500 < Short Story < 7500 words

The Belle of Eerie, Arizona: Chapter 3

Exploring around the barn, Myra discovers a cache of old letters which casts a new, and very disconcerting, light upon the old days when she was Myron and living with her parents. But just when she least wants to be distracted by visitors, a couple of Eerie residents arrive at her door.

VENNgence Is Mine 2

I hadn't intended on making a sequel. But the characters had more to say.

"Marvin Vining, please report to the school office."

The sycophant and his friends snickered. A few people, those who have been tutored by Marvin, looked sympathetic. Most didn't seem to care one way or the other.

Marvin stopped by his locker and stashed his backpack. He took his phone out of the locker, sent a text, and slipped it into his pocket.

Annia's story

Annia’s Story

Before the written word, people shared stores by way of oral tradition. Sometimes these were fairy tales, or morality plays, but sometimes actual history was shared by one person telling another, passing the story down through time until some bright person finally writes it down. Many of those stories have sadly been lost, so it’s not impossible something like the tale I’m about to share really happened.

You young ones want to hear about Annia do you?

I’ll tell you but you have to promise to pass it on.


Sacrifice, Honour and Legends

Silvermane had reported her pregnancy late and Elgal had celebrated his virility at impregnating his new and very beautiful mare of the once so proud Magellsi clan immediately. He was blissfully unaware Silvermane had chosen to give herself to him because she’d considered, due to his arrogance and stupidity, he was the stallion most likely to be duped regarding her foal should it prove to be a colt.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 10

CHAPTER 10 - Deception; the practice of deliberately making someone believe things that aren’t true

Ellen touched up her makeup, explaining why it was important. George always thought that women used makeup to help them look pretty; he was now told it was all part of the seduction game.

"Now let’s get back in there the night is still young."

A broken man, George turned to the mirror to freshen his lipstick. He was in turmoil, so autopilot took over and he did the lipstick thing too.

Creation of a Death Chaunt and Joiking

I didn’t have any friends at school. I was a loner and more than a bit odd, so other kids tended to stay away from me, and I liked it that way because everything they did, talked about and were interested in seemed trivial and pointless.

Carrick on Shannon

I’m really scratching my head to remember the details on this one. It was another life, another time, and I was reminded of it by something someone said the other day. It’s not that I’d rather forget, it’s just the details have been blurred by the passage of time. Let’s start with now and then cast back.

I’m Victoria Garcia, and I’m sixty-seven, a grandmother many times over and still married to Jesus. I’m Scottish whilst Jesus as you may have guessed is Spanish. We adopted and reared six children because I’m trans. Though me being trans has only a small bearing on what I am going to tell you about. I transitioned and had SRS somewhere in my early thirties I think. I’m not going to look it up because this story happened when I was I think sixteen in 1969 long before then and it’s besides the point.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 08 TVs and Wall boarding

Stan had tears in his eyes as he laughed and said, “Sasha has a seven pound splitting axe just inside the door that he uses for firewood on his yard, and is there anyone here who doesn’t believe he’d use it?”

“I counted my arms and legs first, then my fingers. I was amazed they were all there. We turned round and the plaster lath ceilings had turned into dust and kindling and the entire wall was down. It was just a pile of cobbles and broken lime plaster on the floor.



I honestly never planned to become famous.

But I should start at the beginning.

It started when I met Mac, which was short for Macerio Yadell Gica. Yeah, him. His family came to Canada from the Philippines a couple of generations back, and even then he was an amazing performer.

Our Lady of Niok

“There are no stories that old, Father!”

“Indeed not many, Naomi, but there are some. Most are not told often, for many are incomplete, some just fragments, and often they disagree with each other. One of the most popular girls’ names for centuries has been Scowla, so would you like to hear of Our Lady of Niok and how Saint Scowla was visited by her with the passion in front of thousands and viewed by millions?”

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9 - What aA Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice To Deceive

"Please Ellen, let’s not tease about that. There is no way I am interested in some guy."

"How do you know if you haven’t tried?"

