Novel > 40,000 words

Standing Up to Life -5-

Standing Up to Life: Book 1
Part 5 of 6
by Tiffany Shar


Brandon is a bright boy growing up near Albuquerque, New Mexico. He likes school, soccer, computer games, and playing in the school band. Small for his age and youngest in his class, his size has made him the target of every school bully for years. Each year the verbal and physical abuse increases, finally wearing him down to the point he doesn't know if he can continue. Just as he reaches the end of his rope, he is suddenly befriended by a classmate he least expected. As their friendship grows and deepens, Brandon learns the value of a best friend and finds himself moving down a road he never expected. Over the course of the school year, his friend helps him discover and cope with his feelings, hopes, dreams - and fears.

This is the story of a young person's unusual journey to stand up to the numerous obstacles that life has dealt him - and to become the person he believes himself to be. (Part 5 of 6)

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 13

“Yes, Hiromi-kun, it is, but circumstances have changed,” Tokuro Inagawa said, before going on to detail how difficult the economy was at present. Many other commodity prices were dropping. Weren’t illegal narcotics also a commodity?

Tom refused to budge an inch. Truthfully, she’d give it away to the Inagawas or whoever first showed up at the Yokohama docks when the cargo was unloaded. Naturally, that wasn’t the way organized crime worked and if Tom actually attempted what she dreamed of doing, she would end up just as dead as Reina Shimizu.

“You have not given me a reason to change the fee. Our costs have remained the same.”

“We are not satisfied with the present arrangement.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Thirteen

Synopsis- Captain Slater takes steps to extricate herself from the world of the Watanabe Yakuza.

Standing Up to Life -4-

Standing Up to Life: Book 1
Part 4 of 6
by Tiffany Shar


Brandon is a bright boy growing up near Albuquerque, New Mexico. He likes school, soccer, computer games, and playing in the school band. Small for his age and youngest in his class, his size has made him the target of every school bully for years. Each year the verbal and physical abuse increases, finally wearing him down to the point he doesn't know if he can continue. Just as he reaches the end of his rope, he is suddenly befriended by a classmate he least expected. As their friendship grows and deepens, Brandon learns the value of a best friend and finds himself moving down a road he never expected. Over the course of the school year, his friend helps him discover and cope with his feelings, hopes, dreams - and fears.

This is the story of a young person's unusual journey to stand up to the numerous obstacles that life has dealt him - and to become the person he believes himself to be. (Part 4 of 6)

The Road to Haifa - Chapter 23

The Road to Haifa
Chapter 23 - Death's Right Hand
by Alyssa Plant
Raising the knife blade to her right arm, he ran the blade down the soft underside of her forearm, not cutting deeply,
but just enough to cause her to grimace as the blood began to drip onto the already stained floor.
Smirking, the major repeated the process on her other arm, before stabbing the blade through her restrained arm.
Sarah grunted with pain, but refused to scream as agony racked her body. She would not give the bastard the pleasure.

Stripper Candy Part 1

By the way, my name is Paul. I’m that creepy guy that sits in the back of post modern women’s history thinking of how I can get any one of these Femme Nazis to do anything remotely sexual with me, other than flirt and tease me about being a man in a woman’s major.

Tracy, the hottest girl in the group, suggested I accompany her to work tonight to meet her boss. So here I am dressing up in my best to meet a guy hoping for a job doing anything for money.

Stripper Candy

Part 1

By Olivia-Kate

Standing Up to Life -3-

Standing Up to Life: Book 1
Part 3 of 6
by Tiffany Shar


Brandon is a bright boy growing up near Albuquerque, New Mexico. He likes school, soccer, computer games, and playing in the school band. Small for his age and youngest in his class, his size has made him the target of every school bully for years. Each year the verbal and physical abuse increases, finally wearing him down to the point he doesn't know if he can continue. Just as he reaches the end of his rope, he is suddenly befriended by a classmate he least expected. As their friendship grows and deepens, Brandon learns the value of a best friend and finds himself moving down a road he never expected. Over the course of the school year, his friend helps him discover and cope with his feelings, hopes, dreams - and fears.

