Novel > 40,000 words

Changed Fortune: Part 1

Changed Fortune
Book 2
When Fortune Smiles

by Tanya Allan

Three years have passed since young Josie Fortune tried to make some decisions that would have a bearing on the rest of her life. We first met her in Book One as a young, attractive and entirely convincing male to female transsexual.

Josie had to deal with the painful and awkward transition from being Joseph, while fending off corrupt politicians determined to murder her, earnest young men eager to bed her, and best friends who fell in love with her.

In seeking her own destiny she struggled to find what she needed to do rather than what others would have her do. We pick up the tale as she graduates from University and selects a rather unusual career path, ready to deal with whatever the world throws at her...

but is the world ready for her?

Spin Cycle Link

 The Moon seen from high Earth orbit]     

Spin Cycle

Random Glances

by Liobhan

Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Spin Cycle is now available on an external site where the tooltips mentioned at the bottom of each episode are fully-supported.

Spin Cycle: Random Glances — Link


Audience Rating: 


Character Age: 


Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 15

“Dr. Wagner, speaking for myself, I’m sorry you had to interrupt your honeymoon to help the committee.”

“It is all right, Agent Tanaka; I want to help the committee.”

“Thank you, Doctor.”

“Agent Tanaka, I want to help you as well. You and Captain Slater deserve to be as happy as Henry and I are now.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Fifteen

Synopsis- Operation Swan Song begins to wind down but the danger for Tom Slater continues to increase.

Ovid 02: The Lawyer

Ovid II: The Lawyer

by The Professor (circa 1998)

A successful and famous lawyer
hauled before the Judge for speeding,
is transformed into a female attorney in Ovid.
Can he meet the conditions of his probation
and be returned to his former existence?

Focal Point - Chapter 23


Michael Cohen's dream was to protect and serve as a police officer.... That job didn't satisfy him, until one day,
when people without names came to visit. He wanted to make a difference, but he didn't expect it to make a difference to him, too...

Angels High - Chapter 4


"The summer of 1940 would have been a glorious time had someone mentioned to Mister Hitler that it was cricket season."

A tale of War, of love, and of friendship. (And a few Nazis)

Angels High - Chapter 3


"The summer of 1940 would have been a glorious time had someone mentioned to Mister Hitler that it was cricket season."

A tale of War, of love, and of friendship. (And a few Nazis)

Sam an tha


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

After suffering a concussion Sam's girlfriends decide to make him one of the girls - for a short time at least!

Sam an tha

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2003 Maddy Bell

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Epilog

Air Force Sweetheart


by T. D. Aldoennetti


Karen stays behind to explain that the different groups have grown so large that they’re now divided, so consultations are more difficult and the pace is slowed, but the good work continues. There are still lives to save.

Magician has finally found her way home, and she’s pulled another rabbit out of that silk hat of hers, Houdini, who has a few tricks of his own.

Focal Point - Chapter 22


Michael Cohen's dream was to protect and serve as a police officer.... That job didn't satisfy him, until one day,
when people without names came to visit. He wanted to make a difference, but he didn't expect it to make a difference to him, too...

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 34/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 34/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


It isn’t like a switch where I am either male or female despite my physical changes. Doesn’t it say in the Bible, ‘Male and female He created them?’ Maybe I’m both, male and female, no matter what organs I had on the outside or the inside, a bit of each. But my personality, my soul, is still the same person I always was, as far as I can tell. I’m a human being, someone who can share the anguish of other human beings, someone who can share their joys.

Randolf looks apprehensive.

Luckily, because I am human, I can feel his uncertainty. I smile.

Looking at his face and again at the ring, I make my decision and open my mouth to speak, still smiling.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 33/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 33/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


The four of us wait on the porch until Sis drives away, with Tony asleep in the passenger seat. Back inside, we turn on the news and catch the wrap up. Mom turns to another channel which is just beginning their evening news, so we’re treated to their particular slant on the latest disasters afflicting a weary world. They somehow forget to mention the Fickle Finger of Fate bearing down on Earth from somewhere in outer space, which is about to touch down on me once more.


A wife decides to move back in with her former girlfriend. Her husband pleads to live with them, planning to win her back.
The two women set certain conditions -- they have their own plans for him.


by Vickie Tern

Copyright © 02/29/00 by Vickie Tern

Sam an tha - Chapter 2

After suffering a concussion Sam's girlfriends decide to make him one of the girls - for a short time at least!