I Honestly Don’t Know

The idea of having a job and working with more girls who would ignore me and more boys who would hit me terrified me. I was depressed and thinking about ending it all because the idea of possibly another sixty years like the last twenty was too much.

Genital Differences

Marília had been found at a few hours old abandoned in a slum in Brazilia and the church had her taken to Lisbon under a ‘special’ orphans’ program. Neither the church, nor life had been kind to her, and she wanted the prize money, third prize would do, to pay for what she needed to be able to live with some dignity. She had all the requisite parts of a woman, but she was self conscious and would never let any, least of all a man, see her naked self, because she had more than the requisite parts of a woman.

He shouldn't have teased his sister chapter 2

He shouldn't have teased his sister

by Jasmine Monica

Richard a considers his live and how he will life from that point. And he resolves himself to solving what happened, and proving himself innocent

chapter 2

Pick-Up Line

Pick-Up Line
By Ellie Dauber
Copyright 2000

Lou enters a bar, meets Sarah and says...

Pick-Up Line
By Ellie Dauber
Copyright 2000

I always loved the bar in the Chapman Hotel.

The hotel was right at the edge of the big office complex north of town, convenient for visiting big shots or for staff on temporary assignment. Then they build the conference center next to the hotel. Nothing fancy, but just right for trade shows and the like.

What did that have to do with the bar?

He shouldn't have teased his sister chapter 1

He shouldnt have teased his sister
by Jasmine monica
A precocious boy annoys his sister and her reaction is completely too far on her innocent brother

chapter 1

Richard was startled by his sister Rose storming into the house in rage. She stamped up the steps and flew into er bedroom. He stood outside snickering at he heard his sister scream in rage. A few things were threw into the wall. She sounded seriously pissed about something.

The life of Riley - part 4 Everything is changing

“What do you think, babe?” Mary asked me as soon as I closed my door.

“I am not sure. The idea of going to a private boarding school frightens and excites me at the same time.” I said feeling unsure about my future.

“I know that you will make the right decision for you. Just follow your gut feeling and what’s in your heart.” Mary advised me.


The story follows a 14yo boy named Max Patrick at the hardest point of his life. He became a mutant.
How will Max cope with his mutation? How will his friends and family react to this change?
Come and discover this story of unimaginable change and challenges in the life of a young boy.
This is a fanfiction for Whateley Academy Universe.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 7

CHAPTER 7 - Don’t ever poke a mother bear

Ellen reached for Mike's right hand and got a firm grip on his thumb and bent it back far enough to hear it break. Mike released Heather and let put a howl like a wounded animal. Bill came charging to his friend's aid. Ellen pivoted on her left leg and landed a solid one-legged kick to his beer belly. Bill folded like a cheap lawn chair.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 07 Geoff takes a Turn

“You saying you believe in ghosts, Geoff?”

“You saying you’ve got the balls to tell Karen she’s delusional, Alf?”

“No, I see what you’re saying. Ellen scares me badly enough. Your missus is…, nah you carry on, Geoff.”

Gladys was smiling at Alf’s strategic withdrawal.

Mein neues Leben als Zuchtstute

Pferde waren schon immer meine große Leidenschaft, obwohl es für Jungs wohl eher ungewöhnlich ist.

Bei Pferden denkt man doch eher an Mädchen, die sich liebevoll um die Tiere kümmern und ihre Freizeit mit ihnen verbringen.

So war es jedenfalls auch bei mir, dass ich jede freie Minute auf dem nahe gelegenen Reiterhof meine Freizeit verbrachte.

Ich hatte das Gefühl, die Pferde könnten mich verstehen und würden spüren, wie es mir geht.

The Man of my Dreams

Heather hear me out before you say no again. I know you think Juan being a crossdresser makes giving him a chance a no go. The cringe on your face when you told me. That look of disgust was sign enough that your decision was set. It should not be. You have put too much emphasis on something which is insignificant. How does Juan liking to wear women's clothing change who he is? That does not change one thing about him and you know it doesn’t.