This is the story of a young person's unusual journey to stand up to the numerous obstacles that life has dealt him - and to become the person he believes himself to be. (Part 3 of 6)

Standing Up to Life -2-

Standing Up to Life: Book 1
Part 2 of 6
by Tiffany Shar


Brandon is a bright boy growing up near Albuquerque, New Mexico. He likes school, soccer, computer games, and playing in the school band. Small for his age and youngest in his class, his size has made him the target of every school bully for years. Each year the verbal and physical abuse increases, finally wearing him down to the point he doesn't know if he can continue. Just as he reaches the end of his rope, he is suddenly befriended by a classmate he least expected. As their friendship grows and deepens, Brandon learns the value of a best friend and finds himself moving down a road he never expected. Over the course of the school year, his friend helps him discover and cope with his feelings, hopes, dreams - and fears.

This is the story of a young person's unusual journey to stand up to the numerous obstacles that life has dealt him - and to become the person he believes himself to be. (Part 2 of 6)

Standing Up to Life -1-

Standing Up to Life: Book 1
Part 1 of 6
by Tiffany Shar


Brandon is a bright boy growing up near Albuquerque, New Mexico. He likes school, soccer, computer games, and playing in the school band. Small for his age and youngest in his class, his size has made him the target of every school bully for years. Each year the verbal and physical abuse increases, finally wearing him down to the point he doesn't know if he can continue. Just as he reaches the end of his rope, he is suddenly befriended by a classmate he least expected. As their friendship grows and deepens, Brandon learns the value of a best friend and finds himself moving down a road he never expected. Over the course of the school year, his friend helps him discover and cope with his feelings, hopes, dreams - and fears.

This is the story of a young person's unusual journey to stand up to the numerous obstacles that life has dealt him - and to become the person he believes himself to be. (Part 1 of 6)

The Road to Haifa - Chapter 22

“You think I just want to kill you? You’re going to suffer my boy… You’ll have ring side seats for your sister’s rape, torture and death, then I might kill you… after some playtime.” He smirked, running a finger across Sarah’s cheek. “After all, you do want to be a woman don’t you? My dear little David…”

The Road to Haifa
Chapter 22 — Storm Warning
Alyssa Plant

The Softening of Jessie - Part 44

As they sat there licking the cones Jessie started to feel at ease. He didn’t even realize that he was sitting with his legs crossed and was postured in an identical way to Ashley.

“Things are going to be alright Jess. It is a huge step that you actually aren’t in such a zombie-like state anymore. Even if your body is different than it used to be, you seem way more like yourself now than you have been.”

“Surprisingly I feel alright right now. It’s really weird that I feel ok, but I do.”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 44

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 41

“So you don’t remember anything?”

“Anything about what?”

“About being a boy?”

“I’ve been a girl my whole life Ashley. You and mom are kind of freaking me out with these boy questions.”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 41

By AshleyTS

Boyfriend and Girlfriend - Part 7

Rikkie2929357Small.jpg “Seems I really need to… control myself more,” Rikkie admitted as she began backing out the doorway, still watching Lana. “I had better leave and let you dress. Otherwise… I’ll be wanting to do… more of that.”

Lana, feeling guilty, softly said, “I’m sorry.”

Rikkie pushed the door open a tad more, “Don’t be girl! I enjoyed it.”


by Lana Lund

edited by Sephrena Miller
Rikkie/Enrique Lopez   Lana/Joey Martinez

The Softening of Jessie - Part 40

He felt Jason’s hand brush and then gently grab his upper thigh. As they continued to lock lips, Jessie was very conscious of Jason’s hand which slowly crept higher and higher on his thigh until it was reaching under his skirt. Should he stop Jason? Was there any harm? He continued to passionately kiss him and got lost in the moment.

Suddenly, he could feel Jason’s hand under his skirt and around his backside. Jason was tracing Jessie’s panties with his fingers. Jessie jumped back a little. This was getting too out of control!

The Softening of Jessie

Part 40

By AshleyTS

Luck Be A Lady -6-

I watched while Kim began to change and as he lost height, he gained other, ummm assets and his hair vanished. Then his whole body seemed to hesitate for a second or two before really beginning to change rapidly. As the change speeded up I could actually see the changes taking place and I just stood there, watching, absolutely amazed at what this little machine could do!

Luck Be A Lady

Part 6

By Catherine Linda Michel

Kate Draffen (Chapters 35 + 36)

Kate Draffen (Chapters 35 + 36)

By Swishy

Michael Taylor was a 17-year-old boy living in a town in Australia. Something happened and he found himself on a path to becoming a 17-year-old girl. This is a story about an ordinary teenager that had something extraordinary happen to him and how he tried to cope.

