Novel > 40,000 words

A Study in Satin - Part 3 - Chapters 13 - 16 (Finale)

Unable to defeat the addiction-withdrawal syndrome of Moriarty's youth potion,
Holmes is running out of the drug, and faces madness and a horrible death.
Unwilling to concede victory to the Professor, he leaves England
in search of the one person who might still best Holmes' archenemy -

"THE Woman."

A Study in Satin
Part III: Dum Vivimus Vivamus
Chapters 13-16

by Tigger

Copyright © 2002, 2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

Mother's Child Chapter 13

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters. I appreciate all the encouraging comments and Kudos.

Marcia and Me Chapters 19 - 21

Chris lets his fun loving neighbor style his hair for a gag gone wild
and soon discovers he may not be who he thought he was!


Marcia and Me
Chapters 19 - 21

by Rebecca Anderson

Copyright © 1999, 2015 by Rebecca Anderson
All Rights Reserved.

A Study in Satin - Part 3 - Chapters 9 - 12

Unable to defeat the addiction-withdrawal syndrome of Moriarty's youth potion,
Holmes is running out of the drug, and faces madness and a horrible death.
Unwilling to concede victory to the Professor, he leaves England
in search of the one person who might still best Holmes' archenemy -

"THE Woman."

A Study in Satin
Part III: Dum Vivimus Vivamus
Chapters 9-12

by Tigger

Copyright © 2002, 2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

Lost in Translation


Lost in Translation
Prologue – A Walk in the Park

by Persephone


Sometimes going through transition can feel like you're walking through a minefield. And sometimes you actually are...
Author's Note: I hope that you find some small pleasure in this tale. As ever please be tolerant of my failings, and forthright with your criticism. ~Persephone

A Study in Satin - Part 3 - Chapters 5 - 8

Unable to defeat the addiction-withdrawal syndrome of Moriarty's youth potion,
Holmes is running out of the drug, and faces madness and a horrible death.
Unwilling to concede victory to the Professor, he leaves England
in search of the one person who might still best Holmes' archenemy -

"THE Woman."

A Study in Satin
Part III: Dum Vivimus Vivamus
Chapters 5-8

by Tigger

Copyright © 2002, 2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 20

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 20”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Twenty: The Strange Prophecy

Note 1: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.

Note 2: Once more, I apologize for the bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there. It's been frustrating me, too, but some things are just too perfect already to change. Which, fair warning, includes most of the conversation Fudge, Hagrid, Flitwick, and McGonagall have in The Three Broomsticks.

A Study in Satin - Part 3 - Chapters 1 - 4

Unable to defeat the addiction-withdrawal syndrome of Moriarty's youth potion,
Holmes is running out of the drug, and faces madness and a horrible death.
Unwilling to concede victory to the Professor, he leaves England
in search of the one person who might still best Holmes' archenemy -

"THE Woman."

A Study in Satin
Part III: Dum Vivimus Vivamus
Chapters 1-4

by Tigger

Copyright © 2002, 2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.
Chapters 1 & 2 of Part 3 were previously posted out of order. This has been corrected with the finishing
of Part 2 of the series and now the addition of Chapters of 3 & 4 of Part 3 to keep the posting organization
of this series in line with the previous postings. All mistakes made were mine. ~ Sephrena

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 17

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

Note 3: I re-read this series recently, and OMG the number of continuity errors is embarrassing. I blame it on a combo of reading too much HP fanfic and having a poor memory.

A Study in Satin - Part 2 - Chapters 13 - 18

Unable to defeat the addiction-withdrawal syndrome of Moriarty's youth potion,
Holmes is running out of the drug, and faces madness and a horrible death.
Unwilling to concede victory to the Professor, he leaves England
in search of the one person who might still best Holmes' archenemy -

"THE Woman."

