Novel > 40,000 words

God Bless the Child

A cop from a family of cops, Chase Milan tries to keep his corner of the world safe. He gets the criminals off the streets of Lebanon, Tennessee, but hasn't had to help their victims rebuild their lives. Until he meets Jeremy Bergeron, whose life has been turned upside down in an act of senseless violence.

God Bless theChild


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The Enhanced: TRI - 38

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 8

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 8”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Eight: The Chamber of Secrets Opens

Note: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.
Note 2: Once more, I apologize for the bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there.

The next morning, Harry sat in bed for an unknown amount of time pondering Malfoy's having bought his way onto the Slytherin team. It really was an unfair advantage. He considered, for a time, just complaining about it, but what would that really accomplish?

Queen Gabriels First Christmas

Queen Gabriel’s first Christmas
By Shaphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

It was Christmas Eve

It was Christmas Eve and it was as black as coal outside for some reason the street lights were not on. Queen Gabriel of Northumbria had moved her court from Scarborough to Skipton the ancient capital of the Dales.

Goddess of the Arts

Goddess of the Arts

Josephus Carter is dying of cancer. Believing there is no grace in death, he abandons his family and friends to sail into the Pacific and die alone. Josephus soon finds himself in a strange yet familiar world. A world with gods, where a Goddess of fate and a God of Labor have called Josephus to take his place as their child a Goddess of the Arts.

The Enhanced: TRI - 37

Freya's Gift Chapter 7

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 7: Putting the Pieces Together


I woke up feeling refreshed and invigorated. The sun is just peaking over the trees on the far side of the lake casting long shadows into the bedroom. I look at Katie and get the sense of some difference, but can't place it. I pass it off as a trick of the sunlight striking her face, looking like an angel.

Freya's Gift Chapter 6

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 6: Connecting to the Past Part 2

Katie and I made our way to the food court and got Panda Express chinese food. We always got chinese food when we were together, it was something the family did together since she and her twin Michael were 3 months old. We made our selections and found a quiet spot to sit so we could talk.

Freya's Gift Chapter 5

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 5: Connecting to the Past Pt 1

from Freya's point of view:

Freya's Gift Chapter 4

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 4: Where to Start?

I awoke to a glorious sunrise on the lake. I stretched my arms out revelling in the feeling of have no morning pains. Pain was something I had grown used to as an ever constant companion, one I would gladly have buried in a hidden grave, if only.

Freya's Gift Chapter 3

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter 3: A New Start

As I came to my senses I knew there was something different. The more clear headed I became, I realized what an understatement that really was.

Freya's Gift Chapter 1

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter One: In the Beginning

When you think you know everything there is, life always has a way to prove you wrong!

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 31

What the rescuers find when the morning comes. Probably some more campfire tales!

This chapter ends this second book. The next one is being written. I want to thank Bill and Asheligh for their help and to those that PM'd me. I also want to thank everyone for reading and your comments.

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 30

Where-oh-where can Atalanta be? The school and the Reservation is in a panic looking for her. Another exciting chapter as our heroine goes missing! LOL! Melodramatic yes but it is a lot of fun.


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