Gemma goes to a 'boys only night' and prepare for her big night at the Deb.

Luck Be A Lady -5-

"You have a lot to learn about being a sexy woman, Billie and I intend to make sure that you learn everything you can so you can be convincing in that new body for as long as you have to wear it. The last thing we need right now is any more attention from the world in general and if you continue to act like a man in a female body, it’ll attract attention more than if you act like what you look like."

Luck Be A Lady

Part 5

By Catherine Linda Michel

Kelly's Journey -14- Despair

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 14: Despair
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

As Kelly grows into her womanhood, all seems to be going well, but a tragic encounter with Johnny kills her spirit, leaving her in despair.

Luck Be A Lady -4-

"As far as an alien invasion goes, don’t you two think that if there was really a threat, the government would already know what’s going on? No doubt they just want to get you two out of the way and get hold of those devices so you don’t screw something up that they might have planned! You two are being suckers and I would bet that those guys chasing you are actually just herding you towards some kind of a trap!"

I looked at Neri in stunned disbelief for a few seconds. I had never considered what she had postulated and it set me back on my heels to think that this kid might be right! Prue chimed in just about then and added her two cents to what Neri had said. "She could be right you know,! What if she IS right? That would mean that we are just a couple of lab rats being put through our paces and we have no chance at all of getting away. At least we have no chance if we keep on doing what they drove us into!"

Luck Be A Lady

Part 4

By Catherine Linda Michel

The Softening of Jessie - Part 36

This was Jessie's chance! He slid back into Jason's lap even further to the point that his rear end pressed firmly against Jason's hard penis. Jessie thought for a second at how gay that was...but wow it felt so right! It felt eerily natural to be drawn to a guy!

Jason on the other hand was filled with a mixed bag of complete ecstasy and total embarrassment. He was so concerned that Jessica was going to be offended that he had a hard on for her. On the other hand, she did slide back into him. He didn't know what to think! She was so beautiful. He wanted to grab her ass...was she wearing panties?

...Jessie's become Jason's girl! And she's turned out fine!...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 36

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 35

Jason, on the other hand, was going through the roof. He was pressing up against the beautiful girl from behind. He tried to keep his mind from wandering as he showed her what to do. He wasn't very successful as he grew very excited. He quickly tried to show Jessie how to putt to avoid the embarrassment of his growing excitement.

Jason's instruction made sense! He was so cool Jessie thought. Did Jason have a roll of quarters in his pocket or something? Jessie wondered as he felt the hardness in Jason's pants press up against his rear end. He must have those quarters to play in the arcade later Jessie figured.

"Got it?" Jason asked as he quickly backed away hoping his pretty friend didn't realize that she had just given him a major boner.

...You know, I wish that I had Jessie as a girl!...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 35

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 34

She thought about how unfair it was to rob a man of his masculinity. If only Jessie had been a good boy. He was on such a bad path in life. He did seem so happy now. Sure, it involved taking away any shred of maleness, but it was worth it...right?

"I feel great mom. I'm just nervous that Jason will not like me. I just want things to be like they used to between us. "

"I'm not sure if that's possible but I hope you two can be friends again."

"Me too mom."

...Wish I was holding her in my arms late, late at night...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 34

By AshleyTS

Luck Be A Lady -3-

"Doesn’t that car look familiar, Prue?" I asked. She looked at it and thought for a moment and then said, You’re right, Bill! It looks like the same kind of car that was at my Grandfather’s motel! The one that those government people came in!" She was getting excited and, I think, a little bit scared thinking that, somehow, those agents had tracked us to this place. I tried to reassure her, and MYSELF in the process, but there were doubts in my mind as well. COULD they have tracked us here, somehow?

Luck Be A Lady

Part 3

By Catherine Linda Michel

The Softening of Jessie - Part 33

"Come here pretty girl and let me see your pretty pretty panties!"

They wrestled back and forth a little and Jessie was stunned at how strong Ashley was. He had a hard time believing it, but she overpowered him as she wrestled him to the ground.

The two rolled around for a minute and Jessie grew even more embarrassed as his skirt kept flipping up around his back.

"Aha, those panties look mighty sexy Jess!" Ashley teased as she pinned Jessie down on his back holding his arms to the ground.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 33

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 32

"I'm so excited Ashley! I want Jason and me to be just like old times again. I don't know why he thought I was a sissy...I don't know why he called me a fairy...all I know is that I'm going to make sure that I'm the same old Jessica that he used to love to hang out with. I'm the same guy and I'm going to prove it!"


"Ashley, please, please, please help me with my makeup?"

Same old Jessie huh?

The Softening of Jessie

Part 32

By AshleyTS

King Of The Rim-8-Freedom

King Of The Rim
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne, JennaFl for Proofreading
with Special Thanks to Sephrena Lynn Miller for Guidance and ChrisW. for the Illustration!

After being grounded by an Imperial trap at the planet Storm, Prince John Carter devises a plan to rescue the prisoners from the Imperial grasp and capture Imperial technology and give it to the freed prisoners.

The Softening of Jessie - Part 31

"It's up to you Jess. Do you want to wear a skirt?"

"I think I do...what do you think Jason will be wearing?" Jessie asked finding himself confused about skirts, dresses and pants. Would Jason be wearing a skirt too? Jason is a boy so he can't wear a skirt. Wait...I'm a boy too but I am going to wear a skirt? Jessie's mind clouded.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 31

By AshleyTS

Luck Be A Lady


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

My first thought was that I had stumbled on a scout craft of some kind from an invasion force and this little laptop type thing was their means of infiltrating the governments of the Earth! It made a kind of sense, the more I thought about it. I mean, there was the makeup kit, and the hair styler and now this thing which purported itself to be a body changing machine! It all pointed, in my mind, to some kind of alien invasion threat and, now I was getting worried!

Luck Be A Lady

By Catherine Linda Michel

Luck Be A Lady -1-

My first thought was that I had stumbled on a scout craft of some kind from an invasion force and this little laptop type thing was their means of infiltrating the governments of the Earth! It made a kind of sense, the more I thought about it. I mean, there was the makeup kit, and the hair styler and now this thing which purported itself to be a body changing machine! It all pointed, in my mind, to some kind of alien invasion threat and, now I was getting worried!

Luck Be A Lady

Part 1

By Catherine Linda Michel

The Softening of Jessie - Part 30

"He wants to hang with me again? I'm shocked. I mean I thought he didn't like me anymore."

"Uh yeah. He really likes you. You don't want to hang with him though do you? I mean after how poorly he treated you?" Ashley replied playing along knowing that Jason really liked the new Jessie...the girl.

Jessie thought about it for a minute. Sure Jason was mean to him. He was downright evil to him when he was going through tough times awhile back. People change though right? Jason must have changed! Was his friend truly back?!?

...As she's watching me with those eyes, she could be loving me with that body...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 30

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 29

One thing that made him uncomfortable however was all the strange looks he would get from boys. Girls didn't even seem to notice him but the boys kept staring him down. They did seem friendly though so he didn't feel threatened.

"Looking good" "Like that suit on you" "Hey girls, looking fine today" where some of the remarks from the boys who passed.

Jessie began to feel very good about himself. He wasn't used to all the attention and he found it nice. His step had a little more bounce in it...his ass gained a little more wiggle when he walked. He found that he enjoyed the attention.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 29

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 28

"Really? Jason was actually nice to me today and Ashley said that it was because I had breasts. I don't know what the big deal is. Some boy's have breasts some boys don't," Jessie said matter-of-factly.

"No dear, only girl's have breasts. Boys have pecs which are hard and girls have breasts which are soft."

"But I have breasts and I'm a boy..." Jessie said as he became incredibly confused. He couldn't put two and two together and found his mind very clouded when he tried to figure it out.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 28

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 27

"We had lunch and are just walking around and shopping a bit," Ashley replied when it struck her. Her brother didn't recognize Jessie! It made perfect sense! Jessie had changed so much in the last few weeks that he only looked like a pretty shadow of his former self. Jason was nervous because he was attracted to Jessie!


"Time to go...see you later little bro...Tata!" Ashley replied as she whisked Jessie away. The fact that her brother was openly flirting with his former best friend...who was blossoming into a beautiful girl was priceless!

...We're talkin' About Jason's Girl!...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 27

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 26

She then brushed Jessie's hair and pulled it back into a ponytail tying it with a light blue ribbon.

"Amazing! How do you feel Jessica?" Ashley asked her unmistakably feminine friend. She decided to throw out the name Jessica to see if it would stick.

"I feel great...this dress is so airy and comfortable! Why did you call me Jessica though?"

...Jessie's a Girl, and I Wanna make her Mine!...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 26

By AshleyTS

Kelly's Journey -12- Becoming Kelly Girl

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 12: Becoming Kelly Girl
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Kelly starts learning more about herself as she unlearns her boyhood and embraces her womanhood. In doing so, she comes to appreciate what being a woman truly means.

Accidental Magic - Chapter 19: More Cheerleader Trouble

Synopsis:Terri is allowed to stand time in one place for awhile, though not at home. She makes a few new friends, who want to spend some time with her.
Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Nineteen

More Cheerleader Trouble

The Softening of Jessie - Part 25

"Ok, I was wrong I guess. Thanks for letting me borrow one of your dresses Ashley."

Jessie gave her a big hug. He was so lucky to have such a great friend.

"Damn you are sexy!" Ashley replied as she reached under his dress and pinched his ass.

"Hey! Stop that!" Jessie yelled embarrassed and a little surprised at how easy it was for her to reach up under his skirt.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 25

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 24

"Hey you two, time to wake up. You're going to sleep your life away," Amanda said as she walked into Jessie's room. She observed the two "girls" looking so sweet as the slept on the same bed. Her son had really blossomed into something very special.

"Mom! I can explain..." Jessie quickly replied knowing that he was in trouble for sleeping in the same bed as a girl.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 24

By AshleyTS

All It Would Take -08-

willy milly

All It Would Take

Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly

8 - Whole Expressions

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece.

The Road to Haifa - Chapter 21

The Road to Haifa
Chapter 21 — Sweet Dreams and Nightmares
by Alyssa Plant
'Eli looked curiously at her sister. “Why would there be men following you?”
“I...” Sarah began, wondering how much she should tell her sister, or if it was even relevant. “Some people don’t like me, It's a work thing...”'

Accidental Magic - Chapter 18: World Tour

Synopsis: Grandma may be dead, but she doesn't sleep, and now Terri won't either. Something in the note about avoiding a trash can, and roller blading?
Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Eighteen

World Tour

The Softening of Jessie - Part 2

Jessie was different. It may not have been a huge change but there was a definite difference. "I think I may like the new Jessie," Amanda exuberantly told her mom.

"Before you go to school, I need you to take this pill. It has all of your regular vitamins you take to build your strong body but in one pill."

"Why the heck is it pink? Ha, pink is for sissies and girls...but I guess if it saves me from all those other pills...ok, give it to me. Freakin pink pill...whoever made that needs some help." With that Jessie was off to school.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 2

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 1

"I can't do this anymore," Amanda cried on the way home. Jessie, her 13 year old son, was uncontrollable. She had no idea where he went or what time he was coming home.

"How did I mess up so horribly?"

"You didn't mess up dear," Susan countered. "He is just like his father. It is in his genes. I am not going to see another life wasted though. When we get home I need to show you something. It is something I have been thinking a lot about and something I have been doing hours and hours of research on...and I think it is our solution."

The Softening of Jessie

Part 1

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 37

Suddenly Jessie was overcome with emotion. It hit him from out the blue with the intensity of a Mack truck. He was helplessly caught in its grasp. His eyes met Jason’s once again…then he glanced down to Jason’s lips. His lips looked so good…so inviting.. They looked undeniably yummy. Jessie couldn’t think straight…he felt a magnetic attraction pull him closer to Jason’s face. Wait, this was not right…was it? He so wanted to feel Jason’s lips on his…he just wanted them to touch for even a brief moment. That would be ok right? It didn’t matter, he had no say in the matter. He felt as if he was not in control of his actions any longer. He glanced at Jason’s eyes once again as their lips got closer. Jason’s eyes had almost a glazed look on them, Oh they were so handsome! Caught up in the moment, Jessie let his emotions fully take over as his lips met Jason’s.

...We're talkin' about Jason's Girl!...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 37

By AshleyTS

Kate Draffen (Chapter 34)

Kate Draffen (Chapter 34)

By Swishy

Michael Taylor was a 17-year-old boy living in a town in Australia. Something happened and he found himself on a path to becoming a 17-year-old girl. This is a story about an ordinary teenager that had something extraordinary happen to him and how he tried to cope.

Annette, Gemma's Mum and Dot all come to Gemma's aid.


Subscribe to Novel > 40,000 words