The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson - Part 7

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson

Written by Kristine Roland
Edited by Joni W

Part 7 - This is the Sequel to Jason's Story.

Kelly hosts a slumber party then goes to the town Memorial Day picnic.

Author's Note: My sincere thanks to Joni W for all her efforts!

Special thanks to Jennifer Brock for assistance with some plot points.

Chapter 17

Kelly answered the door as the first of her slumber party guests arrived. Deb from the TransTeen Group was standing on the front steps holding onto a small duffle bag. Her mother was standing next to her. "Hello Deb, I'm so glad you could come."

Deb and her mother came in, Kelly's mother greeted them and she and Deb's Mom headed into the living room.

Deb said, "My pleasure, this was a great idea. You have a very nice house."

"Thank you. Come on, we’re going to be downstairs. Let me introduce you to Meghan."

Kelly led Deb down to the family room. "Meghan, this is Deb. Deb, this is Meghan."

"Hi Meghan, it's a pleasure to meet you. Kelly has told me a lot about you. How are things working out staying here?"

"Hi Deb, Kelly has told me quite a bit about you too. She looks up to you, thinks you really have it together. I miss my folks, but the Anderson's have really been great. It’s kind of cool having a big sister," Meghan said and gave Kelly a smile.

"I'm having fun too, lil sis." Kelly returned the smile.

The doorbell rang again, and Kelly said, "Let me go get the door. Deb help yourself, Meghan will show you what we have."

Kelly went and answered the door and let Julie, Kathy and Sue in, then following right behind, came Carol and her mother. Kelly asked Julie to take Carol and the others down to the family room. She brought Carol's mother to the living room.

It was not too long before Joan and Samantha also showed up; they went downstairs; dropped their duffle bags in the corner with the other girl's things and the party was able to get started.

Each of the TransTeen girl's mom's had stopped in and met with Kelly's mom before heading out. Joan's mom in particular was hesitant about leaving Joan; especially with the presence of Kelly's local girlfriends, but in the end she relented and told Joan to have fun.

Kelly said, "Alright gang, I'm so glad you could all make it. I hope we are all going to have a lot of fun tonight. I have a treat in store for you, my Aunt's friend Michele, who runs a salon, is coming to give us all makeovers. "

Kathy immediately said, "Cool! She's great!"

Julie, Meghan and Sue agreed and Kelly's group of friends smiled in anticipation.

Kelly smiled, "Yes she is. We also have a bunch of movies to pick from. We have pizza coming a little bit later on. Mom did lay down some ground rules, so let's get that out of the way. Most of them are pretty obvious, like the standard no drinking, no drugs and no smoking. In light of our special circumstances, there will be two rooms for changing, later and as you were instructed, she is insisting that we wear pajama's, no sexy nightgowns. We are going to be leaving a light on; we need to sleep in our sleeping bags; and expect random spot checks during the night. I think frankly, that was aimed at Julie and me, as much as anyone."

Julie blushed, and said, "We can still cuddle up next to each other, safely ensconced in our sleeping bags."

It was Kelly's turn to blush and say, "Yes, I suppose we can. Any questions? … Good that is done with then."

While Kelly's mother was paying the pizza delivery guy for the pizzas, Michele came in with her makeover kit. They set the pizzas in the dining room and they each grabbed a slice; then looked on as Michele set up in the kitchen. She placed a business card holder on the table that had a little placard that read, "Makeover's by Michele."

"Ok, who wants to go first?" Michele asked.

Kathy raised her hand and practically jumped out of her chair.

Michele laughed and said, "Ok, Kathy. I have some new products you might like, assuming you are tired of the old ones already!"

Kathy blushed, "Oh you know me Michele, I'm always looking for a new look."

Kathy sat in the chair and Michele wrapped a cape around her to protect her clothes. The girls all looked on and watched with fascination as Michele cleaned away Kathy's current makeup and then began building a new look. When she was done, Kathy looked on and said, "Michele, you really are incredible. Too bad Steve isn't here tonight." Michele wrote down the names of what she had used and gave it to Kathy.

"Who's next?"

One by one they all took their turns with Michele. When it was Carol's turn, Carol blushed and said, "I don't know. I know you know that I'm not really a girl Michele and since I'm sure you know about Kelly that probably doesn't bother you, but I know that I just look like a boy in a dress. Not much to work with."

Kelly spoke up, "Carol, before I had Michele help me the first time, I looked like a boy in a dress. Michele has lots of practice with girls like us. And yes, Julie, Kathy, Meghan and Sue might be easier for her to work with, but believe me, she knows what she is doing."

Michele added, "We all had to start somewhere, Carol. Years ago, I was just like you, but I didn't have a support group like you do. I can't tell you how much it pleases me to see you girls and know that things have begun to change; that groups like yours exist and that a party like this could be happening."

Carol, Samantha and Joan both looked at Michele with a wide open mouth. "You are … "

Michele smiled, "Yes, I am. You are all so brave and lucky to have each other. These friends of Kelly's are so special as well. Now, would you like to see what we can do for you?"

Carol bolted into the chair.