Stand By Your Woman Part 1

Leslie stood close to Casey as they danced out on the dance floor. She couldn’t believe she had finally had her operation and had married Casey. She had done what Casey suggested and froze as much semen as she could possibly produce. She has been on hormone replacement therapy for so long, she didn’t know if she could even produce any. She took Casey’s last name as her own.

Casey noticed how nervous Leslie was as she held her close to her. She places a kiss on Leslie’s cheek and leans in close to whisper in her ear.

May you never

[This is an oldie from late September 2010.]

“Stay where you are love. I’ll call for an ambulance,” said the tall man.

“Fuck off and leave me alone,” replied the woman who was obviously injured.

“Nonsense. I can see that you need medical attention. That blow to the head needs some stitches.”

“What are you a fucking doctor or something? Get the hell out of here and leave me alone.”

He laughed.
“No, you don’t understand. I’m a special constable. Just on my way home from a shift.”


It was Gran who noticed one of the beef stores was a heifer. “You know I never bought me no heifer, Jenny. I’ve never raised a heifer. A young store costs a bit more, but is as easy to raise, and makes more meat and sells for more money than a heifer. I’ve always paid a bit more out to bring a lot more in three years later.”

Von der Reiterin zum Missionar

Ich bin nunmehr seit über 5 Jahren mit meiner Freundin zusammen, aber irgendwas hat sich für uns beide immer komisch angefühlt, auch schon vor unserer gemeinsamen Zeit.

Ich war schon immer der eher zurückhaltende und devote Typ und meine Freundin eher durchsetzungsstark und dominant, für die Rollenverteilung von Mann und Frau also genau anders herum.

Mich haben Frauen schon immer fasziniert und so kam es, dass ich irgendwann auf Transgender-Seiten im Internet gelandet bin, wo sich Männer in Frauen "verwandelt" haben, um ihr Äußeres dem Inneren anzupassen.

Life on the Run in Skirts - Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 - The Not so Great Escape

The train ride down was put to good use. She went over her plan again in her head. The issues of smuggling in an extra dress was settled by her wearing them both at once, one over the other. A similar solution solved getting underwear for Heather. Ellen had on her normal panties, under a pair of padded panties that she would give to Heather to enhance his girlie figure.

On being a writer.

This is how it goes. You say, “I’m a writer.” Then they say, “Really‽” You can hear the interrobang in their voice, the compounded question and exclamation marks that say, “An alien, Eh? I never met an alien before!” Which is an example of their reality. Just for God’s sake whatever you do don’t tell them you’re trans too. The shock will kill them, and you’ll be charged with manslaughter. Society has really got it in for trans aliens at the moment. They’re the new gingers.

These Things Happen

These Things Happen

Chapter 1

I don’t like hospitals, but my doctor warned me that I needed to get my appendix removed before it became an emergency situation. I figured I could handle day surgery or even an overnight stay. My wife dropped me off and went to work, assuring me that she would be back when I woke up. It was kind of nice being pampered a bit. I arrived at 6:00AM as instructed. I was put through the required procedures and asked dozens of questions. Finally, they got to my name.

What is Justice?

One definition of justice is the administration of law according to prescribed and accepted principles. Which means it varies according to who is doing the prescribing and who is doing the accepting, and as all should be aware it changes from one place to another.

Another is that which is handed down by a judge, magistrate or other person or body socially recognised as authorised to so do. Which of means such a person or body can not hand down injustice for that is a contradiction in terms.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 06 A Double Act

Amidst the roars of laughter Gladys arrived with a tray of fresh pints to exchange for empties. “Sasha, one of these days someone is going do you a serious mischief for your tales. Have you even heard of PC?”

Denis took a good pull on his pint before saying, “Teaching an all girls class is different. Teaching sciences to an all girls class is definitely different. You have to have a sense of humour and remember not to take their flirting seriously. They’re just practising.”

I Never Managed to get in the Closet

I don’t give a stuff what folk think about me. I’ve heard it all, butch, dyke, tranny, sissy, queer, faggot, weirdo, paedo and a lot more names I can’t be bothered to recall, many of which are mutually exclusive. I’ve never tried to defend myself against it because it’s pointless. You can’t reason with a bigot.


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