The Return of Lilith Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

My head is throbbing and I can't focus on anything. It feels like I've been put through a wringer. My memory is fuzzy, I seem to have conflicting memories that I can't get straight. I don't know what's going on, I remember being in a fight using a sword but also being blown up in a HUMVVEE. The fog is starting to clear and I can and I can start to piece things together.

I start to feel the rest of my body. I feel the sheets and the blankets covering my body. The mattress is not a comfortable one, it feels cheap. I start to feel the pain from my head go away. I start to feel my eyes open and I can see that I appear to be in a cheap motel room.

I quickly sat up and tried to remember how I got here. The curtains are closed keeping the sunlight out. I look around the room and I can see the crappy motel bed and the TV on the dresser.

I start to move off the bed and I can feel that my body is different yet the same. I look down at my body and I can see that I have slightly tan skin, average size breast and can see black hair hanging down over my shoulders.

Wait, I think, I'm not a woman but then again, I definitely remember being a woman. I shake my head and try to remember more. A name comes to me Lilith, yes, I am Lilith. The first human to be created for the Garden of Eden. I remember being in the Garden and being happy till Adam came. Just the thought of that man makes my blood boil. I remember the day when I left the Garden with Lucifers' help.

I move over to mirror and look at myself. I am young looking, for having lived for 7000 years. I have never really looked at my body before, I never had access to such a luxury as a mirror. I move back to the bed and I sit. I look around the room again and I can see that there are some clothes on the end of the bed. I get to get dressed and I start to put them on. I know what all these clothes are but I can't remember how I knew this information.

I heard a key in the lock and I looked around for a weapon. A woman on the other side of the door calls out, "It's me Lilith. It's your daughter Shri'lah." I heard that name and I remember my daughter. My heart jumps with joy and I run to the door. I hear Shri'lah laughing and she finally opens the door. I rush in and hug her tight.

I pull back from her and take a good look at her. Just like I remembered her, she is a beautiful woman. Her black horns are longer and thicker than before. Har barbed tail is also longer, but just as active as before. I notice her eyes, and I see the tears that are threatening to spill out of them.

Shri'lah closes the door and says, "I have missed you so very much, Mum." I put my arms around her and I asked, "what happened to me?"

Shri'lah says, "you fought Michael and he had set a trap for you. Both Michael and Lucifer were there and they ripped your soul from your body. Michael tried to destroy your soul, but..."

"But my soul is bound to the material plane for all time." I speak. "How long have I been gone?"

" For a little over 3000 years." Shri'lah tells me.

I dropped to the bed in disbelief. "3000 years? I've been gone that long? Where is Sha'lar?" I ask.

"Mother was so distraught by your absence that she couldn't stand to be without you. She stopped feeding and locked herself in a tomb. She was found at some point and moved, so we don't know where she is now," Shri'lah says with tears in her eyes.

My heart breaks as I hear this news. My love, my life, gone. "Tell me we are going to find her. I have to see her again."

"Yes Mum, we are going to find her. I finally found you and we are going to find her as well." Shri'lah says.

"First we need to get your papers so that you can live in the world. I have already created a new identity for you. I created a family history that shows your parents died in a car accident, and you will be moving in with me and my family." Shri'lah continues, "I can't wait to introduce you to my husband, David, and my son, James."

"Does your family not know about your family history? Do they not know what you are?" I ask.

"David has no idea what I am, but James can see through my glamour and can see my succubus features. James has seen the real me his whole life so he doesn't even question it. They both believe that my parents are dead, and that I am estranged from the rest of my family. With you looking like a sixteen-year-old girl, I can't introduce you as my mother. Shri'lah explains.

"What of your sisters?" I ask, as panic fills my mind.

"They are alive Mum, though I don't know where they are. After, Tri'nay started being with an incubus, they all chased me away." Shri'lah responds sadly.

With all this information thrown at me so quickly, my body moves on autopilot, while I mull over what has happened to my family.

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This is quite the tale

Julia Miller's picture

Our soldier still with us but it seems Lilith is with him as well, and they are now in a 16 year old girl’s body. So will they get along or is he now just along for the ride?