Michele took her time and first worked on her face, explaining what she was doing and why, for each step of the way. When she finished with her face she said, “Ok, now we need to do something with the hair.” As she had done for Kelly, she made little cuts here and there, making sure that Carol would not have a problem when she was in her boy mode. She used hair extensions to add length and give her more to work from. When she was finished, Carol was in awe.

"Where is the boy in a dress? I don't see him at all."

Joan was next and hopped eagerly into the hot seat. Once again, Michele took her time and when she was done with Joan, she was just amazed.

When they all had their turn, they enthusiastically thanked her. Michele gave them each a small kit made up of the things she had used on them. For Carol and Joan she also told them the hair extensions were theirs to keep.

After Michele left, the girls headed down into the family room, and they decided to watch When Harry Met Sally.

Kathy said, "Ok, I hope I won't offend any of you, but I have to ask. Are you all attracted to girls like Kelly is, or are some of you attracted to boys?"

Deb answered, "It's a mix, just as it is with born girls. I am attracted to girls."

Samantha said, "Not me. I like boys."

Carol said, "I kinda think boys are cute."

Joan said, "Well… I am definitely attracted to girls, but I am also jealous of them. I rarely get to be Joan; tonight was a big exception, normally I’m only allowed to dress at the group meetings. Mom only allowed it this time, because she was considering this to be an extension of the group."

Sue asked, "Have any of you dated a boy and did they know about you?"

Samantha said, "I have dated a few. Some knew; some didn't. I don't go around telling people about that. I wouldn't let anything get serious with a guy without him knowing, but a simple date is not a reason for me to go into major confession mode. I'm not ready for anything serious enough now, where it would put me in a position where I needed to tell him."

Kathy asked, "Have any of the boys you dated ever found out later?"

"I don't think so. Those were all summer vacation kind of dates, you know, spend some time, but you know once the vacation is over you aren't going to see them again."

"Well you know my preferences," Kelly said, as she smiled at Julie and held her hand.

Meghan coughed.

Samantha caught the look and said, "Oh … sounds like someone is not being entirely forthcoming … spill girl!"

Julie gave Meghan the evil eye.

Kelly blushed, "Well … recently, I had a guy tell me that I was one of the prettiest girls at school, even though he knew about me. He said that Julie was really lucky to have me, and well, I noticed how strong he was and that he was cute. I was pretty surprised, because it was the first time I ever noticed a boy that way."

Julie said, "Meghan's just jealous, because it’s a boy that she is interested in." Julie stuck her tongue out at Meghan, but then she laughed.

Kelly said, "Well he is cute, I can't deny it, but really I am very happy with Julie and have no desire to switch teams."

Julie said, "Seriously though, Meghan how is 'the plan' coming along. Haven't you got Cliff wrapped around your finger yet?"

Meghan smiled, "It's a work in progress, but I think I'm getting there. He asked me to the movies tomorrow night."

"You go girl," Julie said with a smile.

Carol said, "Mom would never allow it. I'm in a similar situation to Joan, except that since my Dad left, I have been able to be Carol at home. At least I will, unless the court gives him custody."

Kelly said, "What is happening with that?"

Carol said, "It's not going well. We had a number of experts telling him why I should be allowed time as Carol, but my Dad's lawyers got those two doctors that Firefly had on, to rebut their testimony. It looked to me like the judge was agreeing with them. Mom is really worried, and so am I."

Sue asked, "What will happen if he rules with your father?"

Carol said, "Then I will have to go live with him. He will put me into a program with those two doctors to try to 'cure' me. I'm not as worried about that as what he will do; I know that there is no way they are going to cure me. I AM a girl and nothing they can do will change that!"

Kathy said, "What will he do?"

"Depends on how drunk he is. He tried to beat my mother and me, the night he left."

Sue said, "Surely they won't put you back with him if he would hurt you?"

Deb answered, "Unfortunately, they might. There was no evidence of physical harm and they may convince the judge that it was a false accusation, designed to keep custody away from her father."

Julie, "Carol is old enough that she should have some say in where she goes."

Deb shook her head with a sad smile, "Except if the judge rules that the treatment that is allowing Carol to be Carol, is harmful to her and that the proper treatment is with the other doctors, then he will discount Carol's wishes."

They all sat quietly for a little while, until Carol finally said, "Look… no sense worrying about it tonight. I came to have a good time and to just relax and be Carol. So, I know one other thing that is supposed to happen at a slumber party…" Carol grabbed a pillow and hit Samantha over the head with it shouting, "Pillow fight!"

The girls all squealed and dove for their own pillows. Soon all out pillow warfare was commencing as they would temporarily team up together, only to betray each other with a pillow in the back. Finally they all fell down exhausted, but laughing.

Mrs. Anderson came down and said, "Well … nobody seems to be too badly injured… and the basement is still in one piece … I don't suppose anyone wants some late night ice cream?"

All the girls jumped up and said, "I'll have some!"

They all gathered round the table and Mrs. Anderson had put out several different kinds of ice cream, as well as different kinds of Sundae fixins. They each made their own and then settled down together in front of the movie.

The rest of the evening they spent laughing, crying and just being a group of girls letting their hair down.

