500 < Short Story < 7500 words

Just a Game

It's just a game. Right?

Only a Game

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This story is 5 words long.

Alexandra's Leaving


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Alexandra’s Leaving

This was triggered by Leonard Cohen’s song. There are overtones of The Beatles’ She’s leaving home’.

Another AP-500. Well, first a whole bunch of AP-500 ‘starters’ for other people …. Then I write a couple of follow-ons myself. Now another few ‘500-worders’ to come.

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This story is 48 words long.

Decisions, Decisions, Desissyons


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Decisions, Decisions, Desissyons

How I began …… as a siss’sister. Some are born girls, some achieve girlhood, some have girlhood thrust into them. An adapted quotation. Ooops.

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This story is 27 words long.

Becoming Madeline: Prologue to Madeline's Adventure's (3)


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Character Age: 


I was halfway through my hot chocolate when the door to the my room swung open. There in the doorway stood my older sister. Now, Kayla was a full fourteen years older than me. Growing up, I rarely saw much of her, save those rare visits around the holidays. So, around three times a year if I was luck, those three times of course being Easter, Thanksgiving and finally Christmas.

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This story is 70 words long.

Hanging on the Telephone Line


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Character Age: 


Hanging on the Telephone Line (with thanks to ELO and Jeff Lynn for the inspiration)

“Hello. How are you?
Have you been alright, through all those lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely nights
That's what I'd say. I'd tell you everything
If you'd pick up that telephone yeah yeah yeah”
I looked at the phone for the umpteenth time.

Why didn’t it ring?

What was wrong?

Has something happened to him?

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This story is 71 words long.

The Girl He Should Had Been

Artemis limps home after the beating he just received from the guys in his neighborhood. His stupid uncle purposely made him play football with the guys, even when he told his uncle he didn’t want to play. They beat the daylights out of him on the field and he might have sprained his ankle. His wrist was hurting him again. It was swollen right now, and it hurt when he tried to use it.

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This story is 75 words long.

Becoming Madeline: Prologue to Madeline's Adventure's (2)


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Character Age: 


The dry erase board in my room, told me the nurse for the morning shift was somebody named “Veronica”. It turns out that Veronica was a hand full of years older than me. A young nurse from school. She still had that freshly pinned shine about her. My eyes followed Veronica around the room as she checked on everything. She seemed a little ill at ease.

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This story is 66 words long.

Becoming Madeline: Prologue to Madeline's Adventure's


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Pale moonlight streamed through the window and bathed the floor of my hospital room. Through the haze of the painkillers dripping down into me, I thought the full moon reminded me of a ghostly ship, cut adrift in a sea of darkness. My name is Mark Brewer, I just turned fourteen. Two weeks ago, I was in a horrible car crash that killed my mother and has left me a ward of the state. I’m told by a case worker that my older sister.. Kayla Brewer, who lives in Benton and owns and a operates a Christmas Tree Farm has agreed to take me in. Okay I lied a little.

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This story is 111 words long.

Forgotten: Chapter 14

Galen was sitting in his office, going over preparations to take Bug into custody. He felt like a wannabe inventor trying to become an actual inventor. It was one idea after another. He just couldn’t figure out a way militarily that would even work out successfully for them. It was getting to the point that he would be forced to enlist the help of military strategists and historians to aid in this endeavor. But Bug might simply be too powerful for Galen, the Agency, and the best the military had to offer.

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This story is 93 words long.

NightFox: The Case Of The Stolen Native American Artifacts


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This story is 0 words long.

It’s the sway she walks.


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Character Age: 


It’s the sway she walks.

Sometimes it's a look, the voice or the body that attracts. Me, I love an intelligent girl - especially if …. what do you think I mean.

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This story is 32 words long.

Thanksgiving for The Bounty Family

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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This story is 2 words long.

Mum, you don’t have to worry. It’s the police, sort of, that’s bringing me home.

10 P.M: a Friday night. A black van drives through the streets of Washington D.C.
The streets are filled with upset people.
In the van 15-year old Taylor Peters makes a call home.

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This story is 34 words long.

Of Corsets. "For Me!"


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Character Age: 


Of Corsets. “For me.”

Some make choices. Some have choices forced upon them. Some mistakes have long-delayed outcomes. "Of course, it's for me" didn't I just say so.

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This story is 29 words long.

A 'Model' Romance


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Character Age: 


“Ms Wilson will see you now,” said the assistant.

I stood up and after a moment’s hesitation; I followed her into the very impressive office. The views out over East London were impressive.

They should be. We were on the twenty third floor of one of the large tower blocks that fringe the edge of the City of London.

Ms Wilson stood up from behind her desk and came to greet me.

“Thank you for coming Susan. Please take a seat.”

I was shown to a comfortable seat where after smoothing my skirt I sat down.

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This story is 97 words long.

Slowly Changing Into A Woman


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Sunday, October 7, 2018

Hello there. My name is Patrick Robert Walker, and I'm writing this blog because I'm worried. I've had some weird things happening with my body lately. I haven't had to shave in several weeks. I'm 26, and I used to need to shave four or five times a week. But ever since Labor Day, my facial hair has been growing less and less. At first, I didn't mind not having to shave, but now my whole face is perfectly smooth.

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This story is 81 words long.

"One small step for a man."

"One small step for a man."

Well, high heels aren’t for boys.

An AP-500 story

“Honey chile, if’n you don’ take little teeny weeny steps yo gonna fall flat splat on that fancy new ass of yours.” The accent was as fake as I was.

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This story is 47 words long.

Gone Swimming


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Character Age: 


Emilio and his family were going to the town pool for the afternoon. Emilio's dad was at work, so Emilio had to go with his mom and his two sisters Lucy and Kendra. Emilio was sixteen, Lucy was four, and Kendra was six.

When they got to the pool, the family split up. Mom went with Lucy and Kendra through the women's locker room, while Emilio went through the men's. Emilio changed from his regular clothes into his Speedo. Then he went out to go swim in the swimming pool.

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This story is 90 words long.

1902 Sunbeam Safety - continued


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1902 Sunbeam Safety
Part 2


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This story is 3 words long.

"Where's my stockings?"


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Where’s my stockings ?

An AP-500 follow-on …. I was given an idea and here we are. AP

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This story is 17 words long.

Fit-4-U: Guaranteed-2-Fit


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Character Age: 

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Did you ever sneak off somewhere to look at lingerie catalogs?

Guaranteed 2 Fit

Fit-4-U: Guaranteed 2 Fit

by Lainie Lee

I stole the little booklets from my sister's room and looked at the pictures in the bathroom with the door locked. In some of them the girls were practically naked, just wearing bra and panties. The images sent hot little barbs into my brain and made me feel sweaty in odd places.

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This story is 70 words long.

"I’m going to have to wear a bra – to SCHOOL!?"

“I’m going to have to wear a bra – to SCHOOL!?

If you think things were going a bit off-the-scale, then you’d be right.

This began as one of my AP-500 pieces. I got one very useful comment about 'why and how' which got me moving and has turned into this continuation. Thanks AP

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This story is 55 words long.

A Cam-eo Performance


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While the wife's away Wanda will play. She HAD to see how the new dress looked on her. Chances like this don't come by frequently. Her bustier looked so foxy but it's hard to dance in heels. This IS semi auto-biographical. Know where your security cameras are and do NOT forget, like I did, that they are always watching. Take care my friends! (1/26/19 rewrite)

Wiley’s wife, Peggy, was out of town on a three day weekend conference that was halfway across the US. It was the most opportune time for his inner Wanda to come out to play. The timing was perfect.

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This story is 104 words long.

Out Centre 3


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Ellin takes her daughter, the one she thinks is Breanne, to the Mall.


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This story is 16 words long.


What would you do if you woke up as a different person and nobody believed you?
direct companion to https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/76737/fixing-problem-...

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This story is 25 words long.

Gabriel's Mistake

Gabriel was a stalker. He spent his days following the school's hot chicks, finding out where they lived so he could spy on them. He had a real talent for following girls without them knowing. They were always fooled into thinking he was just another pedestrian, walking home from school, not doing anything wrong. But they didn't know his habit of putting cameras outside the girls' windows to catch videos of them changing.

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This story is 73 words long.

I’m PROUD of who I am!


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I’m PROUD of who I am!

Taboo, Stigma, Prejudice - does hitting someone with those labels make YOU feel clever, smart or better. It kills some people. Zombifies others. Would YOU like it back at you? I can cope - I've gone past the hate.

We all know the situation, when the story just keeps going. So here’s one five-time escapee from the AP-500 bundle.

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This story is 67 words long.

Jail Bait

Lately I had actually enjoyed going to school. It had started when a group of documentary filmers had chosen our school to do a documentary about every-day high school life. This would be their fifth week here. The first week everyone tried to get their attention. They strongly discouraged that. Their goal was to be as unnoticeable as possible. Blending in into the background while filming with their carefully disguised cameras, as well as some fixed cameras. By the fourth week they had succeeded quite well. The students didn’t take more notice of them than they did of the poster for the Chess club’s next game in the state championships. Quite a pity, I had spent quite a lot of time making that poster.

So given that the film team wasn’t interested in any drama queens why did my best friend Phil come to school dressed as a girl?

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This story is 152 words long.

Rabbit's Foot

A short story...

Rabbit's Foot


– A companion short story to the short story Break a Leg!

Copyright © 2018 by AuP reviner

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This story is 22 words long.

Confessions of a Train Passenger


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Character Age: 


[This story is based upon a conversation I overheard the on the train to work in 2011].

“Hi Wendy. I’ve not seen you on this train for a while?”

“Oh, hi Kylie. Yeah, I’ve been at the branch in Slough for the past few months. I could drive there in twenty minutes from home. Now I’m working in Reading for the next six months. The assistant manager is off on maternity leave. So here I am on the commuter express that stops at every station!”

“How are your kids?”

“Davy is a real handful. All he wants to do is play football.”

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This story is 104 words long.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 10


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Olivia pushed Miss Johnson aside and ran out of the cafeteria, with Bailey right on her heels. Yelling for vengeance, Miss Johnson followed right behind them. She chased Olivia and Bailey out of the front doors and towards the hotel.

Olivia had never ran harder in her life. Her arms were running like windmills, and her breasts were swinging around like mad. She wished she had a bra to give herself some support. But it hardly mattered. All that mattered was that Olivia and Bailey would lead Miss Johnson into their trap.

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This story is 92 words long.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 9


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After Saige had finished with her shower, she put on some clean clothes and went out to the cafeteria. Just like Piper said, there was Olivia, locked in a glass case and on display for everyone to see. The moment she saw her friend, Saige ran up to the glass case and pressed her fingers against the glass. "Oh, Olivia," Saige whispered. "Look what they've done to you."

In spite of her pain, Olivia looked down and saw Saige outside her case. Olivia wanted to scream at Saige to get out of here, to save herself while she still could, but she could not.

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This story is 104 words long.

"He's gone! I'm going to be ME!"


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Character Age: 


"He's gone. I'm going to be ME!"

Sometimes taking that first step is as big as 'One giant step for Mankind' and I've always been a woman. Haven't I?

Previously this was titled "I’ve done 25 – will I get to 26? Is it over." The OLD subtext said 'If these were lyrics they could be better – but I’m doing this My Way – or the highway – or the low way. And sorry – it may sound like this is going to be a suicide story – but – nope – not this time.'
I think it wasn't being read because of the bad vibes. I was trying to be punny about the number of 500-word stories. And jokes suggesting suicide don't work. Sorry.

The 25th AP-500 story - and none has, yet, been borrowed or adapted - come on, folks and folkesses,

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This story is 138 words long.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 8


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Piper was lonely.

Several weeks ago, she had had a lovely family of dormmates at the Y. F. F. H. Bailey and Valeria had been nice to her, but when Olivia showed up, it had made their happy little family even happier. They had all had an awesome time living together, and doing things together. But all of a sudden, Olivia and Bailey had gone poking around in Miss Johnson's lab under the hotel next to the foster home building. Piper had gone with Valeria to save them. Olivia and Bailey, along with Stephanie, had escaped to an unknown fate.

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This story is 100 words long.

A Tale of Two Kitties


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Character Age: 


A Tale of Two Kitties

By Dawn Natelle

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This story is 8 words long.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 7


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"Saige, you okay, honey?"

Saige's eyes fluttered open. She found herself lying on her couch, with her mother standing over her. She looked around and realized she was in her house.

"Mom," said Saige. The events of the failed date last night were all coming back to her. "Where-where's Olivia? Where's Tony?"

"Calm down," said Saige's mom. "You're safe now."

"What happened?" Saige asked. "How did I get here?"

"The Red Lobster manager saw you and Tony lying on the floor," said Saige's mom. "He called the police, and they took you and him home."

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This story is 95 words long.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 6


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Saige was nervous about asking Tony out, but she had to do it. She went up to him after Fourth Period and said, "Hi Tony."

"Hey Saige," Tony said back. "What's up?"

Saige managed to find the words, "Want to go out tomorrow night?"

Tony smiled. "Sure. Where did you have in mind?"

"Well, Olivia bought tickets for me and her to see Wreck-It Ralph 2," said Saige. "Maybe I could talk her into giving her ticket to you?"

"Yeah, sure," said Tony. "And we could go out to dinner at, I dunno, Red Lobster."

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This story is 94 words long.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 5


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Character Age: 


For the rest of the week, Saige continued to hang out with Tony, Olivia, Bailey, and Stephanie. During that time, Saige got fully acquainted with her new girl body. She could take a shower, change her clothes, and brush her hair without help from her mom or Olivia. She even got rid of all the boy stuff she used to have and bought some new things to satisfy her new, girly interests. Now her room was painted pink with a Justin Bieber poster hanging on the wall. Saige was surprised to find herself liking Justin Bieber now. As a boy, he had HATED Justin Bieber.

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This story is 105 words long.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 4


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The next morning, Saige woke up to her alarm blaring. She hit the Snooze bar and got up for the day. She went down to the kitchen, still wearing her pajamas. While she was making herself a bowl of cereal, Saige's mom came into the kitchen.

"Good morning, princess," Saige's mom said.

"Hey Mom," said Saige. "Hard to believe I was a boy 24 hours ago."

Her mom laughed. "I know. I have to leave in twenty minutes, so you should take a shower real soon."


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This story is 86 words long.

You Can't Hide Your Secret Forever

During lunch break high school freshman Tom was sitting on a bench outside, reading a sports magazine (but with the edge of a Penthouse sticking up), alone as usual. Well, as usual as it could be the fifth day of term. Tom was not a popular boy. Small, ”dainty” and with golden locks that was rather longish. There really was nothing wrong with Tom except that he was terribly shy and new in town. He had lost his parents and the only relative was a cousin of his mother's. Matthew and Martha were considerably older than Tom’s parents but they considered taking care of Tom as their duty. Tom had all the material support he could wish for. However, they didn’t really care for him and since they never had had any children of their own they didn’t understand him at all. So the less he bothered them the happier they were.

Anyway Tom was sitting there ostentatiously reading a sports magazine featuring baseball. Tom was quite a good baseball player and had great hopes to get onto one of the junior teams. However, if you looked closer you could see the edge of a Penthouse sticking up behind the magazine. Not that Tom was interested in the pictures. Actually he found the sports magazine much more interesting and if he wanted to look at naked girls internet had an abundant supply and Matthew and Martha had no clue how to restrict his access. No, Tom had arranged the Penthouse very carefully to throw off any suspicions about what he had hidden behind the Penthouse. His real secret was much worse, something that absolutely NO ONE must know. Tom was totally absorbed by the latest “Thumping ❤❤, Broken ❤❤, ❤❤United” book, according to some the soppiest, most braindead romantic drivel ever written. Tom just couldn’t get enough of it.

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This story is 311 words long.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 3

After their kitchen-table conversation, Saige and her mother went out to go clothes shopping. They first got dinner at Panda Express (Saige no longer felt a desire to go to McDonald's), then went to the mall.

Using the tags on Saige's current clothes, Saige and her mother were able to find underwear that fit her. Saige tried on a few sizes of shirts and pants, eventually finding the perfect size for her. Saige and her mother purchased ten shirts, three pairs of jeans, four pairs of shorts, a couple skirts, and a bikini swimsuit.

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This story is 94 words long.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 2


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Character Age: 


Miss Johnson was angry and worried.

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This story is 6 words long.

1902 Sunbeam Safety


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Character Age: 


1902 Sunbeam Safety
Part 1


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This story is 3 words long.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 1


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[Note: This is a sequel to "Wrong Bathroom" and "New Home." I decided to write this after comments on both of those stories saying that I should continue them.]

After having her gender changed in the school bathroom, Saige went to her last class, which was Algebra. But when the teacher, Mrs. Gillmore, was taking role, she did not see Saige Johnson on the list. There was a Sage Johnson, yes, but no Saige Johnson. Saige tried to explain to Mrs. Gillmore that she was Sage, that the bathroom had changed her gender, but Mrs. Gillmore didn't believe her.

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This story is 99 words long.

Wrong Bathroom


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Sage was walking through the school, looking for a bathroom. He had to poop really bad. He'd been holding it for half of English class, and he was going to burst if he didn't find a bathroom. Luckily, he saw the bathrooms just down the hall from where he was. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him toward the nearest bathroom, dashed inside, and went into one of the stalls. He locked the door, pulled his pants down, and sat on the toilet. He let out a sigh of relief as his poop fell into the toilet bowl.

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This story is 101 words long.

Life in the city - Chapter 7

“You did what?!” Leah said.

“It just happened, it was something silly”.

“It isn’t something silly anymore Dani”.

Leah came to sit next to me in bed.

“Have you thought about it? About how you feel? What this actions may reflect about you?”.

I didn’t want to answer, mostly because I really didn’t have an answer. It all just happened, and I enjoyed it, it was something I had just discovered and didn’t put much thought to it, when I did my mind got foggy and I got anxious.

“I… no… I haven’t” I said turning my head to the floor.

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This story is 106 words long.

The Editors Dilemma - What Happened Next


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This is a sequel to “The Editors Dilemma”


The tale resumes at the Hotel in Cynthia’s room after Cynthia has poured a cup of tea for Jennie.

Jenny sat down totally stunned by the person who was in front of her.

“I don’t know what to say.”

Cynthia smiled.

“I know that both my manuscript and how I look now is a bit of a shock but this is me now. Oh, and the final three chapters of it are on the table.”


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This story is 92 words long.

I'm okay with this


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Not everyday you find yourself in this situation

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This story is 8 words long.

The Dress on the Wall



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The Dress on the Wall
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2018 Melanie Brown

Daniel should get a haircut

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This story is 16 words long.

Green Lantern: Star Sapphire's Wrath

Hal Jordan encounters a dying alien but initially refuses to accept the power of the Green Lantern. Instead, his boss and friend Carl Ferris takes up the job only to be kidnapped, changed, and brainwashed by the Violet Lantern Corp. Now, Hal Jordan must take on the difficult task of protecting the Earth from his best friend's wrath.

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This story is 58 words long.


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