Novel > 40,000 words

Tragedy of the Spirit Part 24 Burden of Existance Episode 2



When I woke up I was in hospital. There was no one arround, just lights on above me. I immediately panicked and began shaking. I pressed what ever button I could reach.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 6

After climbing two steps and being provided a gentle boost from Chuck, Hiromi was seated on the mare known as Dolly. Hiromi began to laugh hysterically almost from the moment her butt landed in the saddle.

“Having a good time?” Chuck asked.

“Yes,” Hiromi said as she continued to laugh uncontrollably.

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Six

Plot synopsis- Ripley visits Australia and Hong Kong with Chuck, Chrysanthemum is debriefed, A family prepares for a cross country move, and Dr. Wagner’s superiors face a crucial decision.

The Greatest Lie -1- Prom Night

Alex Rios, snobbish highschool intellectual, begins his awkward transition through a relationship with a beautiful Latina friend. But their feminine idyll ends horribly when they are caught by her old boyfriend Miguel...

The Greatest Lie

Chapter 1
Prom Night
by Alexandra Rios

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version of Chapter 1 (titled "The Biggest Lie") was originally posted to Fictionmania on January 6, 2002. Chapter 2 carries on our heroine's adventures and transformation.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 5

As she approached the office, Hiromi saw something amiss. Her office door was ajar. Hiromi walked straight into the room only to find someone seated at her desk.

It was the computer programmer Omar Rafique also known as 'The Indian' within the Watanabe Yakuza. He was operating Hiromi’s computer.

“Get out of there!” Hiromi growled. “At once!”

Omar stood up from the chair and immediately became apologetic. Saying he was only doing a software upgrade.

“I don’t care, get out of my office now.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Five

Synopsis- Captain Slater continues her Swan Song mission while at the same time undergoing both physical and mental changes.

For King & Country (part 5)


For King & Country (part 5)

by Miss K

Masters' infiltration of the Red Fist brings her back into contact with the villainous Commissar Sato. Will her disguise hold out..?

For King & Country (part 3)


For King & Country (part 3)

by Miss K

British Intelligence agent Anthony Pierce, 004 is transformed into someone quite different as the Service prepares to reinsert him into a perilous terrorist situation in the Far East. Will sparks fly as Bond returns to supervise the transformed operative's embarkation?

For King & Country (part 2)


For King & Country (part 2)

by Miss K

The beginning of a new life for disgraced British Intelligence agent Anthony Pierce, 004, as he prepares to embark on a mission into enemy territory in a deep cover disguise he didn't expect to be wearing in his wildest dreams. The transformation begins...

For King & Country (part 1)


For King & Country (part 1)

by Miss K

The beginning of a new life for disgraced British Intelligence agent Anthony Pierce, 004, as he prepares to embark on a mission into enemy territory in a deep cover disguise he didn't expect to be wearing in his wildest dreams. Set in the near future, this is the first part of a novel length sci-fi shemale spy thriller!

Tragedy of the Spirit part 14 ..... School is in .


I am sure that everyone must remember there high school days, especially the first one. I know I will and let me tell you it was a nice one. Although I had so many emotions running through my head. Fear, being one of them. I also had alot of anxiety and stress upon which I was not expecting.


Who Was I - 33 (The End)

In which things are eventually made clear.

Who Was I©

By: Annette MacGregor

"Bill, the final report came in from Jane this afternoon."

I looked up at her, something didn't sound quite right. "Becky?" I asked her questioningly.

"It's a little disturbing Bill. Here, you read it."

Burglars Breasts and Bras

A group of the best burglars from the Gold Coast are forced to compete in a contest against the technology of the Genderswap corporation. Their reward is freedom whilst their penalty is forced transformations.

Burglars Breasts and Bras

by Seaweed Smells

Surfer’s Paradise - Gold Coast Queensland, Australia
Genderswap Head Office

Who Was I - 32

In which the preliminary PI report is received, Stacy gets her memory block removed, and lunch happens. If you look carefully, something else might happen too.

Who Was I

By: Annette MacGregor

"Okay Bill, what's this all about?"

"Nick, it actually started with my missing memory. We've found out what caused it. And a person did it."

"What? You're talking something criminal now Bill."

Who Was I - 31

In Which Bill admits to some vivid dreams, where Karen remembers her past, and Stacy gets a new body decoration.

Who Was I

By: Annette MacGregor

"Yes George is it." At his nod, "I think this is..."

"...becoming a regular thing." continued Karen.

He looked at us. "Do you d that often?"

We looked bemused. "Do what?" I said.

Who Was I - 30

In which Becky grills Bill about lunch, where capsules are found in both ladies heads, and Karen and Stacy meet Dr. Wong.

Who Was I

By: Annette MacGregor

"Yes Mr. Wyman. If you recall Ms. Stewart's description, the tower was on a cliff above the ocean. Yours, on the other hand, was in the middle of a forest."

"You're right. I'd not noticed that. I was paying more attention to the similarities in her description. Karen, it's like we were describing the same tower!"

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 4

“So what do you have for me?” Hiromi asked as she pulled out of the parking lot. Reina then began to explain what the Swan Song committee was requesting of Ripley.

When Reina was finished explaining, Hiromi shook her head. “Are they nuts?”

“I’m just the messenger Ripley-san.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Four

Synopsis- Hiromi Sato (Captain Tom Slater) and Operation Swan Song continue to make slow progress in their efforts to topple the Yakuza family led by Goro Watanabe.

EXPO Summer -5- The Unkindest Cut

Part 05
Friends Will be Friends

by Kim EM

Copyright (c) 2000 by Kim EM
All rights reserved

With humor and empathy, Kim tells the story of Billy, an 11-year-old whose life has reached a low point. Weaving in some autobiographical details, Kim follows Billy's journey toward becoming accepted as the girl he has always been.