When they were settling down for the night, Kathy said, "You know, when Kelly invited me to come tonight I was a little unsure as to what to expect. I want you all to know this was great and I think you are a great group of girls. I hope we can do this again soon."

The next morning Joan's mother had come to pick her up, Joan pulled Kelly aside and said, "Thanks for inviting me, Kelly. I have never in my life felt more alive than I did last night. It was great to just be myself for an evening and have everyone just accept me. Your friends from school … it was wonderful."

Joan gave Kelly a hug and then left with her mother.

One by one, the group girl's mothers came to pick them up. Each of them thanked Kelly and her parents, for a great evening. When they had all left, Kathy and Sue also said their goodbyes, leaving Julie and Meghan to stay and help Kelly to clean the disaster area that was known as the family room.

Meghan said, "What do you think is going to happen to Carol?"

Kelly said, "I don't know. I'm worried for her though. Whatever happens, I'll just have to be there for her."

Meghan and Julie smiled, "You mean we will all have to be there for her."

Kelly smiled back at them and said, "Thanks."

Chapter 18

Memorial Day weekend, the county had always had a big joint picnic. It was usually a big fund raising event and the proceeds paid for a number of things throughout the year. This year there was some discussion about cancelling the picnic due to the economic situation.

Once again the community pulled together and this year, instead of being a fundraiser, everything was free. Local businesses supplied the hot dogs, soda and beer. Those that could afford it, were asked to donate other food items, or money to the picnic.

There were races, ball games and the evening dance planned. There was usually a big fireworks display and that had been expected to be skipped this year, except an anonymous donor had arranged for a shipment of fireworks to be delivered to the fire house, fully paid the week before. So the fireworks were back on the schedule.

Kelly was there as part of the school choir. They would be singing the National Anthem to start the festivities. As always, they were dogged by the ever present stragglers from her Aunt's church, protesting her presence. The local police kept them back however and did not allow them to disrupt the proceedings.

Kelly sat up on the raised platform, with the choir, after they had finished singing. The mayor of her town spoke briefly and then invited a representative from the VFW to speak, to honor those that had given their lives in service to the country.

After the speeches the choir sang America the Beautiful and the picnic was officially open.


Kelly's cousin, Billy, was with his mother and his brother, with the other protestors from their church. They had stood, waved signs and made a lot of noise, until the choir began singing, but Reverend Triphard had told them, that even with his cousin singing, they should show their respect for the flag and country. So they had stopped to face the flag and salute it during the song.

Billy still did not understand what the big deal was. So Jason was dressed like a girl, it was silly, but Jason always liked to be silly. It was fun. He missed playing with Jason.

Billy saw his Cousin Emily standing by his Aunt Sally. He missed her too. She looked over at him and waved. He waved back. His mom and brother were not paying attention to him, so he decided to go stand with Emily. He saw that his Aunt Sally was busy talking to another lady and had said something sharp to Emily when she tried to interrupt.

He started towards Emily and Emily started towards him, they met in the middle.

Billy said, "Hi Emily. I've missed you."

Emily said, "I've missed you too, Billy."

"Do you know why my Mom is so upset with Jason?"

"She is not called Jason anymore, her name is Kelly now."

"Why? Mom says that Jason is a boy and that he should stay a boy."

"I'm not sure. I miss Jason sometimes, but Kelly is great too. My mom says that Aunt Jessica doesn't understand and that this was something Kelly had to do. She says that until Aunt Jessica changes her mind, we won't be able to see you."

Billy said, "I know. Look, let's hide from them, so we can play for a while."

Emily got a smile, "Ok."

They took each other's hand and ran over towards the woods.


After the speeches were over and the choir finished singing, Jessica turned to Tom and noticed that he was not holding Billy's hand. "Where's Billy?"

Tom said, "He was right here a minute ago …"

They looked around and called out, "Billy!"

No one answered.

Jessica started to get worried, shouted, "Billy!"

Again no one answered.

Tom said, "Mom, there is Aunt Sally. Maybe Billy saw her and went to her. You know he has been upset about not getting to play with Emily."

"I'll tan his hide if he went over to them," Jessica said, as she marched over to Sally and said, "What have you done with Billy."

Sally looked at her and said, "What do you mean. I haven't seen Billy. Emily, have you seen Billy?" She turned behind her and realized that Emily was not sitting on the bench behind her. "Emily … EMILY where are you?"

The little girl that Emily had been playing with said, "Ma'am. Emily said she had to say hi to her cousin. She tried to tell you, but you were busy talking to my Mom. She went over there and then they went that way into the woods."

"What?" Sally and Jessica said at once, and they both ran over to where the girl had pointed.



"Come on you two, this isn't funny. Come here now!"

They searched but did not see any sign of them.

Sally said, "Jessica … we are going to need help. They could have gone anywhere in here, or they could have been followed in. Tom, go find your Uncle Richard or Aunt Kristine, tell them what has happened, that we need to get a search party together. They will get Officer Dowling."

Jessica said, "Not them!"

"Damn it, Jessica! It’s time to put this stupid feud behind us, at least for now. Tom --- go!"

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