Sam an tha
Chapter 2

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2003 Maddy Bell

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 32/34

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 32/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 32/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


Time creeps along like the weather has frozen it to the consistency of salt water taffy, but finally 6:30 comes along, looks around, and decides to go back to sleep.

I figure I’ll give Mom until seven, then call. I check to see that I have enough change and then go for another cup of vending machine coffee. It looks like instant and tastes like ditch water, but it’s better than nothing.

At 7:08, time speeds up a little and the sun is just making its appearance, throwing a dusky grey light through the cloud cover. A light snow is falling and people are moving around the terminal again. I opt for the phone call and a cab. As I walk out the door into the chill morning air, the sun is just beginning to brush aside the clouds, so it can warm the cold Earth beneath.

Angels High - Chapter 2


"The summer of 1940 would have been a glorious time had someone mentioned to Mister Hitler that it was cricket season."

A tale of War, of love, and of friendship. (And a few Nazis)

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 31/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 31/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


I need to find my action group and go back to work there. It seemed so much more simple back then than things are now. Interacting with men simply complicates my life in ways I’m not prepared to accept. Then again, I want a family. That almost requires me to have a man in my life. How do I find a nice one, who isn’t encumbered with ghosts, or poisoned by hatred for women? I need to move to Venus, or Mars, or Jupiter, or somewhere. Somewhere logical.

And what would that accomplish, Lucy? It’s just another way to hide.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 30/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 30/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


I asked in English, knowing that they’d been talking in a different language. In halting English they explain he has indeed been here and they point off in another direction suggesting I might try over with the group of Israelis. I play dumb and ask which group is the Israelis. The one man comes over to me, placing a hand on my bare shoulder as he stands behind me and points out a uniform in the distance.

I give a slight curtsey and thank them. They smile and I’m off again, targeting the Israelis. The men return to their conversation, the momentary assistance to a young woman now dismissed as unimportant.

Angels High - Chapter 1


"The summer of 1940 would have been a glorious time had someone mentioned to Mister Hitler that it was cricket season."

A tale of War, of love, and of friendship. (And a few Nazis)

Sam an tha - Chapter 1

After suffering a concussion Sam's girlfriends decide to make him one of the girls - for a short time at least!

Sam an tha
Chapter 1

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2003 Maddy Bell

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 29/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 29/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


Once back at the conference room, Nora goes to the safe for our typed notes, the pink tablets and my conclusions tablet. When she returns we begin again, still looking through the information for the elusive answer we need to identify the country which could be behind this. I’m beginning to think I won’t have the answer before the General returns. Nora has to leave; she’s scheduled to watch the desk while Jenny has lunch, so I continue the search on my own for the moment.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 28/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 28/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


Nora looks like she’s nervous and continues to look around at the lithographs on the walls and the tables covered with tablecloths with silverware instead of flatware, and china cups, saucers and plates.

I ask, “Just a little ostentatious, isn’t it, General?”

He looks a little apologetic, but explains, “We frequently have congressmen here, or out of country leaders of one kind or another. It wouldn’t do to take them down to the cafeteria. Then too, this room is shielded and swept for bugs and it has jamming equipment built in to prevent electronic eavesdropping, so we can discuss classified material here.”

He gestures to what looks like small air-conditioning ducts or hi-fi speakers above each table. “Each table has it’s own sonic generator above the table throwing a curtain of white noise around the table and its occupants. It isn’t 100% effective, probably closer to 20% or 30% for each table, but by the time the conversation makes its way out through one and in through another it tends to muddy up the conversations enough that nearby diners inside their generator’s influence can’t understand conversations next to them which occur at normal levels. Of course if one were to yell then that would overpower the measures taken. We just learn to talk quietly in here, so the odds are much more in the favor of secrecy.”

“Impressive, Sir.” Now that I’m concentrating, I can hear a slight whooshing sound, like the sound made by the air nozzles above the passenger seats on a commercial airliner, or maybe a radio tuned between stations, pure static. Hmmm.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 27/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 27/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


It’s nearly a week before I see all twenty-five men and hear their cover stories. This is a lot harder than deducing assignments given to Randolf. I’m going to be lucky if I get my roses. They take my deductions and don’t tell me if I’m right or wrong.

They just go off with my answers each time.

I’ve continued to pester Daddy to find out what happened to the TacPzlSolGp but he tells me he’s come up against a stone wall. I still carry that ID and crest in my purse, but I haven’t heard anything about them for some time now.

