Novel Chapter

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 12

0100 hrs. Julia’s Hospital Room, Montana General Hospital:
Jack walks into Julia’s hospital room and spots his wife and his daughter-in-law. His wife was sitting next to Julia’s hospital bed and holding her hand. He spotted Christmas sleeping in the other chair.

He walks up behind his wife and places his hand on her right shoulder “how is she doing?”

Debbie turns her head and looks at her husband when she hears his voice. She was relieved that he finally showed up.

Chapter 14 - Lost Faith

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description

CAUTION - emotional pain/open emotional wounds


Sitting in the library, Erica stared out the window as the snow fell all around the house. She knew she needed to get back to her studies, but her mind just wouldn't settle. Her thoughts drifted as freely as the snowflakes that fell past the large window, taking her from one memory of the last few months to the next. Finally shaking her head to make herself focus, she re-read her essay on early New Hampshire history. Reviewing her notes, she finished the closing and set the papers aside, glad that her work was done before Christmas break.

Rainbows in the Rock 17

I couldn’t help giggling at her swearing, remembering Steph’s use of the same word, as well as its eruption from my own lips. I looked out over Annie’s shoulder, and yes, it was raining again.



“Practice session, you said. What do you mean?”

“Oh, something Steph says hooked her first time she came here. There’s a big session on the last night, aye? The festival, or people who work with them, they do a tune book, and organise some confidence-builders. Helps include people who might feel a little nervous, and the first one is at four. What do you play?”

To Return Home 3.4

To Return Home

Thanks to Malady for his help editing and for ideas.

To Return Home.png

Cover image from Unsplash


We worked. That is, Rachel and I worked our butts off, and slowly, we started to make headway. The men were probably the easiest. Over time, we were able to bring most of them back to themselves. There were a few who didn’t want to change from their new selves, but even the ones who wanted to return to their old appearance wanted to hold off until the women had been returned.

The Girls' Changing Room - Chapter 17 - Redefining Normal

Chapter 17 – Redefining normal
by Maeryn Lamonte – Copyright © 2021
Hogwarts thumbnail.png I planned to post this earlier, but I came down with some sort of food poisoning or irritable bowel thing and my body insisted I sleep most of the day. Feeling better now, but the last posting – the epilogue – needs a bit of work. I hope to get it done today, but it’ll be late

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 8

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 8

Saturday, May 8th, 2023

What in the hell are you doing here, Fraiser?!”

Ron Fraiser spun around to face, of all people, Brandy Coleridge. “Whaddya mean, Agent Coleridge?”

Part 3

Link: Curse of the Werewoman Title Page and Description


Chapter 5 - Holiday Surprises

The shopping trip Sunday evening wasn't nearly as bad as John thought it would be. He'd had difficulty at first, thinking at any minute people would start pointing and laughing at him, shouting 'dude looks like a lady' or things like that, but his transformation was flawless once he'd stopped fighting it and just went with the flow.

Chapter 13 - Friends and Enemies

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description

CAUTION - emotional pain/open emotional wounds


Lost in the sorrow of her memories, Erica didn't even notice the boy who stood in front of her.

Western Ways 4

The weather was holding fine and warm, but there was a cooling breeze coming by way of the gaps around the wagon’s sliding door. Despite the number of men, there was plenty of space to stretch out, but it was clear that nobody at all was looking forward to using the buckets. Dinger had already worked out that he could get his John Thomas out between the edge of the door and the side of the wagon, and demonstrated the practicality of his technique in a way that was extremely copious, as well as deeply satisfying, judging from the sounds he was making as he pissed. Jonty Charlton laughed loudly at the sight.

The Girls' Changing Room - Chapter 16 - The New Normal

Chapter 16 – The new normal
by Maeryn Lamonte – Copyright © 2021
Hogwarts thumbnail.png Apologies for the delay, but I ended up rewriting a lot of this. It’s about 5000 words longer than the original, but I think it works better.

Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt.38

Chapter 43

Lunchtime passed by rather quietly. Stephanie, like everyday had prepared a healthy lunch for her and Linda. As instructed by her stepmother this morning though she had to make two big portions one for Linda and one for Stephanie to share with Marcy. Usually Stephanie only got to make a small portion for herself. Stephanie was the one to go serve Linda her food and drink in her office while she and Marcy were expected to eat in the employee lounge.

Chapter 12 - Halloween

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description

CAUTION - emotional pain/open emotional wounds


Sitting at the vanity in her room, Erica watched the mirror while her aunt finished braiding her hair into two pigtails that came down the side of her head. The costume had been dropped off the day before and fit perfectly. With the shoes, dress, red braided pigtails, and a picnic basket with a small stuffed Cairn Terrier sticking up out of one side, she was the perfect image of Dorothy Gale. Watching her aunt tying off the blue ribbons at the end of her pigtails, she smiled at the reflection, still happy to see her young mother reflected back at her, even through her costume.

Part 2

Link: Curse of the Werewoman Title Page and Description


Chapter 3 - I'm A What?

John awoke slowly at first, disturbed by his wife's movement in bed next to him. Not quite remembering the night before, he only knew that he felt something he'd never felt before as she snuggled up next to him and wrapped her arm around him once more.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 2

Tammy concentrates on feeling the energy in the ground. She has finally found out how to center herself and block out everything around her. She had Leland try to distract her several times to learn how to block everything. She feels the Earth underneath her, through her connection with it.

Nata has been teaching her the basics and gave her several books to read. Most of them were from current new-age authors. Nata said she could learn the basics from the books she had to buy. Leland thought it was a good idea that she learned how to use her magical nature.

Part 1

Link: Curse of the Werewoman Title Page and Description


Chapter 1 - Scratch One Guy

Looking up from his newspaper, John smiled at the woman approaching his desk. She was fairly attractive and in her late twenties, brown hair cascading around her shoulders that bounced as she moved. Quickly glancing over her, he couldn't help but sigh.

Chapter 11 - Out and Around

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description


Enjoying the ride in her aunt Heather's limousine, Erica was finally much more comfortable in her fantasy. Now fully immersed in being Erica Hargrave, she relished the view out the window, watching the countryside blanketed in snow glide by them. After a while she realized they'd been driving for far longer than the trip back to her aunt's home.

Creating Utopia-Chapter 35 and 36-Book 1-It Started With A Grandfather's Love

Chapter 35

Cali agreed with the plan within a week, but there were a lot of security concerns that needed to be addressed. Cali was an official superhero and although I didn't want to be paranoid, considering the bugs I found in my clothes when I re-birthed Celeste, I worried that Cali would be closely monitored to try and track Josie.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 11

Cecil’s Safe House:
Cecil was listening to the police band the day that Julia was attacked. Jack told her to keep an eye on his family while he was gone. So, she found a nice townhouse that was for rent and arranged to rent it for a few months. The landlord was a little hesitant at first until she offered to pay cash for six months in advance. After that, he didn’t care.

The Girls' Changing Room - Chapter 15 - And Into the Flames

Chapter 15 – And into the flames
by Maeryn Lamonte – Copyright © 2021
Hogwarts thumbnail.png There was quite a lot that didn’t read quite right in this chapter. I’ve fixed most of it, but may want to come back to it at some time. Please let me know if anything feels ‘off’ – even a little.

Speedway Demons -chapter 21

Speed Demons

Total number of drivers 40. Number of company teams 10. Number of tracks 20. Number of countries 12. Time frame 6 months. Number of Fallen Angels hooked on speed 2. The McGuire sisters are and they’re out for blood in the newly founded International Stockcar Racing Association. After two years driving the Formula One circuit Professional Drivers Roberta Bobbie McGuire and her sister Elisabeth ‘Beth’ McGuire have made real names for themselves. The two young ladies took the world by storm in their first year by placing 3rd and 4th in the Championship points race. Now their plans and dreams of starting in the International Stockcar Association have come to fruition. The Fury twins plan to prove to the world they belong in Stockcar Racing. And they don’t care who they have to put into the wall to bring home the inaugural championship.

Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic: Chapter 10 - Scout Camp

Kaylie's computer hack is discovered and we learn the consequences. After the science intensive Kaylie is ready to join Hillary at Girl Scout camp.


Pamela, Patricia, and Kaylie stood nervously as their automatic fire-control software continued to aim and hit the elusive digital target. Finally the computer security cadre told them they could shut down their program.

Starlight to Twilight Chapter 1


The last time I saw my daughter was on June 6th, 1996; that was two years ago, three months and six days. Her mother took her and moved to another state because, as it was put by some fat-assed lawyer, I was in a toxic environment, living with my parents and still not graduated from high school by, pretty much, dropping out and going to work as a mechanic in Airway Heights.

Chapter 10 - Transformation

Link: Lost Faith Title Page and Description


Sitting in the back of her aunt's limousine, Heather across from her and Faith next to her, Erica's nerves were on edge knowing she was going to meet someone who knew her father... and her from her old life before she was reborn in the body of her son. The butterflies were gone, replaced with raging wildcats clamoring around inside her stomach.

Western Ways 3

Jim’s third stripe had only come through a fortnight before, but that stripe was all the runner needed to see.

“Boss says he’s going to throw the towel in, Sarge. Stand ready to disable weapons and break cover, but at his command only”

Dinger Bell was the first to speak, as always.

“Fucking Nora, why?”

The runner shrugged.

“Sent a few lads out on a shufty, and they say the Krauts have got round the back of us with some of their armoured cars. No way round them. Pass it on, Sarge; I’ve got to go”

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 7

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 7

Friday, May 6th, 2023

Brad exited the office to find Darryl sitting on a recliner, watching him.

What was that all about?” Darryl asked.

I think it was a power grab,” Brad replied.

Cape Cod Stalker - Part 1 of 2

Saskia could not believe what she was seeing. She'd gasped with amazement and horror at the man in the hoodie that was looking right at her.

“How! How had he found her!” she muttered under her breath. The anger in her eyes showed that she was not pleased with this development.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 16

Mantra (Malibu Comics) is in a bad spot, but she is just about to enter into an even worse one. Another time-shift is coming her way and this time she'll be pitted against one of the most powerful ultra-villains she's ever encountered -- her own son Gus. How can she fight a wizard so powerful while trying not to harm him? And then there is the rest of Canoga Park that she has to protect, too.


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