
The Deception of Choice. Part 12. Comprising Chapters 36 & 37.


A continuing BigCloset TopShelf story. Another day in the life of our hero. Or heroine as The Venumar Foundation would wish him to be known. Anne unburdens herself and David finds confirmation of a sort. Together they try to form a hypothesis. But alas unsuccessfully. Unless....
Otherwise Life pursues the even tenor of its ways. Anyone for tennis?

Constant in All Other Things - Season One


David Sanders saw something he shouldn’t have and Agent K will do everything she can to keep him alive–-but who can he trust as he sinks deeper into a disguise he never chose, and will he ever find himself again? This collects the first ten chapters--the first story arc--into one place. Transitions between chapters have been smoothed out and hopefully it reads as a single novel-length narrative.

Constant in All Other Things - Chapter 08


Chapter Eight: David settles in to life at the Clinic and perfects his disguise. The clinic promises safety but David’s paranoia leaves him in doubt, even as Cindy makes a new friend.

Constant in All Other Things


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Constant in All Other Things

by Fake Minsk

David Sanders saw something he shouldn’t have and Agent K will do everything she can to keep him alive–-but who can he trust as he sinks deeper into a disguise he never chose, and will he ever find himself again?

Constant in All Other Things - Chapter 06


Chapter Six: The drive to the Asklepios Clinic is a long one. It may be just what David and K, Cindy and her Mom need to work through some issues, share some history and learn a little more about each other.

Constant in All Other Things - Chapter 04


Chapter Four: David discovers that sometimes high heels and makeup just aren’t enough, especially when the enemy draws close. But just who is the real enemy, he begins to wonder.

The Deception of Choice. Part 10. Comprising Chapters 31 & 32


And is it true? The light at the end of the tunnel grows brighter. David's time at the Holding Wing seems to be numbered and pastures greener by far beckon. But greener for whom, even supposing that he gets to feel them under his feet? In the meantime though hope is alive again. In David's breast at least. And talking of breasts.....

The Deception of Choice. Part 9, comprising Chapters 27, 28, 29 & 30


David's ascent, or descent, depending on one's point of view, into femininity continues with a cruel inevitability. But then a distant flicker of hope, of light at the end of the tunnel. Or will it turn out to be an approaching train? And Coralie returns, but alas no longer the girl you may remember. Oh, and some of the 'why' is revealed unto David. Not that he finds it reassuring.

Adrienne's Surprise


Story is about Jack who has a m/f transformation while is wife is away to see how the other half lives. Unknown to Jack a dominating female lurks in his subconscious and reveals herself when Jack has his little adventure. No more Jack and Adrienne is in charge. Jack wife returns after trieste of her own with a handsome doctor and now the fun begins.

The Deception of Choice. Part 8. Chapters 25 & 26.


After the attempted knifing, Grace de Messembry visits David in the Venumar Foundation's Hospital Research Facility, but does her gratitude lie deeper than her words? And what does she know about the knife? Emma has some rather exciting news, and some bad too. Coralie is seemingly broken just as the inscrutable branches apparently are. Otherwise nothing much happens. Nothing good from David's point of view anyway.

She Let Herself Go...But Not Him.

Bridesmaid, Part 6

In the car home, I turned to Lisa, "What’s going on?"

She smiled. "What do you mean?"

"You know full well what I mean."

"Patience. Just have patience and all will turn out well."


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Bridesmaid, Part 5

I left Julia feeling hollow and confused. Lisa had always been a good friend to me. I mean, I didn't think of her as a sexual being either. She was my best friend. It's not like she, Jim and I went out together. I saw Jim because he lived with her, and we all lived in the same building. I mean, Lisa was as comfortable with my sexuality as anyone.


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Bridesmaid, Part 4

In what wins the “Bad Timing” award, my psychiatrist was on vacation for the first two weeks of my new adventure. I was completely lost. When I started this, I figured I’d dress when I saw Lisa and otherwise would stay me. Yet, I found myself getting lost. I’d forget my name when I spoke to clients. I’d spend twenty minutes in the morning trying to decide what to wear, and not because I was trying to decide which of my new outfits to wear. Rather, it was because I couldn’t decide who I was. I know a lot of people would love to be able to switch but, believe me, when you have to do it, it’s no picnic.


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Bridesmaid, Part 3

“Jessica,” I said with a smile. “What do you think?” I said, twirling around.

“Wha...huh...what?” she stammered.


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Bridesmaid, Part 2

Lisa reached under the bed, and pulled out a shoe box. "Put these on," she said, handing me a pair of black 2  ½" pumps. I didn’t know they were pumps then, but have since learned more than I ever expected.


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Trick or Treat? -3-

Trick or Treat?

By: Enigma

Part 3 of 3

Saturday, October 17

I woke the next morning, stiff and sore, still in Amy's dress and my ruined makeup. Amy lay near me, propped on her elbow, watching me closely. I noticed a musky taste in my mouth, and it all came crashing back. I didn't know I had that many tears, but I sure shed a lot more of them. The storm passed, and I struggled out of bed to get cleaned up. Amy followed silently, helping where she could, just being close when she couldn't help.


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