A Study in Satin
Part II: Veni, Veni, Vici
Chapters 13-18

by Tigger

Copyright © 2002, 2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

Susie and Jeffrey - Their Most Unbelievable Exploits Yet

For anyone interested in the further misadventures of Susie and Jeffrey, two full-length novels, Books 11 and 12 - Loony Runes and Strange Day on a Train are available

A Study in Satin - Part 2 - Chapters 9 - 12

Unable to defeat the addiction-withdrawal syndrome of Moriarty's youth potion,
Holmes is running out of the drug, and faces madness and a horrible death.
Unwilling to concede victory to the Professor, he leaves England
in search of the one person who might still best Holmes' archenemy -

"THE Woman."

A Study in Satin
Part II: Veni, Veni, Vici
Chapters 9-12

by Tigger

Copyright © 2002, 2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

A Study in Satin - Part 2 - Chapters 5 - 8

Unable to defeat the addiction-withdrawal syndrome of Moriarty's youth potion,
Holmes is running out of the drug, and faces madness and a horrible death.
Unwilling to concede victory to the Professor, he leaves England
in search of the one person who might still best Holmes' archenemy -

"THE Woman."

A Study in Satin
Part II: Veni, Veni, Vici
Chapters 5-8

by Tigger

Copyright © 2002,2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

When WInding Paths Meet Part VIII (Chapters 33-35 and Epilogue)


June through December, 2015

Megan grew tired of the hospital routine and in late 2013 opened her own practice initially on weekends and evenings. By early 2015, her practice was doing well enough that she resigned from the hospital to pursue it full-time. While she saw patients a couple of evenings a week, she no longer had the burden of giving up her weekends.

When Winding Paths Meet Part VII (Chapters 29-32)


Megan’s office - one week later – just before Christmas, 2009

It was late afternoon on a Tuesday. Megan had finished with all of her patients and was completing some notes on her computer when her phone rang.

She answered it as normal, “Megan Phillips.”

“Hello, is this Dr. Phillips?” Hearing the voice, she almost dropped the phone. It was a voice with which she was very familiar, but hadn’t heard in seventeen years. It was her mother.

Heart pounding, Megan asked, “Yes, it is. Is this Michaela Phillips?”

“Yes. Your mother.”

When Winding Paths Meet Part VI (Chapters 24-28)


Late April, 2009 – two days before Susie’s wedding

Susie and Megan met late on a Wednesday afternoon at an upscale restaurant that they frequented on special occasions. It was a bittersweet occasion. Even though Susie and Brad had decided to make their home in the city, the two realized that the wedding represented a serious turn in their friendship. No longer would they be “two single girls” against the world.

When Winding Paths Meet Part V (chapters 19-23)


Late August, 2008 – the first day of Lara’s sophomore year in high school

It was the first day of Lara’s sophomore year in high school. Unlike the past years, though, she went all out with her femininity. She had picked out a short-sleeve dress and paired it with all the accessories befitting a young high school girl. Megan had taken her to the salon, and Lara had a cut that emphasized the fullness of her hair. She had also grown two inches, and at five feet, eight inches, stood just an inch shorter than her mother.

When Winding Paths Meet Part IV (chapters 14-18)


Three days later - Thursday morning, conference room 15, Metro Hospital

Megan was anxious and nervous. Arriving at the conference room fifteen minutes early, she wondered if she really knew what she was doing. Everyone that she had talked to had nothing but encouragement for her. Finally, after saying a quick prayer, her spirit calmed and her anxiousness abated.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 16

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Three.
Or, "Aspie Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Note: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made.

Note 2: There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though.

When Winding Paths Meet Part III (chapters 9-13)


The next morning – Metro Hospital (Mental Health Unit)

Shortly after 7:00 a.m., Megan Phillips made her way from the adjacent employee parking garage to her office on the fifth floor of Metro Hospital’s Mental Health Unit. Megan enjoyed Saturday mornings when she was on the weekend daytime schedule. Incoming traffic to the hospital was light, her schedule was usually light or even nonexistent, and the pace of the hospital was far less intense. Her hospital office, a light and airy space, became a home away from home on most Saturdays.


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