Five for Fifty (Chp.6) - The Final Chapter

“I’m sorry Cici … but in the real world you can’t be the little girl you want to be. Yes … you can put your hair up in pig tails and carry Kiwi around and colour till your heart’s content, but we both know that you’ll never wake up and truly be the little girl in body that you are in soul. Just as in the real world … I can never be your Mom … David can never be your Dad and the girls can’t be your sisters. It’s impossible.”

Five for Fifty
Chapter Six: B is for Butterfly Nets
The Final Chapter

by Maggie the Kitten

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 26/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 26/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


Mom immediately gets up and crosses the room to pick up the phone on her night stand. In a moment, she’s telling our communications sergeant, “I need to speak with my husband immediately. It’s very important.”

Perhaps a minute goes by before the phone rings back.

“Phillip? … Oh good, how soon? … Yes, I’m nearly ready, but that’s not why I called. Did you know that the Agent who tried to kill Lucy was in your cafeteria today?”

“I didn’t think so. Lieutenant Colonel Scott chased him off after he threatened Lucy again. … Phillip, remember your blood pressure. Take a pill. … Yes, as soon as you arrive. … Good. See you then.”

“He’d like to talk with you when he arrives, in about ten minutes. He’s going to arrange to have more security here at the house as well.”

“Okay, Mom. Thank you.”

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 24/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 24/34
by T. D. Aldoennetti


Karen leans close and quietly says, “I’ve been thinking about that story you told me just before we brought Whizz into the group. I’m glad you found your way to teach us.”

I look at her and wonder if she means that she understands. She looks at me and her eyes say, ‘Welcome to the club.’ I start crying again. Not a lot, but enough that tears roll down my face. I take her hand and give it a gentle squeeze of thanks.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 23/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 23/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


They dive into the photos, noting the Top Secret – No Forn stamps on the back of each image in bold red lettering and glance at each other for a moment.

A few minutes later, our new Captain comes over and asks me where they can find notepads and pencils. I loan her a pencil and hand her a req form and tell her to fill out a requisition for whatever they need, then it goes through channels. She rolls her eyes but takes the form and the pencil.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 22/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 22/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


They take everything and clean up the lab. The instructors remove the maps and fold them for inclusion in the bags. We have three bags of trash to be burned.

The students are dismissed for supper and the burn bags are taken down to the incinerator. The instructors and I make our way out of the school, chatting about the students and the confusion which momentarily surfaced each time something unexpected arrived. We alter tomorrow’s group assignments and separate. This first day of the third week is something the students are unlikely to forget.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 21/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 21/34

by T. D. Aldoennetti


I walk to the door and out with my thoughts swirling around me. I don’t remember finding the car, nor riding back to the BOQ, but somehow I realize that I’m back in my room searching for those few tampons I tucked away from when Mom, Sis and I went out to supper and dancing. That’s it, they’re in that purse….

Finally, I have one in my hand and, after some trial and error, manage to insert it. I clean up and go back to bed to sleep for the two hours remaining to me.

Dreams assail me in the form of tiny kicks against my tummy from within. When I wake up during the night, I find that my hand is cradling my tummy, as if feeling for something which I wish were there even now. I go back to sleep with a smile on my face.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 20/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 20/34

by T. D. Aldoennetti


“To keep everyone interested and awake, I’ll offer them two short breaks of ten minutes during the lecture period. During normal days, the labs will be about three hours each following the intro hour in the lecture hall.” I was designing my class on the fly now.

“Remember, the first lab period is really two separate labs with half the students in each, as is the second lab period. Can the school arrange this for me?”

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 19/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 19/34

by T. D. Aldoennetti


This time, there’s a serving of cake for dessert on the tray with another note tucked under the plate: ‘Try this one. It should tickle your palate.’ That’s a puzzling comment. I have slices of lean roast beef with gravy, peas, a small amount of mashed potatoes, two pats of butter, one slice of bread, a fruit salad, and a cup of coffee. Plus the cake. The whole supper smells good and tastes divine. I am savoring my meal as the nurse comes in to check on me. I tell her, “I’m enjoying my feast.”

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 18/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 18/34

by T. D. Aldoennetti


He leaves the room and I’m lying there trying to find that elusive feeling I had.

Now that I’ve met him, I’m beginning to have some second thoughts. Something is just a little too smooth. Of course it just may be that I’m still too doped up to be able to get a good ‘reading.’ I had a good reading from the Sergeant, though, so I’m confused.

The Sergeant was friendly and nice and didn’t push at all, like a big brother who wants to protect his little sister. The impression I got from my fiancé was more like the big bad wolf.


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