Shopping - The Return

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It was a quiet Wednesday evening at the Mall. Not a lot of people about, but the stores were open. At one end of the mall, the big "Anchor" store was brightly lit but sparsely populated. Walking along the glitzy corridor toward the Anchor Store came a man. He looked like a big wheel, Banker, CEO, Lawyer; some kind of power broker in a three piece suit that most certainly wasn't off the rack. In his hand was one of the fancy bags from that Anchor Store, but his demeanor was almost furtive.

Not often you see someone dressed like that looking nervous. Looking carefully around he rode up the escalator and turned right. Approaching the counter beneath the overhead sign reading "Women's Wear," he diffidently placed the bag on the counter.

"Can I help you, sir?" asked the lady behind the counter, happy to have something to do besides wait around.

"Uh… I… uh… bought this the other day and… uh… it didn't fit."

"No problem, sir. I'll be happy to exchange it as long as the tags are still on it and it is in saleable condition."

"Uh… I'm sure… sure that it is in uh… good condition."

Millie, for that was the name on her name tag, removed the dress and inspected it.

"I don't see any problems. Can I ask if you know your lady's size?"

"Well… I… I mean… I'm not sure… I bought it on impulse, you see…"

The poor man seemed to shrink a few sizes inside his three piece suit.

Now Millie had been at the lady's wear counter for several years and this was not the first time such a situation had occurred.

"I don't want to embarrass you, but there is no one near us to overhear. Would you be wanting to buy a dress for yourself? That's nothing to be ashamed of, you know."

"Oh gosh… I didn't… I mean…"

"I take it the answer is 'yes'."

With a sigh he answered "Yes." almost inaudibly.

"I think that's rather sweet. That's a very good suit you're wearing, but I couldn't imagine having to wear all those layers all day long, let alone wearing the same thing day after day. It's far more pleasant to be able to have lots of colors and styles to choose from; you're lucky to be a man who can appreciate such things. Was that your first dress?"

"Uh… yes."

"Now see, you're already developing a sense of style, that dress would suit your body quite well with a little effort. If you have the time I could measure you and we can find out the proper sizes…"

"You can do that?"

"Of course, that's why I'm here. Since we're pretty slow right now you won't have to worry about anyone else seeing you." Picking up a tape measure she continued "Come back in the fitting rooms and we can get you all set."

It must be said that Millie was a naturally helpful person, but she was on commission. Selling a complete new wardrobe would be a nice way to cap off a slow day.


You're a size 14, which is large or maybe XL. That would be a 40 inch bra band and maybe size seven for panties. You do have one advantage over us women in that you can pick your cup size and not be stuck with what nature provides. I think a D cup might be right in proportion to your body."

"That big?"

"I know, I bet you've had locker room conversations about some of the women you know and a D cup will inspire some of the guys to flights of fancy. On a woman your size a D cup would be just about right. And don't worry, we women speculate all the time about a guy's size but we don't have the advantage of actually seeing what we're speculating about."


"I bet you think I talk too much, don't you?"

"Please… I… Oh heck! You really aren't disgusted at me for wanting a dress?"

"Honey, the world is a big place and there's room for all of us to do what makes us feel good as long as you aren't hurting someone else. Believe me, some of my men customers look better than I do. I just try not to be jealous."


"You aren't much into swearing, are you?"

"Not really. My parents gave us… well, I'll say it - hell - for swearing."

"Do tell! I bet they wouldn't be too happy about you in a dress?"

"Oh my, no!"

"Well, my job is to make sure you look good in a dress. One that suits you and makes you look pretty."

"I'd like that."

Good, then let's have a look. Are you thinking office wear, party time, casual, slopping around the house?"

So many decisions!

The poor man. The urge to wear women's clothes had been with him for some time, but childhood training and the expectations placed on a 'rising young executive' had conspired to keep that dream buried. When it finally came out, finding Millie was a godsend, she was able to take that dream and show him the steps needed to turn it into reality.

Not that this was an easy or rapid job, but that first evening our nervous newbie crossdresser went home well equipped with the basics. Not only had Millie racked up quite a nice commission, she had provided referrals to the store's hair salon, cosmetics counter, shoe department and outerwear department. Not that Eugene, for he had confided his name early on in the process of being outfitted, was going to need a coat any time soon, but if things went well he - or rather she - was going to want to leave the house sometime.

He also left with a referral for something better than balled up socks to fill his new bras. Not that this was the usual service for a big anchor store in the mall, but talking with some of her crossdressing customers had given Millie some useful information to pass along.

The following week Eugene stopped, looking a fair bit more confident. He had stopped to show Millie his new shoes - blue pumps with a two inch heel that would go with the dress. Before he left he had added two more dresses, a blouse and several bras and panties to his wardrobe.

That set the pattern, every week or two an increasingly confident Eugene -now called Genie when nobody was close by - came in to add something to her wardrobe and just gossip a little. Millie knew from the in-store gossip that Genie had gotten cosmetics advice and now had a wig from the salon. Sadly for Genie, a rising young executive in a fine old firm was expected to fit the conservative image. Millie was torn - Genie would look pretty good if she could grow out her hair, but then she wouldn't be able to keep augmenting her wardrobe if she got fired. What's a girl to do?


So it went for several months until one evening just before closing a woman came in wearing a very high end skirted suit. Her hair was beautifully done, her generous figure well displayed by the fine tailoring. She approached the counter and said "Good evening, Millie. Lovely to see you again."

Millie looked at the woman uncomprehendingly for a moment, then the light dawned.


"I knew I couldn't fool you."

"I just knew you could do it. You're perfect!"

"As is my favorite salesperson. Would you care to join me for coffee when the store closes?"

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What size chart

Is that size 14? I'm trying to reconcile a 14 with a large or X-large. I'm a Junior size 9, or more often Women's size 10. Given the vagaries of sizing some larges fit fine but some are too small, The X-larges generally fit pretty well but others are loose.

I also got the idea at the start that our executive was older and perhaps a bit more rotund than it seems later. Not trying to be picky, just trying to reconcile the image in my mind with the story.

Genie is lucky, finding an open-minded and helpful sales person is truely golden! They're kinda scarce here in Oklahoma.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin