
Letter to a Camp Mate

A 14-year-old boy named Lawrence wrote this letter to another boy, also 14, a few days after he returned from a two-week stay at a summer camp.

Dear Bruce,

During our time at camp, I wanted to tell you something, but I was too afraid to say anything then. I am scared now, but feel I HAVE to write this to you.

Janegirl Camp-Chapter 8

In this chapter, Zee copes (badly) with being called names, gets in very deep trouble, then receives some advice on what to call someone very special to him.

Janegirl Camp
Chapter 8

Copyright 2022 by Heather Rose Brown


I flopped into a chair at the last empty table in activity room four. My shaking knees thanked me, but my butt complained about the hard, plastic seat it landed in. I took a quick look at the kids sitting nearby. So far, nobody seemed to be staring at my sorta-girlish-but-not-really clothes.

Janegirl Camp-Chapter 7

In this chapter, Zee is distracted from his worries by Phil, learns about a rough experience Casey had, then meets someone familiar when he joins his friends at the activity center.

Janegirl Camp
Chapter 7

Copyright 2022 by Heather Rose Brown


Janegirl Camp-Chapter 6

In this chapter, Zee finally gets up the nerve to pull his dress out of the suitcase, daydreams about the first time he'd gone to a girl's clothing store, then calls his dad the "wrong" name.

Janegirl Camp
Chapter 6

Copyright 2022 by Heather Rose Brown


Janegirl Camp-Chapter 5

In this chapter, Zee gets to know a few others at Janegirl Camp, learns more about people he's already met, and gets to try some delicious chocolate chip cookies!

Janegirl Camp
Chapter 5

Copyright 2022 by Heather Rose Brown


Janegirl Camp Map

Janegirl Camp Map
Copyright 2021 by Heather Rose Brown

This is a map I created for my story, Janegirl Camp. It shows most of the major structures there. I may add more to this map later, as the story progresses, but I think this map, for the most part, is complete. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to add a comment to this post, or send me a private message.

Janegirl Camp Blogs


Audience Rating: 


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With all the great feedback I received on my Janegirl Camp related blogs, I wanted to make sure I didn't lose any of them, so I'm going to be linking them here. Mostly, I'm doing this for my own reference, but I imagine others might be interested in the blogs related to this story as well. If you're wondering where I got the term "janegirl" I actually found it in a blog post by Erin Fletcher titled, "Father cut's sons hair, Mother is livid" on Mon, 2021/07/26.

Janegirl Camp-Chapter 4

In this chapter, Zee is surprised by something he finds in his suitcase, then learns a little about a few of the many unique activities available at Janegirl Camp.

Janegirl Camp
Chapter 4

Copyright 2021 by Heather Rose Brown


Janegirl Camp-Chapter 2

In this chapter Zee runs into some gender confusion while signing up for Janegirl Camp, then gets answers to a few questions during the camp orientation meeting.

Janegirl Camp
Chapter 2

Copyright 2021 by Heather Rose Brown


Janegirl Camp


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

This all kinda started when I read a message someone posted, where janegirl was suggested as being to boys what tomboy is to girls. That caught the interest of my moose (muse), which is how I wound up with the idea for Janegirl Camp. Because so many people seemed to enjoy my original bit of flash fiction, I decided to try expanding on the story. I'm not sure where it will go, but I think the journey will be fun. So, if you're interested, please join me in Janegirl Camp! :)

Janegirl Camp-Chapter 1

I'd recently been reading a message someone posted, where janegirl was suggested as being to boys what tomboy is to girls. That caught the interest of my moose (muse), and I decided to try writing a bit of flash fiction. Because so many people seemed to enjoy the idea of Janegirl Camp, that peice of flash fiction became the first chapter of this story. I'm hoping others will enjoy reading my story as much as I'm having fun writing it! :)

Janegirl Camp
Chapter 1

Copyright 2021 by Heather Rose Brown


The Camp Of The Willows - Chapter 2

The Camp Of The Willows - Chapter 2
by Barbara Lynn Terry

(Author's note: I call this story The Camp Of The Willows, because I was fortunate enough to have gone there. This is not the real name of the camp. The camp is no longer there and it has been reforested. But while it was there, I had a lot of fun and learned quite a lot about who I am. ~Barbara~)

When I walked in the door, Sharon was sitting on the sofa talking on the phone. I heard her say, "all right, Miss Loretta". She saw me and hung up the phone.

"I thought you were going to come to the 'Tower' and join us."

Mom! How Could She?

Mom! How Could She?
By Teek
© October 2011
2,170 words long

This is the first story in the Cindy's Adventures series.

Summary: Jessica is mad, very mad, at her mom for what she packed for the two weeks of music camp.
An innocent fellow camper is drafted to help her through this.

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