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“The fact of the matter is, I am happy here, where I can visit there without having to play games. Here, I am just like everyone else except in the bedroom, and that's my goddamn business.”
Grace had not been listening without reaction. In fact, I think my right thigh will have a star of finely manicured nail welts as a testament to Grace's verbal restraint.
This installment of String of Pearls marks a breaking point in Siobhan's reminiscences. Grace will recall events that led to Chris and Justine's unusual relationship and the impact it had on her own relationship with Shiv in String of Pearls' next installment.
- Eclectic Kitty (EKitty)
I was talking to Justine about her inheritance and the security of owning gold and silver at the Valley Fair Mall's food court when I caught wind of an almond latte; Grace's favorite. Just as I started to turn my head, I had a pair of very warm hands over my eyes.
Grace's honeysuckle scent cascaded over me and her breasts pressed against the back of my head, as if to make certain that I did not give the wrong answer when a sexy, California girl voice purred, “Guess who.”
“Uhh, Lindsay Lohan?”
Grace shook her chest, bopping me on either side of my head for that one.
Chris muttered, "Didn't need to see that."
Affecting a booming imitation of Emma Thompson, I identified the trickster behind me, “Could it be that my rapturous spirit of joy and beauty has returned to me, gone from my presence all these long hours since the break of day? I name thee, O wily apparition, as none other than Miao Ling Grace!”
The patrons at the tables around us stopped their clinking for a moment to see what the noise was all about. I smiled with satisfaction at having turned the tables on Grace.
She pulled my forehead back with pressure from her forefingers and planted a moist kiss right on my lips. I think I squeaked. Someone started clapping for behind us, but abruptly stopped.
Grace took her hands away from my eyes and looked straight into them as she broke our kiss, whispering, “I love you batty, girl, but don't try to embarrass me unless you have schemed ahead.” She popped her eyebrows at me, then took the seat next to me at the table.
Her boldness took me aback for a moment until I remembered the time that she dared Audrey, Angie and me to drive around with just our bras on, one hot July afternoon after our junior year.
A male and female pair of police officers pulled up next to Grace's cream colored 1969 ragtop Mustang at a red light on Lawrence Expressway and looked over. I sank down and the other girls followed suit, except Grace in the driver's seat.
She looked over at their patrol car and smiled, then used her chest to “bop” her breasts up a couple of times, sending the officers into hysterics as I slipped, ashen-faced, to the floorboards.
Her black-brassiered antics didn't get us into trouble. Looking back, I'm not sure why I thought the police would find anything amiss anyhow, seeing as how we might as well have been wearing swim suits.
Grace was handed her latte by Chris. She put her hand behind my head and started stroking my shoulder-length hair, which was just about all I could concentrate on as soon as she started.
I was lost in bliss until Grace mentioned moving to San Francisco, bringing reactions of surprise from Justine and Chris. Justine's start was understandable, but hadn't Grace told her brother?
Chris scowled a little and almost looked down his nose as he asked, “Why would you want to move there when you live close enough to visit every week end and holiday if you so chose? What's the draw?”
Grace stopped stroking my hair and I could tell she was put a bit on edge by Chris's lack of support.
“It's a matter of personal preference, isn't it? There is a community of people there who take you as you come, rather than fitting you into some preordained pigeon hole.”
I did well to keep the wince from showing on my face, as Grace had argued this point somewhat unsuccessfully to me the previous evening. I'd agreed to go with her anyway. Perhaps that's why she thought to tell them now.
Chris's disbelief showed on his face, as if Grace had just told him that she'd signed up for a two year timeshare in Siberia. Justine just shook her head slowly before attempting to set the record straight on the LBGT community in San Francisco.
“Grace, I have to disagree. I've been there enough to have seen blessings and curses. One thing really stood out to me and that is that the people there are every bit as obsessed with labels and roles as people anywhere else.
“What may have started out as a melting pot of queer culture in the '70s certainly had drawn up battle lines by the '80s. Gay Pride is about shoring up the battle lines for rights and acceptance among the general population, but outside of a parade, you will find divisions among who gets to call themselves what and where it's OK.
“If I were to go into a lesbian bar to pick up lesbian girls and they found out that I wasn't exactly as I appeared, then I would be in almost as much danger as if it were a straight bar, picking up a guy.
“Turning that on its ear, I bet I'd be run out of a gay bar in seconds flat if I tried to pick up on a guy there. At the very least, my reception would be cold enough that I may as well look elsewhere for a conversation.
“As accepting as the community is, it's the same all over, Grace. People like to categorize.
“Shiv, are you looking for more acceptance as well?”
I had a question of my own but it would have to come out another way it seemed, now that I was in the spotlight before the conversation allowed.
“Roles may be harder to find for the trans community, I'll agree, but as open lesbians, I think we'll kinda click right in,” I offered testily.
Grace resumed her stroking my hair and leaned into me a little to show her agreement.
Chris was fidgeting uncomfortably, likely due to the growing tension.
“Well, lovely Siobhan, stunning Grace, you seem to have thought this through, but I think living in a place like San Francisco will show you that the divisions between the different 'alternative lifestyles' are as clearly delineated as those between the cultural districts around the city, or even those between people who share disparate political ideals.
“I believe you won't find life any easier or harder there than anywhere else you go, nor will they be more tolerant, except among friends - which you have here already,” Justine added pointedly to our patient and taut faces.
