Novel > 40,000 words

Princess of Trimaria - Part 1

It was a simple plan, one that would get Princess Kerialla out of something she really didn't want to do, and give her handmaiden a chance to experience what it was like to be Princess. What could possibly go wrong?

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 11: Finding Christina Chase

        Chris now realized that it was going to take more than just a casual effort to resurrect Christina Chase. It had been foolish to think he could just throw on some old clothes and hop on a bus. It was going to take planned and determined effort. He was going to work on being Christina every day until the end result was flawless. He decided on a few steps early on. First, he was going on a diet. Chris had always been tall and thin, but he wasn't going to take any chances. From now on, it was salad for lunch. Secondly, he was going to change his workouts. He hadn't spent much time exercising, but after his experience in Oak Grove, he'd tried some weight lifting. That was over. He was switching to aerobics or Yoga.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 10: Back to Normal

        Chris' transition back to his old life hadn't been easy. After only a week in Oak Grove, he'd become accustomed to a slower, more relaxed way of life. Though he didn't know many people in the small town, it hadn't taken him long to recognize the familiar cast of characters on Main Street. His days had been filled with the company of his family or the friendly human interaction of working in the grocery store.

Like a Candle in the Wind, Part 3

Synopsis: a young Marilyn Monroe impersonator auditions for the role of Sugar Cane in a remake of Some Like It Hot. "If I'm a star, then the people made me a star."

Like a Candle in the Wind
by Laurie S. aka l.satori

Part 3


Before a performance on the Civic Holiday weekend, the first Monday in August, Heather handed me a tabloid newspaper. On the front cover was a picture of Marilyn Monroe.

"You've made the big time," Heather said with a smile. "You're on the front page of the Star Enquirer."

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 9: Home is Where the Heart Is

        Christina lay in bed on her side with her arm around a pillow. She hadn't checked what time it was, but judging by the sunlight, she expected it was past noon. Her mind was so seized with despair and worry that she'd slept only a few fitful hours since Andrei and left her at her bedroom door last night. Her hand was numb from clutching her gear necklace. She'd been holding it so tightly and for so long that the teeth had cut grooves into her palm.

Like a Candle in the Wind, Part 2

Synopsis: "I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it."
Marilyn Monroe

Like a Candle in the Wind
by Laurie S. aka l.satori

Part 2


All of our audiences were so enthusiastic! Standing ovations! The crowds demanded encores at each performance! The Marilyn Show's success went above and beyond our expectations.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 8: A Chat in the Sky

        When Christina woke up early on Friday morning, none of her fear remained from the day before. Her last day with the Levchenkos hadn't gone as well as she'd hoped, but everything had worked out in the end. She was showered and dressed by the time the sun had come up. It didn't feel right to wear her jeans after last night, so she decided to wear the last skirt that Nina had picked out for her, and her plain white blouse.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 7: Secrets

        Anastasia was livid. She stormed into her room and slammed the door. The bed was covered with stacks of clothes and two open suitcases. One case was stuffed over the edge, and the other was only half filled. She didn't care what her father said; it wasn't his decision. She went to the chest of drawers and slammed each drawer as she searched for her makeup bag. The antique lamp that she'd bought at the County Fair teetered dangerously with each drawer slammed underneath it. She angrily pushed the items on her shelf aside, breaking her sophomore year soccer trophy.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 6: Pajamas and Ice Cream

        As they entered the grocery, Christina suddenly realized that she and Andrei were still holding hands. She tried to let go of her older cousin's hand without it being too obvious, and said, "Thanks."

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 5: The Lost Suitcase

        Christina woke just as the first rays of sun hit the mountain. Rolling over, she pulled the blankets over her eyes to block the light. She savored the warm, comfortable feeling of being cocooned in her luxurious bed, remembering that her bed at home wasn't remotely this comfortable. Eventually she pulled the blanket off of her head and looked around, realizing that everything that happened yesterday was real. She didn't want to get up, not only because the bed was so inviting, but also she knew that if she looked in the mirror, she would see a girl looking back.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 4: Oak Grove

        The old green truck had barely turned the corner onto Main Street when Andrei pulled over to the sidewalk and put It In park. Looking towards Nina and Christina, he said, "End of the line, ladies." Needing no encouragement, Nina pushed open the passenger side door and jumped down onto the sidewalk. Christina followed, closing the door behind herself.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 3: A Simple Misunderstanding

        As Chris rolled over and opened his eyes he could tell by the light on the ceiling that it was morning, but something was different. He felt as though he was floating on a cloud. This wasn't his bed. His bed was only marginally better than sleeping on the floor, and that was only because he rarely swept. Even the soft feather pillows molded perfectly to the curvature of his head. He couldn't remember feeling so relaxed in his life. Most mornings, his first action was to untwist his underwear, but today, his pajamas flowed marvelously from his body. He sighed, reveling in the sensation of being absolutely pampered.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 2: The Long Drive

        Chris began the long day's drive already spent from a week of sleepless nights. He had stopped for some soda and fast-food hours after leaving home, but caffeine and empty calories could only do so much. Realizing that his head was starting to drift downward every so often as he rested his eyes, he left the interstate for a rural route. Seeing a filling station, he decided to top off his gas tank before he ventured further into the official middle of nowhere.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 1: Missed Messages

        Christopher Chase stared at the tiny clock in the computer's taskbar. 8:45 PM. "I'm the last one again," he said aloud, the sound of his voice echoing through the old factory building. Chris regularly worked late; it was just part of the job. At the age of nineteen, with only a high school education, he felt lucky to have the job at all. Still, being a full time support technician, aside from his role as an unofficial and underpaid junior programmer, gave new meaning to the phrase "low man on the totem pole." He was more like the guy who waited on the park bench across the street from the totem pole, praying for the day they decided to make it just one face taller. That would only help him if the three guys on the bench with him would quit or drop dead before that day ever came.


Julie O's

Well known characters from Fresh Start, Change of Course, The Scholarship, The Protector series, Corruption, and Double Jeopardy converge at the University of Pennsylvania to find new friendships, new challenges, and new adventures. There are also cameos by Jen Stevens from Bob Arnold's Zapped series and a few characters from Itinerant's Amazon series.

Toddler Time


Synopses: Kevin Marks, playing the toddler transsexual Martin, also known as Mary, walks in stage right. Carol, playing the straight feminist toddler Christina, also enters stage right, and a few steps behind Kevin. Carol, in a nearly identical dress as Martin's catches up to him as both reach center stage.


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