Janegirl Camp-Chapter 6

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In this chapter, Zee finally gets up the nerve to pull his dress out of the suitcase, daydreams about the first time he'd gone to a girl's clothing store, then calls his dad the "wrong" name.

Janegirl Camp
Chapter 6

Copyright 2022 by Heather Rose Brown


My hand swayed in Jessica's when she led me out from the cool shade of the huge oak tree. As we followed the path to Dandelion Cabin, I heard footsteps close behind us. When I glanced over my shoulder, Casey waved, and Phil smiled at me.

The twins walked a little faster until they caught up to us. Phil was still smiling when they bumped shoulders with me, then asked, "So, where ya headed next?"

I played with the hem of my shorts while thinking of what was waiting for me in the cabin, then said, "I just ... ummm ... gotta unpack some stuff."

"Oooo!" Phil squealed. "Ya bring any pretty dresses?"

I'm sure my face was as pink as my shirt and sneakers when I said, "Ermmm ... I guess so."

"Hey!" Casey said while swatting his sib's arm. "Don't be so nosy."

Phil rubbed their arm and said, "I was just askin'."

Casey flipped a few locks of hair over his shoulder, then gave his sibling an intense look. "Ya 'member last year, and how ya felt 'bout wearing girl clothes around others?"

Phil's face paled, then they turned to me and said, "I'm really sorry. With how pretty ya look, I assumed ya was was used to wearin' girl clothes."

"Oh ... ummm ... thanks," I said as my blush spread to my ears. "I *have* been wearin' dresses, and stuff like that, for a while. But ... the only person who's seen me like that is my dad."

Jess gave my hand a quick squeeze, then whispered, "It's okay if you'd like to be alone while putting away your clothes."

I thought about when Dad had called Janegirl Camp a safe place to be myself, then whispered to my cabin counselor, "I think I'll be okay." In a louder voice, I said, "My dad packed my suitcase, so I ain't sure what's in it. I'm okay with ya's seein' what's in there, so long as you promise not to laugh."

Casey's eyebrows rose as he said, "I'd never laugh. Honest."

Phil held out a pinky while saying, "I promise not to laugh either."

It took me a moment before I realized what they were doing. I grinned while linking pinkies with Phil, then looked at both of my new friends, and said, "Thanks. That means a lot to me."


"Oooo ..." Phil said when I pulled my dress out of my suitcase.

"That's so cute!" Casey added.

My heart thumped through the light cotton when I held the dress up to my chest and said, "Thanks. It's pretty special to me."

Jessica smiled and said, "I can imagine."

Phil grinned and said, "I'm *so* stealing it next time y'ain't lookin'."

Casey elbowed his twin in the ribs and said, "I can't believe you already forgot what Mom said about 'borrowing' without asking."

Phil glared at their longer-haired sibling, then said, "I was only kidding!" Their glare turned into a bright smile when they turned to me and asked, "Where'd ya find somethin' so pretty?"

A smile stretched across my face when I thought back to the first time I'd seen my dress.


It had been almost a month ago when my dad pulled into a parking space in front of a small strip-mail store. 'Pretty Princess Boutique' was painted on the store window in big, fancy letters. I took slow breaths in and out when Dad took the keys out of the ignition.

My dad patted my knee, then said, "You gonna be okay, butterfly?"

I nodded as I undid my seatbelt and said, "I think so," before climbing out of the truck. Once Dad got out and locked up, I reached for his hand. He gave me a warm smile when he held hands with me. My knees were only a little wobbly as we walked into the store.

"Hello Zach!" said a tall woman behind the counter when we walked through the door. Even though I knew it was my dad's name, it still felt weird hearing a stranger call him that.

"Hey Steph," Dad said while waving to the stranger. "It's good to see you again!"

"Same here," said the woman as she stepped out from behind the counter.

I looked from one adult to the other, and noticed how similar they seemed. That's when something in my head clicked. "You're Aunt Steph?"

She smiled from ear to ear while nodding, then said, "That I am, sweetie." She crouched down and added, "You must be the pretty butterfly your daddy's been telling me about."

My face warmed when I heard somebody besides Dad use my nickname. I was half tempted to give her a hug, but I wasn't quite ready for that, so I smiled instead, and said, "It's so nice to finally meet ya, Aunt Steph."

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well," my aunt said as she stood up. She waved a hand at the racks of clothes crowded all around us, then said, "Feel free to look around, and let me know if you have any questions."

I looked up at my dad, to make sure it really was all right to look around. Even though he'd bought me some really pretty clothes online, this was the first time we'd been in a store that specialized in girl clothes. He seemed to be reading my mind when he winked and nodded before letting go of my hand.

My feet felt like they were barely touching the ground as I wandered around the store. Everything from tee-shirts and jeans to party dresses were there. I was looking through some of the frillier dresses, when I stopped and gasped.

"What is it?" Aunt Steph asked from behind me. I turned and tried to speak, but I had no words. Instead, I turned back, and pointed to the dress I'd found. It was pink, with tiny white flowers sewn on it. It had a white collar, puffy white sleeves with pink trim, and a big, white bow in the back.

After staring at the dress for a while, I whispered, "This ... this is the dress I want."


Someone nudging my arm brought me back to the present.

One side of Jess's mouth curled up when she said, "You looked like you were remembering something nice."

I nodded and said, "I was just thinkin' about when Daddy--" I gulped when I realized the name that had just come out of my mouth. "I mean ... I was thinkin' 'bout when my dad got me this dress."

Phil tilted their head, then asked, "Why'd ya switch from callin' him Daddy to your dad?"

"Well," I said while looking down at the wooden floorboards under my feet, "I'd been 'membering how me and Dad had gone into my aunt's store to get this dress, and she'd called him my daddy." I looked back up and said, "When I was talkin' 'bout what I'd remembered, it kinda just ... slipped out."

Casey gave me a long, hard look. His expression softened a little when he asked, "Do ya wanna call him your daddy?"

I shrugged and said, "I dunno. I mean, I used to call him that when I was little, but I'm eleven now. Ain't I too old to go back to callin' him Daddy?"

Phil rolled their eyes, then said, "Plenty of girls our age use Daddy instead of Dad."

"Maybe they do," I said, "but ... I'm a boy."

Jessica rested a hand on my shoulder, then said, "While you're here at Janegirl Camp, there's nothing that's just for boys or just for girls." She reached up and brushed my bangs out of my eyes, then said, "There's just what you do or don't want to do, based on what feels right to you."

My chest ached when I thought about my dad. I managed to hold back the tears welling up, but I still sniffled a little when I said, "I think ... maybe ... at least sometimes, I'd like to call him ... Daddy."

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Thank you, everybody!

Hi everybody! I just wanted to thank you for all the kudos you've given this chapter. I was a bit worried, because it's shorter than almost all the other chapters, but I'm glad I posted it as it is now. I was tempted to try adding more, but where I stopped just felt like the best place to do it. Even though I'm not exactly sure what will happen next, I'm having fun writing Janegirl Camp again. :)

Short but sweet

Podracer's picture

As they say.

"Reach for the sun."


I'm 66, and my Daddy passed away a few years ago, but I've always thought of him as Daddy. I miss him more than I have words to describe how much.

Oh wow ...

I'm so sorry to hear you lost him. I've always wanted to be Daddy's girl. Even though that spot is reserved for my youngest sister, I still think of our father as Daddy.

{{{warm hugs}}}