General Audience (pg)

Letter to Mum

Dear mum,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love you have given me throughout my life. I know the sacrifices you have made to raise me and my brothers. The long hours you worked to put food on the table. Scrimping and saving to take us away on holidays.

Now that I’m old enough to understand you explained that dad never wanted children. Which explains why he rarely came on holiday with us. Why he never did things with us like our friend’s dad’s did. I can forgive him that. I understand now people want what they want.

Antibodies 4

Antibodies 4

© Copyright to Beverly Taff.

Nana Bev, Interplanetary prospector.
Jamie, Bev’s younger prospecting Partner.
Dennis Potter Freight manager and old friend of Beverly’s.
Jack Godfrey Yard foreman and walking boss.
Charlotte and Lucy - Jamie’s younger dancing & clubbing friends.
Rose and Violet. Real girl friends of Jamie, Charlotte and Lucy.

Chapter 4.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 11

E’volvo’lution Chapter 11

On the way back I checked out the work-site and was amazed at how much had been done. Anders must have tied up every cement truck in Tallinn as the hard stand had been laid in a big ‘U’ shape. The space where the building would be was left with a path from it to the gate also not poured yet.

Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton: More Ghost Stories (9)

The Pemberton Mall was the premier shopping destination of Vicksburg, Mississippi. The mall had been named in honor of the confederate general who had commanded all southern forces stationed within the city during the heroic forty seven or so day siege the city had endured. His name was John C.

Bullied No More


Every day, all the time it seemed, the guys just made fun of me. Sure I was smart, but I was small, smaller than most of them. It was terrible, as they turned into men, I seemed to stay behind, with my soft hairless features. And puberty, well that didn’t seem to be happening either.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 21 and Part 22

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Parts 21 and 22

Part 21 - Verdict and Sentence
Part 22 - Facing the Morning After

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Christie faces the end of her trial, but even as she finds answers to many of her questions, only to uncover that not all the answers are to her liking. Her verdict will determine who will face the future. The morning after dawns shedding light on new questions. In the end, the young sorcerer must seek the advice of family and friends along with the wisdom of Sa Bum Nim, Grandfather Kim, for answers.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 20

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 20

Part 20A - A Sorcerers' Pre-Birthday Celebration

Part 20B - Birthday Celebrations with Friends

By Paula Dillon and Tigger
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Christie's first chance at completing the sorcerer emergence trial is less than 48 hours away. But first, there are family traditions that Mom Amanda and Grandmother Rebekah want to share with Christie.

Saturday arrives, and a reflective Christie shares some intensely special moments with her friends - even the ones who don't know precisely how special this day will be.

Mares Tales 30

Mare's Tales - Chapter 30 – by: Beverly Taff

With our long sojourn at an end we finally returned full circle to
the same pretty yacht haven we had left so long ago. Things had
changed enormously for all of us but not so much as to damage or
affect the intense feelings we still had for the friends we had left
behind. Margaret, Jane, Diana and I were overjoyed to see our centaur
friends waving excitedly on the quay as our weather-beaten yacht
nosed its way into her old familiar berth.

Antibodies 2

Antibodies 2

© Copyright to BG Taff.


Nana Bev Interplanetary prospector.
Jamie Bev’s younger prospecting Partner.
Dennis Potter Freight manager and old friend of Beverly’s.
Jack Godfrey Yard foreman and walking boss.

Jamie and I lounged in our bunks as we discussed the options confronting us.

“I suppose we could just land and not tell anybody about it.” Jamie opined.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 19

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 19
Part 19 - Possibilities and Preparations
II - The Would-be Sorceress Plans
By Paula Dillon and Tigger
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Visiting Valerie and verifying the previous night's shared experiences. Then Christie heads to class at the dojang where she has a minor meltdown crying on Papa's shoulder.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 18

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 18

Part 18 - Possibilities and Preparations

I - The Morning After

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Mom Amanda comes downstairs the morning after Christie's Very Weird Day and is surprised that her daughter is not following her usual exercise routine. Come to find out that Christie had a very restless night and would need Mother's insight and guidance on what to do next.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 10

E’volvo’lution Chapter 10

The weekend was glorious and Berget and I went out in my car to find as many scenic spots, cafes and bakeries as we could. After the stress of the week it was good to wind down.

On the Monday Anders came to my office as I was looking through the applications that had come in during the week. He told me that Greger had been absolutely full of it when he’d got home and wanted to know if I thought that Halina was serious.

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 13 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 13 of 13

Chapter 19 - High School

And so I continued to grow up. The usual things that happen to teenage girls happened to me. For the most part, my life as a transgendered girl wasn't too different from that of any schoolgirl, but I'll hit some of the highlights.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 17

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 17

Part 17 - Visiting Valerie

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Ever had a weird day? Well, Christie is an emerging sorceress, and when she has one? Christie has a REALLY WEIRD DAY!!!



© Copyright to Beverly Taff.

“Come and look at this Bev.” Jamie exclaimed as she adjusted the screen.

I looked up from my Star ship log.

“What’s up Babes?”

“I dunno. I’ve never seen anything like this before. It’s not in solar orbit. Looks like an extra-solar arrival. It’s a funny colour though.”

Down but not out - Part 07

I wandered downstairs to find Yasmine and Jennifer looking at a road map.

“What’s up?”

“Look at this,” said Jennifer passing me her phone. A text message was there for everyone to read.

“Urgent. Position compromised as of 13.45. Evacuate. Urgent.”

“Do you have any idea as to what happened?”

Jennifer shook her head.
“None at all. All I know is there in the text which comes from my Commander. By my estimate, we have to leave inside the next twenty minutes.”

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 12 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 12 of 13

Chapter 16 - A Birthday Surprise

My twelfth birthday party was quite a departure from those in the past. Previous parties were just a bunch of guys getting together to hang out and stuff themselves with ice cream and cake. This year the topic of sex had become apparent.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 16

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 16

Part 16- Seeking a New Routine

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Apparently, a good night's sleep works wonders, and Christie awakens without pain. Still unsure of the cause, she tries a day's workout plan of progressively increasing intensity. After playing matchmaker, she goes on to learn a little more about herself and her power.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie and Phantom Nurse (4)

Breakfast was brought to me the next morning, it was a simple breakfast, grits, boiled turkey bacon, toast, and milk. Still worn out from the nights before I ate and fell asleep, I awoke in time for lunch, a piece of broiled fish seasoned with just lemon juice and dill, steamed broccoli, and tea. Still tired I ate and again I fell asleep, dinner was a little better, roasted chicken seasoned with lemon and pepper, more steamed broccoli, a small slice of yellow cake with chocolate icing and more tea. Again tired I ate and fell asleep.

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 11 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 11 of 13

Chapter 14 - The Birthday Party

Have you ever gotten so busy that you forget some important stuff? By the middle of February I was settling in to my new school and new friends and identity. If I wasn't doing homework or thinking about school I was thinking about the upcoming play, learning the songs and dialog and wondering who was going to be playing Colin and Dickon.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 15

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 15

Part 15 - After the Hospital Stay, A Day at the Pistol Range

by Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Finally released from the Hospital but still unable to visit Valerie, Christie tries to relieve some of her stress at the pistol range, but something is just not quite right. Christie vents a bit and then knuckles down to do damage to some targets, only to have something bite her back . . . side. Amanda tries to help but has a 'Mommy Moment' and calls her own Mom for guidance.

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 10 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 10 of 13

Chapter 12 - Tales Of Boobs and Bubbles

By Sunday my wonderful, fabulous, womanly new breasts had me in a sticky situation. Really. The things kept sticking to my chest. I had to look around and if nobody was looking I kind of stuck my fingers in my bra and tried to adjust them to be more comfortable.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 13

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

I'd like to apologize for the long delay in posting. Hopefully, that's over now, but I'm not really sure. Anything can happen, and usually does in my life.
As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 3.13

Wednesday, May 22nd 2023

It had been several days since French and Brandy had told them what happened to Gerald Parks.