“I'll be most excited and eager to come visit you in S.F. anytime you are accepting company because I truly love the city. In fact, part of me wishes I were going with you. The fact of the matter is, I am happy here, where I can visit there without having to play games. Here, I am just like everyone else except in the bedroom, and that's my goddamn business.”
Grace had not been listening without reaction. In fact, I think my right thigh will have a star of finely manicured nail welts as a testament to Grace's verbal restraint.
“How would anyone be able to find that out unless you told them?” she asked pointedly.
“Grace,” I intercepted.
She looked at me.
“I think the problem here lies in how you and I are perceived as opposed to how Chris and Justine would be perceived, both here and within a different-- but no less judgmental--” I added quickly for Justine's benefit, “community.”
Grace nodded, but was fired up, so she spoke the words herself in order to check it over for mistakes and fit it within her belief system.
“Attend to this, then Justine: Were you and another man living in San Francisco and, you looking like you do, were stared at, called names, laughed about and whispered around, would you then consider moving here the right decision?”
Justine made to respond and then stopped. Grace was about to egg her on when Justine finally responded, “You have a point. I haven't seen a ton of evidence supporting what you were saying, but I'm not you. The applause over your kiss was because two people were making a public display of affection. If you have had problems with bigoted people, it hasn't been seen by me. I have had girlfriends and I have heard titters and whisperings, but I didn't pay close attention to what was going on.
"I apologize, Siobhan, Grace, for thinking that your experiences were the same as mine."
“Just so, Justine. It wasn't the applause that bothered me. It was the lack of it and the abrupt halt to it that drove the point home.”
“You really think so? Then we shall see if you are right.”
Justine stood up and leaned over Chris, who began to protest lamely until Justine grabbed his head and kissed him firmly and for a good twenty seconds. The only response she got for her efforts was some guy loudly suggesting, “Get a room!” That and some giggles from some girls at the table three over from ours.
Justine looked at Chris with disappointment, realizing only then, with the same look mirrored back at her, that she had forced a public display of affection that he wasn't comfortable with yet.
“Maybe you are right, Grace,” she admitted while still holding Chris's gaze. “Maybe I'm right. The point is that without people like the two of you to break ground, there won't be much change happening. It may be selfish, but I'd love for people to know me as a whole person without the hangups of what is taboo, weird, gay, bi, and all that crap.
“I'm sorry, Chris,” she added meekly before taking her seat beside him again.
“Just some warning would have been the money thing to do. Then we could snog properly,” he added with a growl.
I looked the two of them over and couldn't understand why they just didn't run with their feelings for each other.
“Say, Chris.”
“Yeah, Shiv?”
“You, um, wouldn't happen to have a girlfriend, would you?” I said with a wide grin and some nods, winks, eyebrow raises and a few smooching movements towards Justine.
Justine looked down and smiled shyly, but whether it was from embarrassment or an attempt to hide the extent of her emotions, I was not made aware, since Chris coolly said, “We haven't decided what we are — yet.”
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I wonder
Why this story hasn't received more attention? It is different and takes a different path, but it is still very interesting and well written. Good stuff here!
I skipped over this one after seeing a couple of the keywords; but your comment Grover, and the teaser for this chapter made me decide to take a look. After reading this chapter I skipped back to Chapter One to start from the beginning. Now I think I'm going to like it. And having an idea of how the keywords fit into the story help make it more interesting to me.
Now, if I can just find the time, work has gotten much busier in the last couple of weeks. It's the time of year for advertising to ramp up, and even with the "recession" the holiday ads are helping both the advertising and the editorial space grow.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Bad Advertising
I saw other authors including excerpts of their story as a teaser in lieu of a summary and it lets readers have a taste of what's inside, rather than letting the sometimes mercurial labeling system or my own used car sales pitches dictate what one might find within.
In the future, I'll be including less 'blah, blah, blah, this section's about blah, blah, blah' and more excerpts with a very small note about how it fits into the grander tale. The less, the better, I'm finding.
I shan't forget the heroics of Grover who came to the rescue anytime soon. ;D One isn't often afforded a second look and you helped with that. Thank you.
Thank you, Karen (and others who may have done the same), for giving the story another shot. It was quite selfless of you to take the time to write about how you came to regard String of Pearls in a new light. I hope that you are well entertained as the story unfolds.
- Eclectic Kitty (EKitty)
Oh, that magic feeling - nowhere to go.
- Eclectic Kitty
Oh, that magic feeling - nowhere to go.
Good to go!
Good to go on, as far as I'm concerned. Things seem to be happening a bit faster than real life, but I'm guilty of compressing a story's time frame to keep things moving myself, so that's alright.
This chapter's teaser did catch my eye, particularly the bit about the nail prints on the inside of Siobhan's thigh. Too funny! I had to explain a hand print on my upper arm one time to an officer to whom it was reported as possible domestic abuse. In fact it was where my partner held onto my arm to keep me from trying to rip some bigoted ass****'s throat out with my bare hands. :-) Those who know me were amazed she succeeded. :-)
BTW, I tend to agree with Justine about the potential move. I live my life for me, I'm not trying to prove anything to anybody else. If that sounds selfish, so be it.
Looking forward to more!
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Grace resumed her stroking my hair ...
... and leaned into me a little to show her agreement. ....“Maybe I'm right. The point is that without people like the two of you to break ground, there won't be much change happening. It may be selfish, but I'd love for people to know me as a whole person without the hangups of what is taboo, weird, gay, bi, and all that crap. This is a great story and getting better all the time. Thanks!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena