pegged as nerds since we were good at sports as well. Both Sis and I had selected courses geared towards science and technology with future engineering degrees in mind.

As expected, there was a huge crowd milling around. Sis and I got lost at first and then we ran into an Audrey Hepburn look-alike. She really owned the style. Short hairstyle, black turtleneck, slim black trousers, and ballet flats. Body language was similar as well as far as I could see. Sis could hardly keep herself from laughing. As it happens, I’m a great fan of Audrey Hepburn. As it turned out “Audrey” both was heading to the same homeroom as Sis and I AND she’d been smart enough to print out a map before coming. We happily followed her lead. In my case very happily as I walked behind her and Sis.

All for a story 4 - Jane the PA

Jack is posing as Jane to help a friend uncover corruption in the construction industry. and after a lot of coaching and help from his sister and her friends is about to take the major step of his first day working as a woman.


I was up bright and early Monday morning, going over and over things on my mind about how I would settle in at my new job, and hoping that I would fit in seamlessly as a woman.


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