Marcia had hoped they would find that the saw cuts had been made after death – maybe the killer initially planned to dispose of the body in different locations? That wouldn’t be great, but at least it wouldn’t be torture. But no, there was clear evidence that the sawing was done while the poor man was alive.

She found it hard to conceive that people could do things like that to each other. She wished she'd never found out about this case, but she desperately wanted to prove that Bruce had nothing to do with it.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 14

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 14

Part 14 - Tad Fight Aftermath

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Valerie and Christie are in the hospital ER. Amanda and Papa Kim are there to lend their special talents to the girls' current problems. Sometimes being a sorceress means you can't just do what you want around the 'normals.'

E'volvo'lution Chapter 9

E’volvo’lution Chapter 9

When we landed we had to go through customs after we had picked up our bags. I could have gone through the express gate if I’d been using my own passport but was testing the Estonian one which was a lot closer to how I now looked.

I deliberately dressed down as I didn’t want to overshadow my sister so just had a denim skirt and silk blouse with light tights and low boots for comfort. When we got out of the arrival hall I saw my parents waiting for us, my niece in a stroller.

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 9 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 9 of 13

Chapter 10 - A New School and A New Show

Ursuline Academy was everything I hoped it would be. Eventually. Of course I had to get through being the new girl, which I thought wouldn't be too hard. After all, I was able to stand up in front of a few hundred complete strangers and convince them I was a cute little orphan for several nights. Stage fright? Me?

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 13

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 13

Part 13 - Tad Snaps

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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Tad Green completely goes off the rails. So far as he is concerned, all of his problems are Christie McKellar's fault, and he will do anything, ANYTHING, to force her to do what he's decided is required to 'fix it' for him.

Reader Caution. This is an extremely violent (by Tigger Standards) episode.

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 12

Mind, Body and Spirit Redux, Part 12

Part 12 - The First Last?

By Paula Dillon and Tigger

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May is in the air, and Christie is getting ready for her 4th Geup Blue Belt test. Preparations have been made for 'visiting in-dignitaries" and Donnie, in particular, is looking forward to his 'usher duties.' Naturally, Grandfather Kim has another surprise for his favorite Jeja Christie.

Lock Stock and Barrel 7

AA Lock Stock And Barrel 7

Isabel. Entrepreneur and asset stripper.
Edward Thorpe Isabel’s father. Deceased.
Josephine Thorpe Isabel’s mother.
Lucinda Thorpe Isabel’s sister.
Abigail Thorpe Isabel’s 2nd sister
Veronica Thorpe Isabel’s 3rd sister
Jacqueline Thorp Isabel’s youngest sister
Marjorie Tansley Lawyer to Edward Thorpe
Shula Isabel’s bisexual female partner.
Dawn Shula’s lesbian lover and Isabel’s companion
Betty Edward Thorpe’s secretary.
Pete Machine shop supervisor.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie and the Phantom Nurse (3)

I woke up around midnight with the urge to pee. Once I'd finished my business, I'd decided it was time to put my plan into action. Taking a deep breath I inched my way toward the door to my room. Gathering up my courage, I reached out and took hold of the door handle and pushed upon it. The wooden door crept open and before I knew it I was standing out in the hallway.

Little Orphan (D)Annie - Part 7 of 13

Little Orphan (D)Annie


Part 7 of 13

Chapter 8 - Ursuline Academy

"And to what do we owe the pleasure of your company this morning, Annie?" asked Dad at breakfast.

"Why Dad, isn't my presence always a pleasure?"

"I refuse to answer because I might have to tell the truth."

"Chip, be nice to your daughter."

"He's never nice to me," grumped Kate.

"I guess that means you don't want a lift to the mall?" snarked Dad.

"I'll just have my boyfriend take me."

"Joanna! Where's my baseball bat?"


Subscribe to General Audience (pg)