Who Was I - 29

In which Bill goes through the wringer, Ginny expresses her concerns as only an 11 yr old can. and in which the tree musketeers have lunch and make plans. Or do they?

Who Was I

By: Annette MacGregor

". . . So many things could go wrong.”

"That's HORRIBLE."

"Yes and any number of things could have gone wrong. . . ."

Tragedy of the Spirit part 8 b.... MY fears of being alone

Part 8 b: Tragedy of the spirit.

I slowly began to wonder if I had made the right choices. Was I bad person for leaving when I did? Did the choice to leave make any sense to me. Being 15 when I left and being on the road for over a year now I wondered?. Have those choices I made a lifetime ago it seems , make any sense?.

Heroes of Justice Part 3

           Mark still acted more than willing to fully accept us as women, if you know what I mean. He was polite, but his actions let us know he was ready anytime we were. Shuddering, I informed him that there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell, not that it did any good! Anza told me he was just being a normal guy, Yuk! I told her I had never been that way as a guy, but she just gave me a kiss and replied, “You were never a guy, luv.” Sigh.
Heroes of Justice

Part 3

by Grover

Princess of Trimaria - Part 3

The race to recover the amulet is on as Keri and Marc pursue a traitor deep in enemy territory. What they find in the wilds of Camron will bring both joy and sadness - unexpected allies will emerge and the power behind the plot will be unmasked. Part 3 of 3.

Tragedy of the Spirit part 8 Life on the road

Part 8 Life on the Road Begins

All material is copywrite 2008 by Prairie_girl_64 (parts 1 thru 8)

After my Brutal rape and assault by Adam , I sat down and talked with Jenn about what had transpired. She asked me how I felt.

Jenn " How do you feel about what happened to you? I know you went through hell with your dad and brother, how do feel about a repeat?"

Tragedy of the Spirit part 7 Life goes on and changes occur

Life goes on and major changes occurr for me. The struggle to find my place begins.

After I was at my freind Jenifers residence we began to talk. I told her what had transpired over the last few months at home. I also mentioned to her my plan for my eventual escape and how I ended up on my cross country trek. Our conversation picked up a fair bit.

Tragedy of the Spirit part 6 A new life... Hope maybe?

Caution, some rape and abuse scenes. Please feel free to post points to improve on or comments. This is true and this reflects what I had to start doing in order to survive. Thanks for reading, I appreciate it very much.

Hansel & Gretel: A fairytale. Finale.

          Gentles all:   The following story contains reference to a form of Japanese street fashion, the adherents to which refer to as Elegant Gothic Lolita. Note, that the term “Lolita” refers to this style of clothing. This, with Gabi's kind help, is a revised and illustrated version of the story that originally appeared on Crystal’s Storysite.

Hansel and Gretel:
A Fairytale.


Sarah Lynn Morgan

Hansel & Gretel: A fairytale. Act 3

          Gentles all:   The following story contains reference to a form of Japanese street fashion, the adherents to which refer to as Elegant Gothic Lolita. Note, that the term “Lolita” refers to this style of clothing. This, with Gabi's kind help, is a revised and illustrated version of the story that originally appeared on Crystal’s Storysite.

Hansel and Gretel:
A Fairytale.
Act 3.


Sarah Lynn Morgan

Hansel & Gretel: A fairytale. Act 2.

          Gentles all:   The following story contains reference to a form of Japanese street fashion, the adherents to which refer to as Elegant Gothic Lolita. Note, that the term “Lolita” refers to this style of clothing. This, with Gabi's kind help, is a revised and illustrated version of the story that originally appeared on Crystal’s Storysite.

Hansel and Gretel:
A Fairytale.
Act 2.


Sarah Lynn Morgan

Hansel & Gretel: A fairytale. Act 1.

      Gentles all:   The following story contains reference to a form of Japanese street fashion, the adherents to which refer to as Elegant Gothic Lolita. Note, that the term “Lolita” refers to this style of clothing. This, with Gabi's kind help, is a revised and illustrated version of the story that originally appeared on Crystal’s Storysite.

Hansel and Gretel:
A Fairytale.
Act 1.


Sarah Lynn Morgan

Tragedy of the Spirit part 3 punishment and hate

I really began to think where my life went wrong. As I looked at my life for those 15 years I spent living in that hell on earth as I now refered to it years later. I realized I had a few choices really, 1. kill myself , I really came close several times over that 15 years I spent with my undeserving parents and brother. 2. leave and never look back. I chose option 2.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Since I'm still blocked on the two stories I'm currently writing, I'd like to re-post this old story of mine here. It was the first fiction story I tried to write. I've gone over it and corrected a lot of things and generally cleaned it up. I hope you'll enjoy it. It's a long one, but I didn't want to push other, newer stories down the page by posting it in parts.

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

By Catherine Linda Michel

Revenge is Snowy White


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Snow White (illustration by Theodor Hosemann, 1852)
Revenge is Snowy White

by Jennifer Brock

This is a sequel to my earlier piece While Sleeping, Beautified. Your narrator will begin by summarizing what came before, so you shouldn’t need to have read it to understand this one. Be warned that a fairly sarcastic tone is frequently taken toward some unfairly brutal issues. If that sort of thing offends you, skip this one

Tragedy of the Spirit part 2 fear and consequence

As I woke up on the floor after being dumped back into my room. I was covered in blood, sweat, tears and dust. The outfit was ruined as was my hair and there were bruies starting to appear on my arms and my face. I was not sure how much of my now sore back was torn open from the abuse I had recieved. I was kind of secure in the knowledge I was in my room where I thought I might be safe.


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